Background: Physiotherapy information system is one of health information systems which used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of physiotherapy department. Studies have revealed due to usability problems, users' interaction with some information systems is complicated. This study aimed at evaluating users' interaction problems with physiotherapy information system.
Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional and descriptive one which performed using heuristic evaluation method; the users' interaction problems of a physiotherapy system among 105 hospitals were identified, classified and rated based on their severities by three evaluators. Data were gathered using a data collection form designed in Excel software.
Results: In this study, 82 unique interactive problems identified which majority of them 28% (n=23) were related to unconformity of system design with real world conventions with major mean severity of the problems. The lowest numbers were related to the problems including lack of guidance, system documentation and error prevention with major and minor severity respectively.
Conclusion: A number of systems, which are used in many health care centers such as assessed system in this study suffer from several problems which endanger user interaction about the systems can lead to error and patients' harm. To identify and eliminate this type of problems, it is recommend that usability evaluation of these systems to be carried out regularly to enhance users' satisfaction, workflow improvement and patient safety.