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Showing 4 results for Alizadeh

Sakineh Alizadeh, Mohammad Reza Maleki, Rahim Khodayari Zarnaq , Sajad * . Darzi Ramandi , Ahmad Sadeqi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Background: Strategy is one of the important factors affecting the organizational structure. Taking the relationship between these two mentioned factors into consideration is essential. This study surveys the relationship between organizational structure and strategies of public and  private  hospitals in Tehran.
Materials & Methods: This study is a descriptive and analytical study of 20 selected public and private hospitals conducted in Tehran in the year 2012. The statistical population included supreme hospitals managers .We did a complete count because the sample size was small(60 managers). Research instrument was Miles and Snow strategy and Robbins's organizational structure questionnaire. A panel of experts were used for validity of questionnaires while the estimation of their reliability was calculated by Cronbach`s Alpha which was 0.75. The data analysis was conducted with descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation test.
Results: Among the structural dimensions, “centralization” was between was 85% and 75%, “formality” was 92% and 88% and “complexity” was 81% and 100% public and private hospitals respectively. Dominant strategy for both groups of hospitals was analytic. Correlation coefficient between strategy and organizational structure in public hospitals was -0.2 and in private hospitals was +0.3 which showed that relationship was not significant.
Conclusion: There was not a significant relationship between dimensions of organizational structure and the dominant strategy (analytical strategy) in public and private hospitals. If these hospitals tend to follow analytical strategies, they should reduce their complexity. Moreover, centralization could be towards analytical strategies if there is a strict control on current activities and little on new ones.

Fereshteh Alizadeh, Seyyed Jamaledin Tabibi, Mohamadreza Maleki, Amirashkan Nasiripour, Abbas Toloie Eshlaghi,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2016)

Background: Demographic prediction indicates that Iran population move towards an aged society until 2025, Hence, the need for medical care will be increased.  The study aimed at predicting geriatric specialists based on dynamic system approach for the Iranian elderly.

Materials and Methods: After an exploratory study, data gathering and building similar structured in order to determine geriatrics number prediction by considering the important factors. Causal loop diagram to show relationship between variables, stock-flow diagrams for quantitative analysis of system dynamic behavior was conducted and model equations in Vensim software version 5 used.

Results: After simulation, intake students' simulated model revealed increased trend then a sharp decline and finally the pattern had fixed trend from 2009 to 2012. Pattern of physician who was still in study and also graduated physician was in growing trend. Employed physician had growing trend and then it fixed, and retired physician had fixed trend at first and then had an incremental trend. Finally, the various behavior of workforce assessed in three level.

Conclusion: According to increasing  growth of the elderly population until 2025,  we will encounter  with shortage  more than 2500  geriatrics which can be  compensate by 50% graduated admissions of the major annually. 

Khadijeh Akbarnejad Nashli, Azar Tol, Fereshteh Majlessi, Mahdi Yaseri, Hadi Alizadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Background: health-oriented lifestyle in today’s world is the best way for preventing illness and healthy life. This study conducted to determine the predictor ofhealth-orientedlifestyle in health workers of Amol city.

Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional research conducted on 222 persons of health workers of Amol city. Instrument was a questionnaire including two parts; demographic information was extracted through 15 questionsand the data collected fromthe reliable and valid questionnaire of lifestyle .Data collection. Health workers filled questionnaires in a self-declaration way. To data analyze,t-tests, Mann-Whitney, ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis and logistic regression used. Data were analyzed statically using SPSS.

Results: This study showed that there is a significant relationship between living place of Prairie village with dimensions of sport , malnutrition , self-care ; and malnutrition dimension in persons below 35, below diploma degree, suffering a chronic disease , suffering high blood pressure ;and tobacco and alcohol consumption dimension in individuals less than35 years;men with medical advice,sport,Malnutrition,tobacco and alcohol consumption ,Health of buying,daily mobility,proper nutrition and owning a personal car with the consumption of tobacco and alcohol dimension ,safety in driving,Health of buying .

Conclusion: Considering that most of the health workers especially men do not behave based on the health-orientedlifestyle, some actions should be taken to change thebehaviorof these individuals, professional educationalworkshops or workshops that do not need to basic information shouldbe activated, because these individuals have health knowledge but do not behave according to this knowledge.

Ali Alizadeh Zoeram, Dr Alireza Pooya, Dr Zahra Naji Azimi, Dr Ali Vafaee Najar,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background: In service organizations such as hospitals, human resources (HR) play a key role in the quality of service delivery. Lack of a systemic attitude in terms of system dynamics, HR planning have been somewhat distant from reality. In order to solve such a problem, this study aimed to modeling the dynamics of human resources capacity management system in healthcare services.
Materials and Methods: This case study is one of the cases at a clinic of Khatam -al-Anbia Eye Hospital of Mashhad which was used to simulate the system dynamics approach. In the implementation process, after modeling and formulating in Vensim software, the model was validated and appropriate policies were identified based on simulation results.
Results: The simulation results revealed a gap existence between service capacity and desired capacity led to a work pressure. Consequently, time per service relative to the standard time per service (0.333 hours equivalent to 20 minutes) as the core of service quality has been reduced (cutting corners of time).  To counteract such a situation, appropriate policies were identified during the time in a dynamic manner using sensitivity analysis based on changing patient acceptance rates and human resource changes.
Conclusion: The proposed model provides the status for hospital managers which allows them to manage appropriate human resources in the same conditions with a viewpoint of causal relationships with respect to system dynamics.

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