M Mohammadnia, B Delgoshaei, Sh Tofighi, L Riahi, A Omrani,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (7 2010)
Background: However nurses are responsible for patients quality care legally and ethically, in other side, patients have rights to receive appropriate and quality care. The aim of this descriptive study was to explore SERVQUAL dimensions (Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy) of Nursing Service Quality (NSQ) at Tehran Social Security Organization (SSO) Hospitals.
Material and Methods: This study was carried out as an applied, descriptive and cross- sectional study during the summer and autumn of 2009 in Tehran SSO hospitals. Study tool was prepared on the basis of the standard and modified questionnaire of SERVQUAL based on Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry questionnaire (1988) for NSQ and consisted of 4 dimensions which were Reliability, Assurance, Empathy, and Responsiveness. The population for this study included of all inpatients of selected Tehran SSO hospitals who were selected by random sampling (N=200). For accounting Means, Standard Deviations and percents SPSS (ver. 16) have been used.
Result:The total percentage of NSQ was upper middle (66), prescriptively Reliability (74), Assurance (69) and Empathy (64) were the most ones and Responsiveness (58) was the lowest.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that NSQ was in desired degree from patients` perspective in selected hospitals. The health care managers should have been attention to nursing as an important workforce of a hospital for raising the service quality of their organizations .Nurses are main role in quality care improvement and patients satisfaction. So, actions regarding to improve their performance are useful and necessary. Due to lowest score of Responsiveness among nursing staff, we suggest training courses for improving organizational culture on responding and effective communication to achieve high quality performance of all nursing group staff.
B Delgoshaei , H Ravaghi , N Abolhassani,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (20 2012)
Background: Developing countries request to alternative revenue resources. Iran as one of the developing countries with high potentiality for attracting medical tourist is seeking to enter medical tourism marketing .This study aimed to analyze the importance- performance of the Tehran as a capital city to medical tourism viewed by medical tourists and medical service providers.
Materials and methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in Tehran selected hospitals in the 3th first months of 2011. The data were gathered by using a validated self-constructed questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistical techniques.
Results: The results indicate that the majority of the medical tourists are attracted from the United Arab Emirates (22.3%). The respondents considered medical tourism factors as an importance (M=4/40±0/61).The Tehran selected hospitals` performance is average as related to medical tourism factors (M=2/75±0/66).
Conclusion: Despite the importance given to medical tourism factors by medical tourists and medical services providers, Tehran selected hospitals` performance is an average and there is no serious attempts are being made to attract medical tourists at macro levels. In spite the quality, variety and costs of the medical services and equipments in the selected hospitals are satisfactory, international accreditation of the hospitals are still in a major problems