Introduction: Medication process to patients is one of the most important tasks of nurses and doing in correct way can play a significant role in patient safety. This issue is the most significant part of quality care which consisted of patient safety as the impotant element. Medication errors are the main threatening factors of patients' safety. This study aimed at assessing the causes of medication errors from the nurses' viewpoints
Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive-sectional-analytical one which was done in 2013. The study population consisted of 232 nursing staff of Abadan hospitals(Imam khomeini,Taleghani,Shahidbeheshti ,17shahrivar) which were covered by Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences,Oil Company and Social Security Organization ,respectively. Study instrument was a two part questionnaire including demographic - occupational information and causes of medication errors in 28 items in four fields (nurse, ward, nursing management and pharmaceutical causes).Content validity of questionnaire provided by review of related papers and experts'openion and required correction was performed.reliability of questionnaire was estimated 0.91 using Cronbach's alpha method.
Results: the most important causes of medication errors included shortage of nurses in propration to patient(%44),compression of work in ward(%36.2),fatigue due to over work(%35.8),illegible physician oder(%24.5),anxiety and stress due to work(%25),noise in ward(%22.4),nurse dissatisfaction of salary(%29.7) and similarity in medicine shape(%14.7) respectively.
Conclusion: Management causes such as nursing shortage, organizational factors such as compression of work in ward and some factors like nurses' fatigue had the most effect on occurance of medication errors among nurses. Thus, organizational processes reform and hospital organization to improve service quality and patient safety in order to resolve nurses' problems.