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Showing 4 results for heydari

Sh Nosratnejad , A Purreza , M Moieni , H Heydari ,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2014)

Background: Nowadays Social health insurance does not cover all health expenditures because of increasing cost of diagnosis and treatment services which results in private insurer entry to health market. This study is aimed to determine key indicators which have important effect on the demand for private health. This identification of indicators leads to better planning for prospering private health insurance. Material & Method: This is a a descriptive and analytical study. The data were collected by questionnaires which has been filled by a sample of 950 households .The samples had been chosen by three-stage cluster sampling. The model had been estimated by econometric methods based on models of Probit and extreme value distribution.. Result: The result indicated that having basic health insurance, doing exercise each day routinely, having regular medical checks, being landlord and being retired raised the probability of demand for private health insurance. On the other hand, demanding private health insurance is less common among older adults and people who use to wear seat belts. Conclusion: Identification of important factors which influence the demand for private health insurance would assist policy makers to provide essential structures for expanding private health insurance coverage.
Dr Rahim Heydari Chianeh , Hojjat Mohamadi Torkamani , Musa Vaezi ,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background:  Equitable and suitable access of all citizens to the urban public service is one of the primary principles of urban planning, which with the rise of the justice-centered approaches in recent decades has been double care. In the meantime, access to health services as one of the vital public service has greater sensitivity. This research has been performed with aim of identify enjoyed and non-enjoyed regions regarding health care and its distribution assessment applications in Tabriz city.
Materials and Methods: For the access analysis ARC GIS software, specially Network Analysis tool and Williamson and entropy index and has been utilized. Also, considering respective per capita, Tabriz city population needs and the existing deficiencies have been specified.
Results: The study results indicate that %76 of Tabriz city population have optimal access to healthcare facilities. In contrast, in the analysis of access to hospitals %36 of population have optimal access to theme and %64 have Undesirable access. Also, in urban zones analyses unit, based on Williamson index analysis, the index was calculated 0.67 to Tabriz city, which indicates an imbalance in the distribution of health care Facilities in the Tabriz city.
Conclusion: In general, zone 2 has the most balanced distribution of health care facilities and zone 9 is suffering from imbalanced distribution of health care facilities. It is suggested that in order to reduce the inequalities in the enjoyment of health care facilities, proper assessment about to existing facilities and future planning, in terms of Threshold, capacity and access should be conducted.

Mahdiyeh Heydari, Dr Leila Doshmangir,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Background:  Need to assess the health system performance, various models and frameworks have been developed by different groups and organizations. This study explores health system performance assessment frameworks using the comparative-analytical study.
Materials and Methods: This is a comparative-descriptive study conducted using descriptive-prescriptive method based on comprehensive comparative analysis. The scope of research includes health system frameworks. The study results compared and interpreted based on identified factors in comparative tables.
Results:  Overall, 11 frameworks out of 16 ones described, analyzed and compared to each other. Some of the frameworks in addition to providing insight about the health system have focus on assessment of health system performance. Each framework follows especial goals which focus on importance the health systems assessment.
Conclusion: During the time, health system frameworks have changed and developed according to the health systems changes. Developed Frameworks in recent years are more comprehensive than others which have been presented at first. Utilizing these frameworks in order to identify health system goals, assess based on responsibility (organizational actions or outside the organizations) and ways to reach them can be effective. Using the developed frameworks based on their domains and objectives can be considered in health system performance.
Seyyed Mohammad Mehdi Heydari Baghdad Abadi, Alireza Maetoofi, Ali Farhadi Mahali, Mojtaba Tabari,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Background and purpose: Hospitals play a critical role in promoting public health and well-being in social contexts. This necessitates codified standards aimed at maintaining treatment quality and enhancing social satisfaction. Hospital accreditation policy evaluation is considered a systematic process that can have significant social and functional implications for hospitals. This study aims to present an evaluation model of hospital accreditation policy based on the process of paradigmatic phenomenology.
Methods: Using Husserl's (1970) phenomenological approach, this study developed a paradigmatic evaluation model in five analytical steps. First, through interviews with experts and open coding, propositional themes related to the phenomenon under study were identified. A focus group was then formed to discuss and analyze these propositions. Each proposition was scored using the Q-method checklist, with scores ranging from +6 to -6, to identify paradigmatic clusters.
Results: During the qualitative analysis, 16 interviews resulted in 138 open codes. After eliminating redundancies and overlapping codes, 50 propositional themes were finalized. These themes were organized into conceptual clusters within the framework of paradigmatic phenomenology, following Husserl's methodological steps.
Conclusion: The study's findings underscore the formation of a hospital accreditation policy evaluation model structured around causal, intervening, contextual conditions, strategies, and outcomes. This model has the potential to enhance the effectiveness of healthcare service delivery and improve the overall quality of treatment in society.

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