Showing 6 results for tabibi
A.a Nasiripoor, J Tabibi, M.r Maleki, T Nourozi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (7 2010)
Background: The most basic financial information and data which are needed for a laboratory manager is the costs allocated to the cost unit and the cost of services. The cost prime can increase the managers function in practical beget and strategies plan and this article based on function , is don to calculate the cost prim of clinical laboratories services in VALI A SR Hospital in Tehran by using of ABC model .
Material & Methods: the study is a practical research done by descriptive-analytic method in a periodical and retrospective form during Forward to Esfand of 1378. Thirty tests were chosen according to the fluency chart. Data collecting tools, information sheets, interviews and direct observations were collected and analyzed and the cost price of laboratory services calculated by the help of MY ABCM software.
Results: In VALI A SR Hospital's laboratory, Findings demonstrate that, maximum and minimum costs are related to human recourses cost (44%) and energy cost (.5%) also about activities, most activities is related to expertise activates(97% of total ). these result show THE importance of human recourses especially expert human recourse in prime cost. the maximum prime cost is related to urine analysis(11%) and the minimum prime cost is related to sodium an of biochemistry's group(21%). it means more frequency of services lead to reduce of services prime cost. Finally the average of calculated prime cost was different to hygiene ministry tariff (about 63%).this difference is result of unrealistic tariffs vs. prime cost of services.
Conclusion: According to volume test operational and other conveniences in the Valia'asr hospital's laboratory, this laboratory encounter to missing budget. We can reduce the service's prime cost by improvement of performance management especially in human recourse filed and consume recourses in best way by standardization of consumption.
Sj Tabibi, Mj Kakhani, Mr Gohari, S Shahri,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (7 2010)
Background: the competitive of existing area in servicing organizations which are showing the desired services, the importance and satisfy customers and making content about their needs more than before.
Material & Methods: The present study descriptive survey of practical purpose and its method correlation study has been done. Statistical Society of this research is all referred patients to outpatient clinics in private and governmental hospitals at Tehran province(N=260). The data collecting tools have included two questionnaires, so for measuring of services quality was used from servqual standard questionnaire and part of parasoraman, zitamel and berry(1996) standard questionnaire about customer's behavioral tendencies for measuring of loyalty.
Results: T-test was used for comparing the average in private and governmental section at all the five dimentions and pierson correlation coefficient was used for determining the relation between one by one the five dimentions of services quality with patient 's loyalty and also used regression test. 36% of variance in patients' loyalty is due to components of service quality. A change of one unit in tangible factors, ensuring, and empathy results in 0.263, 0.285, and 0.116 change in patient 's loyalty, respectively. Regression model cannot make any prediction for other components because the significance levels of components are greater than 0.05.
Conclusion: whereas in this research there is meaningful relation between services quality and patient's loyaltyit seems that in such organizations the strategic application which cause the improving of qualitywill redound the increasing of patient'sloyalty and finally it will cause more profitability for hospitals.
A A Nasiripour, J Tabibi, F Mohammadi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (21 2013)
Background: In the absence of medical facilities in Social Security Organization (SSO) hospitals in provinces, the patients will be dispatched to Tehran. This will dissatisfaction and intellectual and emotional tensions and imposes a lot of costs upon SSO for dispatching the patients . The objective of this study is to compare franchise elimination of medical services in hospitals in contract with social security organization in Provinces with costs of patients dispatching to Tehran .
Materials and Methods: The study was done as retrospective and analytical research. The neurosurgical patients dispatched to Tehran were selected for the study (using the census method). The data were collected in information forms. Research finding were analyzed by SPSS software.
Results: Among studied provinces, Khuzestan province ,with 233 cases, had the highest frequency of patients dispatched and Zanjan and Golestan provinces with 2 cases had the lowest frequency. There was a significant difference between average of dispatching costs paid by SSO and the average franchise paid by patients (p<0.001) such that patients dispatching cost was higher than the franchise paid by patients. There was also no significant difference between average dispatching costs and franchise margin among studied provinces.
Conclusion: Considering the fact that cost of studied dispatching patients was higher than the franchise paid by them in exchange of medical services from hospitals in contract with SSO, elimination of medical services` franchise and treatment of patients in their provinces could decrease in the SSO costs compared with dispatching them to Tehran.
Seyed J Tabibi , Aa Nasiripoor , Z Zahiri Abyaneh ,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Background: It is a long time that the matter of manager`s Communication skills and staff motivation have come up in Iranian hospitals. This study determined the relationship between manager`s communication skills and staff motivation to identify the present situation and provide managers with appropriate strategies to enhance the motivation level of employees in the Modares hospital.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted using a descriptive-correlative method. The statistical society consisted of 66 individuals including 11 top and mid-level managers and 55 of their affiliated staff which were selected using a clustered model from the medical and administration sections. Data were collected using a 3- part questionnaire. Demographic data were measured in the first part while communication skills and motivation were measured in the second and third parts separately. Manager`s communication skills were measured using the Ardeshirzadeh(2005) questionnaire while Mokhbery questionnaire (2008) was used to measure staff motivation.The data were analyzed by the SPSS software using statistical indicators, relative frequency, mean and standard deviation, nonparametric tests and Pearson correlation factor.
Results: The average of the three dimensions of manager`s communication skills were (3.57± 0.57) for non-verbal skills, (3.24 ± 0.62) for the underlying communication skills and (3.23 ± 0.88) for verbal communication skills in a descending order while the average score of staff motivation was (2.57 ± 055). Meanwhile results from the Pearson correlation factor showed that there is only a significant positive relationship between the underlying communication skills and staff motivation with the correlation coefficient of r=0.25 and p-value = 0.042.
Conclusion: Since there is a significant relationship between the underlying management communication skills (empathy, effective listening and self-efflorescence) and staff motivation, improving this dimension can increase the motivation of employees.
S J Tabibi, S Heidari , A A Nasiri-Pour , M Hosseinishokouh , A Ameryoun , F Mashayekhi ,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2014)
Background:Hospital is the most important health care services provider center.Undoubtedly, properand effective management performance can be very important. This study aimed at assessing professional and non-professional managers’ performance among selected hospitals in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: In thisdescriptive study the population was staffs of ten selected hospitals in Tehran. With the intention of performing the study, a 41-items questionnaire was used which confirmed its validity by experts and its reliability by Cronbach alpha(=90).After data entry in SPSS software,frequency distribution tables, diagrams and central tendency and dispersion were used. With the intention of measure probable correlation Contingency Correlation Coefficient - C was utilized.
Results:The comparison betweenprofessional managers’ responses with non-professional ones revealed an incremental trendfrom “seldom” to “always” in all domains of management functions (including planning, organizing, coordinating and control)and Contingency Correlation Coefficient - C indicated statisticallysignificant relation between domains and types of managers (professional and non-professional)P = 0.003, P = 0.006, P = 0.001, P0.0001 respectively.
Conclusion:Managers’ professional education is inevitable for hospital managing duties.
Fereshteh Alizadeh, Seyyed Jamaledin Tabibi, Mohamadreza Maleki, Amirashkan Nasiripour, Abbas Toloie Eshlaghi,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2016)
Background: Demographic prediction indicates that Iran population move towards an aged society until 2025, Hence, the need for medical care will be increased. The study aimed at predicting geriatric specialists based on dynamic system approach for the Iranian elderly.
Materials and Methods: After an exploratory study, data gathering and building similar structured in order to determine geriatrics number prediction by considering the important factors. Causal loop diagram to show relationship between variables, stock-flow diagrams for quantitative analysis of system dynamic behavior was conducted and model equations in Vensim software version 5 used.
Results: After simulation, intake students' simulated model revealed increased trend then a sharp decline and finally the pattern had fixed trend from 2009 to 2012. Pattern of physician who was still in study and also graduated physician was in growing trend. Employed physician had growing trend and then it fixed, and retired physician had fixed trend at first and then had an incremental trend. Finally, the various behavior of workforce assessed in three level.
Conclusion: According to increasing growth of the elderly population until 2025, we will encounter with shortage more than 2500 geriatrics which can be compensate by 50% graduated admissions of the major annually.