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Showing 3 results for vatankhah

F Behzadi, S Vatankhah, S Zargar, F Hosseini,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (23 2009)

Background: Medical Equipments have main rule in patients diagnosis and therapy trend and society health. In addition, technology development and increasing prices of these equipments cause vast quantity of exchange is designated to equipments import. Regarding to present level of economical development ability of manufacturing for different kinds of medical equipments is high in our country, there is no need to import in many cases, of course we can have export in this area. The aim of this research is survey of quantity development of medical equipments export emphasizing on 87 article of fourth economical, social and cultural development plan law.

Material and Methods: This research is descriptive applied study. Data have been gathered from checklists, meetings with related experts, library and internet studies and eventually former research documents investigation. Finally data have been analysis through comparative and adaptive tables and comparison of statistics calculated from statistical forms and checklists.

Results: Export rate of medical equipment from 1/08% of import rate, before the fourth economical, social and cultural development plan law, has increased to1/77% of import rate, after that .This rate had a growth rate equal to 63/88%.The ratio of number of certifications on number of medical equipment companies from 1/4, before the law, has increased to 2/12 after that .This ratio had a growth rate equal to 85/96%.The number of medical equipment companies have been presented at international exhibitions has increased too, from 13 to 71.

Conclusion :In quantity development area, the actualized growth rate in medical equipment export in first two years of fourth development plan law, in spite of increasing import, is remarkable. In quality development area as results showed, while increasing in number of companies, the number of certifications that will increase export rate, has increased too. The number of companies have been presented at international exhibitions also has a considerable growth that shows medical equipment quality has improved that plays main role in medical equipment industry presentation to the international market.

Sodabeh Vatankhah, Nader Khalesi, Farbod Ebadi Fard Azar, Masoud Ferdosi, Ali Ayoobian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (22 2012)

Background: Payment method is one of the most important control knobs in the health system. All organizations that mobilize funds for health sector must be decided: who should be paid? Why this money should be paid to them? And how much should be paid? So the main purpose of this study is to identify different methods of paying to the doctors in referral system of selected countries, and ultimately providing some suggestions for Iranian social security organizations- direct medical service provision.
Materials & Methods: This was a comparative study designed in 2008. First we studied theoretical issues and analyzed them within the framework of the current situation. Then we conducted a comparative study to find some solutions for it. Then we validated selected suggestions using by Delphi technique.
Results: Most selected countries use a combination of methods to pay to the physicians. Usually for employed physicians in insurance organizations, salary makes a large part of doctor`s income. In countries where GPs play the role of gatekeeper, the per capita payment method has a special room. In American Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), based on employment or contractual relationship, they pay physicians by one of three methods: "Per Capita", "Salary Monthly" or "Prepayment". In addition to Salaries (if any employment relationship), specialists usually receive some fees for their Services widely.
Conclusion: Bonus payment in exchange for quality indicators is considered as a recently developed payment method for both GPs and specialists, but due to wide infrastructures, it needs accurate designing and plenty of arrangements.

Dr Sodabeh Vatankhah, Ghasem Rajabi Vasokolaei, Dr Sogand Tourani, Samira Raoofi, Susan Rahimi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Background:  Development of the tourism sector and health tourism specifically can improve the Non-Oil GDP. In this regard, in accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, international patient department establishment has been facilitatated health tourism development in the affiliated hospitals. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of international patient department  and its effect on the attraction of medical tourists among hospitals affiliated to Medical Sciences Universities in Tehran City.
Matrials and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was designed and conducted in 2017. Study population consisted of all hospitals affilliated to  Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS) and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU). In this study,  hospital entrance criteria was certified by the Health Tourism Department of MOHME. Data was collected using the health tourism assessment checklist which approved by the MOHME. SPSS version 24 utilized to data analysis using descriptive and Inferential statistics.
Results: The study results revealed that  the overall performance of international patient department was evaluated at a desirable level (87.5 score) in hospitals of Tehran city.  Hospitals had the highest rank of hoteling indices (95/100), in compliance with the regulations and functional indicators gained 87.03 and 82.2 score, respectively.  Also, data analysis highlighted that there was no significant difference between hospitals of TUMS, IUMS and SBMU. The establishment of international patient department had no effect on health tourists attraction.
Conclusion: Considering the purpose and mission of international patient department to facilitate the provision of quality and satisfactory services in health tourists, management and oversight mechanisms for the standards implementation such as patient admission, follow up in the origin country and development of hospital marketing policies in order to attract international patients and increase hospital incomes are recommended.

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