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Showing 5 results for Elderly

M Arab, M Hosseini, M Ranjbar, A Rashidian, A Pourreza, M Varmaghani, M Tajvar,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (2-2011)

Background: The elderly population in Iran is increasing .  The aim of this study is the survey of satisfaction rate and the effective factors on the elderly - aged peoples  satisfaction regarding to the given services in the hospitals affiliated to the Tehran university of medical sciences.

Materials & Methods: This research is a descriptive - analytical study with applied results. It shows the problems cross - section ally.The research society involves the whole elderly - aged people whit 65 years old   and more than that used the bedridden services of the hospitals affiliated to the Tehran university of medical sciences. The sample involves 360 elderly. For collecting the data, a questionnaire with three parts was used. The validity of questionnaire by the content measurement and the reliability of questionnaire by test re test (r = 0.84) were achieved. And also we used SPSS software for data analysis.

Results: : Results showed that 25/6%patients from management type, 41/9%from facilities ,17/2% from behavior personality and 30/3% from public services are dissatisfaction.  A total of 12 variable were analyzed, and the results showed that: The education level, age, sex, type of refer, dealing with the bed shortage and occupations have the meaningful relation with their satisfaction rate. The one - variable - analyzers in the logistic regration  model showed that among the whole meaningful variables, the education level has the strongest relation with satisfaction. With increasing the education level, the satisfaction rate have been decreased.

Conclusion: Due to results satisfaction rate among participant of this study is good and accepted. Using of results is effective step in increase productivity services and further evaluation needed to be done for functional styles patient elderly satisfaction.

L Vali, A Pourreza, B Ahmadi, A Akbari Sari,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Background: aging is a very sensitive period of life and paying attention to the problems and requirements of this period seems to be a social necessity. Improving medication for old patients is challenging and sometimes medication`s benefits are less than its disadvantages for the patient.Because of the numerous evidences of problems caused by medication in the elderly in the recent decade, many specialists and physicians have introduced tools and techniques for identifying these problems which are caused by medication and prescription of risky medicines.
Materials and Methods: Several methods, tools and criteria for assessment of quality of medication and medicine prescription in elderly have emerged since 1990.. We found out two categories of criteria reviewing the literature which are generally named as distinct criteria (criterion based) and implicit criteria (judgement based).
Result:The distinct category including Beers, Zhan, McLeod, Laroch and STOP/START criteria are all developed by a panel of experts and consensus in several stages. The second category of criteria concentrates on evaluation of clinical information.
Conclusion: All the tools and methods described in this study are used in Europe and in the USA which have limited market similarities with our country thereforedevelopment of tools for assessing prescription quality for the elderly in Iran is absolutely necessary.
Seyede Mahboubeh Hosseini Zare, Elham Movahed, Abolghasem Pourreza, Abbas Rahimi Foroshani,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background : Raising number of elderly people in Iran causes new concerns .One of the important issues is Social support. Social support can be critical for older adults because of their common disabilities and unavoidable dependency to maintain and improve of their health status Materials and Methods: Questionnaires which had been used for measurement of health status and elderly social support has been collected and combined through searching resources in library and web. 5 district ions of Tehran were selected randomly in order to have a efficient sample size .The questionnaires were filled by 140 elders whom were staying in residential homes and 280 above 60 years elderlies whom were living with their families. The date were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: 406 questionnaires among 420 questionnaires were filled which showed 96.6%. rate of responsibility. Data analysis showed a correlation between status of physical, mental and social health social support. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between Social support and physical ,mental, and social status of health
Fereshteh Alizadeh, Seyyed Jamaledin Tabibi, Mohamadreza Maleki, Amirashkan Nasiripour, Abbas Toloie Eshlaghi,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2016)

Background: Demographic prediction indicates that Iran population move towards an aged society until 2025, Hence, the need for medical care will be increased.  The study aimed at predicting geriatric specialists based on dynamic system approach for the Iranian elderly.

Materials and Methods: After an exploratory study, data gathering and building similar structured in order to determine geriatrics number prediction by considering the important factors. Causal loop diagram to show relationship between variables, stock-flow diagrams for quantitative analysis of system dynamic behavior was conducted and model equations in Vensim software version 5 used.

Results: After simulation, intake students' simulated model revealed increased trend then a sharp decline and finally the pattern had fixed trend from 2009 to 2012. Pattern of physician who was still in study and also graduated physician was in growing trend. Employed physician had growing trend and then it fixed, and retired physician had fixed trend at first and then had an incremental trend. Finally, the various behavior of workforce assessed in three level.

Conclusion: According to increasing  growth of the elderly population until 2025,  we will encounter  with shortage  more than 2500  geriatrics which can be  compensate by 50% graduated admissions of the major annually. 

Sara Bigdeli, Dr Maryam Tajvar, Dr Mohammad Arab,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background: Visual disorders in old age is one of the most important factors in decreasing quality of life of older people. This study aimed to access the vision-related quality of life of older people in Tehran and to examine some of the underlying factors.
Materials and Methods: This was a population-based cross-sectional study among 566 older people aged 60 years and over, living in Tehran. A multistage cluster randomized sampling method was used to select study population, data was gathered using interviewing them at their home. NEI-25 VFQ (Visual-Functioning Questionnaire) was used to measure the vision-related quality of life of the participants. Multi-level linear regression analysis was used to data analysis.
Results: The average score of the vision-related quality of life was 80 out of 100. Among 12 dimensions of Visual-Functioning Questionnaire, the dimensions of color vision (CV), vision specificsocial functioning (VSSF) and peripheral vision with the scores of 96.8, 96.7 and 95 gained the highest and the dimensions of driving and vision specific dependency (VSD) with the scores of 42.6 and 50.3 had the lowest scores, respectively. Significant associations were observed between being a women, older, and having a lower education with poorer vision-related quality of life. 
Conclusion: This study results provides an evidence for policymakers in prioritizing visual health services based on more impaired visual function and also at risk older people.

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