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Showing 28 results for Hospitals

A Tol, A Pourreza,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2-2010)

Background: Multiple environmental factors have roles in producing anxiety. Individualized differences and environmental conditions can affect the anxiety level. So, hospital environment and especially cardiac surgery ward have a great importance because they can save the patient's life.

Material & Methods: The present study is a descriptive- analytical one which has been conducted upon studying the level of anxiety pre and post coronary artery bypass graft surgery in the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and preparing an educational program for such patients, was the other goal of the study.

Study population consists of 150 patients under examination that at the time of the study have been voluntaries to coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The sample was studied 24 hours before and weeks after surgery. The sample was selected randomly and data collected through a questionnaire with two separate parts. For the purpose of data analysis, SPSS software was employed.

Results: The result of the study shows that the level of anxiety before coronary artery bypass graft have been more than the level of anxiety after  the operation. The difference between of the levels of anxiety have had significant relations with some of independent variables of the study such as sex, age, number of children and marital status, but there were not significant relations between occupation, educational level, non cardiac disease background, background of MI, non cardiac surgery background, the period of suffering from coronary disease background of hospitalization.

Conclusion: It seems that the men's ability to return to pre-operation socio-economic condition reduces their post operation anxiety. When people become older, they will be more fearful regarding the future's events but people older than 46 years old will obtain more life expectancy after surgery due to more extended familial relationship.

Married people experience less anxiety due to post operation, familial responsibilities and relief of cardiac symptoms. It can be concluded that anxiety reduction in these patients can result from cultural, socio-economic and demographic variables. Believes as cultural factors in the life have a great role in appearance and the level of anxiety.


F Akbari Haghighi, E Jaafari Pooyan,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2-2010)

Background: Various studies have highlighted the importance of accreditation as a ubiquitous performance measurement system of hospitals. However, the effectiveness of this mechanism has not been addressed, as much it deserves, in developing countries. Therefore, current study intends to investigate the performance of the system using the SERVQUAL model.
Material and Methods: This research is an applied and cross-sectional survey. Decision-making Board of Hamedan Hospitals (N= 200) constitutes the target group. A self-administered questionnaire including both structured and open-ended questions has been used for data collection. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data was conducted using SPSS and Thematic Content Analysis (TCA), respectively.
Results: Only 39 percent of the target group had high awareness of current accreditation programme. The highest rate of gap, 55.8%, between the group's perceptions and expectations from accreditation system, belonged to the indicator of staff's satisfaction and the lowest rate, 17.3%, to structures and establishments.
Conclusion: The low score of the target group's perceptions towards the accreditation programme could be a sign of the low degree of their satisfaction, which might result in their poor cooperation. More and effective attention to hospital managers' views, recommendations and reactions might be an appropriate preventive solution.
N Nasiriad, A Rashidian, H Joodaki , F Akbari Haghighi, M Arab,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (9-2010)

Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the types of relationships and problems between basic insurance organizations and university hospitals.
Methods: this is a qualitative study conducted in 2010. We interviewed revenue officials of hospital and resident representatives of insurance organizations in nine hospitals affiliated to the Tehran University of Medical Sciences using semi-structured interview techniques. Interviews focused on relationships, problems and solutions between basic insurers and hospitals. We used the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data.
Findings: six themes were identified: relationship between insurers and hospitals, supervision tasks of insurers in hospital, causes of deductions, deduction solutions, hospital problems with insurer organizations, and insurers' representatives problems with hospitals. Conclusions: Hospitals and basic insurer should establish effective communications. The results of such relationships, in addition to solve their own problems, helps the patients. Inappropriate relationship between hospital and basic insurer organizations mostly affects the patients.
Mahmoud Nekuei Moghaddam, Azadeh Taghavi Rad, Saeedeh Hakimipour, Milad Shafiei, Gholamreza Goudarzi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (2-2011)

Background: The world is changing continually and organizations as the subsystems of the world should be adapted with these changes by helping to develope of creativity and innovation.This study to evaluate the relationships between conflict management styles and creativity of staff in training hospitals in  Kerman province.

Materials & Methods:This is a cross-sectional study from aspect of descriptive -analytical. For gathering data, the standard questionnaires of conflict management for managers and creativity for staff applied. The participants in the study were all disciplinary managers from selected hospitals in one group and all disciplinary staff of selected hospitals in another group.Data analysis used in SPSS software.

Results:The results showed that there is a significant and opposite assosiation between enforcing styles and negotiating styles between managers (P<0/05, r= -0/187) and creativity of staff (P<0/05 , r= -0/155) . Meanwhile, there is a significant relation between marital status and educated staff and their creativity. This research reveales that avoiding styles applied among men is less than women.

Conclusion: To develop creativity of staff and managers should decrease using of enforcing and negotiating styles to solve the conflicts in hospitals.

Alireza Ilbeigi, Mostafa Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi Peivandi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2012)

Background: The aim of this research was to measure and compare relative efficiency of general hospitals under supervision of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS). The study also seek to investigate the likely relationship between the official evaluating scores reported by MUMS with findings of this study.
Materials & Methods: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is utilized to determine relative efficiency of individual decision making units (DMUs). From state-run general hospitals in this study, 17 were selected based on the criteria suggested by the model. To distinguish efficient hospitals from inefficient ones, revised input-based BCC model was used incorporating ‘number of physicians' and ‘number of nurses' as inputs. Outputs were set as ‘the rate of inpatient days to staffed beds', ‘outpatient visits' and ‘number of surgeries' reported both at emergency and wards.
Results: The findings based on both CRS and VRS simulations indicate that the mean of technical efficiency was 0.823, mean managerial efficiency was 0.931 and subsequently mean scale efficiency was 0.881. It was further noticed that, there was no significant relationship between the performance appraisal outcomes from DEA model, and scores allocated to each hospital through official evaluation system.
Conclusion: Current official appraisal system based on pre-defined checklists may not be a reliable mean for evaluating and ranking efficiency of general hospitals.
S Rezaei, T Miraki, N Jahanmehr, F Gharibi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Background: the using of economic tools such as production function is one of the ways to improving performance and efficient use of hospital resources. The aim of this study was the estimation of production function in educational hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences during 2007- 2011. Material & Methods: the number of inpatient as dependent variable and the numbers of active beds, nurses, doctors and other staffs as explanatory variables was considered. These data For 12 of hospitals since 2007 to 2011 was collected by production form. Also with Eviews software version 6 and panel data, the production function of hospitals was estimated. Results: the elasticity and marginal of production for all variables explanatory was positive. The marginal of production for bed active, physician, nurse and other staff was 16.7, 54, 23.6 and 40.9 respectively. The total of input coefficient was equal 1.08 and the return to scale was increasing. Conclusion: according to the positive marginal of production for all variables explanatory, for improving of productivity and efficient use of hospital resources is suggested that the managers of hospitals in exposure to regular and irregular demand can be used elasticity of production.
E Zarei , F Farzianpour , B Pouragha , P Abbasi Borogeni , M Mohammadzadeh ,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2014)

Background: Identification of development needs is a first important step in a systematic management development effort. This study aimed at assessing management development needs from the viewpoint of middle managers of hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The population study was 227 of middle managers employed in 16 hospitals. Data were collected using a 42-items questionnaire which its reliability and validity was confirmed. Data were analyzed using main components analysis in software SPSS17. Results: designing and innovation indicator among managerial roles, human skills indicators in managerial skills, psychological abilities among managerial talents, social trust in personal characteristics, comprehensive thinking indicator in philosophic mindedness and leadership in managerial knowledge components were the most important from the perspective of the middle managers Conclusion: managers play the specific managerial roles in order to perform their managerial tasks. They need to develop administrative skills, abilities, knowledge, personality and philosophic mindedness to play the best managerial roles.
Farshad Faghisolouk , Ali Valinejadi, Roghaye Ershad Sarabi , Pouran Raeissi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Background: Hospital as core of health and care system requires an effective leadership style and suitable strategy for organizational differences and conflict’ solving. Main goal of this study is to survey of relationship between leadership style and strategy of conflict management among chief executive officers of Urmia hospitals. Materials and Methods: This analytical-descriptive cross-sectional study was implemented in Urmia hospitals in 2013. Study population of the research includes thirty top managers in ten hospitals of Urmia. Data gathered through three questionnaires (personal and job characteristic leadership style with method of Fiedler LPC and conflict management). Data analyzed through SPSS software, mainly by Chi 2, Kruskal–Wallis and Spearman's Rho tests. Results: Results showed that Leadership style had significant statistical relationship with average of managers work experience (p=0.040). Also age and strategy of control had significant statistical relationship (p=0.01). Leadership styles and strategies of conflict management weren’t significantly with other descriptive variables such as (position, level of education, marriage situation, work experience, managerial studies and second job). Leadership styles and strategy of conflict management weren’t significant relationship, finally. Conclusion: Since that the determination of leadership style and methods of dealing with conflict management in hospitals is important, it is recommended that ever done comprehensive research on the effects of other factors such as organizational culture, social culture, character on leadership style and conflict management.
Dr Mohammad Arab, Farhad Habibi Nodeh, Dr Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Dr Ali Akbari Sari,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: Hospital waste need a very sensitive and cautious attention due to holding hazardous, toxic, and pathogenic factors such as infectious, pharmaceutical, pathological, chemical and radioactive left-overs. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the observance of safety measures by workers responsible for collecting hospital wastes in the public hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of medical sciences. Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional and descriptive-analytic study was conducted in 1391. Data were collected through using a questionnaire. According to the frequency distribution, total score for participants was divided into three weak (<26), average (26-30), and high (>30) categories. Data were analyzed by the SPSS 18 software using T-Test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. Findings: Based on the results, 33.3% of hospitals received suitable, 55.5% received average and the remaining (11.2%) received a weak score regarding safety measures. Moreover, there was a statistically significant correlation between cleaning staff’s characteristics (education, age, work experiences and their training) with their safety status score. Conclusion: Implementing current national principles and standards and conquering shortages, proper planning, using young workers alongside with experienced ones, more training courses and respecting and paying enough attention to cleaning staff would help to improve the safety of collecting hospital wastes.
Hojat Habibi, Alireza Mooghali, Foruzan Habibi, Mehrdad Ahmadi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background: ‌ Based on increasing the privatization in hospitals, conducting researches in various fields of private hospitals and comparison with public hospitals is greatly felt.This study aimed at investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and burnout among employed nurses in selected public and private hospitals in Shiraz city.

Materials and Methods: This was a comparative-correlational study. The study population was composed of employed nurses in public and private hospitals in Shiraz city in 2012. sample size was estimated 320 using Cochran formula. The questionnaire of Spector job satisfaction” and “Maslach burnout” were used for data collection. Study conducted in two private and two public hospitals in Shiraz and data gathered randomly among nurses. In order to analysis descriptive and interfere statistics including mean and standard error, Pearson correlation coefficient, MANOVA and independent t- test.

Results: There was a significant and negative relationship among job satisfaction and three dimensions of job burnout in both public and private sectors (p<0.001). In addition, the results revealed that there was a significant difference among the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization between private and public sectors (p<0.05).  However, there was no significant difference between job satisfaction and reduced productivity performance of these two sectors.

Conclusion: According to the findings, by increase in the nurses' job satisfaction, particularly in the public sector, the adverse effects of burnout can be prevented.

Dr Bakhtiar Ostadi, Ms Asrin Navidi,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Background: Since, energy consumption per square meter in hospitals is much higher than other types of service institutions; in this study, some actions performed toward optimizing energy consumption improvement projects based on the definition and prioritization in hospital.

Materials and Methods: The necessity of optimizing energy consumption in hospitals were described according to some scales including the average consumption and cost of water, electricity and gas for bed days and active bed, and these indices calculated in the case. Then, improvement actions were identified using energy audit, interviews with hospital experts and conducted studies in hospitals. Next, projects with high importance were extracted regarding to impact on energy consumption indices, expert opinion, aggregation, feasibility, and limitations such as prerequisite, synchronicity and post-requisite. Finally, specific criteria were identified in three dimensions, i.e., factors affecting the level of energy consumption, trying to execute project and risk and the projects were prioritized using questionnaire and FAHP.

Results: The study results revealed that energy consumption was higher than the world standards in the studied hospital; this confirmed the necessity of optimizing energy consumption and using energy management systems. The results of prioritization also showed the first four priorities.

Conclusion: It seems necessary to save energy consumption through improvement projects implementation in the hospitals. Regarding the number and resources limitation, hospitals can choose to implement some low risk and payback period projects based on existing priority and budget annually.

Alireza Jabbari, Maryam Gholami, Zahra Kavosi, Parisa Chamanpara,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2016)

Background: The subjects' demographic characteristics are factors influencing their viewpoints about healthcare quality and have a positive association with the clients’ satisfaction. This study aimed at investigating the role of demographic variables on medical tourists' viewpoints about service quality of hospitals in Shiraz.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 foreign patients who referred to Shiraz hospitals during the first six months of 2013. Data collection tool was a questionnaire consisting of two parts. In the first part, medical tourists' information was collected and in the second part, their expectations and perceptions of services quality were measured using adapted SERVQUAL scale. The validity was checked out by experts and reliability confirmed by Cronbach’s Alpha test for expectations and perceptions separately (90% and 89%).  Finally, data analyzed through SPSS v.16 software using independent t-test and ANOVA.

Result: According to the results, the mean score of the quality gap was estimated -0.26 for people over the age of 50 years, as it was lower than other groups. Also, the lowest total values of this quantity were related to the individuals with low level of literacy and those who stayed less than 7 days for treatment which were estimated -0.32 and -0.36 respectively. In addition, based on statistically significant dimensions, married tourists, people from Oman and those who had received eye surgery had lower gap mean score than the other patients as their total values were estimated -0.42, -0.21 and -0.22, respectively.

Conclusion: In order to develop the medical tourism industry, the demographic characteristics of the subjects should be considered in policy making and service design which can be result in majority satisfaction.

Ali Zangiabadi, Sharare Saidpour,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2016)


Background: The issue of access to urban services is one of the important one that affects different aspects of urban affairs. In some cases, lack of proper access to some land, people's health is exposed to risk, for example Health care services especially in hospitals that impose requirements in a timely and appropriate access to it for all members of society. This study aimed at analyzing the distribution of hospitals and locates new hospitals regards to the lack in Saqqez city.

Materials and Methods: This study was a cross sectional and descriptive one. In order to classify and analyze data, the models of AHP and network analysis have been used. Also, ARC / GIS software and Expert choice has been used to map layers.

Results: According to assessed studies about the distribution of available hospitals and determination of their standard performance, 62.93 percent of the city area has not access to the hospitals.

Conclusion: This study results showed that hospitals in terms of compatibility with other land uses and access is inappropriate in the city. Thus, optimal areas for construction of new hospitals in five final maps from very good to very poor were classified and proposed using combining different layers of effective land uses.  


Mohammad Rahim Ramezanian, Hamed Gheibdoust,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Introduction: High quality health care service leads us towards a healthy society. Present paper aimed to use the service quality concept in health care sector based on service quality approach (SERVQUAL) in public hospitals. Methods: In present research a hybrid approach based on Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Fuzzy TOPSIS was used where the former was used for prioritization of healthcare service quality measures and the latter was used to operationalize the hospitals. Questionnaires and ANP and Fuzzy TOPSIS were used for data collection and analysis. Five public hospitals in Rash were evaluated. The time period of the study including data collection was 2014-2015. Results: The service quality criteria comprised of 6 main criteria and 19 sub-criteria in present study. Among five hospitals studied in present research, Rasoul Akram hospital obtained the first rank and other hospitals obtained the other ranks. All criteria and sub-criteria used in present study obtained some rank indicating their importance in the research context. Conclusions: With conducting present research, various criteria and sub-criteria related to service quality (SERVQAL) and their importance were identified and this may contribute to improved performance of health care services

Alimohammad Mosadeghrad, Mohammad Arab, Arezo Mojbafan,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Introduction: In the hospital’s environment, conflict is unavoidable due to differences in gender, educations, and Career goals, frequent and complex interactions between their personnels. Both of two extremely level of conflict (minimum & maximum) are preventing desired performance. Appropriate level of conflict should avoid recession, encourage creativity and reduce stress. The present research aims to determine the amount of conflict in Tehran University of Medical Science’s hospitals. (TUMS).

Method: This study is descriptive - analytic. The study population consists of 706 managers (senior, intermediate, basic) from 14 hospitals affiliated with TUMS. Data was collected by a self-made questionnaire and was analyzed with SPSS software.

Results: The level of conflict in Tehran University of Medical Science’s hospitals was average. 84% of total conflict was caused by organizational factors. There were a significant association between conflict and level of management, educations, work experience, type of unit, bed numbers, the number of employee under supervision, conflict management training course

Conclusion: Hospital managers should change their organizational cultures and revise some structural variables such as goals, procedures…  In order to maintain the optimal level of conflict.

Keywords: Conflict, a mount of Conflict, Managers, Hospital.

Dr. Nader Markazi Moghaddam, Reyhaneh Rahmati, Dr. Mojgan Mohammadimehr, Ebadollah Shiri, Dr. Sanaz Zargar Balaye Jame,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Background: Beside qualified and capable nursing personnel, nursing care development requires motivated nurses to work in an appropriate environment. This study aimed  at determining the relationship between organizational climate and nurses' job motivation in selected Army hospitals of Tehran city in 2015.

Materials and Methods: In this study was a descriptive -analytical and cross sectional one. The sample size consisted of 340 employed nurses in hospitals with at least one year work experience which were stratified randomly selected based on work experience among four army hospitals in Tehran. Data were collected using two questionnaires including job motivation and organizational climate. In order to data .analysis, descriptive and analytical tests such as Pearson correlation coefficient were utilized.

Results: One hundred and eighty nine of participants (55.4%) were female. Mean age of nurses’ average was 32.22 ±9.8 years. More than half of nurses had evaluated group spirit as high level and hindrance, engagement, intimacy, consideration, spacing, thrust and production emphasis as moderate level. There was a direct significant relationship between all components of job motivation and engagement, intimacy, consideration, spacing, thrust and production emphasis (P<0.05). Furthermore, mental and official components of job motivation had an inverse significant relationship with hindrance component respectively (P=0.014, P=0.019).

Conclusion: Regarding the relationship between all components of the organizational climate with job motivation, attempt to improve these components will have significant impact on motivation improvement, reducing absenteeism and job dissatisfaction.

Mobin Sokhanvar, Dr Alimohammad Mosadeghrad,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Background: Organizational culture has a crucial role in hospitals’ productivity. The success or failure of strategies and plans in organisational change depend on organizational culture. This study aimed to examine the organizational culture of Tehran hospitals in 2014.

Material  and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was carried out in 18 hospitals (public, private and semi-public hospitals) that were selected out of 114 hospitals of Tehran using quota- randomized sampling method. About 696 employees in diagnostic, curative, administrative and logistic departments participated in the study. Data was collected through a valid and reliable questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS20. Spearman, U Man- Whitney and Kruskal- Wallis statistical tests were applied.

Results: The mean score of organizational culture was 3.62 out of 6 (moderate). There was a significant relationship between organizational culture and the type of hospitals (p=0.002). The mean score of organizational culture was higher in Private and Semi-public ecurity hospitals respectivey. Attention to details and customer orientation dimensions were high in public and semi-public hospitals and private hospitals respectively. The most and the least mean score of organizational culture was related to administrative and support services units. 

Conclusion: Organization culture was evaluated in moderate status in hospitals of Tehran city. Thus, it is recommended  that hospital managers  improve hospitals 'organizational culture  specially in creativity, innovation, integration and teamwork dimensions using organizational engineering culture plans.

Dr Mohammad Arab, Serajadin Gray, Pejman Hamouzadeh, Farhad Habibi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background: This study was conducted to validate the "staff attitude toward the use of coercion in the treatment of mentally ill patients" questionnaire and assessed their attitude in selected public psychiatric hospitals in Tehran city.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive and analytical study which was carried out on three hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences and social welfare and Rehabilitation University in 2015. The questionnaires were distributed to the participants and finally 273 questionnaires were used.  Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis test. Moreover, ANOVA and independent t-test were applied to evaluate the participants' attitude on using coercion for treatment of mentally ill patients.
Results: Study findings revealed that 61% of participants were nurse and 11% were physicians. According to the study results, three final obtained factors explained 61.93% of the total variance; this variance reflects the proper and appropriate selection of the questions.  In addition, there were statistically significant differences between marital status and offending attitude domain; between job and education and offending attitude; and security and treatment domains.
Conclusion: The current questionnaire has a high validity and reliability and is also appropriate for the context of Iran.  The attitude of the studied participants was a bit towards using coercion in treatment of mentally ill patients. Therefore, it is recommended that authorities take some steps toward changing health services providers' attitude of using coercion. 

Hojat Sheikhbardsiri, Gholamreza Khademipour, Mohsen Aminizadeh, Roholallah Fatemian, Mohammad Mahdi Doustmohammadi ,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background: Physical and verbal violence against hospital personnel is very critical problems that could influence the quality of clinical and nursing cares. Today, problem prevention and identification of related factors with domestic violence against women have been considered as a health priority in many countries. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, this study aimed to determine related factors with domestic violence against women in educational hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was a descriptive-analytical one which conducted on 836 female employees using census method. Data collection performed using a researcher-made questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of 34 items in four dimensions (physical, verbal and mental, sexual) and violence experienced by the husband. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 with descriptive statistics and analytic statistics such as Kolmogorov–Smirnov, ANOVA, independent t test, and Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression.
Results: Study results revealed that verbal and mental (55.33%), physical (36.16%), and sexual (6.66%) violence were the most common type of violence against women, respectively. There was a significant statistically association between age gap, forced marriage, husband’s addiction, income and precedent violence Experience and violence against women.
Conclusion: This study presented prevalence and related factors of demotic violence among women. Therefore, it is imperative that health authorities, especially hospital managers, pay attention to this phenomenon assessing further investigation of factors related to violence against women in order to take the necessary steps to mitigate and reduce related factors using life skills workshop, training and counseling for couples.

Fariba Asadi, Seyyedeh Sara Afrazandeh, Maryam Ebrahimi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Background: One of the hospitals’ goals is providing high quality of health for patients and patient satisfaction is one of the indicators of quality of health care in hospitals in all countries. The present study aimed to evaluate patients’ satisfaction about performance of health transformation plan in teaching hospitals affiliated to southern Khorasan province in 2016.
Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional, descriptive-analytic one which 410 patients admitted to seven public hospitals of south Khorasan province were evaluated using a standard questionnaire on patient satisfaction during one month. Data analysis was performed by SPSS22 software using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: level of 51.5% patients ‘satisfaction was assessed high, 37.1% in a good, 9.9% moderate and 1.6 low level. Regression analysis revealed that average score of satisfaction with education level and economic situation had a significant association (p <0.05) which patients with higher education level and better economic status had less satisfaction. There was no significant relationship between other demographic variables and satisfaction level.
Conclusion: According to study results, it can be concluded that the health transformation plan can achieve its goals and success regarding patients’ satisfaction and patient costs reduction due to patients' perspective. In order to increase patients’ satisfaction, paying more attention to welfare and nutrition and evaluating satisfaction in other groups (nurses, physicians and personnel) recommended.

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