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Showing 2 results for Involvement

Habib Ebrahimpour, Hassan Khalili, Mohammad Pourali,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2014)

In many countries, different methods and tools for improving the quality of health cares have been used. Among these methods, the NHS clinical governance provided by the NHS British government as a strategy to enhance the quality of clinical cares was introduced in 1998. Clinical governance both responsibilities for maintain the current level of cares and improving the quality of future care are emphasized. Materials & Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between clinical governance and organizational performance of hospitals in Ardabil. The research is an applied one questionnaire is used to collecting data. The population comprises patients, doctors employees and hospitals managers of Ardabil 180 were selected as the sample. To investigate the hypothesis test, correlation and regression analysis were used. Results: According to data, there is a significant relationship between organizational performance and clinical governance. On the other hand, the results of F test showed meaningful level for the components of %99, so we can use linear regression. Furthermore, the coefficient of all the components of clinical governance has a positive and significant effect on performance. Among the components of clinical governance, clinical audit component has %163 of the minimum amount, and staff management component 908 percent has the most effect on hospital performance. Conclusion: According to the results, are considered essential patient’s engagement in treatment, the use of information and patients' family’s experiences to provide more services to patients, credit allocation for staff training and staff expertise in the field of employees training.
Niloufar Amiri Ghale Rashidi, Dr Alireza Namazi Shabestari, Alireza Arab Yarmohammadi, Maryam Mazinani, Sepideh Masoud Sinaki,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Background & Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current organizational culture in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, which is to be considered in order to strengthen organizational culture.
Material & Method: The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional study and an applied research-based survey that was conducted in Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2019. The sample size was calculated and analyzed using Cochran's formula for 306 people. In this study, Denison's Organizational Culture Questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, descriptive statistical methods, one-sample mean and Pearson Correlation Tests.
Results: The average of organizational culture in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in each component, culture of Involvement (2.29), culture of consistency (2.63), culture of adaptability (2.66) and culture of mission (2.58), Which represented a higher-than-average culture in all aspects of Denison's view.
Conclusion: The organization should do some corrective actions with respect to the components of adaptability (subculture of organizational learning) and Involvement (Capability Development), which has earned a lower score.

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