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Showing 4 results for Job Performance

Narges Tankamani, Dr. Majid Saffari Nia, Leila Ghobadi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Background: Hospital staffs including physicians, nurses and crew are exposed to various risks including physical and mental illnesses. The study aimed at predicting job performance based on humor components and mental health among staff of Ziaeyan hospital.

Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive- analytical one. Sample size was 120 individuals (74 females and 46 males) who selected via non- randomly and Voluntary With a diverse range of staff including nurses, physicians in 2014.  After explaining about  research type and filling voluntary questionnaires with informed consent, job performance Paterson, Martin et al humor components  and Goldberg mental health instruments were disseminated. SPSS Software version 17 utilized to data analysis using regression and cluster analysis.

Results: Among of humor components and mental health, Self-enhancing, depression and social performance predicted job performance positively. Depression has the largest ß coefficient(0.26)  for job performance  which revealed this variable the strongest one  and provided main contribution to explain the criterion variable. Also, there was a statistically difference between negative morbid humor clusters and positive and healthy clusters of humor in the significant level less than 0.05(t= -7.97, p<0.001).

Conclusion: Selection of humor style and enhancing mental health of hospital staff will cause job performance improvement. Regarding stressful environment of hospital, it seems providing better mental health and applying healthy styles of humor as a proper way to staff performance improvement which should be considered.

Ayub Faizy, Ehsan Azimpoor, Dr Taghi Zavvar,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background: This study aimed to determine the role of core self-evaluation and job autonomy on nurses' job performance in Sanandaj public hospitals.


Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive and correlational one. The study population consisted of the nurses who work in Sanandaj city public hospitals, selected 213 people using stratified random sampling in 2016. In order to data gathering, Paterson job performance scale (1990), Judje et al. core self-evaluation scale (2003) and Gunster job autonomy (1989) were used. Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis and multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA) were performed to data analysis.


Results: Study results revealed that mean score and SD of core self-evaluation, job autonomy and job performance were 43.84 ± 5.52, 42.65 ± 10.26 and 52.81 ± 5.85 respectively. So that, mean of core self-evaluation and job performance were desirable and job autonomy was at the intermediate level. Also, there was a significant association between core self-evaluation and nurses' performance which this variable was able to predict 15% of job performance variance. While, there was no significant association between job autonomy and nurses' job performance. Also, the study results revealed that there was a significant difference between core self-evaluation and job performance among male and female nurses.


Conclusion: Based on study results, core self-evaluation has a significant association with job performance which can predict it among nurses. 

Dr Sima Rafiei, Mohammad Zakaria Kiaiei, Pejman Sadeghi, Vahid Makhtoomi, Donya Asghari,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Background: One of the main important factors which affects nurses' job performance and potentially influences their capability in accomplishing their tasks and responsibilities is job burnout (JB). This study aimed to investigate the moderating role of JB on the relationship between QWL and job performance among nurses' employees in emergency departments of five training hospitals affiliated to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2017.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among 178 nurses' employees in emergency departments of five teaching hospitals affiliated to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2017. In order to assess main variables of present study, three standard questionnaires consisted of Walton QWL, Maslach and Jackson job burnout and Paterson job performance were used. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and moderated multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data. The level of significance was set less than 0.05.
Results: Study results revealed that most of the nursing staff had a low level of QWL, experienced a considerable JB with a moderate to high level of performance. Furthermore, QWL predicted 21% of variances regarding to job performance (R2=0.21, p=0.04). The moderated multiple regression results supported the hypothesis that JB had a significant effect on the relationship between QWL and nurses' job performance (β≠0, p=0.02).
Conclusion: Considering the importance of QWL and efforts to develop an appropriate condition to promote different aspects of QWL would play an important role in nurses' productivity and accomplishment of their performance goals.
Mehrdad Estiri, Mitra Rezvani, Abbas Nargesian,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background: The performance of nurses as the largest human resources element of health care organizations has an important impact on the quality and results of patients' treatment. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of internal marketing orientation on nurses’ performance by considering the mediating role of nurses’ engagement.
Materials & Methods: In this regard, while reviewing the implications of internal marketing orientation, engagement with the job and performance of employees, using path analysis and structural equation modeling, we examined the effect of internal marketing orientation on the performance of nurses by examining the role of mediation in job engagement. The study population included nurses of Sasan and Parsian hospitals in Tehran. Stratified random sampling and a questionnaire were used to collect the data. In order to analyze the data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used for the normal test and Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling for confirmation of hypotheses.
Results: Results showed that internal marketing orientation, through the engagement of nurses, influences their performance. Moreover, it was proved that internal marketing orientation has a direct relationship with engagement, but it does not directly influence nurses’ performance.
Conclusion: The most significant achievement of this research is that the managers and executives of healthcare centers can provide a more suitable environment for nurses caring patients, through improving working conditions. Implementing internal marketing orientation is one of the practices that can enhance nurses’ performance through affecting work attitudes, especially work engagement.

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