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Showing 2 results for Responsiveness

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Volume 14, Issue 4 (1-2016)

Background: Three aspects of health, responsiveness rate and equitable financing introduced as the main goals of health systems. In this study, responsiveness rate was assessed among private and social security hospitals in 2013.

Materials and Methods: The descriptive-analytical study conducted as a cross-sectional one among 10 hospitals in Tehran city (20 percent of total social security and private, 8:2 respectively) in 2013. Study population consisted of all inpatients and outpatients referee to eight private and two social security hospitals and 333 subjects selected to data gathering randomly. The valid and reliable World Health Survey questionnaire was utilized. Data was analyzed by SPSS17 using descriptive statistic, Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis tests.

Results: In points of view among inpatient and outpatient, the mean score of responsiveness rate were 4.1±0.71 and 3.7±0.60 respectively. These amounts estimated 4.4±0.46 and 3.2±0.82 for inpatient and 3.8±0.58 and 3.5±0.63 for outpatient in private and social security hospitals respectively. Also, the mean score of responsibility rate assessed 4.4 in private hospital which was higher than social security ones (3.2); and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.001).

Conclusion: Responsiveness rate dimensions were evaluated moderate to high among assessed hospitals. These results were enhanced in private hospitals rather than social security ones. It is recommended that hospital managers should pay more attention to client and mechanisms to improve responsiveness rate and providing more services quality. 

Bahareh Jafaei, Dr Leila Nazarimanesh, Dr Kamran Hajinabi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background: Responsiveness is one of the main goals of the health system for policymakers and managers. Information Technology (IT) capabilities typically affect organization performance in cases like customer responsiveness and provide high standards of its business. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between information technology capabilities and the responsiveness of Baharlo hospital in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive-survey one in terms of method and an applied one in terms of purpose. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. A sample of 248 employees and 381 patients from 26 selected sections of Baharlo Hospital were selected randomly. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis.
Results: According to study results, the overall hospital responsiveness rate was higher than the average (3.82) and the hospital's IT capacity was moderate (3.07). Based on regression analysis at 95% confidence level (error less than 5%), IT capabilities with IT architecture dimensions (p= 0.020), IT infrastructure (p =0.004), IT human resources (p < 0.0001) IT communication resources (p < 0.001) were positively correlated with the responsiveness of Baharlo Hospital.
Conclusion: The positive relationship between all aspects and the overall IT capability with the responsiveness of the illustrated hospital reveale that the capacity of information technology as well as other modern industries in hospitals is considered as a key competence. Therefore, it is obvious hospital managers should pay serious attention to upgrade this key competence to improve responsiveness in their hospital.

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