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M Ebrahimnia, A Amerion, M Azizabadi, H Khodami, S Herdari,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2009)

Background: Nowadays, researchers pay special attention to patients' satisfaction with emergency care services, as the first line of hospital health care services. However, few researches have been done about its related factors in our country. The aim of this study was assessment of patients' satisfaction with emergency care services in six military hospitals in our country and its related factors.

 Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, Satisfaction level of 360 patients of emergency care services in six military hospitals of Iran in 2007 was assessed. After discharge from emergency ward, a checklist containing basic information and a 12-item questionnaire about their satisfaction level with emergency care services was completed for each patient. A 5-level Likert scale was used for the response of each item. 20 to 100 scores were allocated to each response (completely dissatisfied to completely satisfied), respectively.

 Results: 3559/4220 responses (82.4%) were completely satisfied or satisfied. In respect to priority "Observation of moral points", "giving information" and "behavior of reception personnel" had the highest and on the other hand, "variety of medical specialists", "emergency ward facilities" and "speed in calling doctor" had the lowest satisfaction scores. The total satisfaction score which was reported by patients older than 35 yr(p=0.022), insurance coverage(p=0.002) and with history of previous referring to that emergency ward(p=0.017) were significantly higher than others. Sex, marital status and educational level had no statistical correlation with the total satisfaction score(p>0.05).

 Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed favorable satisfaction level of patients with emergency care services in military hospitals. However, it seems that using a variety of expert physicians and more facilities and also improvement in the process of calling doctor in emergency ward are the aspects which need the most amount of concern of health care managers in emergency centers.

Sj Tabibi, Mj Kakhani, Mr Gohari, S Shahri,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2-2010)

Background: the competitive of existing area in servicing organizations which are showing the desired services, the importance and satisfy customers and making content about their needs more than before.

Material & Methods: The present study descriptive survey of practical purpose and its method correlation study has been done. Statistical Society of  this research is all referred patients to outpatient clinics in private and governmental hospitals at Tehran province(N=260). The data collecting tools have included two questionnaires, so for measuring of services quality was used from servqual standard questionnaire and part of parasoraman, zitamel and berry(1996) standard questionnaire about customer's behavioral tendencies for measuring of loyalty.

Results: T-test was used  for comparing the average in private and governmental section at all the five dimentions and  pierson correlation coefficient was used for determining the relation between one by one the five dimentions of services quality with patient 's loyalty and also used regression  test. 36% of variance in patients' loyalty is due to components of service quality. A change of one unit in tangible factors, ensuring, and empathy results in 0.263, 0.285, and 0.116 change in patient 's loyalty, respectively. Regression model cannot make any prediction for other components because the significance levels of components are greater than 0.05.

Conclusion: whereas in this research there is meaningful relation between services quality and patient's loyaltyit seems that in such organizations the strategic application which cause the improving of qualitywill redound the increasing of patient'sloyalty and finally it will cause more profitability for hospitals.

M Mohammadnia, B Delgoshaei, Sh Tofighi, L Riahi, A Omrani,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2-2010)

Background: However nurses are responsible for patients quality care legally and ethically, in other side, patients have rights to receive appropriate and quality care. The aim of this descriptive study was to explore SERVQUAL dimensions (Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy) of Nursing Service Quality (NSQ) at Tehran Social Security Organization (SSO) Hospitals.
Material and Methods: This study was carried out as an applied, descriptive and cross- sectional study during the summer and autumn of 2009 in Tehran SSO hospitals. Study tool was prepared on the basis of the standard and modified questionnaire of SERVQUAL based on Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry questionnaire (1988) for NSQ and consisted of 4 dimensions which were Reliability, Assurance, Empathy, and Responsiveness. The population for this study included of all inpatients of selected Tehran SSO hospitals who were selected by random sampling (N=200). For accounting Means, Standard Deviations and percents SPSS (ver. 16) have been used.
Result:The total percentage of NSQ was upper middle (66), prescriptively Reliability (74), Assurance (69) and Empathy (64) were the most ones and Responsiveness (58) was the lowest.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that NSQ was in desired degree from patients` perspective in selected hospitals. The health care managers should have been attention to nursing as an important workforce of a hospital for raising the service quality of their organizations .Nurses are main role in quality care improvement and patients satisfaction. So, actions regarding to improve their performance are useful and necessary. Due to lowest score of Responsiveness among nursing staff, we suggest training courses for improving organizational culture on responding and effective communication to achieve high quality performance of all nursing group staff.
M Arab, M Hosseini, M Ranjbar, A Rashidian, A Pourreza, M Varmaghani, M Tajvar,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (2-2011)

Background: The elderly population in Iran is increasing .  The aim of this study is the survey of satisfaction rate and the effective factors on the elderly - aged peoples  satisfaction regarding to the given services in the hospitals affiliated to the Tehran university of medical sciences.

Materials & Methods: This research is a descriptive - analytical study with applied results. It shows the problems cross - section ally.The research society involves the whole elderly - aged people whit 65 years old   and more than that used the bedridden services of the hospitals affiliated to the Tehran university of medical sciences. The sample involves 360 elderly. For collecting the data, a questionnaire with three parts was used. The validity of questionnaire by the content measurement and the reliability of questionnaire by test re test (r = 0.84) were achieved. And also we used SPSS software for data analysis.

Results: : Results showed that 25/6%patients from management type, 41/9%from facilities ,17/2% from behavior personality and 30/3% from public services are dissatisfaction.  A total of 12 variable were analyzed, and the results showed that: The education level, age, sex, type of refer, dealing with the bed shortage and occupations have the meaningful relation with their satisfaction rate. The one - variable - analyzers in the logistic regration  model showed that among the whole meaningful variables, the education level has the strongest relation with satisfaction. With increasing the education level, the satisfaction rate have been decreased.

Conclusion: Due to results satisfaction rate among participant of this study is good and accepted. Using of results is effective step in increase productivity services and further evaluation needed to be done for functional styles patient elderly satisfaction.

, , ,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2012)

Background: Medical tariff is one of the most important tools for health policy making in a country that influences equity, efficiency, quality and accountability of service deliveries. If relative values for different services are not determined correctly, it may have negative consequences on availability and sustainability of care. This study was designed to assess the challenges and respective solutions of the tariff system in Iranian health sectors. Materials & methods: This is a qualitative study, involving nine face to face interviews with health managers, policy makers and researchers at the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and relevant organizations, as well as public and private institutions and service providers who had experiences in medical tariff. We used the thematic framework method for analyzing qualitative data. Results: The problems and respective solutions were classified into stewardship power, policy making and surveillance for tariff setting, structural organization of medical tariff system, methods and principles of setting the tariffs, medical costs recording systems and other concepts related to the medical tariff system in the health sector. Conclusion: To improve medical tariffs system in the country, one need to have a deep understanding of the current challenges and potential solutions in different levels. It is advisable to follow a clear model based on focus on policy-making and stewardship of medical tariffs system as an important cornerstone of any effort to rectify the current situation.
B Delgoshaei , H Ravaghi , N Abolhassani,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Background: Developing countries request to alternative revenue resources. Iran as one of the developing countries with high potentiality for attracting medical tourist is seeking to enter medical tourism marketing .This study aimed to analyze the importance- performance of the Tehran as a capital city to medical tourism viewed by medical tourists and medical service providers. Materials and methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in Tehran selected hospitals in the 3th first months of 2011. The data were gathered by using a validated self-constructed questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistical techniques. Results: The results indicate that the majority of the medical tourists are attracted from the United Arab Emirates (22.3%). The respondents considered medical tourism factors as an importance (M=4/40±0/61).The Tehran selected hospitals` performance is average as related to medical tourism factors (M=2/75±0/66). Conclusion: Despite the importance given to medical tourism factors by medical tourists and medical services providers, Tehran selected hospitals` performance is an average and there is no serious attempts are being made to attract medical tourists at macro levels. In spite the quality, variety and costs of the medical services and equipments in the selected hospitals are satisfactory, international accreditation of the hospitals are still in a major problems
Z Kavousi , F Setoudehzade, E Kharazmi, R Khabiri , R Ravangard , H Rahimi ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Background: The inefficiency of financing health care in developing countries made led in manyhealth policy-makers to consider alternate means of service provisions. Outsourcing public financed health services in private sector organization is one of the interventions. Advocates claim that the contracting out of health care services will improve the service delivery performances throughstimulating competition among providers and also by creating economic incentives to improve performance through linking payment to provider performance. Materials and methods: The purpose of this cross sectional study was to provide decision matrix to guide decision-makers whether outsource hospital services or not. Tow kind of questionnaire were developed and used. Results: Findings showed that the most propensities of outsource is in nutrition services (87%), and the least is in nursing services (43.4%) based on administrators’ attitude. Shaping of decision matrixshowed propensity to outsourcing of nursing, radiology, laboratory services are high while nutrition services is been low.some differences between results of decision matrix and administrators’ propensity to outsourcing in radiology and laboratory services. Lack of attention in characteristics of the hospital services might be one of the reasons. Cost saving is the main reason for outsourcing the services while administrators should consider as an effect and side effect ofoutsourcings
M Arab, H Ghiasvand, Ra Darroudi, A Akbari Sari, M Hamidi, J Moghri,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Background: Regarding to the escalating costs of health care and limited resources in this field, the appropriate identification and control of costs is inevitable. This Study aimed to determine the unit cost of radiology services, in selected hospitals of TUMS.
Materials & Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective study. At first, we selected two hospitals (Shariati and Sina) out of general - teaching hospitals of TUMS randomly. After gathering data, using activity based costing method, the unit costs of radiography services in these centers in 1389 fiscal year (2010-2011) were calculated.
Results: The unit costs of radiography services in Shariati and Sina hospitals were 251255,5 and 334996,2 respectively. Building rent and human resources costs included the most share of total costs.
Conclusion: The unit cost of radiography services in this study is very different comparing with other studies. Calculated building rent costs in this study could be one of the possible reasons of this difference (other studies did not consider this costs). The other point is that, regarding the high share of human resources and building costs from total costs, special attention to these sources of costs and appropriate and adequate use of them, can be an important step toward improving the efficiency and cost savings in our national health system.

Z Agharahimi, M Mostofi, M Jafari, Ar Raesi Ahmad,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Background: Health service providers' attitude profoundly influence quality of patient care and safety, and lead to increase effectiveness, cost controlling and decreasing complaint. This study aims to examine staff attitudes' about patients' safety culture in Noor & Ali Asghar hospitals in Isfahan province.
Materials & Methods: The survey was a cross-sectional study and was done in 2011. Data were collected from all the staff groups in hospital (n=106). A standard questionnaire from Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) with a =79% is used to evaluate staff attitudes' toward different aspects of patients' safety culture. This study used SPSS 16.0 to perform the statistical analysis.
Results: The response rate for the survey was 89%. The study revealed that 53.7% of the personnel were not reporting errors in 12 months before. Results showed that the average of staff attitudes' scale toward patients' safety culture was (64±5.28) the highest scale was belong to supervisor/ manager expectations & actions promoting patient safety (72.8±15.8) and the lowest one to handoffs & transitions (56.4±14.8).
Conclusions: According to scale of staff attitudes about patients' safety culture and its effect on service quality, doing reengineering of work environment, Patients' Safety Initiatives including personnel collaborative, communication openness about error, designing of education plan and making error reporting should be recommended.

N Hassan Nejad,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Abstract: Background: Today one of the main problems low or middle income families face is financing healthcare costs. This article studies the methods of of financing health care costs among hospitalized diabetic patients in different types of insurances. Materials & Methods: This is a causal-comparative study. The variables consist of comparative (health care costs) and categorical(different insurance types including: Iran health insurance , social security and others) variables. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect needed data . The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA , Duncan`s statistical test test of Danken and T-test. Results: The results indicated a significant statistical differences between all types of insurance assessed by cost variables. Also the significant differences between patient`s out of pocket expenses ratio of direct costs (p<0.01،F=19.37) and their ratio of total costs (F=25.36, p<0.01) were detected in three types of insurances . Patient`s out of pocket of total cost was 59.55%, 50.34% and 32% in Iran health insurance, social security and other types respectively. Conclusion: In spite of all invested deal of efforts to improve health indices and health care services availability ,health care system is still faces main challenges of providing financial resources and protecting against financial burden on families . Developing a public health insurance and improving health insurance coverage would be helpful for providing financial resources of health care system.
J.s Tabrizi , K Gholipour , R Alipour , M Farahbakhsh , M Asghari-Jafarabadi, M Haghaei ,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Objective: This study was aimed to assess Service Quality (SQ) of maternity care from the perception of pregnant women. Methods and materials: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a sample of 185 pregnant women at the 9th month of pregnancy were selected randomly from 40 health posts and urban health centers in Tabriz, Iran. Service Quality was calculated using: SQ = 10 – (Importance × Performance) based on importance and performance of non-health aspects from the customer’ perspective. Data collection used a researcher-developed questionnaire whose validity and reliability was reviewed and confirmed. Data analyzed using SPSS-17 software. Independent sample T-test and ANOVA were used to investigate relationship between service quality dimensions and categorical variables. Results: From the customers’ perspective the average service quality score was 7.59 of 10. Service quality aspects of “confidentiality” achieved scores at the level of good quality (≥9) and “support group” (3.48) reached low service quality scores. Also, result indicate housewife assess SQ better than worker (p=0.047) and mother who's have planned pregnancy has had greater SQ score (p=0.022). Although, in the linear regression analysis, job status and planned pregnancy were significantly and independently related to SQ score. Conclusion: Findings revealed a significant room for quality improvement in most aspects of provided care, particularly support group and safety from the perception of people who received maternity care.
R Baradaran Kazemzadeh , M Sepehri , F Firouzi Jahantigh ,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background and purpose: Hospital is the largest and most important executive unit of healthcare system therefore, full consideration of how to assess its quality is of particular importance. A question is always raised as how to evaluate the quality of the services. The current study seeks to provide a fuzzy model for assessing the service quality in this healthcare sector. Material and method: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in two hospitals in Zahedan 2012.Via reviewing the related literature, the dimensions and components of service quality assessment were identified. The SERVQUAL questionnaire for hierarchical analyses was designed and the fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) model was presented. SPSS v 10.0 and Fuzzy TOPSIS Solver 2013 software were used to analyze data. Results: The findings indicated that the most important dimension for estimating the quality of healthcare services was empathy. Responsiveness, assurance, and tangible assets were the last important factors. The hospitals were compared using fuzzy AHP. According to the calculations, the ranking of the hospitals based on their performance was as follows: Imam Ali hospital with 31% compared to Social Security hospital with 29% had a better performance in service quality. Conclusion: The results revealed that hospitals needed to focus more on empathy, expertise and reliability than providing high quality and satisfactory services. By considering their weaknesses, each of these hospitals can enhance service quality and consequently, provide a better service for patients.
Reza Ahmadi Kahnali,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: The main mission of hospital is to promote care quality for patients and to meet their needs and expectations. The present study aims at identifying and prioritizing the patients’ expectations of the hospital services quality, which is considered to be the first step toward accomplishing such an important mission. Material & Methods: The present study is descriptive and applied. The data was collected through pairwise comparisons questionnaire that was distributed among 150 patients in a public hospital in Bandar Abbas, 104 patients filled out the questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by the use of AHP. Results: The results show that among the different dimensions of hospital service quality investigated in the present study, the patients listed 5 main dimensions in order of priority: accessibility (0.251), medical services(0.232), environment(0.202), administration(0.160), and relation(0.155). Among different criteria, access to medicine and blood(0.054) was the first priority and attention to the patient(0.010) was the low priority. Conclusion: Due to the key role of the patients in defining and assessment of service quality, the present study presents a framework for evaluation of hospital service quality according which the priorities of patients were determined. The managers are advised to prioritize the quality improvement practices based on the patients’ priorities in order to satisfy the patients and make the processes customer-oriented.
Jafar Sadegh Tabrizi, Saeide Alidoost, Amir Bahrami, Mohamad Asghari Jafarabadi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: Given the importance of quality in health care and meeting the needs of patients, it seems important to measure the quality of services and identify the weaknesses from the patients' perspective. The purpose of this study is to assess the service quality (SQ) of care as perceived by people with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 180 people with Type 2 diabetes in diabetes clinic using convenience sampling method in Tabriz, Iran in 2012. Service quality was calculated using: SQ=10 – (Importance ×Performance) based on importance and performance of non-health aspects from the patients' perspective. Validity and reliability of questionnaire was reviewed and confirmed. Independent sample T-test and ANOVA were used to investigate relationship between service quality and categorical variables. Data analyzed bySPSS13 software. Results: The average service quality score was 8.17 of 10. From the participants' perspective, of 12 aspects of service quality, communication and prevention had the highest score for importance. Dignity had the highest score for performance. However, the highest service quality values were for continuity of care, dignity and confidentiality. Conclusion: overall service quality achieved inadequate quality and there is an opportunity to improve quality of care.
Farbod Ebadifard Azar, Mohammad Arab, Morteza Badloo, Ehsan Rezaei,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: New manegerial approachfor hospital administration as one of the health system reforms with several goals including increased staff motivation were enforced. However, motivation and job satisfaction are two very important factors for survival of organisation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between paying the fee for service, motivation and job satisfaction using the expectancy theory of Victor Vroom. Method: The descriptive-analytic research conducted in a public hospital of Tehran city in 2013. The sample size was estimated 209 caseswhich selected by using Stratified sampling method.Information Through a three-part questionnaire containing personal informationwith 6 questions, expectations standard questionnaire with 25 questionsand job satisfaction standard questionnaire with 13 questions were collected. SPSS18 software was used for data analysis. ResultsIn all occupational groups other than physicians, direct significant relationship was observed between the Fee for service and job motivation. In all occupational groups except paraclinic, directly significant relationship between motivation and job satisfaction was observed. Among all occupational groups only in the Administration– Finance Group Direct significant relationship was observed between the Fee for service and job satisfaction. Conclusion: In this study, hospital staff had Above-average job satisfaction and job motivation lower than average. improving skills through training opportunities, Codification of appropriate Politics and Policies of reward–function and situating favorable bonus from view of the employee (According to motivational differences) are Examples of strategies to improve motivation
Hana Hasani, Rafat Mohebifar, Amene Barikani,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Background: understanding the patient expectations and perceptions of service quality is one of the requirements for improving quality of health services. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the gap between patient’s expectations and perceptions in five dimensions of service quality in hospitals affiliated with Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.

Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 298 patients at hospitals affiliated with Qazvin University of Medical Sciences; it is designed to evaluate the quality of health services based on client’s expectations and perceptions and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of service quality. Data collection was performed by standardized SERVQUAL questionnaire  to measure quality of services . the reliability and validity of this questionnaire has previously been confirmed by studies in Iran and other countries. Data analysis was done using SPSS software was performed.

Results: The results showed that there was significant correlation between patients’ expectations and perceptions in all dimensions of quality (p<0.05). The Reliability (2.36) and Assurance (2.24) dimensions have the most and responsiveness dimension (1.98) has the lowest gap. Also (A) and (D) hospitals have the most gap and (C) hospital has the lowest.

Conclusion: The negative gap (expectations more than perceptions) in all dimensions of quality showed that it is necessary to improve service quality in all dimensions. in order to reduce the gap of all five dimensions of quality and provide desired services, it is recommended that hospital managers by planning and their optimal management take the patients’ needs into account.

Mohammad Arab, Elham Movahed Kor, Mahmood Mahmoodi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Introduction: Major consideration on hospital emergency services had been taken into account in recent years. This study is aimed to analyze contributory factors of clients' satisfaction in services provided in emergency unit of selected hospitals affiliated with Tehran and Shahid Beheshti University of  Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study. 768 clients of emergency departments of selected hospitals had been chosen during last year as  samples . 3 general and 3 specialized hospitals had been chosen randomly among total hospitals affiliated with mentioned two universities . A questionnaire consisted of  54 questions in 2 sections had been used for data collection . Reliability and validity were confirmed by professors and 50-sample pilot study respectively. The alpha-cronbach was calculated at 0.87.Responsible rate had been determined at 97.66 % . The data had been analyzed by independent sample t-test, simple linear regression and linear multi-regression.

Results: The demographic characteristics of attendants were as follows: 57.3% women, 56.8%  over  45 years old , 63.1%  social insurance coverage, 92.7% urban residents , 56%  married, 58.7%  low education ( below high school level) and 68.4%  complementary insurance coverage. Clients had to pay more  for services provided by Shahid Beheshti University. Moreover, majority of the clients paid  their  expenditures by out-of-pocket and insurance. Clients were more satisfied with admission unit ,  gaurds, physicians, nursing cadre and environment provided by hospitals of Tehran university. On the other hand , in terms of management , clients were more satisfied with management approach provided by hospitals of Shahid Beheshti university . Totally , women , elderly people , urban residents , individuals who visited physicians out of referral system and also ones who came during physician presence felt more satisfaction .Generally , patients were more satisfied with services delivered by hospital affiliated  with Tehran university .   

Conclusion: Evaluating viewpoints of patients about quality of services result in promoting current trends of providing services.

Sajad Shokohyar, Hassan Kavyani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: in recent decades, Medical Tourism Industry has been mentioned by local countries because of its benefits such as high profits, more jobs creation and other benefits. High medical services quality is one of the most important factors developing this industry in health care centers. Therefore, concerning this issue this study assesses the provided medical services quality to the foreign patients by Medical Tourism Centers in Tehran city.

Materials and Methods: This study was an applicable and descriptive in term of purpose and nature repectively. This study conducted to assess provided services quality by Medical Tourism Centers evaluating 154 impatient foreign patients using SERVQUAL approach in ten swlwcted hospitals during March to April in 2014. Graded Integration method and terms of fuzzy set were performed considering complexcity and ambiguity in conceptualizing and weighting dimensions and indices.

Results: there was a negative gap and dissatisfaction in all dimensions and indices among foreign patients in the significant level p<0.05 except physicions and profession medical staff.

Conclusion: Considering the moderate situation of physicians and profession medical staff, modern medical facilities and equipment and appropriate medical costs comparing to services are the main factors of Medical Tourism Industry development, it is possible to enlarge Iran’s bazar portion of Medical Tourism Industry. 

Fateme Setoodehzadeh1, Mohsen Bayati, Zahra Kavosi, Mohammad Khammarnia,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: Approximately, more than 60 percent of the hospital costs allocate to hospital human resources. The study aimed at determining the number of nurses in the poisoning department of a general hospital in Shiraz.

Methods: This study was an applicable one based on hospital information.  Study population was patients who referred to a hospital poisoning department of Shiraz in 2012.  The medical records were checked up. Monthly stratified data was obtained from the statistics office and patient records (physician's orders and nursing notes) using a monthly systematic data collection randomly. Linear programming techniques using lingo version 8 software were performed to data analysis in order to calculating appropriate number of nurses.

Results: Two nurses in morning, two in evening, three in night and seven in all shifts were at least required nurses in the poisoning department of the general hospital. The number of available nurses was more than estimated number in the department.

Conclusion: The numbers of nurses were over the approximated number in the department in morning and evening shifts.  Besides, the estimated of nurses from quantitative methods such as linear programming were lower than those calculated experimentally by nursing managers. It is recommended to Hospital administrators considering these techniques calculation to achieve appropriate distribution of staff in departments.

Mohammad Noori, Nader Markazi Moghaddam, Reza Goudarzi, Zahra Meshkani,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background: Suitable budget allocation of organizational activities can deliver the resources distribution, enabling operational monitoring and providing expected access to the cost results. The aim of this study was to calculate the cost of final units in one of the Armed Forces Hospitals.

Materials and Methods: One of the Armed Forces Hospitals selected in 2013.Data gathered from all cost centers to costs calculation and evaluated based on theory of Activity-Based Costing analysis. General wards and intensive care units, operating rooms, dental, emergency and dialysis were considered as final units. Cost calculation performed using Excel software version 2007.

  • Total cost of hospital was 244,416 million rails in 2013 which direct and indirect allocated costs were 52% and 48%, respectively. The CCU, surgery ward, ICU and operating rooms had the highest and clinics and dental had the lowest in case of costs. More than 50 percent of the direct costs of all the units have been spent on manpower except the operating room. After labor costs, medication costs accounted for the largest percentage of direct spending units.

Conclusion: Paying attention to human resources in terms of number and distribution of all units especially in the final units, also considering medications use particularly in middle units and consumables in overhead ones especially can be result in reduction and adjusting hospital costs.

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