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Milad Shafiee, Mohammad Hossein Ghafoori, Fatemeh Aboee, Sara Forootan, Mohammad Arab,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2017)


  Background and Aim: Especially in the case of Hospital services, quality assesment is an complicated and vague issue. For achieving this goal Multiple Criteria Decision Making methods help us. These studies aims to knowledge and prioritize quality indicators and rank selected inpatient wards in an elected hospital of Tehran university of medical science by using Analytical Hierarchy Process and TOPSIS methods.

  Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional research. At the first, with an overview of the research literature and expert opinion, indicators of quality assessment were selected. Then we did prioritization of these indicators with using of expert opinion and AHP method. In the final stage, selected inpatient wards the Hospital were ranked in terms of quality of service using TOPSIS by a sample consist of 300 of inpatients.

  Results: Eight main domains (Responsiveness, Safety and risk management, Tangibles, attention to patient, Health communications, Competency and professionalism, accessibility, Credit and assurance) were selected for quality assessment. Among these indicators, competency had the highest priority and attention to patient had the lowest priority. Also the department of Heart had the highest quality of service and the department of Neurology had the lowest quality.

  Conclusion: According to crucial role of the service quality on patients’ satisfaction, the use of appropriate indicators for quality of services, prioritizing them and also proper assessment of the quality of hospital services can play a major role in health policies.

Ali Moradi, Khaled Rahmani, Dr Ebrahim Jaafaripooyan, Rasoul Yarahmadi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Introduction: Since incorrect selection of  a manager might lead to incorrect choices of other members, organizations need to consider this important issue  and use well-sought mechanisms for managers’ selection process. Accordingly, this study aims to rank the key factors associated with the selection of operational managers in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This research employed a logical and systematic trend to develop and rank the indicators using fuzzy TOPSIS method. In order for prioritization of key indicators of qualification of operational-level;  after reviewing the literature and using experts’ viewpoints , the dimensions of performance have been selected and using, the SMART technique the key criteria were weighted. A validated and reliable questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: Fifty individuals participated in this study. 37 (74%) and 13 (26%) were male and female respectively. The mean and standard deviation of age of participants were 41.68 and 7.06 years. Literature reviews and related studies indicated 48 indices  for choosing qualified managers. Among these, according to the  expert’s opinion in management science and managers, 36 indices were selected as key indicators. Based on the FTOPSIS analysis, indicators of higher education in the field of management, compliance time, power of expression, adornment and belief in law and order achieved coefficients as 0.205, 0.204, 0.203, 0.202 and 0.197, rank first to fifth.
Conclusion: According to the results management related education and expertise in technical aspects of organizational management control  were at the top of ranking . Results of this study can help  medical universities and health service organizations to develop guidelines for selecting their managers.

Shima Tasharoei, Dr Ali Jahan, Dr Kamran Ghods,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Introduction: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in hospitals is one of the most sensitive and costly units which is really important due to safety and health of patients during their stay in these units. Hence, considering the potential risks in this unit, treatment operations for eliminating or decreasing risks are very important. Among these intensive care units, the most important one is the open-heart surgery unit which may have irreparable damages due to vulnerability of these patients in the process of their transfer, care, and discharge. The present study aims to identify the potential risks and offer solutions for eliminating or decreasing them.
Method: In this research, we used Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, which is a very useful method for evaluating and managing the risks, to prioritize risk factors. Due to some limitations of the method, fuzzy FMEA and fuzzy TOPSIS methods were also used in order to have more precise results and then the results were compared with each other.
Results: The suggested approach was implemented in ICU-OH (open-heart) unit of Kowsar hospital in Semnan. Finally, nineteen factors were recognized as major risk factors. Also, corrective actions were determined for all detected risks that can be pursued according to their priorities.
Conclusions: Factors including not observing hemodynamic signs, not considering patient safety and security, and inability to interpret arterial gas valve abnormalities are the three top risk factors that can be addressed through training and having more control on nurses.
Somayeh Fadaei, Mostafa Kazemi, Fateme Nezhad Shokoohi,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (4-2020)

Background: Assessing and improving the quality of services in hospitals because deal with the health of humans is very important. The purpose of this study is to identify and weigh quality criteria and ranking of four hospitals in Mashhad.
Materials & Methods: The present study is of type  Applied Studies  that is a cross-sectional study conducted in the winter of 1396. In this study, by literature review, dimensions of service quality in the hospital was identified. Then, a paired comparison questionnaire (including 8 people) was used to conduct the survey. Then coefficients of importance of each dimension were calculated through the process of hierarchical analysis in a fuzzy environment. Decision-making matrix questionnaire was completed by a 400-person sample of patient companions in four hospitals.Then, hospitals were ranked using GRA-TOPSIS method. The validity of questionnaires were confirmed by the expert group.
Results:Using FAHP, knowledge and skills of medicine obtained the most important coefficient. Also, using GRA-TOPSIS, third hospital received the fourth place in the provision of services. Also in the third hospital the quality of access requires the greatest improvement.
Conclusion: In addition to ranking hospitals based on quality of service criteria, the GRA-TOPSIS method is able to identify each hospital's weaknesses in each criterion. As a result, the priorities for improving the quality of service in each hospital were identified, and the hospital manager could work to improve performance on the criteria that he or she achieved with lower performance than other hospitals.
Rohollh Hosseini, Anis Javanmard,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Background: Achieving goals and developing hospital services depends on competence and optimal management. There will be competent managers who can be successful in performing managerial roles. Playing the roles supports the management in the direction of efficiency, administration and optimal management of the hospital. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and prioritize the roles of management in the hospital from the experts' point of view.
Materials and Methods: This research has a practical purpose and a descriptive and analytical approach. The statistical sample of the research included 65 experts from Imam Khomeini (RA) Al-Shatar Hospital, who were identified based on the snowball and selective sampling method. In this study, a self-made matrix questionnaire whose validity has been confirmed by experts was used to collect data. TOPSIS technique was used to analyze the data. In this study, five criteria and three main roles, which include 10 secondary roles, were identified
Results: The data analysis showed that the promotion of organizational commitment with the percentage of importance (23.2%) with the most important criterion, followed by organizational improvement criteria (20.9%), coordination and coherence (19.4%), promotion of employees' job motivation (7%) 18.00) and improvement of performance efficiency (18.4%) are ranked as effective indicators respectively. Also, the sub-role of analyst supervisor (0.926) was introduced as the most important role among the sub-roles of management in the hospital.
Conclusion: Considering that the role of decision-making was introduced as the most important role, as well as the consequences of decisions on the present and future of the hospital, it is necessary for the hospital management to pay more attention and importance to the role of decision-making in order to make optimal decisions.

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