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Showing 28 results for Nurses

L Vali, R Ravangard,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2009)

Background: Nowadays, health care section is one of the most important parts of sustained development in human societies because of having relationship with human health. Achieving this goal needs to have healthy and motivational staff, including nurses. We see nurses in all hospital wards who have been interested in their works when entering the hospital, but feel fatigue after several years and may give up their jobs. This survey has been conducted to study of effective factors on nurses' job motivation in Kerman University of Medical Sciences hospitals.

Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey that studies 232 nurses occupied in Kerman university of medical sciences' hospital inpatient wards who were selected by stratified random sampling using a questionnaire which had 31 questions in 5 area: psychological, educational, financial, administrative and welfare factors. For determining the reliability of questionnaire, we conducted a pilot study and its _Krunbakh was 0.92. we used spss11.5 and Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests to analyze data.

Results: The results show the statistical relationships between welfare factor and hospital type (P=0.012), between psychological factor with sex, job experience and marital status (respectively, p=0/002, p=0/043 and p=0/011). But there weren't any statistical relationships between nurses' age and educational status and the studied area of motivation.

Conclusion: In this study, nurses who have following characteristics, have also better motivation status: occupying in hospital B, being married, being man, having master of science degree, having more than 10 years job experience and being between 30-40 years old.

Abolghasem Pourreza, Mohammad Reza Monazam, Marzieh Abassinia, Mehdi Asghari, Hosein Safari, Mohammad Sorani, Farhad Habibi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2012)

Background: Job Burnout is one of the important factors to reduce productivity, making mental and physical adverse effects on jobs related to human services and losing efficient manpower by considering the important role of nurses in the health care systems. This study has been done to survey the association between mental health and job burnout syndrome among nurses' staff in training hospitals in Qom province.

Materials & Methods: This is an analytic-descriptive study which has been performed among 200 nurses personnel in the training hospitals of Qom province with applying proboblity multistage statistical method.Three quetionnaires including demographic data,general health and Maslach,s Burnout questionnaire (Inventory) were used to data gathering by which validity and reliability were certified in the previous studies. Data analyzed by SPSS18. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, inferential statistics (Chi-square test and correlation coefficient of spearman and pearson) and also man-whitney test applied.
Results: Average score of job burnout was 60.8. Respecting general health, 53% of nurses was in danger. Average score of emotional fatique,the personalization and personal accomplishment was 27.2,12.17 and 21.7,respectively. 50 percent of nurses had physical dysfunction,44.5% suffered from anxiety and sleep disorders, 32.5 and 44.5% had social dysfunction and depression, respectively. There was a significant correlation between burnout syndrome and general health. Based on the spearman correlation test, there was a significant correlation between emotional fatique and physical disorders, anxiety and sleep disorders and social dysfunction.
Conclusion: Regarding srtessful nature of nursing job and high prevalence of disorders in general and mental health of nurses incomparision to others and also high prevalence of burnout among nurses in Qom province,it is nesecary to decrease these sort of problems through applying arrangements such as enhancing motivation, increasing work stability, increasing job satisfaction, clearance in how individuals respond to take actions and tasks division among personnels to reduce workload.

A Kafashpour, S Mortazavi, S Pour,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Background: Organizational commitment among nurses as care providers provided the quality of patient care by their conservation. Therefore, nurses are committed to the investment and the competitive advantage of clinics and hospitals which have a significant impact on increasing the quality of services. In this study, the effect of psychological contracts and organizational trust studied
as an organizational commitment of Ghaem hospital nurses in Mashhad province.
Materials and methods: Strategy survey - analysis of data obtained for the study of 193 Ghaem hospital nurses in the city of Mashhad through distributed questionnaires by the structural equations and partial the least squares method to seek the help of software were analyzed.
Results: The results indicated that the first, model of the material used has a strong theoretical model that is to predict nurses' organizational commitment. Secondly, all direct and indirect relationships between variables in the model were significant. But the relationship between organizational trust and nurses' continuous commitment was not confirmed.
Conclusion: This study indicates not only depends on nurses' organizational commitment to creating positive psychological space, but also they are in the reliability of this space gives rise to the obligation. On the other hand, the quality of the organizational commitment for nurses could be effective and efficient in use of available resources. Therefore, hospital administrators need to be more attention to an effective component of organizational commitment as supply facilities, participate in decision making, good communication, and job enrichment.

R Shahrabadi , B Moeini , Gh Roshanai , S Dashti , V Kafami , M Haghighi ,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background: Health care providers`culture about the patient safety means accepting and considering patient safety as the first priority and organizational core value or health center`s staffs beliefs, perceptions and trends of on patient safetywhich is reflected in their behavior. This study is aimed to assess nurses perceptions of patient safety culture`s dimensions which is working in hamadan`s hospital. Materials & Methods:The method of this study is descriptive- analytical type and statistical society includes 215 nurses of 3 hospitals of Hamadan which had been selected by random sampling. Stanford patient safety culture questionnaire was used to assess dimensions of patient safety culture.The data were analyzed by SPSS 15 software and descriptive tests. Results: The result indicated that all dimensions of patient safety culture through nurses` perception are weak . Among these dimensions, the " Unit Leadership for Safety " with 25.21 percentage and "Learning and Feedback " with 41.82 percentage were the lowest and highest positive rating in all three hospitals respictively . Conclusion: According to weak rate of all patient safety culture`s dimensions in studied hospitals, performing training programs by head nurses is suggested in order to improve cultural concepts such as establishing “supportive mechanisms for patients families” and "culture of discussion of errors among nurses" .
J Saeidpour, M Ghazi Asgar, H Rahmani, M Khoshkho,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Background: Educating patients and improving their self-care skills are main factors to achieve maintaining and improving health as health care organizations prime priorities all over the world. This study is aimed to assess nurses and doctors viewpoints on obstacles and facilitators of educating patients. Materials and Methods :This quasi experimental research were undertaken in Kermanshah Razi hospital.85 nurses and doctors were selected by Simple Random Sampling method. The data were collected by a questionnaire based on Likert scale consisted 32 questions in 3 parts. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed by Content validity and Test-Retest methods respectively. Results : Shortage of nurses and lack of sufficient financial resources among inhibiting factors and holding seminars on teaching and learning strategies and also considering educating patients as a annual evaluation determinant among enhancing factors were the most important ones . Conclusion: Providing efficient resources and facilities and running personnel`s training courses seems necessary to overcome current obstacles.
Dr Mohammad Moosavi Jed, Dr Siroos Ghanbari, Khalil Zandi, Bita Rafeizad, Hamed Seifpanahi, Maryam Noradini,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Abstract: Background: According to reports, the nurses frequently and directly are faced with the deaths, suffering and pain, thus a major mechanism for administrators is empowering of staff. With this approach, the object of study was examining the role of ethical leadership at promote nurses' psychological empowerment. Material and Methods: Considering the purpose of this study, it was applied & considering the data collection methods, it was descriptive –analytical. Statistical population was nurses in working in Sanandaj public hospitals (410 people) and 148 subjects were selected using random sampling. Data gathering tools were two questionnaires: Ethical Leadership (Salehnia: 2012) and psychological empowerment Questionnaire (Wooten & Cameron, 1998). Data analysis was performed by SPSS (Version 16) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Pearson correlation test and Multiple Regression (Method: Enter). Results: Results showed that the items of questionnaires can be reduced to the fundamental dimensions. Results also showed that there was a significant relationship between ethical leadership and psychological empowerment. Finally, it was found that components of Pattern and Pragmatism are predictive of psychological empowerment. Conclusion: According to study findings, hospital Administrators can by display appropriate ethical behaviors and efforts to strengthen interpersonal relationships and encourage such behaviors among members provide Contexts improving nurses' Psychological Empowerment
Amir Ashkan Nasiripour, Mehrak Pourmotahari,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background: Nowadays, quality of working life as a universal concept of human resource management and organizational development have been regarded and improving it, is key to successfully managing any organization. This study was conducted to survey   Relationship between Quality of working life and Work-family conflict among Nurses of Hospitals in Tehran.

Materials and Methods: This study is descriptive –analytic that performed cross sectional. The study population was the nurses of the hospitals of the Tehran University of Medical  sciences (N=215).The data was gathered using two questionnaires , Quality  of working life components of Casio and questionnaire of work-family conflict prepared based on Carlson. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. Spearman correlation test was used for statistical analysis.

Results: There was no significant relationship between Education and work facilities (Quality of  working  life components) with the work-family conflict (p >0.05).but  relationship between the democracy, participation in decision making, job design, workplace in organization with the work-family conflict was significant (p <0.05).finally,  between Quality of  working  life  and  work-family conflict a significant relationship was observed (p <0.001).

Conclusion: Because the significant relationship was observed between the Quality of working life and work-family conflict among the nurses, It can be concluded that Work-family conflict be reduced with improve of Quality of working life.

Ghaseminejad, Tavafian, Heidarnia,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Introduction: Low back pain is a common problem among nurses. the purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness of physical health educational program on the quality of life of nursing staff with chronic low back pain working in hospitals in yazd.  

Methood: This semi experimental study was carried over 119  employees with chronic low back pain working in hospitals in yazd in both intervention (n=60)and control (n=59) groups. The intervention group participated in a training program included a - 180 minutes education session. Data were collected through using the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire (SF-36) at base line and 3- month follow up and analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics.

Conclusion: This study showed the physical dimensions of quality of life including physical functioning , role physical , bodily pain and general health in the intervention group with mean age of  72/32,58/18,59/96,69/10 respectively were improved in compare with the same dimensions in control group with mean age of  60/50,47/88,38/05,51/27  at 3- month follow up (P<0/0001). There were no significant improvement in terms of mental component of quality of life in intervention (P=0/855).

Results: The results indicated the educational program could be effective on physical functioning, role physical, bodily pain and general health.

Fateme Setoodehzadeh1, Mohsen Bayati, Zahra Kavosi, Mohammad Khammarnia,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background: Approximately, more than 60 percent of the hospital costs allocate to hospital human resources. The study aimed at determining the number of nurses in the poisoning department of a general hospital in Shiraz.

Methods: This study was an applicable one based on hospital information.  Study population was patients who referred to a hospital poisoning department of Shiraz in 2012.  The medical records were checked up. Monthly stratified data was obtained from the statistics office and patient records (physician's orders and nursing notes) using a monthly systematic data collection randomly. Linear programming techniques using lingo version 8 software were performed to data analysis in order to calculating appropriate number of nurses.

Results: Two nurses in morning, two in evening, three in night and seven in all shifts were at least required nurses in the poisoning department of the general hospital. The number of available nurses was more than estimated number in the department.

Conclusion: The numbers of nurses were over the approximated number in the department in morning and evening shifts.  Besides, the estimated of nurses from quantitative methods such as linear programming were lower than those calculated experimentally by nursing managers. It is recommended to Hospital administrators considering these techniques calculation to achieve appropriate distribution of staff in departments.

Hojat Habibi, Alireza Mooghali, Foruzan Habibi, Mehrdad Ahmadi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background: ‌ Based on increasing the privatization in hospitals, conducting researches in various fields of private hospitals and comparison with public hospitals is greatly felt.This study aimed at investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and burnout among employed nurses in selected public and private hospitals in Shiraz city.

Materials and Methods: This was a comparative-correlational study. The study population was composed of employed nurses in public and private hospitals in Shiraz city in 2012. sample size was estimated 320 using Cochran formula. The questionnaire of Spector job satisfaction” and “Maslach burnout” were used for data collection. Study conducted in two private and two public hospitals in Shiraz and data gathered randomly among nurses. In order to analysis descriptive and interfere statistics including mean and standard error, Pearson correlation coefficient, MANOVA and independent t- test.

Results: There was a significant and negative relationship among job satisfaction and three dimensions of job burnout in both public and private sectors (p<0.001). In addition, the results revealed that there was a significant difference among the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization between private and public sectors (p<0.05).  However, there was no significant difference between job satisfaction and reduced productivity performance of these two sectors.

Conclusion: According to the findings, by increase in the nurses' job satisfaction, particularly in the public sector, the adverse effects of burnout can be prevented.

Hossien Ansari, Mohammad Abbasi, ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background: There is close relationship between  quality of life and human health. Since, nurses as the most important health Provider group, they  should have a desirable quality of life. This study aimed  at evaluating the quality of life and related variables among nurses in Zahedan  University of Medical Sciences hospitals.

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive analytic study the Iranian version of SF-36 was utilized to assess nursing quality of life. Data analyzed using  Stata  version 12. logistic regression was used to determine quality of life predictors.

Results: Three hundred women nurses (77.9%) with mean age of 31.6 ± 6/6 years were assessed. The mean of work experience was 7.55± 6.8 years. The most quality of life score was related to Physical domain (39.6 ± 11.8) and social function had the least score(8.2±6.7). Logistic regression analysis revealed marital status, overtime work, working shift Pattern and work experience were quality of life  predictors (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Study results represented  undesirable quality of life among nurses. Low quality of life can affect services quality of nursing. Nursing administrators can  improve nursing quality of life by setting up and adjusting overtime set up and adjust overtime shift based on work experience .

Mahdi Kouchakzadeh, Zohreh Sohrabi, Ali Mohamad Mosadegh Rad,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background: The emotional intelligence of nurses has several effects on their behavior skills. In this study, the relation between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Communication Skills (CS) among emergency unit nurses was assessed.

Materials and Methods: In the descriptive analytical study, 253 nurses of fifteen IUMS hospitals were selected using census sampling method. The Golmans instrument for EI assessment and self -administered CS questionnaire filled by study participants. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire confirmed. SPSS software version 18 utilized to analysis using ANOVA, Spearman correlation test and Pearson correlation coefficient.

Results: mean of total EI estimated 78.31 which the highest and lowest score were in self-cognitive dimension (20.83) and self-management dimension (18.19) respectively. The total mean of CS was 70.90. There was a significant statistical correlation between EI and CS (r=0. 775, p<0.001). Moreover, there was a significant statistical correlation between CS and four dimensions of EI.

Conclusion: Based on study results, emotional intelligence and its dimensions had positive effect on communication skills among emergency unit nurses. Hospital managers can reinforce emotional intelligence by providing educational sessions. They should promote communication skills in emergency unit nurses and provide improvement emergency services quality.  

Marziye Kheirmand, Farzad Kheirmand, Ayoub Pazhouhan ,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background: Nursing is considered as one of the most stressful occupation which influences their quality of work and life. The inevitable fact of occupational stress and low emotional intelligence management leads to negative effect on the nurses’ performance. The study aimed at determining the relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress among the nurses of alzahra hospital in Isfahan.

Materials and Methods: This study was an applied and descriptive survey. The study population consisted of 960 nurses of alzahra hospital in Isfahan. Sample size calculated 247 using Cochran formula. Sampling method was stratified random sampling. Data gathering was used by two questionnaires including emotional intelligence (sybershring) with 0.85 reliability coefficient and Health and Safety Institution of England (HSE) questionnaire with 0.84 reliability coefficients. Data analysis performed by SPSS software using independent t-test and Pierson Correlation Coefficient tests.

Results: Findings revealed that the stress level and its measuring scales such as expectations, control, management support, colleague’s support and role ranked more and the interrelation scale  ranked less than average among nurses. Emotional intelligence level of nurses and scales such as self-awareness and self-regulation ranked average  and empathy, self-motivation and social skills ranked less than average. Therefore, there was a significant relation between the emotional intelligence level and nurses' stress in p<0.05. With increasing the emotional intelligence level, the occupational stress in nurses decreased.

Conclusions: Having emotional intelligence skills can result in experiencing stress less and improving nursing performance; and better service quality among patients.  Hence, hospital’s managers should be adopting proper policies with respect to the emotional intelligence.

Mohammad Arab, Yeganeh Hayati, Elham Movahed Kor, Mostafa Hosseini,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background: Nowadays, managers should develop working conditions which attracts new nurses, retains current nurses and prevents their absenteeism. This study at aim at determining Effective Factor Analysis on Health Related Absence among Nurses of Clinical Wards in General Hospitals Affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Materials and Methods: four hundred nurses of clinical wards selected as sample size to participate in this descriptive-analytical; cross-sectional study from general hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The instrument was a questionnaire in 100 items and two sections including demographic characteristics (13 items) and effective factors of sickness absence (organizational-directorial factors in 49 questions, physical factors in 16 questions and mental factors in 22 questions). The validity of questionnaire confirmed by experts and reliability was calculated 0.79.Absenssism criterion was based on Rajbhandary and Basu' definition (2010); total numbers of days that they didn't present at ward/hospital due to sickness. Data gathered retrospectively from nurses' records. Data analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics tests, simple and multiple linear regressions.

Results: The mean age of participants was 44.97±5.910 and 73.8 of them were women. Explaining power of predicting factors was very well (F=71.121, P<0.01). Variables such as Marital Status (β=0.150, P<0.001), ward's type (β=-0.553, P<0.001), physical factors (β=0.101, P=0.001) and mental factors (β=0.226, P<0.001) explained 42% of the absence variance.

Conclusion: considering some aspects such as physical and mental factors and also health issues of nursing staff  based on wards' type  can be result in  absenteeism reduction. 

Ali Mohammadzadeh, Majid Vahedi, Karim Ghorbani, Esa Jafari,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background: Given that Tabriz Shohada hospital is the place of admitting emergency patients including accident victims, Nurses are exposed to double stress at hospital. This study conducted to predict nursing stress based on personality traits and job engagement among nurses in Shohada hospital of Tabriz.

Materials and Methods: The current study was a correlational one. Randomly selected 105 nurses from Tabriz Shohada hospital sections such as sixth general sections including Rehabilitation, ICU & Emergency Department participated. Contributors answered to Nursing Stress Scale, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised (EPQ-R) and Job Engagement Scale. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression analysis.

Results: The study results indicated that nursing stress was more strongly associated with the neuroticism; there were no relationships among nursing stress and extraversion or psychoticism. Also, nursing stress revealed a positive relationship with job engagement. Using the multivariate regression analysis showed that the neuroticism trait (p< 0.001, F=10.68) and job engagement (p= 0.004, F=10.12) were suitable predictors for nursing stress among three personality factors and job engagement.

Conclusions: Nursing stress influenced by internal factors more than demographic variables and two important predictive variables (neuroticism trait and job engagement) had more important roles in nursing stress prediction.

Abdorrahman Mosahneh, Batol Ahmadi, Ali Akbarisari, Abbas Rahimi Foroshani,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (8-2016)

Introduction: Medication process to patients is one of the most important tasks of nurses and doing in correct way can play a significant role in patient safety. This issue is the most significant part of quality care which consisted of patient safety as the impotant element. Medication errors are the main threatening factors of patients' safety. This study aimed at assessing the causes of medication errors from the nurses' viewpoints

Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive-sectional-analytical one which was done in 2013. The study population consisted of 232 nursing staff of Abadan hospitals(Imam khomeini,Taleghani,Shahidbeheshti ,17shahrivar) which were covered by Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences,Oil Company and Social Security Organization ,respectively. Study instrument was a two part questionnaire including demographic - occupational information and causes of medication errors in 28 items in four fields (nurse, ward, nursing management and pharmaceutical causes).Content validity of questionnaire provided by review of related papers and experts'openion and required correction was performed.reliability of questionnaire was estimated 0.91 using Cronbach's alpha method.

Results: the most important causes of medication errors included shortage of nurses in propration to patient(%44),compression of work in ward(%36.2),fatigue due to over work(%35.8),illegible physician oder(%24.5),anxiety and stress due to work(%25),noise in ward(%22.4),nurse dissatisfaction of salary(%29.7) and similarity in medicine shape(%14.7) respectively.

Conclusion: Management causes such as nursing shortage, organizational factors such as compression of work in ward and some factors like nurses' fatigue had the most effect on occurance of medication errors among nurses. Thus, organizational processes reform and hospital organization to improve service quality and patient safety in order to resolve nurses' problems.

Dr. Nader Markazi Moghaddam, Reyhaneh Rahmati, Dr. Mojgan Mohammadimehr, Ebadollah Shiri, Dr. Sanaz Zargar Balaye Jame,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Background: Beside qualified and capable nursing personnel, nursing care development requires motivated nurses to work in an appropriate environment. This study aimed  at determining the relationship between organizational climate and nurses' job motivation in selected Army hospitals of Tehran city in 2015.

Materials and Methods: In this study was a descriptive -analytical and cross sectional one. The sample size consisted of 340 employed nurses in hospitals with at least one year work experience which were stratified randomly selected based on work experience among four army hospitals in Tehran. Data were collected using two questionnaires including job motivation and organizational climate. In order to data .analysis, descriptive and analytical tests such as Pearson correlation coefficient were utilized.

Results: One hundred and eighty nine of participants (55.4%) were female. Mean age of nurses’ average was 32.22 ±9.8 years. More than half of nurses had evaluated group spirit as high level and hindrance, engagement, intimacy, consideration, spacing, thrust and production emphasis as moderate level. There was a direct significant relationship between all components of job motivation and engagement, intimacy, consideration, spacing, thrust and production emphasis (P<0.05). Furthermore, mental and official components of job motivation had an inverse significant relationship with hindrance component respectively (P=0.014, P=0.019).

Conclusion: Regarding the relationship between all components of the organizational climate with job motivation, attempt to improve these components will have significant impact on motivation improvement, reducing absenteeism and job dissatisfaction.

Ayub Faizy, Ehsan Azimpoor, Dr Taghi Zavvar,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background: This study aimed to determine the role of core self-evaluation and job autonomy on nurses' job performance in Sanandaj public hospitals.


Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive and correlational one. The study population consisted of the nurses who work in Sanandaj city public hospitals, selected 213 people using stratified random sampling in 2016. In order to data gathering, Paterson job performance scale (1990), Judje et al. core self-evaluation scale (2003) and Gunster job autonomy (1989) were used. Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis and multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA) were performed to data analysis.


Results: Study results revealed that mean score and SD of core self-evaluation, job autonomy and job performance were 43.84 ± 5.52, 42.65 ± 10.26 and 52.81 ± 5.85 respectively. So that, mean of core self-evaluation and job performance were desirable and job autonomy was at the intermediate level. Also, there was a significant association between core self-evaluation and nurses' performance which this variable was able to predict 15% of job performance variance. While, there was no significant association between job autonomy and nurses' job performance. Also, the study results revealed that there was a significant difference between core self-evaluation and job performance among male and female nurses.


Conclusion: Based on study results, core self-evaluation has a significant association with job performance which can predict it among nurses. 

Dr Roohollah Askari, Naeimeh Keyghobadi, Fateme Jafari Nodoushan, Dr Sima Rafiei,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (11-2017)

Background: One of the main principles in comprehensive care giving in nursing is spirituality and spiritual care which has been addressed to have a crucial role in providing more effective treatment in patients. This study aimed to assess nurses’ attitude toward spirituality and spiritual care in hospitals affiliated to Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in 2016.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among 133 nurses employed in three selected teaching hospitals affiliated to Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in 2016. Data collection was performed through a two- section standard SSCRS questionnaire (The Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale) including spirituality (n=15 items) and spirituality care (n=8 items). To data analyze SPSS software version 22 was utilized. Significance level was set less than 0.05.
Results: The mean score of attitude toward spirituality and spiritual care were calculated relatively 31.15±7.89 and 21.05±5.5, respectively. Furthermore, there was a significant statistical association between nurses’ attitude with gender (p=0.01) and job category (p=0.03). given that, there was no significant association between age, educational level, employment and marital status.
Conclusion: Based on study findings, attitude toward spirituality were more desirable compare to spiritual care among nurses. Thus, more training and awareness can have affecting effects on clinical care and treatment quality potentially in spite of positive attitude toward spirituality. 
Dr Sima Rafiei, Mohammad Zakaria Kiaiei, Pejman Sadeghi, Vahid Makhtoomi, Donya Asghari,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Background: One of the main important factors which affects nurses' job performance and potentially influences their capability in accomplishing their tasks and responsibilities is job burnout (JB). This study aimed to investigate the moderating role of JB on the relationship between QWL and job performance among nurses' employees in emergency departments of five training hospitals affiliated to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2017.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among 178 nurses' employees in emergency departments of five teaching hospitals affiliated to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2017. In order to assess main variables of present study, three standard questionnaires consisted of Walton QWL, Maslach and Jackson job burnout and Paterson job performance were used. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and moderated multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data. The level of significance was set less than 0.05.
Results: Study results revealed that most of the nursing staff had a low level of QWL, experienced a considerable JB with a moderate to high level of performance. Furthermore, QWL predicted 21% of variances regarding to job performance (R2=0.21, p=0.04). The moderated multiple regression results supported the hypothesis that JB had a significant effect on the relationship between QWL and nurses' job performance (β≠0, p=0.02).
Conclusion: Considering the importance of QWL and efforts to develop an appropriate condition to promote different aspects of QWL would play an important role in nurses' productivity and accomplishment of their performance goals.

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