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A.r. Davoudian Talab, A. Afshin, F. Mahmodi, F. Emadi , F.d. Akbari , S. Bazdar,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: In theexperienceof pain,thesensory andthe emotional components should be considered. Emotionalcomponents of the painincludea variety of emotional states which depression is the most importantone. Thus, in this study, first, musculoskeletal pain was compared between depressedand non-depressed industrial workersand then otherphysical anddemographicfactorsinfluencing thedepression andmusculoskeletal disorderwere studied.

Method and material: Thiscross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study was conductedin 2012, among 179 industrial workers in Shiraz city.In this study,the participantswere selected throughcensus.The data collection instruments were three questionnaires including Body Discomfort Chart (BDC), visual analogue scale type, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and demographic informationquestionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using SPSSsoftware version 16. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests wereemployedfor comparison of variables and Kendall correlationwas used for determining the relationship between variables.

Results: Findings of the study showed that the maximum (19%) and the minimum (3.4%) painwere belonged to back and arm/forearm, respectively. Furthermore, 36.2% of participantshad a low-to-acute level of depression. Comparison of musculoskeletal disorders betweendepressed and non-depressed workers with Mann-Whitney Test manifested a significant different in head/neck, back,left hand/wrist,right hip and knee (p<0.05).Also Kruskal Wallis statistical test showed no significant differences in depression levelamong various occupational groups,however, painsignificantly differed among various groupsin a way that its rate was higher for office workers,comparing to other groups.

Conclusion: The higher score of depression among workerswith musculoskeletal pain can be due to failure in pain relief achievement. Psychological problemsthatoccurfollowingchronicpainarerelated to continuous discomfort, frustration and thinking about the pain. This situation causes the feelings of inadequacy and inefficiency and consequently the increase ofprobability of depression.

Farzad Khalili, Afshin Marzban, Mahmoud Ghaseminejad, Abdollah Hayati,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2024)

Introduction: Sugarcane is an important and strategic product in many countries, including Iran. While the introduction of mechanization, e.g., sugarcane harvesting machines, has significantly enhanced the production process, operators of these machines still face many ergonomic and safety challenges. 
Material and Methods: The present study investigated the ergonomic status of sugarcane harvester operators by examining some of their physiological and physical evaluations. Physiological evaluations included heart rate, oral temperature, and energy consumption of the operators, perceptual strain index, and physiological strain index. Physical evaluation included estimating the amount of pain and discomfort in body segments. The correlation between pain and discomfort of body parts with some demographic and physiological indices of users was investigated using IBM SPSS 24 software.
Results: Sugarcane harvester operators’ heart rate, energy consumption, and physiological strain index were 79.05 beats/min, 18.81 kJ/min, and 0.83, respectively. The average of three indices of thermal sensation, perceived exertion of activity, and perceptual strain index were estimated as 4.40, 9.21, and 8.86, respectively.
Conclusion: Pain and discomfort in the neck and back segments, like many agricultural activities, had the highest rate among the body parts. Also, shorter and thinner operators reported higher pain and discomfort in some segments of the body. 

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