Mahsa Mapar, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Nabiollah Mansouri, Reza Arjmandi, Reza Azizinejad,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2018)
Introduction: The responsibility of achieving sustainable development goals in most megacities and subsequently in Tehran megacity are in charge of the municipalities. Since, the goal of municipalities in environmental-friendly activities is to protect the physical and mental health of citizens. Therefore, the sustainability assessment of health performance in municipalities is one of the most significant issues in the field of municipal sustainable development of megacities. The Objective of this study was to develop a tool for assessing the sustainability performance of Tehran municipality in the field of health- related activities and services.
Material and Method: In this research the main sustainability indicators in the field of health performance were extracted and localized by providing an indicator-based tool for Tehran municipality as a case study. To determine the initial set of effective indicators, guidelines and standards related to health sustainability issues were surveyed, and an initial set of indicators were extracted. Afterward, a two-round Delphi method was applied by 12 qualified experts to select the most robust indicators of Health performance and assign the importance of the inclusion for each proposed indicator on a seven-point Likert scale. The mean value set to 70% and the standard deviation less than 1 were considered as the cut value.
Result: The findings resulted in extracting 11 main categories and 28 sustainability indicators of health performance. The set of indicators related to the “green space” and “waste” categories with slight differences gained the first and second position in the health sustainability field respectively, whereas “urban planning”, “active and healthy life” and “health and hygienic services” located in the bottom of the list with the relatively close scores.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that due to little difference between the score of the main selected categories (less than 1 point difference between the highest and lowest categories) and also due to the fact that the expert panel reached a consensus on the total 11 categories, therefore in order to achieve municipal sustainable development and improving the health level of citizens in the future, it is essential to have a robust consideration toward applying engineering and management measures against all 11 selected categories.
Abdolsamad Ahmadvand, Reza Arjmandi, Ali Mohammadi, Adel Mazloumi, Seyed Alireza Mirzahosseini,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (11-2020)
Introduction: Assessing health, safety, and environment (HSE) performance based on up-to-date analytical models like resilience engineering, especially in automobile manufacturing companies, affected by the trilogy of HSE factors and functions, is of crucial importance. Therefore, this study was to review the factors effectively involved in HSE management performance assessment based on resilience engineering in automobile manufacturing industries.
Material and Methods: To collect and classify the data, many relevant articles and procedures published in journals or presented at seminars were researched and cited. In this study, reliable online databases, including Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed were searched to meet this purpose. Other databases in Farsi such as Magiran, CIVILICA, and Scientific Information Database (SID) were also employed. Accordingly, a total number of 211 articles were extracted and filtered in terms of content and topic by a team of four HSE senior experts, whereby irrelevant studies were deleted, the full text of each relevant article was more closely considered, and finally 18 studies were selected and thoroughly examined.
Results: The findings from these 18 articles revealed that the HSE would be influenced in various industries by factors such as organizational culture, learning and training, political-economic variables, workforce qualifications and skills, strategic and large-scale programs of organization plus its assets and financial resources. In automobile manufacturing industries as well, circumstances might emerge because of some extra-organizational threats and intra-organizational weaknesses, whereby the appearance of deficiencies in various processes and even the functions of the HSE as a whole would be impaired. Of the many external factors, one could mention economic sanctions, large-scale socioeconomic problems, and lack of materials and production equipment. The internal problems would also range from production reduction and cuts in budgets earmarked for different management departments to a rise in the number of accidents and diseases, soaring medical treatment costs, as well as growing expectations in employees, which together impact the HSE management performance.
Conclusion: Regarding the studies conducted on various models presented so far in the area of resilience, it was concluded that the HSE performance of organizations intended to prevent and control risk factors were by no means distinct from other management factors and strategic decision-making in an organization. Rather, the HSE indicators could be impacted by many extra- and intra-organizational factors. Based on the models surveyed, it would be essential to consider the concept of resilience in HSE management. The reason for this is that the idea of the HSE would appear to be an issue of less virtue and importance in various stages and situations in the lifecycle of an organization, which is not consistent with the HSE management system and does not keep pace with the influencing factors.
Somayeh Mirza, Nabiollah Mansouri, Reza Arjmandi, Reza Azizinejad,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Introduction: The oil and petrochemical industries had been amongst the first industries which developed the HSE-MS. This system aims to maintain and protect human resources along with reducing the environmental impact of the industry. Although it has been mulling over this system in a plethora of studies, unfortunately, most of the assessments have been carried out in a qualitative manner. In recent years, the evaluation of the performance of HSE-MS has been limited due to the lack of appropriate quantitative evaluations.
Material and Methods: In the present study, the development of criteria and sub-criteria of health, safety and environment management system was investigated using a different approach. Using the opinion of experts and according to the performed categories, a questionnaire was developed to determine the pairwise comparisons. Decision making trial and evaluation (DEMATEL) technique was used to determine the relationships between the criteria and network analysis method was used to determine their importance weight. the developed methodology was then evaluated and compared between two factories in a case study.
Results: The performance evaluation showed that the leadership and commitment criterion with a final score of 1.8; Risk assessment and management with a final score of 0.8; Planning criterion with a final score of .0.40; Policy criterion with final score of 0.33, Organization, resources, and documentation with a final score of 0.31, implementation and follow-up with a final score of 0.22, and Evaluation and Review criterion with a final score of 0.12 were ranked from the first to the seventh, respectively.
Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrated that the most important criterion for health, safety and the environment is leadership. The significant difference between the final score of the leadership criterion and the other criteria reflects its crucial importance in HSE-MS performance evaluation. Participation of employees, allocation of appropriate funding and support of innovativeness are factors to be implemented in order to improve HSE-MS program as a better and successful management.