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Showing 8 results for Garosi

Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Ehsan Garosi, Ziba Abdi, Ehsan Bakhshi, Mehrdad Kamrani, Reza Kalantari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Workplace design is one of the factors that can influence comfort, performance, productivity and the health status of employees. The effects of this factor on human’s productivity and performance are studied in the domain of ergonomics. The impact of workplace design on workers’ productivity and performance can be determined by investigation of the quality of the design. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of workplace design on productivity of the bank clerks.

Material and Method: Samples in this cross-sectional study were comprised of 150 employees of 22 different branches of a bank in Tehran city. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire related to the effects of workplace design on employees’ productivity, developed by Hameed and colleagues. Correlation and regression statistical tests were used in order to analyze data.

Result: According to the results, the mean (±SD) for age and job tenure of participants were 37.2(±6) and 13(±7) years, respectively. Of the surveyed demographic features, a significant relationship was observed between age and scores belonging to the temperature and furniture (P-value<0.05). In addition, there was a significant association between employees’ productivity and the noise (P-value=0.044) and spatial arrangement of environment (P-value=0.048).

Conclusion: Overall, appropriate and high quality design of work environment can improve productivity of bank clerks. In other words, employees’ productivity can be enhanced by comfortable and ergonomic design of working environment and also by considering their needs.

Ehsan Garosi, Adel Mazloumi, Reza Kalantari, Mostafa Hosseini,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Nursing is one of professions that employees are at risk of fatigue and work related musculoskeletal disorders, because of high physical workload and high job stress. Connecting serum set to serum solution is one of the repetitive tasks for nurses in their working times and it may cause pain and discomfort in their hand. The aim of this study was to design and ergonomic evaluation of a tool for connecting serum set to serum solution.

Material and Method: This experimental- interventional study conducted on 12 nurses (6 men and 6 women) in 3 phases. First phase was assessment of manual connecting of serum set to the bag by nurses, second phase was design and manufacturing of serum set connector and third was ergonomic assessment of the manufactured tool. In first and third phases, amount of perceived exertion by nurses was assessed using the Burg scale (CR10), and electromyography assessment for hand muscles activity was conducted during connecting serum set. Data of first and third phases compared with statistical tests.

Result: Mean score of perceived effort during manual connection of serum set was 5±1/2 (of 10) and while mechanical connection with designed tool was 2.3±0/49. There was significant difference between activity in 5 muscles (Flexor Digit Comonis, Flexor Carpi Radial, Biceps, Triceps and Deltoid) in manually and mechanically connection mode (P-value<0.05).

Conclusion: Use of serum set connector reduced the perceived effort and activity of hand and wrist muscles. This device can be used as an ergonomic tool for nurses to easing the inserting the serum set to serum solution

Adel Mazloumi, Maryam Azizpour Marzi, Ehsan Garosi, Mehdi Yaseri, Ramin Mehrdad,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Introduction: The Surgical Safety Checklist has been introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a tool for reducing medical errors. Reviewing the results of the checklist application indicates significant reduction in mortality and complications in surgery. Thus, this study aimed to customize and validate surgical safety checklist in order to complying with the surgical protocol in Iran.

Material and Method: In this cross-sectional and descriptive study, the WHO Safety Surgery Checklist was first translated. Next, through interviews with specialists and direct observation of activities, those tasks that were susceptible to the incident, identified, prioritized and analyzed using Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) and the results presented in form of HTA charts. Then, using Tabulate Task Analysis (TTA) and based on the recommendation and modification commented by expert panel, some questions added to the checklist and a customized version of the Surgical Safety Checklist was provided.  Hence, the faced validity, content validity and reliability of the checklist have been evaluated.

Result: In the surgery, four major tasks identified for analyzing using the HTA chart. Accordingly, 41 subtasks obtained and analyzed by TTA. The Lavashe method was used to determine the content validity ratio (CVR) and the content validity index (CVI). The question from the checklist, in which, CVI was less than 0.79, modified and replaced with appropriate question. Also, the scores for 3 questions were less than 0.49, and they were removed from the checklist due to the low CVR score. In the reliability assessment, the intra-observer method is used, and the Kappa coefficient obtained was acceptable and it was higher than 0.6, which confirmed the validity of the checklist.

Conclusion: In this study, the surgical safety checklist customized in terms of content validity and reliability, in a field study. Considering the compliance of the checklist items with the surgical protocol in Iran, we hope to use it to improve the quality of teamwork and reduce the complications and mortality caused by surgical errors

Asma Zare, Mahdi Malakouti Khah, Ehsan Garosi, Seifollah Gharib, Sayed Abolfazl Zakerian,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Introduction: Control room is one of the most important working environments that require optimal performance of individuals to minimize errors. Lighting is one of the environmental factors affecting the operation of the control room operators. Providing optimal lighting in the control room is very important. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of light on workload, sleepiness, eye fatigue, and satisfaction of individuals from light conditions.

Material and Method: This was an interventional study conducted in a control room of a power plant. Intervention in the control room lighting was performed with two lighting systems including fluorescent lamps (4000 Kelvin, 200 lux) and LED lamps (4,000 Kelvin, 400 lux). Sixteen operators were evaluated under the two lighting systems in terms of workload, sleepiness, eye fatigue and satisfaction of individuals from light conditions.

Result: According to the results, eye fatigue significantly decreased after intervention (p (0.004>. Also, the higher light intensity, significantly decreased the level of sleepiness (p <0.001). In the study of workload, the amount of mental workload (p <0.001) and effort (p <0.03) decreased significantly, after intervention and the increase in the intensity of light; but physical demand, temporal demand, performance and frustration had no significant difference with the results before intervention.

Conclusion: In general, a combination of fluorescent and LED lighting systems, with 400 lux intensity, can provide optimal functional and mental conditions for control room operators. The illumination intensity of 400 lux in terms of workload, sleepiness, eye fatigue and the degree of satisfaction of individuals from light conditions provides a much better environmental condition than 200 lux.

Ehsan Garosi, Adel Mazloumi, Amir Homayoun Jafari, Ahmadreza Keihani, Ali Sharifnezhad, Mansour Shamsipour, Ramin Kordi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Introduction: The use of exoskeletons as a new ergonomics intervention to reduce musculoskeletal disorders risk factors and increase human performance has emerged in the fourth-generation industrial revolution. The aim of this study was to assess the cervical exoskeleton effect on the neck and shoulder muscles electrical activity.
Material and Methods: In this experimental study, 14 male participants were asked to perform the simulated overhead work with and without using the cervical exoskeleton at two neck postural angles randomly. During the task, electromyography of the target muscles in the neck and shoulders was recorded. In addition, at the end of each task, participants completed a perceived discomfort questionnaire. Electromyographic signals were processed with Matlab 2017b software and the level of the electrical activity of the target muscles was normalized to the maximum muscle activity. Data analysis was performed using Random intercept mix model in STATA 14 software.
Results: Mean perceived discomfort in the neck and shoulders regions significantly reduced by the exoskeleton device, but there was no statistically significant difference in other areas. Also, the mean activity level of sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis muscles on the right and left was significantly decreased during the use of the cervical exoskeleton. However, this difference showed a significant increase in trapezius muscles.
Conclusion: The use of the neck exoskeleton was associated with a reduction of muscle electrical activity and the perceived discomfort in the neck area. These results may be related to transferring neck and head weight by the exoskeleton retaining jack during the neck extension to other areas of the body. The exoskeleton design did not provide support for the shoulder and arm area, which explains the reason for the non-significant results in the shoulder area. Using the exoskeleton with the additional support in shoulder area could be considered as an ergonomic intervention in such overhead works.

Alireza Shaghaghi, Zeinab Kazemi, Ali Sharifnead, Ehsan Garosi, Maryam Mohammadalizadeh, Seyed Hossein Mahdavi, Mohammad Sadegh Ghasemi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2023)

Introduction: In many occupations, users must sit for prolonged periods during their job activities. Prolonged sitting is associated with fatigue, leading to postural changes that can increase spinal loads. Despite the importance of this topic in terms of the extent of prolonged sitting and its subsequent adverse consequences, little attention has been given to this occupational activity. Hence, this study investigates changes in neck, trunk, and muscle activities and fatigue levels in prolonged sitting computer tasks.
Material and Methods: Twenty healthy subjects (gender-balanced) from the student community with at least five years of experience in computer work aged between 20-30 years were asked to randomly perform three types of computer tasks for 90 minutes (each task for 30 minutes). Electromyographic (EMG) activities of right and left cervical (ESCR and ESCL), thoracic (ESTR and ESTL), and lumbar (ESLR and ESLL) erector spine and upper trapezius (UTR and UTL) muscles were continuously recorded. Root mean square (RMS) and median frequency were extracted as EMG metrics. Subjects also rated their perceived discomfort using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The effect of time, gender, and their interaction on muscle EMG activities, fatigue, and discomfort were explored.
Results: Time had a statistically significant effect on UTR, ESCR, and ESTR muscle activities. UTL and ESCR muscle activities significantly differed between male and female subjects. Further, the findings confirmed the interactive effect of time and gender on ESTR muscle activity. UTR, ESCR, ESCL, ESTL, and ESLL muscles’ fatigue index changed statistically over time.
Conclusion: The findings confirmed neck and trunk muscles’ fatigue by increasing muscular activity and reducing frequency contents over time, per the subjective rating of discomfort.
Maryam Mohammadalizadeh, Zeinab Kazemi, Ehsan Garosi, Ahmadreza Keihani, Alireza Shaghaghi, Mohammad Sadegh Ghasemi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Introduction: Prolonged sitting postures are among the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in occupational settings, leading to increased musculoskeletal discomfort in various body regions. This discomfort can negatively impact individuals’ health and impose high costs on society in terms of work absences, early disabilities, and reduced productivity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of stretching exercises on the level of discomfort, muscle activity, and muscle fatigue in the neck and trunk region during prolonged sitting tasks.
Material and Methods: This experimental study was conducted among 20 healthy male and female participants under two test conditions: control and intervention. In the control condition, participants performed cognitive tasks (watching videos, typing, text editing, and nback cognitive test) without any intervention. In the intervention condition, participants performed stretching exercises before each task. The Visual Analogue Scale was used to assess perceived discomfort. Also, muscle fatigue was evaluated using an electromyography (EMG) device and RMS and MPF measures.
Results: Discomfort in hands and arms (p-value=0.04) and lower back (p-value=0.03) during video-watching was higher in the control condition than in the intervention. Regarding muscle activity, the activity of the right cervical erector spinae during the video-watching task was lower in the control condition than in the intervention. In the n-back cognitive test and text editing, the right lumbar erector spinae muscle activity was significantly higher in the control condition than in the stretching exercises intervention. Regarding the left cervical erector spinae, a significant difference was observed between fatigue in control and intervention conditions during the video-watching task. Also, right thoracic erector spinae fatigue in text editing was higher in the control condition than in the exercise intervention; however, for the n-back test, the level of fatigue was lower in the control condition compared to the intervention.
Conclusion: The perceived discomfort in seated computer tasks is generally lower in the exercise intervention compared to the control condition. The stretching exercises used in this study improved muscle activity and reduced fatigue in some of the trunk muscles, although the effects of the exercises depend on the type of task. Overall, muscle fatigue in two cognitive tasks, text editing and n-back, was more affected by stretching exercises than other tasks.
Hassan Mehridiz, Mohamad Sadegh Ghasemi Ghasemi, Hassan Saeedi, Mahsa Varmazyar, Ehsan Garosi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Introduction: Lifting loads in awkward postures is a main cause of low back musculoskeletal disorders. In this context, researchers have used various indicators to determine the relationship between biomechanical variables and the risk of these disorders. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between plantar pressure distribution and the values of UTAH back-compressive forces (BCF) and lifting index (LI) during symmetrical load-lifting tasks.
Material and Methods: Thirteen healthy men, aged 25 to 35, took part in this study. The participants were instructed to symmetrically lift loads weighing 7.5 kg and 15 kg in 15 different postures, considering three horizontal distances (A, B, C) and five different heights (1-5). Pressure on the foot soles was recorded using 16 force-sensitive resistors (FSR) corresponding to eight anatomical areas on each foot. The BCF and LI were also calculated using the UTAH method and the NIOSH equation, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 21) software.
Results: Based on the results, when the load was closest to the body (A1-A5), the highest pressure was recorded in the heel and the 4th and 5th metatarsal of both feet. In lifting a load of 15 kg in the A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 postures and lifting a load of 7.5 kg in the C2 posture, the average BCF exceeded 700 pounds. The LI was greater than 1 for specific postures (B1, B2, B4, B5, C1-C5) at 15 kg and (C1, C2, C4, C5) at 7.5 kg load-lifting. During the 7.5 kg and 15 kg load-lifting, there was a significant correlation between the plantar pressure and the values of LI and UTAH (p-values < 0.05) in most postures.
Conclusion: The results showed a significant correlation between plantar pressure distribution and load-lifting postures. The study findings, which identify risk levels associated with lifting postures, lay the groundwork for future research aimed at categorizing safe and unsafe plantar pressure patterns.

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