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Showing 2 results for Hamerezae

F. Golbabaei, M. Hamerezae, A. Fathi, A. Dibakhosravi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Introduction: Heat-related illnesses are major causes of morbidity in the world. Workers who are exposed to extreme heat are not be able to activate their compensatory mechanisms and their health will consequently be at risk. Heat stress due to its impact on work performance increases the likelihood of worker disease and injuries and it also affect productivity. During sugar beet harvest, farmers from about 8 am to 4 pm, are exposed to sunlight and excessive heat. Therefore, preventive measures are essential in order to protect the health of farmers and improve productivity. The aim of this project as to study the effectiveness of the rehydration to reduce heat stress and increasing productivity during sugar beet harvest, conducted in 2012.


Material and Method: in this project, 20 farmers from sugar beet farmers were studied during summer season, from 8 am to 4 pm in West Azarbaijan- Boukan city where the average temperature and relative humidity were 29.85 0C and 41%, respectively during sugar beet harvest. Selection criteria were defined as working more than 50% of the day’s working schedule and to have worked for at least 10 days of the follow-up period. Individual characteristics and water consumption rate during the work shift and also Production output data by farmers were recorded at the end of the working day. Environmental parameters using a portable monitoring device was measured and recorded and finally, the collected data was used for analysis using spss software version 20.


Results: WBGT-TWA index for four the period of the time from morning to afternoon obtained 27.39 0C, as it was greater than the allowable thresholds. Ten workers receive 6-7 L of liquid and harvest production was significantly increased among those who are better hydrated (P=0.005), from 5 to 7 tons of harvest sugar beet per any worker per day, against lower 5 tons for farmers without drinking enough water.


Conclusion: Farmers productivity can be increased by applying rehydration measures during work.

Masoud Hamerezaee, Farideh Golbabaei, Parvin Nasiri, Kamal Azam, Somayeh Farhang Dehghan, Asad Fathi, Faezeh Darabi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Introduction: Heat stress is one of the hazardous agents in the steel industries which can threaten the health and safety of workers and lead to serious occupational diseases. The aim of the study was to assess the heat stress in the steel industries and compare PHS (Physiological Strain Index), WBGT (Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature), DI (Discomfort Index) and HSI (Heat Stress Index) indices for the estimation of heat stress and to determine the optimum index for steel industries.

Material and Method: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted among 220 workers engaged in two steel industries in Iran. Environmental and physiological parameters were measured according to ISO 7726 and ISO 9886 in three times of measurement, and finally the time-weight average of the heat stress indices were calculated. All data were analyzed using SPSS ver.  20.

Result: The time-weight average of WBGT (28.28 oC), DI (29.11 oC), HIS (65.7 %) indices were higher than the recommended limits. Physiological parameters (oral, tympanic and skin temperatures, systolic and diastolic pressures and heart rate) had the greatest value in the second time of measurement (afternoon). WBGT index comparing to the PHS, DI and HSI indices had highest correlation with oral, tympanic and skin temperatures and heartbeat (r=0.314 , 0.408 , 0.459 , 0.302, respectively; P < 0.05), while systolic and diastolic blood pressures showed no significant correlation with WBGT (P > 0.05). The WBGT index had the highest correlation with studied indices which was 0.945, 0.681 and 0.600 for DI, PHS and HSI, respectively.

Conclusion: This study assessed the optimal index with regard to the physiological parameters, and it was concluded that the WBGT index has the highest correlation with the most of physiological parameters, and therefore, WBGT index can be the most optimum index to heat stress assessment   in the studied steal industries.

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