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Showing 19 results for Mohammadfam

I Mohammadfam, H Mohamadi, F Ghorbani Shahna, A R Soltanian,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Introduction: In HSE management systems competency has been considered as an important tool for selecting managers and resource allocation. Lack of proper HSE managers can undermine the performance of the management system. On the other hand competent HSE managers can improve the performance of management system and reduce the time to perform activities. This study was aimed to present a model to select the HSE managers.


Material and Method: In this study, similar models were examined to select the basic framework. Model dimensions and weights were determined using the focus group technique. The model was used in a large industrial company. The model was approved by the evaluation of the results and correction of the identified defects.


Result: The approved model included technical, behavior and concept competence. Technical competence for managers in level 1 and 2 and behavior competence for managers in level 3, were the most important dimensions.


Conclusion: HSE managers in various level should have different competencies which can be evaluated by presented model in the current study, before employment and also it can be used as a basis for monitoring individuals during specific period of time.

Golmohamadi, Mohammadfam, Shafie Motlagh, Faradmal,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Introduction: Every year many people around the world lose their lives or suffer from injuries and serious damages in industrial fire. This study aims at evaluating fire risk using an suitable method and determining endangered humane, financial and environmental capitals in various parts of a chemical industries.


Material and Method: In this analytical study the developed Frank and Morgan method was used to evaluate the risk of fire in all units of a chemical company. Improved checklists validity was confirmed by experts and then, its reliability was determined by test-retest analyzing method. Human, financial and environmental probable losses were calculated in the case of fire. A risk factor was determined for each unit and all of them were prioritized accordingly.


Result: The study of developed checklists’ validity showed that there was a high conformity (homogeneity) between results of two measured loads (ICC=0.87 %95CI: 0.699-0.952). Mean value of risk in units was 115.45 and research and development (R&D) and sparse part store units have the highest and lowest risk values, respectively. Endangered humane, financial and environmental capitals had the highest to lowest score, respectively.


Conclusion: Results showed that the developed Frank and Morgan method can be a suitable tool for evaluating industrial fire risk and prioritizing units in general level of an industrial complex especially chemicals company. According to the findings in this study, the investigation of likely damages to environment in the case of fire has high importance.

A. Fazlollah, I. Mohammadfam, M. J. Hadgiparvaneh, M. Omidvari,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Introduction: Nowadays, using multi attribute decision making (MADM) techniques in HSE hazard rating have been widely increased. On the other hand, Analytical Network process (ANP) methods has a high flexibility and accuracy in decision ranking. Therefore, the combination of the two mentioned approaches can provide a more precise prioritization for HSE hazards. Using ANP techniques, in this research a method for accurate rating of HSE hazards in the construction procedure of combined cycle power plant was presented.


Material and Method: In this study, first, the overall structure and components of ANP method were identified and the connections between its components were determined. Then, the determined structure and components were modeled, using super decision software. In the next stage, pair companions were performed between an criteria and sub-criteria with respect to HSE experts opinions, Finally, selected HSE hazards were prioritized and compared according to the presented ANP method and the common available method.


Result: According to the results, common risk assessment method is not able to prioritized risk accurately. While the current method classified the ten main identified hazards in 4 general categories, the presented method in this study could prioritized then in 7 categories.


Conclusion: The suggested ANP model could provide a more accurate prioritization for hazards in comparison with current methods because of considering five qualitative indices. This allows an optimal allocation of organizational resources for controlling hazards.

I. Mohammadfam, S. Bastani, M. Es-Haghi, R. Golmohamadi, A. Saei,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Introduction: Emergency situations are of the major challenges in industries. Understading the status of inter-team interaction is effective in improvement of emergency response team (ERT). The purpose of this study was to investigate the interaction space of ERP in a refinery, using the social network analysis (SNA).


Methods and Materials: In the present case study, the density indicator was used to examine the interaction space in the ERT. The obtained data were analyzed, employing UCINET 6.0 social network analysis program.


Results: The findings showed that the ERT has the relatively low concentration with the density of 0.2 overall, the result reflect a low level of interactions among response reams at emergency situations management.


Conclusion: The presented approach provided an appropriate image of interactions network among the emergency response teams. The social network analysis can be used for assessing the interactions of the emergency response teams.

M. Arassi, I. Mohammadfam, G. Shirali, A. Moghimbeigi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2015)

Introduction: Resilience engineering is a new approach in safety science. Its goal is to maintain organizational capacity in an acceptable level to help system in managing the crisis. Indeed, resilience engineering rely on systems abilities instead of weaknesses, and try to find indicators that help the system durability.


Material and Method: In this study,first, 6 resilience engineering factors were chosen and sent toexperts in the form of paired comparison sheets. On the other hand, a valid standard questionnaire distributed among drilling rigs operational workers for measuring the NIDC resilience level. Finally,the priority of corrective actionswas determinedaccording to the score of the two analyzedquestionnaires.


Results: The results of resilience engineering factors weighting showed that the management commitment has the highest value andthe second place belonged to the correct culture. The indicators’scores,based on the distributed questionnaires among workers, showed that all of the six factors had similar scoreswhich can be evaluated as fairly good. Finally, the results of prioritization of indicators ofresilience engineering, basedon the combination ofthe questionnaire and experts opinions showed that management commitment is the most effective resilience factor in the organization. .


Conclusion: Management commitment and the current culture are the most importantcontributing factorsin company resilience level. Experienced workforce was the best strengthof the company and the effect of financial issues on resilience and safety was the biggest problem ahead.

Mohsen Omidvar, Adel Mazlomi, Iraj Mohammadfam, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Fereshteh Nirumand,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Resilience engineering (RE), as a new approach in the system safety domain, is intended to preserve the performance of socio-technical systems in various conditions; and accentuates the positive activities instead of the failure modes. The aim of this study was to develop a new framework for safety assessment on the basis of RE, using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.  

Material and Method: Current study is an analytical cross-sectional survey performed in a petrochemical industry. Initially, six RE indicators were selected, including top management commitment, just culture, learning culture, awareness, flexibility and emergency preparedness and accordingly an assessment framework was established. Then, the selected RE indicators were evaluated and validated by experts in a specialized panel. Following, an indicator was proposed named “resilience early warning indicator”. Finally, the RE indicator score of the total process was determined using the fuzzy evaluating vector.   

Result: Findings revealed that top management commitment and learning indicators have the most and the least effects on the RE level of the process, respectively. Besides, the flexibility (C3) indicator was located in orange early warning zone (OEWZ) while other indicators were positioned in the no early warning zone (NEWZ). Furthermore, the overall resilience level of the process was evaluated as level III (NEWZ).

Conclusion: Management commitment and emergency preparedness are two main indicators of RE and can carry out the most important effect for remaining the RE in the NEWZ level.

Asma Zare, Saeid Yazdani Rad, Fateme Dehghani, Fariborz Omidi, Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Despite the ongoing efforts to reduce human errors in various systems, errors and unsafe behavior are the main cause of accidents in the workplace. Many studies have been conducted to identify and improve human error in recent years. The number of studies about the human error with the variety of topics has made it an overall overview difficult for researchers. Therefore, a systematic review of previous studies can be the best way to share useful findings and make a trend for the future research in the field of human error.

Material and Method: After a systematic search of valid databases, the analysis was focused on the title, publication year, journal title / Congress, city/region, the level of organization, job search, type of organization and the methods used. And articles were evaluated based encryption.

Result: Three groups of human error studies were identified. The first group studies in safety management, safety assessment, and safety planning have investigated the human error. The second group has examined the influence of individual characteristics such as behavior, cognition, and education on human error. The third group has focused on data arise from the previous accident to improve behavior and reduce human error. To make a better orientation for next studies two essential aspects included chronological analysis and thematic analysis was considered.

Conclusion: This study made an attempt to identify the gaps in the studies related to human error and afford some appropriate strategies.

Iraj Mohammadfam, Abbas Shafikhani, Ali Akbar Shafikhani, Fakhreldin Ghasemi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Choosing maintenance strategy is one of the most complex and essential processes that can affect the safety and cost of equipment. The main aim of this study was to determine a risk-based maintenance policy for improvement of the safety and maintenance indices.

Material and Method: According to literature reviews and constraints associated with the studied industry, a number of safety and maintenance indices were selected and their values were measured. Next, in order to promote the selected indices, the best policy was implemented on nine critical machines of the company based on criteria such as cost, risk and availability in the framework of the fuzzy network analysis process. Finally, after six months period, the indices were re-measured. The Wilcoxon test was used to assess the changes in the indices.

Result: In the implementation of the model, condition based maintenance was more effective than other strategies. Following the intervention, the improvement of safety and maintenance indices was statistically significant. The statistical analyses demonstrated that indices like reliability, availability, mean time between failures, and the number of dangerous failures all were improved significantly (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The results showed that the simultaneous use of three criteria, i.e. cost, risk and availability in maintenance planning could reduce equipment-related accidents. Finally, the recommended model can improve the efficiency and competitiveness of organizations by increasing availability and reducing equipment costs

Safoura Karimie, Iraj Mohammadfam, Mostafa Mirzaei Aliabadi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2019)

Introduction: Nowadays, human error is one of the main causes of incidents in the industry. One of the vital characteristics of modern industries is that the precise control of key parts of the process is performed by operators from central control rooms, so an error by the control room staff can be disastrous. The present study is aimed at identifying and evaluating human errors in the control room of the petrochemical industry.  
Material and Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic case study that was conducted in a control room of the petrochemical industry. In this research, firstly by using hierarchical task analysis (HTA), the tasks in the control room were identified and analyzed. Then, using the extended CREAM method, possible human errors were identified, their cognitive category was determined, and their probabilities were calculated using a new approach based on BN.
Results: The results of the study showed that the most prevalent control modes for the Boardman and the senior board man were strategic and scrambled modes with error probabilities of 0.136 and 0.171, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the results obtained in the modeling section, BN can be proposed as an approach with high processing accuracy and also high accuracy in modeling human errors and problems with high input parameters affecting the output parameter.
Samaneh Salari, Maryam Farokhzad, Arash Khalili, Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2019)

Introduction: Nowadays, accidents are regarded as a main risk factor for both human and economic of countries. The triggerring cause of most accident is human error. In the healthcare setting, human errors can lead to injuries and even death of patients and damage the reputation of healthcare staff. Human errors in healthcares can occur during various activities including diagnosis of a disease, drug administration, and also during the use of various appliances. Therefore, it is of critical importance to identify these errors and assess their risks.  Accordingly, the main aim of the present study was to identify and assess human errors possible to occur during the use of the ventilator device in neonatal units of  educational hospitals of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences.  
Material and Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using PUEA technique in 2017. The required data associated with the function and operation of the ventilator were gathered by investingating documents, observing the operater while using it, and interviewing with the operator. Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) was used for determining the main tasks and subtasks performed for operating the device. The identified errors were categorized into seven groups, namely planning, functional, checking, retrieval, communication, and selection errors. The PUEA method was utilized in exploring the causes of errors, the possibility of error recovery, and associated risks.
Results: Functional error was the most prevalent one (72.7 %), whereas communication error was the least prevalent one (3.03 %).  Omission and commission were the most frequent functional error. Moreover, 42.2 percent of errors had roots in lapse and slip and 12.1 percent were of knowledge-based type. Moreover, it was impossible for 79.7 percent of errors to be recovered. About 54.53 percent of errors had severe or catastrophic consequences.
Conclusion: As the risk of accidents occurring in healthcare organizations is unacceptable, it is a necessity to identify these errors and evaluate their risks. As it is costly to replace the purchased devices with less error prone devices, human error analysis should be performed in the design phase and before purchasing the devices. Moreover, errors with an unacceptable risk should be controlled based on their probable causes.
Tahereh Eskandari, Iraj Mohammadfam, Mostafa Mirzaei Aliabadi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Introduction: The safety of CNG stations is important because of their location in urban areas, as well as to prevent accidents and to protect the safety of personnel, property, and environment. An event occurrence analysis with probability updating is the key to dynamic safety analysis.
Methods and materials: In this study, the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) technique was used to determine the hazards of the study unit, the method of analyzing. After determining the hazards with high risk, the Bayesian fault tree analysis (BFTA) method was used to determine the effective causes of events occurrence and the type of possible relationships among them.
Results: First, the phase of hazards identification, 16 Hazardous equipment were identified. Then the Risk Priority Number for the identified equipment was calculated. The results showed that the dispenser system had the highest risk priority number and was identified as the most critical equipment. According to this, the dispenser gas leakage (as the top event) was selected in this study. Then, the analysis of the dispenser gas leakage, using BFTA method identified 56 main causes, including 17 intermediate events and 39 basic events. Finally, cracking and corrosion of the dispenser hose were determined the most effective factor in the occurrence of the top event. The probability of occurrence of the top event based on FTA and BFTA analysis was calculated 9.67×10-2 and 9.11 × 10-2, respectively.
Conclusion: The result of the study that by employing the Bayesian Network, can create a useful guideline to determine the relationship between the occurrence causes of the top event. This provides an assessment of the effectiveness of preventive measures before using them.

Hasti Borgheipour, Ghazaleh Monazami Tehrani, Shahriyar Madadi, Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Introduction: Cranes are of the major causes of accidents in the construction industries. As human error mostly causes crane accidents, this study aims to investigate the human errors of tower crane operators in the construction projects using SHERPA and CREAM techniques.
Material and Method: In this research, first, all of the tasks of the tower crane operator were identified and analyzed. Then, adopting SHERPA technique, probable operator errors were identified in each task and the control modes and error probability were determined by CREAM technique. Finally, all the human errors risks were assessed and the actions for risk control were defined to control them in the acceptable level.
Result: According to the SHERPA technique, 148 errors were identified in the crane operator tasks. The human error assessment showed that monitoring the anti-collision system with the risk probability of 0.0003 has the highest control factor, while monitoring the existing guards with the risk probability of 0.056 has the lowest control factor. Also, the important tasks with high human errors were monitoring the guards with the cognitive risk probability of 0.07 and the tasks with cognitive risk probability of 0.05.
Conclusion: The findings in this study indicated that using complementary qualitative and quantitative methods can provide identification and prioritization of identified errors. This can help the organization   to allocate limited organizational resources to control unacceptable risks and increase the efficiency and effectiveness eventually.
Mohsen Mahdinia, Mostafa Mirzaei Aliabadi, Ahmad Soltanzadeh, Ali Reza Soltanian, Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (6-2021)

Introduction: Safety situation awareness is an important element affecting operator's reliability and safety performance, which is influenced by various variables. Identification of these variables and their relationship will play a major role in optimizing control measures. The present study was conducted for this purpose.
Material and Methods: This study was based on the situation awareness, expert’s opinions and use of a Fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method. Triangular fuzzy numbers was used to quantify the experts' judgments and to reduce the errors that result from theirs’ subjective evaluation on the relationships between the variables.
Results: The results showed that the studied organizational variables together with "safety/g knowledge" and "experience in job/specific task” are the most important predictive variables of situation awareness. Among the organizational variables, "Organizational Safety Attitudes", "Safe System Design" and "Education" are the most important determinants of safety situation awareness.
Conclusion: Fuzzy logic was used to aggregate expert opinions to determine the most important variables affecting situation awareness and their cause-effect relationships. Organizational variables are the main determinants of situation awareness. To improve situation awareness, the best results are obtained by modifying effective root variables, i.e., organizational variables and some individual variables.
Marzieh Abbasinia, Omid Kalatpour, Majid Motamedzade, Ali Reza Soltanian, Iraj Mohammadfam, Mohammad Ganjipour,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Introduction: Emergencies are unforeseen and unpredictable situations. In these situations, people’s performance is affected by various factors that cause stress. People’s performance in such situations can also affect human error probability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate human error in emergency situations based on the fuzzy CREAM and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP).
Material and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was performed in a petrochemical industry in Markazi province in 2019. The FAHP was used to prioritize emergency situations. To evaluate human error in these conditions, the weights of Common Performance Conditions (CPC) was determined using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Human error probability was calculated using a fuzzy CREAM method in the most important emergency situations.
Results: The results of the FAHP showed that “Hydrogen leak from the cylinder joints in the olefin unit” was the most important emergency. The highest relative weight was related to crew collaboration quality (0.06) in the emergency situation.
Conclusion: This method can also be used to identify the important factors in human error occurrence and high weighted CPCs and plan to control them.

Ahmad Soltanzadeh, Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2022)

Introduction: Nearly half of occupational accidents in Iran occur in construction sites. Therefore, modeling of occupational accidents in these sites is one of the solutions to design safety strategies to reduce occupational accidents in the field of construction. This study was designed and conducted with the aim of modeling the cause-consequence of accidents in construction sites.
Material and Methods: This study was conducted based on a retrospective analysis of 10-year accident data (2010-2019) in Iranian construction sites in 2020. The main variable included the types of occupational accidents in construction sites. The study tool included accidents checklist as well as a detailed report of the studiedaccidents. The required data were collected based on a conceptual model designed to model the cause-consequence of accidents in the construction sites. Cause-consequence modeling of the studied accidents has been done based on the structural equation modeling and using IBM SPSS AMOS v. 22.0.
Results: The frequency of the studied accidents was 3854 accidents. The annual averages of AFR and ASR indices were 17.27 ± 8.54 and 322.42 ± 44.23 days, respectively. The results of cause-consequence modeling of these construction accidents showed that individual and occupational, safety training and risk assessment factors as well as variables related to these factors have a negative and significant relationship with the indicators of the construction accidents, and the factors of environmental conditions and unsafe acts and variables belonged to these factors have a positive and significant relationship with these indicators (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: The findings of the study revealed that the highest impact factors on accident indicators were related to safety training, risk assessment and unsafe acts and their variables. Therefore, the results of this modeling can help to design safety strategies in construction sites.

Iraj Mohammadfam, Ali Reza Soltanian, Omid Kalatpour,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Introduction: One of the essential and critical elements for efficient and effective management of emergencies is anticipation and identification of possible types of emergencies. As such, a framework for anticipating and identifying emergencies was designed and tested in two process industries in the form of a case study.
Material and Methods: At first, methods for identifying emergency preparedness and their evaluation criteria were extracted and prioritized with a two-stage fuzzy approach. A fuzzy inference system was then used to calculate the weight of the experts’ opinions. To prioritize the methods, the inputs related to the second fuzzy system were estimated and the final score of the methods was calculated by entering the mentioned variables into the fuzzy system.
Results: The findings pertaining to the final ranking of the methods indicated that, “list of catastrophic accidents and near-misses of the organization’s lifespan”, “MIMAH” and “risk assessment and management” had the highest scores among the identified methods with the final scores of 0.754, 0.750 and 0.725, respectively.
Conclusion: Using this approach will help in more accurate identification of potential emergencies. Consequently, this will lead to the prevention of imposed damages caused by the situation as well as making the wrong investments by eliminating low-priority emergencies.
Ehsan Ramezanifar, Kamran Gholamizadeh, Iraj Mohammadfam, Mostafa Mirzaei Aliabadi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2023)

Introduction: Risk assessment is a scale for predicting reliability and can manage interactions between components and process variables. Moreover, the reliability of one component or barrier affects the overall risk of the system. Being one of the most critical safety barriers of the storage tank, the failures of Fixed Foam Systems (FFS) on demand can result in severe consequences. FFS, is of grave importance in decreasing the risks associated with fires and damages.
Material and Methods: This study aims to determine the probability of root causes related to FFS failure through Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis (FFTA) to estimate system reliability. In conventional fault tree analysis, accurate data is usually used to assess the failure probability of basic events. Therefore, the introduced approaches were employed to quantify failure probabilities and uncertainty handling. Finally, system reliability was estimated according to the failure probability of the top event.
Results: The findings showed that 13 baseline events involved FFS performance. According to the results, failures of cable path and detection system (or resistance temperature detectors), set the activation switch (multi-position) incorrectly, and foam makers not continuously running are the three most critical basic events influencing the reliability of fixed foam systems. In addition, this paper estimated the system reliability at 0.8470.
Conclusion: The results showed that the FFTA could be used in matters such as reliability evaluation failure and risk assessment using experts’ judgment. This paper can also show the adaptation of the fuzzy approach to assess the failure probability of the basic event in the fault tree analysis (FTA).
Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2023)

Introduction: Occupational accidents are one of the most important risk factors for developing countries. In addition to designing preventive measures to prevent accidents, comprehensive research of accidents is considered as an undeniable necessity to reduce the risk of accidents. Thus, the first step is to find the root causes of their occurrence, which will certainly be possible with the use of appropriate techniques.
Material and Methods: In this study, first, the appropriate criteria for designing the accident analysis method were collected. In the second step, commonly used techniques were collected through known databases. In the third step, the collected techniques were scaled based on the selected criteria using the TOPSIS method, and ultimately, the new method (FAM) was developed. Finally, by analyzing three different accidents with the developed technique and four other common techniques, as well as using the ANP method, the developed technique was tested and confirmed.
Results: Based on the studies conducted to identify appropriate criteria for comparing accident analysis techniques, finally 6 criteria were selected for to be used in the study process. According to the findings, the FAM method with a normal final weight of 0.2684 was considered the priority in occupational accident analysis.
Conclusion: The output of this study was the introduction of the FAM technique. Using the strengths of the four techniques and covering their weaknesses, this technique can help identify and determine the causes of accidents graphically, systematically, and by minimizing the work attitude of analysts at three levels.
Adel Mazloumi, Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Farideh Golbabaei, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Ismailpour, Sajjad Zare, Mahdi Mohammadiyan, Ramazan Mirzaei, Iraj Mohammadfam, Hassan Sadeghi Naini, Masoud Rismanchian, Yahya Rasulzadeh, Gholam Abbas Shirali, Mahmoud , Yahya Khosravi, Hamed Dehnavi, Maliheh Kolahdozi, Hanieh Ekhlas, Mirghani Seyed Somae, Solmaz Balajamadi, Mehdi Ghorsi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Introduction: Strategic management involves determining the organization’s direction, preparing a strategic vision and mission statement, and providing the basis for growth, profitability, and production. It also includes the inclusion of employee safety and health programs throughout the organization. The existence of a strategic plan for the scientific and practical strengthening of occupational health and safety is one of the country’s academic and industrial priorities. The purpose of this study is to present a strategic plan for developing the specialized field of occupational health and safety engineering in Iran.
Material and Methods: The current study is a collaborative action research study that was conducted in 2021. The strategic planning committee consisted of 20 professors, experts, and doctoral students. Over the course of 14 weeks, they held regular weekly meetings, collected information from inside and outside the organization, analyzed the organization’s internal and external environment, and identified its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Based on this analysis, the committee determined the organization’s mission, perspective, values, and general and specific goals for 2021-2024. They also identified the necessary measures to achieve these goals and developed an operational plan to improve the performance of the specialized field of occupational health and safety.
Results: Conducting this applied research led to the strategy of internal and external analysis of the specialized OHS field, determining the direction of the basic strategy, mission, perspective, values, and general goals. Finally, seven specific goals and 286 actions were determined to improve the performance of OHS. The SWOT analysis of OHS’s internal and external environment identified 27 strengths, seven weaknesses, 26 opportunities, and 12 threats. According to the results of the SWOT matrix, the strategic position of the OHS field is to implement preventive strategies and maintain existing conditions.
Conclusion: This plan aligns with the 4-year OHS plan. In developing the program, attention has been paid to the documents and policies of upstream organizations. The strategic position of occupational health and safety engineering is a prudent strategy. In this situation, strategies for maintaining existing conditions can be applied. Therefore, it is suggested to reduce the weaknesses of OHS as much as possible and increase its strategic capabilities by focusing on prudent strategies. From the second year of implementing the strategic plan, the OHS field can gradually focus on developing activities.

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