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Showing 1 results for Rezaei Dizgah

Morad Rezaei Dizgah, Fardin Mehrabian, Mohsen Jani Pour,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2018)

Introduction: Job Satisfaction is a perception that improves employees’ productivity, motivation and empowers them. Therefore, recognizing the factors affecting it and paying attention to emotional intelligence can provide the basis for increasing job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction considering the mediator role of job burnout, emotional Labor, emotional inconsistency, personality deprivation and deficiency of individual success in the Staff of Guilan University of Medical Sciences

Material and Method: This research used descriptive and cross-sectional method. The study population included 413 staffs from the faculties of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. The sample was determined 200 people using Cochran’s formula. A standard questionnaire was used to collect data. Content validity was done for this  questionnaire  and also its reliability studied using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data using Lisrel software.

Result: The results showed that emotional intelligence affects emotional inconsistency, emotional exhaustion, emotional Labor, job satisfaction, deficiency of individual success and deprivation of personality. Also, emotional inconsistency affects on emotional exhaustion, deficiency of individual success, job satisfaction and personality deprivation. In addition, the results show that emotional exhaustion affects deprivation of personality, deficiency of individual success and job satisfaction and finally, the deficiency of individual success affects job satisfaction.

Conclusion: Considering the relationship between job satisfaction with job burnout, emotional intelligence and emotional inconsistency, it would be helpful for managers to implement programs to increase employee satisfaction and self-efficacy and provide a context for reducing job burnout.

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