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Mohammad Kamaei, Seyed Shams Aldin Alizadeh, Abdolrahman Keshvari, Zeynab Kheyrkhah, Parisa Moshashaei,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Although human industrial activities are as a part of efforts to achieve greater prosperity, the risks related to these activities are also expanding. Hazard identification and risk assessment in the oil and gas industries are essential to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents and minimize damage to people and property before their occurrence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the liquefied and pressurized petroleum gas spherical tanks in a refinery and assessing the risks of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) phenomenon.

Material and Method: In this study, the risks of BLEVE phenomenon were assessed, using the Bowtie method. The consequences of explosion wave phenomenon and the resulting wave quantity and its impacts on the neighboring machineries and equipment were analyzed. PHAST software version 6.54 has been used for modeling the BLEVE phenomenon.

Result: In this evaluation, generally five causes and two consequences were identified for BLEVE phenomenon. In order to reduce its consequences, forty-three controlling measures were introduced to prevent the BLEVE phenomenon and the impacts of 31 control measures were identified. According to the conducted analysis, it was found that the spherical tank blast wave caused by LPG can lead to explosion of close located tanks which can create a chain of explosions.

Conclusion: The results of modeling and risk assessment can be used to identify the BLEVE phenomenon causes and its effects on nearby people and equipment. Based on these results, preventive controlling measures can be implemented and also be determined by adopting proper design and layout, margin of safety for personnel, equipment and accessories.

Mohammad Hajaghazadeh, Hossein Marvimilan, Fatemeh Farrokhi, Samira Orujlu,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Safety climate is the perception of personnel about the priority of safety in an organization. The objective of this study was to evaluate safety climate using Nordic questionnaire in a hospital.

Material and Method: In this cross-sectional study, 92 nurses working in different wards of a hospital in uromia city, Iran, filled out the NOSACQ-50 questionnaire. The responses of nurses were recorded with a 4-point Likert scale. The results were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics.

Results: Seventy-two percent of nurses were female and the remainders (28%) were men. The mean score of safety climate dimensions was different. “Management safety priority, commitment, and competence” and “Safety communication, learning, and trust in co-workers safety competence” dimensions obtained the lowest and the highest scores by nurses, respectively. The mean score of safety climate ranged 2.49 to 2.67 in different wards of the hospital. What is more, the mean safety climate was not statistically differed among nurses of various age and work experience categories (P-value> 0.05).

Conclusion: According to the results, it can be noted that the level of safety climate in the hospital was fairly good from the nurses’ viewpoint. However, attempts should be made to improve it, especially in the safety management related dimensions. Corrective control measures should be implemented in all wards of the hospital for all personnel with any age and work experience.

Mohammad Hasan Ehrampoush, Mohsen Hesami Arani, Mohammad Taghi Ghaneian, Asghar Ebrahimi, Masoud Shafiee,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Requiring industries for implementing industrial waste management programs and planning for proper waste disposal is essential in order to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, industrial waste management program was done in Kavir Steel Complex, in Aran va Bidgol region to identify and classify industrial waste and also to present solutions for improving waste management. In this complex, production process is hot rolling steel and the product is rebar.

Material and Method: The preset study was conducted in Kavir Steel Complex. Following survey of production process and sources of waste, the type and volume of produced waste were identified and measured during 3 months. Then, the classification of wastes was done according to the Bazel Convention and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and finally new industrial & health solid waste management program was presented.

Result: Considering the volume, industrial waste of production process in Kavir Steel Complex was between 130 to 180 grams per each ton of rebar. Main industrial waste included oxide of steel billet, industrial sludge, used oil and lubricant which were classified according to the RCRA: 8 materials with T code, 1 with C code, 5 with I code and 3 materials with C code.

Conclusion: The results revealed that the most amount of industrial waste in Kavir Steel Complex is the waste of steel billet and industrial sludge, and more than 90% of Kavir steel industrial waste were reused and recycled inside or outside of this complex. It is recommended that used oil to be transport and maintain in the safe containers.

Mohsen Omidvar, Adel Mazlomi, Iraj Mohammadfam, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Fereshteh Nirumand,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Resilience engineering (RE), as a new approach in the system safety domain, is intended to preserve the performance of socio-technical systems in various conditions; and accentuates the positive activities instead of the failure modes. The aim of this study was to develop a new framework for safety assessment on the basis of RE, using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.  

Material and Method: Current study is an analytical cross-sectional survey performed in a petrochemical industry. Initially, six RE indicators were selected, including top management commitment, just culture, learning culture, awareness, flexibility and emergency preparedness and accordingly an assessment framework was established. Then, the selected RE indicators were evaluated and validated by experts in a specialized panel. Following, an indicator was proposed named “resilience early warning indicator”. Finally, the RE indicator score of the total process was determined using the fuzzy evaluating vector.   

Result: Findings revealed that top management commitment and learning indicators have the most and the least effects on the RE level of the process, respectively. Besides, the flexibility (C3) indicator was located in orange early warning zone (OEWZ) while other indicators were positioned in the no early warning zone (NEWZ). Furthermore, the overall resilience level of the process was evaluated as level III (NEWZ).

Conclusion: Management commitment and emergency preparedness are two main indicators of RE and can carry out the most important effect for remaining the RE in the NEWZ level.

Keykaous Azrah, Mohsen Poursadeghiyan, Mohammad Javad Fani , Mohammad Rezazade, Ardalan Solaimanian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Limited studies have been done to evaluate the whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure experienced by Taxi drivers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure to whole body vibration and repeated shocks in urban taxi drivers and also to compare different methods of evaluation in this job environment.

Material and Method: Measurement and evaluation process were conducted in accordance with procedure of the ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards. The measurements were done by SVAN 958 Sound and Vibration Analyzer and using tri-axial accelerometer centered on the contact surface between the seat and the driver in 9 taxis.  

Result: The measurements done according to ISO 2631-1 method showed greater risk compared to Daily Equivalent Static Compression Dose, Sed, presented in ISO 2631-5. Calculated daily exposure durations for exposure action level in root-mean square, vibration dose value, and daily equivalent static compressive stress methods were 4.55, 3.54 and 31.70 hours, respectively.

Conclusion: The large differences in estimated exposure durations of action limits and permissible limits resulted by different methods reflect the inconsistency of the selected evaluation methods. Therefore, future research is necessary to amend the limits presented in the standard.

Maryam Ooshaksaraie, Mohammad Reza Azadehdel, Farshad Jabbari Sadowdi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Provision of high quality nursing care for patients, has made patient safety culture as an important issue for improving the quality of health care in the country. This study aimed to determine the relationship between nurses’ job satisfaction and patient safety culture in hospitals of Rasht city, Iran.

Material and Method: This research is a descriptive-analytical, cross-sectional, and field data collection study. Nurses working in public and private hospitals in Rasht City comprised the study population, of whom 322 subjects were selected randomly as the study sample. The Wakefield questionnaire and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality questionnaire were employed to investigate nurses’ job satisfaction and patient safety culture, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used for statistical hypothesis testing, employing SPSS software version 19.

Result: The results showed that according to the respondents’ viewpoints, scores of job satisfaction (Mean(SD):3.59±0.68) and patient safety culture (Mean(SD):54/0±31/3) Rasht city hospitals were at the average level. Furthermore, there was a significant direct relationship between nurses’ job satisfaction and patient safety culture with the correlation coefficient of 0.643 at the 0.01 level of significance.

Conclusion: According to the findings, it is necessary to improve study nurses’ job satisfaction and patient safety culture. Moreover, according to statistical correlation between research variables, increasing nurses’ job satisfaction results in improvement of patient safety culture.

Roohalah Hajizadeh, Alireza Koohpaei, Sayed Mohammad Hasan Razavi Asl Razavi Asl, Mohammad Hossein Beheshti Beheshti, Ahmad Mehri, Somayeh Farhang Dehghan, Arash Akbarzadeh, Hamzeh Mohammadi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Nowadays, exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field has been interested in many studies due to possible effects on human physical-mental health. Therefore, this study aimed to assess arc welders’ exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic field and to determine its relationship with the secretion of paratormone (PTH) hormone and mood states.

Material and Method: The present study has been conducted among 35 healthy production workers (as exposed group) and 35 healthy administrative personnel (as unexposed group). After checking the work activities of participants according to the guide recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), ELF magnetic fields were measured using an ELF measurement device in the regions including trunk, head, and neck. The plasma levels of PTH hormone of both groups were evaluated by the Electrochemiluminescence method. Stress-Arousal Checklist (SACL) was used to assess the mode states of subjects in both groups. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software version 16.

Result: There was a significant difference between the exposed and unexposed groups with respect to the exposure level to ELF magnetic fields (P-value<0.0001). Mean PTH hormone level in exposed group (34.54 pg/ml) was lower than unexposed ones (37 pg/ml), however these mean values weren’t significantly different (P-value=0.67). Score of “stress” subscale related to the “pleasure” and score of “arousal” subscale  related to the “activities and alertness” in the unexposed group were significantly higher than those in exposed group (p<0.0001). Regarding the relationship between exposure level to ELF electromagnetic field and scores of  stress, arousal, and PTH hormone level in the two groups, it should be stated that only a significant and positive association was found between the average exposure to ELF magnetic fields and PTH levels in the exposed group (P-value<0.009, r=0.44).

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that continuous welding can be considered as an exposure source to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. More accurate and comprehensive laboratory and field studies are needed to prove the hypothesis of the potential impact of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on people’s psychological states and mood through changes of parathyroid hormone level.

Mohammad Beiruti, Hadi Daneshmandi , Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Mohammad Fararooei, Zahra Zamanian,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Introduction: Human error is considered as a crucial challenge in occupational settings. Health care system is amongst occupational environments with high rate of human errors. Numerous preceding studies noted that more than 2/3 of medical errors are preventable. Accordingly, different methods are suggested to evaluate human errors, especially in nuclear industries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application and accuracy of HEART technique in medical health system.

Material and Method:  This qualitative study was conducted in surgical intensive care units of a hospital in Shiraz city. All nurses recorded errors were categorized regarding the given tasks and then all tasks were ranked based on the number of errors. The probability of nurses’ tasks error was estimated through AHP-HEART method and the resultant ranking was compared with the recorded errors. Additionally, the prioritization of contributing factors to errors, determined by AHP and AHP-HEART methods, was compared employing Pearson statistical test.

Results: Based on the results, there was a concordance in the rate of nurses’ error determined by HEART method and the recorded errors. However, no significant correlation was between errors contributing factors determined by AHP and AHP-HEART methods.

Conclusion: This study suggested that although HEART technique was successful to rank the tasks considering the magnitude of error probability, but the coefficients of error producing conditions should be customized for nurses’ tasks in order to provide appropriate control measures.

Mohammad Javad Jafari, Hassan Assilian Mahabadi, Soheila Khodakarim, Gholam Heidar Teimori,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Introduction: Workers in open pit iron ore mines are exposed to heat stress which can cause health and safety problems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate heat stress among open-pit mine workers of iron ore based on Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index and also to investigate its relationship with physiological Strain.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 120 healthy miners, working in an open-pit mine, during summer season, in 2014. Physiological parameters, including core body temperatures and heart rate, were measured according to ISO 9886 standard and physiological strain indices, including Physiological Strain Index (PSI) and Physiological Strain Index based on Heart Rate (PSIHR), were calculated using the equation. Environmental variables as well as physiological parameters were simultaneously measured and recorded during work shift. WBGT index was calculated according to ISO 7243 and using the equation. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software version 22.  

Result: The mean WBGT index was estimated 29.09oC for workers. “Drilling” and “factory and Krasher” units showed the highest and lowest WBGT index values of 31.06oC and 29.05oC, respectively. Workers occupational exposure to heat stress were higher than recommended thresholds based on WBGT index in all work units. A statistically significant correlation was found between WBGT index and physiological strain indices
(P value<0.001). The Pearson’s correlation coefficients were obtained 0.658 and 0.566 respectively, between WBGT index and values of PSI and PSIHR.

Conclusion: WBGT index showed a higher correlation with physiological strain Index; and level of heat stress in all work units of mine was higher than recommended thresholds. Thus, countermeasures should be adopted to control heat stress for the workers in this field.

Monireh Khadem, Farnoush Faridbod, Parviz Norouzi, Abbas Foroushani Rahimi Foroushani, Mohammad Reza Ganjali, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Rasoul Yarahmadi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Diazinon is commonly used for pest control in the agricultural fields because of its relatively low cost and high efficiency. Due to the increasing application of pesticides, reliable and accurate analytical methods are necessary for their monitoring. This work was aimed to design the high selective electrochemical sensor for determining of diazinon in biological and environmental samples. The composition of sensor was modified with multi-walls carbon nanotubes and a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP). A diazinon MIP was synthesized and applied in the carbon paste electrode (CP). The prepared sensor was used to determine the concentration of analyte. Parameters affecting the sensor response, such as sample pH, electrolyte concentration and its pH, and the instrumental parameters of square wave voltammetry, were optimized in different levels to select the optimum conditions for analysis of diazinon. The MIP-CP electrode showed very high specificity for determining the analyte. The obtained linear range was 1×10-6 to 5×10-10 mol L-1. The detection limit was 2.7×10-10 molL-1. This sensor was successfully used to determine the diazinon in environmental and biological real samples without special sample pretreatment before analysis.

Mahdi Asghari, Parvin Nassiri, Mohammad Reza Monazzam, Farideh Golbabaei, Hossein Arabalibeik, Ali Akbar Shamsipour, Armin Allahverdy,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Introduction: To evaluate heat stress in the workplace different indices are used. But, none of these measures have been widely accepted. The aim of this study was to determine effective criteria in selecting a heat stress index and weighting of these criteria.

Material and Method:  This study is a qualitative study that was designed and conducted within 10 stages. In the current study, effective criteria for choosing a heat stress index was determined by using Delphi technique and expert’s opinions (30 people), and then the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was used for weighting and prioritization of these criteria.

Results: Analyzing the completed questionnaires by the experts and according to the percentage of respondents, 11 criteria were finally selected. “Simplicity” criteria by %76.6 had the highest percentage of response. But, the relative weight of this criteria was 0.041, and had the lowest weight after the “low cost” criteria.  The criteria relating to the “Standard” item was 0.141as the highest relative weight.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the first step to have a reliable and accurate measurement is to choose a proper and correct index. Based on specialists and expert’s opinions, standardization of the index is the most important selection criteria. Other criteria that must be considered were accuracy, reliability and good correlation with the physiological strain indices.

Hamzeh Mohammadi, Farideh Golbabaei, Somayeh Farhang Dehghan, Mohammad Normohammadi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Introduction: Exposure to crystalline silica dust can seriously threaten health of workers engaged in processes such as casting, stone crushing, grinding, construction activities, insulator manufacturing, and glassblowing and sandblasting. The aim of this study was to assess occupational exposure to crystalline silica and to determine the risk of mortality from silicosis and lung cancer in an insulator manufacturer.

Material and Method: Air personal sampling was performed using 10 mm nylon cyclone and mixed cellulose ester (MCE) membrane filters (5 mm diameter, 0.8 μm pore size) for 60 male workers. Samples were prepared and analyzed according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 7601 standard method. The risk assessment of mortality due to silicosis resulting from crystalline silica exposure was done by using model of Mannetje et al. for the period of 10 years. The mortality rate of lung cancer was determined using a linear regression model derived from the study Rice et al.  

Result: The highest and lowest exposure levels to silica were belonged to the packing unit (0.54±0.28 mg/m3) and the furnace (0.02±0.01 mg/m3), respectively. Crystalline silica concentrations for all samples were higher than Threshold Limit Values (0.025 mg/m3) recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). According to Mannetje et al. model, the cumulative exposure of 25% workers was in the range 0 to 0.99 that it represents 1 death per 1,000 people. The risk of mortality due to lung cancer was obtained in the range of 7-94 persons per 1000 workers exposed to silica.

Conclusion: In general, the geometric and arithmetic mean of crystalline silica exposure was higher than threshold limit value for most of the subjects. For all workers of the insulator manufacturer, the risk of silicosis related mortality was higher than 1/1,000 (unacceptable level of risk). Predicting the lung cancer mortality from silica exposure indicated a high level of mortality risk among understudied workers.

Tahereh Mousavi, Farideh Golbabaei, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Sasan Rezaei, Mostafa Hosseini, Mehrdad Helmi Kohneshahri, Ensieh Masoorian, Ali Karimi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Introduction: Nowadays, HEPA filters is used in hospitals, clean rooms, microbiology hoods, ventilation of surgery rooms, and Pharmacy for removing microorganisms and reduce health hazard. The aim of this study is to increase the efficiency of HEPA filters with UVC radiation to reduce the density of airborne microorganisms.

Material and Method:  The closed–loop chamber was made to evaluate Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis bacteria and Aspergillus Niger, Penicillium fungi. The concentration of fungi and bacteria suspension Respectively was 106, 107 CFU/ml. After the suspension was prepared, it was sprayed into the closed loop chamber by nebulizer. Sampling was done with UVC radiation (1.8 mW/cm2 Illuminance) and no radiation (dark) that included time periods 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Microorganisms density was determined in term of CFU/m3.

Result: The result showed that there was a significant difference between UVC radiation and dark section for all the microorganisms (epidermidis, subtilis, Niger and Penicillium) at each time periods (P value< 0.05). This indicates that concentration of four microorganisms were decreased at all the time periods. UVC radiation could change the essential molecular substances for cellular factor. UVC can penetrate the cell walls of microorganisms. thus nucleic acids and other cellular vital material affected and will cause the destruction or inactivation of microorganisms.

Conclusion: UVC radiation is effectiveness to decrease concentration of four microorganisms. because UVC radiation could remove both bacteria and fungi. While the other studies in other countries, UVA radiation is only effective in reducing bacteria. Therefore, achieved greater efficiencies of HEPA filters, using HEPA filters with UVC will have a significant effect on reducing the density of microorganisms.

Parvin Nassiri, Mohammad Reza Monazzam, Farideh Golbabaei, Aliakbar Shamsipour, Hossein Arabalibeik, Marzieh Abbasinia, Masoumeh Chavoshi, Mehdi Asghari,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Introduction: Heat stress is caused by many factors such as individual factors, environmental factors, and management factors. Individual risk factors can decrease the heat tolerance, and play an important role in heat stress disorders incidence. The aim of this study was to review individual parameters influencing the thermal stress and review the preceding studies.

Material and Method: In this review study sites such as Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed, Iran Medex, Magiran, Google Scholar and SID databases were used for search. The keywords included heat stress, personal factors and heat exposure. The period of 1995 to 2015 was investigated, and finally 75 original articles were identified.

Result: At the individual level, exposure with a single risk factor may reduce the workers’ heat tolerance; while exposure with a combination of several risk factors probably synergistically increases the risk of heat-related disorders. Individual risk factors include age, gender, obesity, fatigue, race, and previous heat disorders and dehydration. In addition, some diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and infectious diseases) or use of certain drugs or alcohol can reduce the heat tolerance.

Conclusion: It is necessary to pay attention to the mentioned items when selecting workers in the hot environments. Also, due to the lack of awareness and knowledge of workers, it is necessary to provide appropriate training programs to reduce the effects of heat stress.

Elham Rahmanzadeh, Farideh Golbabaei, Ali Faghihi Zarandi, Seyed Gholamreza Moussavi, Mohammadreza Baneshi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Hexavalent chromium (VI) is a very strong oxidizing agent that, despite its many uses in various industries, duration of the exposure can lead to lung cancer, deep wounds (in the hands, arm, tongue and palate), nasal septum perforation, burning and inflammation in the nose, lung and upper respiratory tract, asthma, contact dermatitis, damage to the kidneys and liver, and skin allergy. This study aimed to determine the activated carbon efficiency in chromium adsorption (VI) from air flow and its effective parameters. 

Material and Method: In this experimental study, chromium mists were generated by a nebulizer (3A model, Italy). Performance of activated carbon in the Cr (VI) adsorption and its influencing factors such as air flow rate (1 and 3L/min), the initial Cr concentration (0.05, 0.15, 1 and 10 mg/m3) and bed depth (2.5, 5 and 10 cm) were investigated. Yoon-Nelson and Thomas models were used to predict performance of adsorbent column and correlation test was used to determine accordance between the model and actual data.

Result: Activated carbon adsorption capacity increased with increasing of bed depth but decreased with increasing of flow rate and inlet concentration. The results showed that the Yoon-Nelson and Thomas models with a correlation coefficient above 0.9953 matched with the experimental data.

Conclusion: The results indicated that activated carbon has a high efficiency in Cr (VI) adsorption, so that its efficiency at flow rate of 3 L/m, depth of 5 cm and concentration of 20 TLV and TLV was 85.42 and 71.83 percent respectively.

Reza Jafari Nodoushan, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Gholam Abbas Shirali, Soheila Khodakarim, Hassan Khademi Zare, Amir Abbas Hamed Monfared,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Resilience engineering is a novel approache to risk management and is the inherent ability of a system to adapt their work before, during and after the changes and adverse events in such a way that maintain the system performance under predictable and unpredictable conditions. The aim of this study was to identify indicators of organizational resilience of refineries and ranking them using fuzzy TOPSIS technique.  

Material and Method: A qualitative study was done to identify organizational resilience indicators of refinery complex. The main method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. Indicators were determined using qualitative content analysis and literature review. Weighting and ranking identified indicators was performed using fuzzy TOPSIS technique.   

Result: Eleven indicators were identified as follows: management commitment, performance management system, flow of information/communication, involvement culture, error management culture, education, preparedness, flexibility, innovation culture, change management, and human resource management.

Conclusion: Critical sociotechnical organizations especially refinery complexes in order to improve safety management and resilience situation should focus on effective indicators. Monitoring and improving them will increase safety and the resilience level of organization

Asma Zare, Saeid Yazdani Rad, Fateme Dehghani, Fariborz Omidi, Iraj Mohammadfam,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Despite the ongoing efforts to reduce human errors in various systems, errors and unsafe behavior are the main cause of accidents in the workplace. Many studies have been conducted to identify and improve human error in recent years. The number of studies about the human error with the variety of topics has made it an overall overview difficult for researchers. Therefore, a systematic review of previous studies can be the best way to share useful findings and make a trend for the future research in the field of human error.

Material and Method: After a systematic search of valid databases, the analysis was focused on the title, publication year, journal title / Congress, city/region, the level of organization, job search, type of organization and the methods used. And articles were evaluated based encryption.

Result: Three groups of human error studies were identified. The first group studies in safety management, safety assessment, and safety planning have investigated the human error. The second group has examined the influence of individual characteristics such as behavior, cognition, and education on human error. The third group has focused on data arise from the previous accident to improve behavior and reduce human error. To make a better orientation for next studies two essential aspects included chronological analysis and thematic analysis was considered.

Conclusion: This study made an attempt to identify the gaps in the studies related to human error and afford some appropriate strategies.

Iraj Mohammadfam, Abbas Shafikhani, Ali Akbar Shafikhani, Fakhreldin Ghasemi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Choosing maintenance strategy is one of the most complex and essential processes that can affect the safety and cost of equipment. The main aim of this study was to determine a risk-based maintenance policy for improvement of the safety and maintenance indices.

Material and Method: According to literature reviews and constraints associated with the studied industry, a number of safety and maintenance indices were selected and their values were measured. Next, in order to promote the selected indices, the best policy was implemented on nine critical machines of the company based on criteria such as cost, risk and availability in the framework of the fuzzy network analysis process. Finally, after six months period, the indices were re-measured. The Wilcoxon test was used to assess the changes in the indices.

Result: In the implementation of the model, condition based maintenance was more effective than other strategies. Following the intervention, the improvement of safety and maintenance indices was statistically significant. The statistical analyses demonstrated that indices like reliability, availability, mean time between failures, and the number of dangerous failures all were improved significantly (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The results showed that the simultaneous use of three criteria, i.e. cost, risk and availability in maintenance planning could reduce equipment-related accidents. Finally, the recommended model can improve the efficiency and competitiveness of organizations by increasing availability and reducing equipment costs

Mohammad Reza Monazzam Esmaielpour, Fereydoon Laal, Fereshte Majlessi, Rohollah Fallah Madvari, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Alireza Fallah Madvari,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: The use of hearing protective devices (HPDs) is the last way for noise control. It is important to know the information about the duration time using these devices to ensure protetion effectiveness. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of increasing duration time of the using of the devices on hearing loss in tile industry workers with application of the BASNEF education model.  

Material and Method: Task Base Method (TBM) and ISO9612(2009) standard methods through a noise dosimeter device were used to exmine workers’ noise exposure level when they didn’t used of HPDs. Actual performance of HPDs was determined by using the NIOSH standard before and after training intervention and measuring time of use and protection device type. Data were analyzed using SPSSVv19 and conducting t-test and ANCOVA statistical tests.   

Result: Before training intervention, the actual noise level for case workers was 89.76 dBA. On the contrary, this value was 84.04 dBA for after intervention, with a significant difference with control group (P<0.0001) using ANCOVA analysis. In control group, the actual level of noise has not changed because this group has not received any training.

Conclusion: The results revealed that, based on BASNEF education model, duration time of using hearing protection devices is effective on increasing their function and performance.

Mehdi Jahangiri, Fatemeh Rajabi, Sabereh Doosti, Mohammad Ghorbani, Saeedeh Jafari,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Kitchen workers are in danger of slip accident because of slippery surfaces created by contaminants like grease, water and food material. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and slip risk assessment in cooking sites of Shiraz.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 322 cases from commercial kitchens in traditional and fast food restaurants, located in Shiraz, Iran, who was willing to cooperate in the project. (The total number of restaurants was 1303 cases. And simple random sampling method was used). The risk of slips was assessed using Slip Assessment Tool (SAT), developed by Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Prevalence of slip accidents was investigated using a questionnaire among kitchens staffs. Roughness coefficient was measured using Roughness Meter TQC-SP1560. Data analysis was performed using SPSS-22 software.  

Result: The level of slip risk was at moderate level in 47% of studied kitchens and others had low level of slip risk. Slip risk level in kitchens of traditional restaurants was significantly higher than fast foods. The average value of the measured surface roughness was obtained 4191/39 µm. The highest and lowest, respectively 4458/2 and 3977/3 µm were reported. The prevalence of slip accidents was reported to be 50.3%. Most of slip accidents was occurred in the kitchens, and when the floor was wet with water or contaminated with food products.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that due to differences in the type, method and time of food services and also workload of personnel, slip risk in kitchens of traditional restaurants was higher than fast foods. Approximately, in 50% of studied kitchens, the level of slip risk was assessed as moderate. Some basic interventions in spillage control and cleaning procedures, floor surface characteristics and using slip-resistant shoes are required to reduce the risk of slip in kitchens.

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