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Showing 21 results for Zakeri

S Kazronian, S. A. Zakerian, J. N. Saraji, M. Hosseini,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Introduction: currently, stress is known as one the most important issue among societies which may have positive or negative results. Stress is caused when there is not a harmony between job demands, capabilities and desires of a person. Most of the behavioral, physical and mental disorders are results of job stress. The objective of this study was Validity and Reliability analysis of NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire (GJSQ), in order to have an appropriate tool for evaluation and analysis of job stress in Iran.


Material and Method: In this study, 228 members of Tehran fire-fighting office were chosen according to categorical and clustering sampling, methodology and they completed NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire (GJSQ). For Validity and Reliability of questionnaire, 20 persons of the group were chosen for content validity analysis of the questionnaire. For Reliability analysis of the result, Cronbach alpha test and in-cluster correlation test were used. SPSS software version 18 was used for analysis of the data.


Result: The mean age of the participants was 30.8 years (SD=4.9) and the average of job tenure in fire-fighting office was 7.4 years (SD=4.8). In order to reliability analyze the questionnaire, Cronbach alpha coefficient of all influential factors was obtained more than 0.7. In-cluster correlation coefficient of the questionnaire is calculated using retesting on all influential factors. With the exception of Physical Environment and Mental Demands which were about average, all other coefficients were over 0.7, which is a very appropriate result.


Conclusion: Considering that Validity and Reliability factors of the questionnaire were be appropriate, it can be recommended that NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire (GJSQ) can be used as a Valid and Reliable questionnaire for job stress evaluation in Iran.

M. Abbasi, M. R. Monazzam Esmaielpour, A. Akbarzadeh, S. A. Zakerian, M. H. Ebrahimi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Introduction: Installation of wind turbines in residential areas due to their unique sound characteristics may cause noise annoyance. Noise annoyance can increase the risk of health problems and sleep disturbance. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the effect of wind turbine noise annoyance on sleep disturbance among the Manjil wind farm workers.


Material and Method: All the Manjil wind farm workers have been divided into three groups according to their noise exposure levels, including maintenance, security, and administrative workers. The equivalent A weighted noise levels were measured for each of the study working groups, using ISO 9612 standard method. Information related to the noise annoyance and sleep disturbance were determined by ISO15666 standard and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, respectively. Data were analyzed using R software.


Result: Findings of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests showed that noise annoyance and sleep disturbance were statistically different among workers with various occupational, age, and work experience groups. Also, noise annoyance and sleep disturbance had a significant association in a way that regardless of the effects of other variables, it can be stated that for every one unit increase in noise annoyance, 0.26 units will be added to the amount of sleep disturbance.


Conclusion: In this study, workers with more wind turbine noise annoyance had more sleep disturbance. Therefore, in addition to the direct effects of noise on sleep disturbance, it can indirectly exacerbate sleep disturbances.

M. H. Safarian, S. A. Zakerian, J. Nasleseraji, K. Azam,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Introduction: In Laboratory accusations a wide range of hand-held tools are used due to nature of their work. Long-term and repeated use of these tools has led the laboratory workers to suffer from upper limb disorders. The present study was designed and implemented with the aim of investigating the usability of different models of pipettes used in the laboratories of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, employing subjective assessment methods for selecting the best pipette models.


Material and Method: This cross-sectional and analytical-descriptive study was performed among 35 laboratories employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. First, four models of the widely used pipettes were selected and their usability-related characteristics were investigated by a visual analog scale (VAS). Judgments concerned the usability of the pipettes done based on the criteria provided by the International Organization for Standardization 9241-11(1998) and 20282-2(2006). Data analysis was performed, using SPSS software version 22.


Result: The overall evaluation of the users in relation to the characteristics of the pipettes indicated that the highest VAS score was belonged to pipette A, C, and D, respectively. Furthermore, pipette B was selected as the most undesirable one by users. Results related to the usability criteria of pipette showed that of the four models of study pipettes, pipette A has been ranked first in two criteria (satisfaction and effectiveness). Regarding the efficiency, the first rank was for C pipette and the second rank was for pipette A. Pipette B obtained the lowest scores for all given criteria.


Conclusion: Shorter and lighter pipettes, which were designed according to ergonomic principles, had greater usability from the perspective of users and it could cause a better subjective assessment comparing to the other models.

S. Tarzimoghadam, S. A. Zakerian,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: The healthcare system is one of the largest sectors in most countries and is a socio-technical system in which people play a preponderant role. Nowadays medical work systems are facing three major challenges: 1) Healthcare costs, 2) Quality and patient demands and 3) complexity of healthcare. These problems show the necessity of applying ergonomic models in the healthcare sector. The aim of this study was to review the practical ergonomic models in healthcare system.

Material and method: For this review article, the authors searched through ScienceDirect, PubMed, ProQuest internet databases from 2005-2014 using the following keywords: Healthcare, Ergonomics, Human factors and model.

Result: Overall, 85 articles were reviewed. By evaluating articles' titles, 30 articles related to the study subject were chosen. Then, reviewing the abstracts resulted in 15 articles and in the final step 5 full-text articles were selected which described practical models of ergonomics in healthcare: 1) SEIPS, 2) DIAL-F, 3) Extended Patient-Staff-Machine-Interaction, 4) Adapted Medical-Task and 5) Recursive Hierarchical Task-Process-Task-Model.

Conclusion: Most of the published studies emphasize on application of ergonomic models in healthcare centers since these models may reduce their problems. These ergonomics approaches support patient-centered treatment processes, user-oriented design of medical environments, efficient utilization of resources and increase motivation of clinical staff.

S. Dodangeh, S.a. Zakerian, M. Dehghani, S.m. Ghazi Tabatabaie, R. Pirmand,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Introduction: Emotional intelligence as the ability to understand and control feelings and emotions, and job satisfaction as positive attitudes of employees towards their jobs is amongst the effective indicators in the workplaces. Therefore, this research invetigated the effect of emotional intelligence of employees on their job satisfaction in one of the Oil refineries in Tehran.

Methods and Materials: This research is a practical and cross-sectional study. The statistical population consisted of 300 employees selected by stratified random sampling method. Bar-On questionnaire (90-item) and JDI questionnaire (70-item) were used in order to measure emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, respectively. LISREL8.72 software was employed to estimate causal effect between study variables and calculation of descriptive indices and comparison of variables were done by means of SPSS software version 18.

Results: According to results, there was a direct association between emotional intelligence of employees and their job satisfaction. In other words, the higher emotional intelligence, the higher rate of job satisfaction. Of the 15 sub-scales of emotional intelligence, Responsibility and Self-expression obtained the highest and the lowest scores, respectively. Furthermore, Supervisor and Salaries were ranked as the highest and the lowest valued subscales of job satisfaction. According to the results, employees job satisfaction level are improved in parallel to increase of education level and the maximum score of this variable was belonged to the age group of 30-45 years.}

Conclusion: Emotional intelligence, as a psychological variable, affects the worker's job satisfaction. Considering the direct relationship between these two variables, by training and increasing the emotional intelligence of employees, job satisfaction and consequently their efficiency and productivity can be improved in the workplaces.

Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Ehsan Garosi, Ziba Abdi, Ehsan Bakhshi, Mehrdad Kamrani, Reza Kalantari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Workplace design is one of the factors that can influence comfort, performance, productivity and the health status of employees. The effects of this factor on human’s productivity and performance are studied in the domain of ergonomics. The impact of workplace design on workers’ productivity and performance can be determined by investigation of the quality of the design. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of workplace design on productivity of the bank clerks.

Material and Method: Samples in this cross-sectional study were comprised of 150 employees of 22 different branches of a bank in Tehran city. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire related to the effects of workplace design on employees’ productivity, developed by Hameed and colleagues. Correlation and regression statistical tests were used in order to analyze data.

Result: According to the results, the mean (±SD) for age and job tenure of participants were 37.2(±6) and 13(±7) years, respectively. Of the surveyed demographic features, a significant relationship was observed between age and scores belonging to the temperature and furniture (P-value<0.05). In addition, there was a significant association between employees’ productivity and the noise (P-value=0.044) and spatial arrangement of environment (P-value=0.048).

Conclusion: Overall, appropriate and high quality design of work environment can improve productivity of bank clerks. In other words, employees’ productivity can be enhanced by comfortable and ergonomic design of working environment and also by considering their needs.

Mohammad Beiruti, Hadi Daneshmandi , Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Mohammad Fararooei, Zahra Zamanian,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Introduction: Human error is considered as a crucial challenge in occupational settings. Health care system is amongst occupational environments with high rate of human errors. Numerous preceding studies noted that more than 2/3 of medical errors are preventable. Accordingly, different methods are suggested to evaluate human errors, especially in nuclear industries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application and accuracy of HEART technique in medical health system.

Material and Method:  This qualitative study was conducted in surgical intensive care units of a hospital in Shiraz city. All nurses recorded errors were categorized regarding the given tasks and then all tasks were ranked based on the number of errors. The probability of nurses’ tasks error was estimated through AHP-HEART method and the resultant ranking was compared with the recorded errors. Additionally, the prioritization of contributing factors to errors, determined by AHP and AHP-HEART methods, was compared employing Pearson statistical test.

Results: Based on the results, there was a concordance in the rate of nurses’ error determined by HEART method and the recorded errors. However, no significant correlation was between errors contributing factors determined by AHP and AHP-HEART methods.

Conclusion: This study suggested that although HEART technique was successful to rank the tasks considering the magnitude of error probability, but the coefficients of error producing conditions should be customized for nurses’ tasks in order to provide appropriate control measures.

Fateme Dehghani, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Asma Zare, Fariborz Omidi, Zahra Moradpour, Abouzar Eynipour, Masoud Ghanbari Kakavandi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Introduction: A high percentage of musculoskeletal disorders in workplaces occur due to awkward posture and non-ergonomic design of the work stations for lifting and carrying of materials. To avoid these injuries, jobs should be designed in a way that ergonomics risk factors are controlled properly. The aim of this study was to utilize ergonomics interventions to minimize ergonomics risk factors in bag packing unit in a mineral processing plant.

Material and Method: This cross sectional study was carried out among 20 workers of bag packing unit. Camera recording of working postures, evaluation of medical records, interview, and REBA technique were used to identify the ergonomic risk factors. Interventions included changing the conveyor belt height and the use of spring pallets (spring table). Data were analyzed using Paired T-Test by SPSS software version 18.

Result: Before implementing ergonomics intervention, a total of 75% of evaluated postures by REBA technique obtained score of 8-10 (very high risk level) and 25% had score of 11-15 (very high risk level) that correspond to the action level 3 and 4, respectively. Following the implementation of ergonomics interventions, a total of 90% of the analyzed postures showed action level 2 (moderate risk level) and the remainder 10 percent of evaluated postures showed high risk level. Comparison of REBA technique scores before and after implementing interventions showed a significant difference (P-value < 0.05).

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, the implementation of ergonomics interventions has remarkably decreased the required action level and it may be able to improve work-related postures.

Athena Rafieepour, Parvin Nasiri, Omid Giahi, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Esmaeilpour, Abolfazl Zakerian, Farough Mohammadian,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Exposure to vibration as one of the consequences of industrial noise or the use of vibration generators can cause discomfort, reduce the efficiency and level of safety in workplaces. Therefore, in this study, the effect of whole body vibration on individual’s mental performance and response time was investigated.

Material and Method: In this study, 40 male students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences were selected randomly and divided into two 20 subjects groups. Each group participated in two Pegboard Board and Math Calculations tests. Subjects in each stage of test were exposed to whole body vibration with acceleration in 0.8 and 1.1 m/s2 as well as background mode without vibration and were investigated response time and mental performance.

Result: In the present study, the mean response time to the manual Purdue Pegboard test in the vibrational acceleration of 0.0, 0.8 and 1.1 m/s2 with a decreasing trend was 197.55 ± 2.7, 176.25 ± 5.38 and 177.58 ± 2.92, respectively, which results in a significant reduction in the accuracy of the test. Also, the results showed that whole body vibration does not affect mental performance in shallow levels. But, in the intermediate and deep levels, this difference is statistically significant (p <0.001).

Conclusion: Based on the results, whole body vibration is an effective factor in individual’s response time and mental performance, which can lead to a reduction in the accuracy of the work.

Fateme Dehghani, Farideh Golbabaei, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Fariborz Omidi, Mohammad Ali Mansournia,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2018)

Introduction: Adverse effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including general and specific effects like carcinogenic of benzene are well known. The aim of this study was to evaluate occupational exposure to BTEX compounds in the painting unit of an automotive industry and subsequently health risk assessment of exposure to these compounds.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the paint unit of an automotive industry including painting cabin, pre-painting salon and painting salon sections. After analyzing samples, gathered from different sections, by GC-MS, BTEX compound were identified as the main contaminants. In the next step, NIOSH1501 and EPA methods were used to measure and analysis of BTEX and risk assessment, respectively.

Result: Findings showed that benzene concentration in painting cabin was higher than occupational exposure limits provided by the Environmental and Occupational Health Center of Iran. Life time cancer risk for benzene per 1000 has been reported10, 3.63 and 1.27in the painting cabin, pre-painting and salon sections, respectively. It was also for ethyl benzene 2.5m 1.8 and 38.0 in the mentioned sections, respectively. The non-cancer risk for benzene and xylene in the painting cabin and pre-painting sections were higher than recommended allowable level.

Conclusion: Regarding the high level of cancer risk values obtained for benzene and ethylbenzene in the studied units and also high values of non-cancer risk for benzene and xylene, it is recommended to conduct biological exposure assessmnet of the workers and improve existence control systems using modern engineering control systems.

Asma Zare, Mahdi Malakouti Khah, Ehsan Garosi, Seifollah Gharib, Sayed Abolfazl Zakerian,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Introduction: Control room is one of the most important working environments that require optimal performance of individuals to minimize errors. Lighting is one of the environmental factors affecting the operation of the control room operators. Providing optimal lighting in the control room is very important. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of light on workload, sleepiness, eye fatigue, and satisfaction of individuals from light conditions.

Material and Method: This was an interventional study conducted in a control room of a power plant. Intervention in the control room lighting was performed with two lighting systems including fluorescent lamps (4000 Kelvin, 200 lux) and LED lamps (4,000 Kelvin, 400 lux). Sixteen operators were evaluated under the two lighting systems in terms of workload, sleepiness, eye fatigue and satisfaction of individuals from light conditions.

Result: According to the results, eye fatigue significantly decreased after intervention (p (0.004>. Also, the higher light intensity, significantly decreased the level of sleepiness (p <0.001). In the study of workload, the amount of mental workload (p <0.001) and effort (p <0.03) decreased significantly, after intervention and the increase in the intensity of light; but physical demand, temporal demand, performance and frustration had no significant difference with the results before intervention.

Conclusion: In general, a combination of fluorescent and LED lighting systems, with 400 lux intensity, can provide optimal functional and mental conditions for control room operators. The illumination intensity of 400 lux in terms of workload, sleepiness, eye fatigue and the degree of satisfaction of individuals from light conditions provides a much better environmental condition than 200 lux.

Fateme Dehghani, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Farideh Golbabaei, Fariborz Omidi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Introduction: Exposure to organic solvents cause adverse effects on various systems such as the central nervous system, behavioral and cognitive changes, sleep disorders, as well as changes in mood. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of long term exposure to mixed organic solvents on positive and negative aspects of the mood of the workers of a painting industry.  
Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, based on the obtained results of Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis and neuro-behavioral effects of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) compounds, these compounds were selected as the main organic solvents for the study and the amount of these compounds was quantitatively determined according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 1501. Furthermore, the mood status of workers was evaluated by the validated Persian version of BRUMS (The Brunel Mood Scale) questionnaire and the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 24.
Results: The mean of exposure to mixed organic solvents in different sections of the exposed group was reported to be 0, 0.27, 0.76, and 2.6 ppm. By increasing exposure to mixed organic solvents from the first quartile to the fourth quartile, fatigue and calmness scores were increased with a strong correlation (r = 0.7). Also the fatigue and calmness scores in the groups having elevated exposure were significantly higher than the control group. Furthermore, the obtained scores for tension, depression and anger in the exposed group were significantly higher than control group (p- value <0.05). There was no significant relationship between demographic data such as age, work experience and smoking with different subscale of mood status.
Conclusion: Long term exposure to low level of BTEX compounds has made an adverse effect on positive and negative mood status in different aspects. Also, increasing the level of exposure to mixed organic solvents was positively correlated to the obtained scores for fatigue and calmness.
Masoumeh Sadri Khanlou, Mohammadreza Monazzam, Kamal Azam, Alireza Mortezapour, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2019)

Introduction: Nearly a third of people work in jobs that use voice to be part of their work. Teachers as the largest group of professional vocal users, are at risk of vocal disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different risk factors on vocal disorders in teachers.  
Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytic study that was conducted on 73 primary and secondary male and female school teachers in Saveh in 2017 by random sampling. The researcher-made questionnaire on risk factors affecting verbal disorders with the aim of identifying risk factors and a Voice Handicap Index (VHI) questionnaire (30 items) aimed at evaluating verbal disorders and symptom questionnaire were used in this study. All of them have been shown to be valid and reliable in previous studies. Data were analyzed using t-test and chi square statistical tests by SPSS ver.24.
Results: The reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire on the risk factors affecting vocal disorders was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha (0.736) and its validity was confirmed by the experts regarding the adequacy of the number of questions, the lack of ambiguity and the assessment of content fitness. According to our gathered data, vocal disorders were observed in 55% of the teachers. Also the results showed the rate of vocal disorders in female teachers is far higher than male teachers. Functional disturbance of vocal cords and allergy as general risk factors, teaching tools and poor air quality as environmental risk factors and inadequate vocal rest and job stress as occupational risk factors contributed to increasing vocal disorders in teachers. Among the symptom associated with verbal disorders in teachers, vocal fatigue and hoarseness were more common in comparison with other symptoms.
Conclusion: Due to the prevalence of vocal disorders in half of the teachers and the impact of general, environmental and occupational risk factors, it is necessary to identify and control the risk factors of vocal disorders in teachers. It can also be concluded that teachers can enjoy a healthy voice by considering the principles of ergonomics and occupational health.
Elmira Vaziri, Marziyeh Zakeri, Alireza Rajabipoor Meybodi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Introduction: Nurses, in comparison with other occupations, expose higher job stress; therefore, satisfaction in this job and its characteristics is very important. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of occupational characteristics on job satisfaction and job stress with the mediation of emotional work among nurses in Shariati Hospital, Isfahan City.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among nurses of Shariati hospital in Isfahan city, in 1397. The population in this study was 180 people selected by Morgan method at about 118 nurses. The data were collected using the job characteristics, job styles, job satisfaction and emotional work questionnaires. The SPSS Ver. 20 and Smart pls 3.2.6 software were used for data analysis.
Results: According to the results, the dimensions of job characteristics such as importance, identity, independence, feedback, and verity of skills on job satisfaction were obtained. Also, the occupational stress by mediating emotional work (superficial and deep work), based on statistical results ( t-test), the value   of 8.589 statistics for the impact of occupational characteristics on work emotional, the 6.381 effects of emotional work on job satisfaction and value of 17.382 for significant effect on emotional work on job stress were efficiently achieved  with  positive effect.
Conclusion: Based on mediating emotional work, the Job characteristics have a positive and significant effect on the nurses’ job satisfaction and job stress. Therefore, the hospital managers should pay more attention to the characteristics and satisfaction of job stress and emotion of the job. The management of job stress and job satisfaction was improved through the recognition of the features of work and emotional work as favorite policies.

Aysa Ghasemi Koozekonan, Vahid Ahmadi Moshiran, Mohsen Sadeghi Yarandi, Hamedeh Golmohammapour, Babak Sarbaz, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Introduction: One of the most important factors affecting quality of work-life (QWL) is the workload in the form of mental and physical. The increased workload may reduce the level of performance of workers. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the relation of the mental and physicalworkload with the QWLof workers in the foundry industry.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 218 male workers in a foundry industry and the work units with high work stress were selected. The NASA-TLX, physical load and the Walton questionnaires were used to collect and evaluate the workload and the QWL.The SPSS software was used for data analysis.
Results: It was clarified that there was a significant inverse relationship between QWL with physical load (P = 0.001) and mental workload (P = 0.01). The comparison of mean QWL between different groups of demographic variables showed that the only significant relationship was between different age groups and QWL (P = 0.003). Finally, it was found that the variables of physical load, mental workload and age had a significant simultaneous effect on the mean score of QWL (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The findings showed that there was a significant relationship between QWL and mental and physical workloads.
Seyed Mahdi Mousavi, Ali Karimi, Seyed Abolfazl Zakeriyan, Mehrdad Mehravar,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Introduction: Permit-to-work system (PTW) system is a documented system to control the activities with inherent risks and probability of accident occurrence. To inform the performance and efficiency of a system, it must be periodically monitored and evaluated, and the permit to work system is no exception of this principle. The aim of the present study was to design and develop software for evaluating the performance of the PTW system.
Material and Methods: This study included two main stages. At the first stage, based on the literature review and interview to the academic and industrial experts, the PTW questionnaire for evaluating the performance was created. The second stage involved the design and implementation of an initial version of a software and the investigation of its usability. Designing the software was performed using system development life cycle (SDLC). The usability of this software was evaluated by Think -Aloud method. Finally, the users’ satisfaction was measured using the Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS) questionnaire.
Results: Based on the results of the QUIS questionnaire, the overall satisfaction of the designed software was 7.71 in a nine-point scale. The scores of the software performance, display and user interface features, software terminology and information, learning, and overall system capabilities were obtained as 7.58, 7.37, 7.75, 8.11, and 7.74, respectively. Also, the outputs of the excel and SPSS software were in accordance with those of designed software, which show the reliability of the outputs of the designed software.
Conclusion: The designed software facilitate the proper and systematic analysis and it is flexible to evaluate the PTW system and represent types of reports in predefined structures that can be a useful tool in the process industries such as oil and petrochemical refineries and other similar industries.
Ali Mohammad Mossadeghrad, Alireza Sadraei, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Ismailpour, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Adel Mazloumi, Monireh Khadem, Mahya Abbasi, Ali Karimi, Farideh Golbabaei,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Introduction: Universities play a key role in creating a knowledge-based society and its sustainable development. Strategic planning by strategically analyses internal and external environments of the organization, forecast its future, identifying its strategic direction, and strengthening organizational structures, processes, and outcomes, creates and sustains competitive advantages. This study aimed to formulate a strategic plan for the Occupational Health Engineering (OHE) department of School of Public Health (SPH) at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
Material and Methods: In this participatory action research, a strategic planning committee was formed. The strategic planning committee used the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) matrix to evaluate the internal and external environments of the OHE department. Then, the mission, vision, values, goals and objectives of the OHE department were defined. Finally, the operational plan including actions to achieve the goals and objectives were formulated.
Results: Experienced professors and staff, specialized laboratories, professional journals, and high ranked postgraduate students were the most important strengths; and theoretical and non-practical courses, lack of educational protocols, poor communication with industries, lack of resources, and low motivation of employees were some of the weaknesses of the OHE department.  The support of senior managers of TUMS, industry liaison council at school and university, facilities of the university faculties, comprehensive research laboratories of the university, capacities of the private sector and increasing the demand for research in the industry were the opportunities. High inflation, political sanctions, the absence of consulting engineering companies and the uncertainty of research priorities of industries were important threats to the OHE department. Therefore, the OHE department is in a conservative strategic position. The strategic direction of the department, including the mission, vision, values and goals, until 2025 was determined. Improving the structures, working processes and performance of the occupational health department were determined as objectives and 81 actions were formulated to achieve these objectives.
Conclusion: The educational departments, schools and universities must have a strategic plan for progress. The strategic plan of the occupational health department of TUMS was formulated in line with the four-year plan of the university and coordinated with the operational plans of the educational, health and research deputies of TUMS and school of public Health. Proper implementation of this comprehensive and evidence-based strategic plan will improve the performance of the occupational health department.
Zahra Ghanbari, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Alireza Choobineh, Mohammad Nami, Faramarz Gharagozlou,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Introduction: Cognitive emotion regulation (CER) strategies define as cognition-based responses according to emotion-eliciting experiences that can change the type and severity of individuals’ reactions and behaviors. This modification may positively or negatively affect cognitive performance and therefore, it is a defining issue in the workplace. Notably, industries such as combined cycle power plants need to hire staff with a high cognitive ability to perform their duties in a highly efficient way. Since CER is of great importance for overall health and cognitive performance, we aimed to evaluate the state of CER among control room operators (CROs) in the Fars combined cycle power plant.
Material and Methods: The CER questionnaire (CERQ) measures nine cognitive coping strategies (i.e., self-blame, other-blame, rumination, catastrophizing, positive refocusing, planning, positive reappraisal, putting into perspective, and acceptance) that are followed when an individual confronts negative events. The CERQ (short version) was administered to 57 male CROs at the Fars combined cycle power plant. The questionnaire also collected demographic data. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Version 25.0. For the normality test, Shapiro-Wilk was the method of choice.
Results: Results of the CERQ scoring showed that the median with interquartile range (IQR) in appropriate and inappropriate categories were 3.50 (3.30-4.00) and 2.62 (2.25-3.06), respectively. Of note, age (39.07 ±6.19) and work experience (14.49±6.26) were not significantly correlated with the results of CERQ.
Conclusion: Taken together, adaptive cognitive strategies (acceptance, positive refocusing, planning, positive reappraisal, and putting into perspective) were reported to be used more often than less adaptive strategies. In general, staff strategies were appropriate while facing a negative event. Although assessing CER in high-demand workplaces is necessary, factors such as managerial styles, job engagement, job satisfaction, and larger sample size should be further studied.
Mohammad Javad Sheikhmozafari, Fatemeh Sadat Mirnajafi Zadeh, Neda Sasani Nasab, Parsa Mohammad Alizadeh, Jamal Biganeh, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Introduction: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are a prevalent occupational health concern, influenced by both physical and psychosocial factors. Valid questionnaires offer a cost-effective and efficient means of evaluating WMSDs. This study aimed to validate the Persian version of the MDRF questionnaire, assess its applicability in Iran, and investigate the prevalence of WMSDs among employees in an automotive industry.
Material and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 100 employees (50 production line workers and 50 office workers) in Kerman province. The linguistic validity of the questionnaire and its translation were ensured using the Backward-Forward method. Content validity was assessed through CVI and CVR indexes. To evaluate the questionnaire’s reliability and agreement, Cronbach’s alpha and ICC were employed. User responses from the first and second series of the questionnaires were validated using Kappa and Spearman’s tests.
Results: Results indicated high reliability which was achieved by Cronbach’s alpha and ICC values of 0.960 and 0.925, respectively. The questionnaire’s validity was acceptable based on CVR and CVI tests. The prevalence of WMSDs was the highest in the lower back for both production line and office workers over the past year. The job satisfaction factor exhibited the highest risk level among the questionnaire’s four subgroups. Approximately 85% of participants were classified as having a high or very high-risk level, reflecting concerning conditions among the employees. The prevalence of WMSDs in different body parts significantly correlated with all physical and psychosocial stress factors.
Conclusion: This research highlights the influence of diverse physical and psychosocial risk factors on the occurrence of WMSDs among both occupational workers and office employees. Also, the MDRF questionnaire, whose high applicability in assessing the WMSDs risk factors was proven in this study, is an effective tool for prioritizing, planning, and executing educational and preventive measures within the workforce community to mitigate and prevent WMSDs. 
Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Ismailpour, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Adel Mazloumi, Monireh Khadem, Mahya Abbasi, Ali Karimi, Hasan Karimi, Farideh Golbabaei,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Introduction: The purpose of occupational health is to maintain and improve the health of employees and improve their physical, mental and social well-being through the prevention, control and elimination of occupational hazards. It is necessary to integrate educational, research and health service activities to prevent and control potential occupational health hazards in the community. This study aimed to develop a Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA) for occupational health at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
Material and Methods: In this participatory action research, a strategic planning committee was established, whose members were professors of the occupational health department in the school of public health and managers of the occupational health department in the health deputy of TUMS. The strategic planning committee carried out a strategic evaluation of the internal and external environments of both occupational health deprtments of TUMS and identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then, the strategic direction of JCPOA including the vision, mission, values, goals and objectives was determined. Also, the strategies and actions to achieve the goals and objectives were identified. Finally, the action plan to achieve these objectives was developed.
Results: This applied research led to the strategic evaluation of the internal and external environments of the occupational health depratment of the School of Public Health and the occupational health depratment of the Health deputy of TUMS, determining the strategic direction, and finally, developing an action plan to achieve the goals and objectives.
Conclusion: The JCPOA for occupational health was developed using a collaborative and systemic approach. The proper implementation of this plan can lead to the improvement of occupational health indicators in the community. Cooperation between university and industry is necessary for the sustainable development of society.

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