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Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2012)

Introduction: Many methods exist for evaluating ergonomic risk factors for LBP at workplace, including biomechanical, physiological and psycho-physical methods. Digital Human Modeling (DHM) as a tool based on computer for ergonomic evaluation that Because having advantages such as saving time and costs in assessment and actively evaluation of ergonomic solutions in the digital environment.Aim of this study was evaluation occupational causes of LBP with the use of digital human modeling.


Method and Materials: This study was a case quasi-experimental study in the engine assembly of the car manufacturing industry was conducted. First, The characteristics of job and risk factors for low back pain In all workstations were documented, then workstations with high risk of low back disorders were selected. Finally, a workstation for simulating and evaluating in the human digital modeling softwares, which includes 3DSSPP and Catia were selected. A total 22 posture of the lifting and lowering moment of the three tasks of workstation selected for simulation. After evaluation in the digital environment, the risk areas identified and solutions were presented.


Results: The results showed that compressive and shear forces on the L5/S1 disc increased with increase of anthropometric dimensions and Horizontal distance from the body and decrease of height Lowering the site, and the percentage of people capable to perform a task in joint, decreased with increase of anthropometric dimensions. Ligament strain in postures with sever bending trunk were more increasing. RULA scores increased with the Unsuitable conditions of back and arms. High risk areas, were mainly related to the low height of pallets in lifting and lowering and high Horizontal distance from the body.


Conclusion: According to The results of this study, Biomechanical Causes for LBP, including anthropometric characteristics (height and weight), Horizontal distance of object to the body, height of lifting and lowering location and trunk bending and torsion. This study showed that DHM is an effective tool in the evaluation of job tasks and workplace design, that can be identified risk area in each task and to achieve the ideal design. Using DHM can be implement Desired solution in a virtual environment and With the re-evaluation, Be sure of having effective solutions in the real environment.

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Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Introduction: Any disorders or injuries to musculoskeletal system due to working procedure or conditons would be considered as work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The present study aimed to evaluate body postures and main risk factors contributing musculoskeletal disorder in barbers in IRAN, SARDASHT


Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive – analytical and cross sectional study. Total number of the hairdressers in Sardasht city were one hunderd and ten people. Nordic questionnaire, camcorder and Reba checklist were used to collect required data.


Results: Based on the demographic data 42.9 % of the studied people were male and 57 .1% were women with the mean age of 18.8±73.31 and 75.6±12.28, respectively. Elbow pain has the highest prevalence (90%) and it was 71, 70, 68, 66, 63, 56, 48, 45 percent respectively, in the neck, wrist . hand, shoulder, hip, thigh, back, foot, ankle, knee, back body regions. According to the posture assessment, 27.6% of the risks were in moderate to high levels of exposure as risk factors for the musculoskeletal disorders.


Conclusion: High prevalence of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders shows that inappropriate posture,improper use of work tools, and highly repetitive movements for long period in make up task are the main reasons for the er prevalence of upper limb disorders in this occupational group.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Bazaars are most active and comprehensive center of urban life in Iran and according to its nature, have the economic and social functions. The nature and severity of risks associated with the quantity and quality of materials and enrgy available has led the growing importance of preventive safety assessment in Bazaars. The main objective of this study is to provide a model for risk assessment and management in urban Bazaars. After familiar with the studied systems, interviews with experts, using the Delphi method and paired comparisons, framwork of risk assessment and management was designed.The framework was tested and verified in Hamadan Bazaars. Results showed that the total risk of Hamadan Bazaars, 20.5% of zones in high risk area, and 79.5% were in cautious area. Using of 22 parameters to determine Bazaar zone risks and focus on total, preventive, detective and control risk was the strenght of this study.
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Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Introduction: Increasing the angle of curvature of the spine in the lumbar region is precursor from many musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, the measurement of easy, fast and accurate angle of lumbar lordosis will an important role in the prevention of these discomforts. The purposes of this study are clinical examination, clinical examination, and Facilitate measurement of lumbar lordosis curvature and prevent unnecessary radiation exposure to individual body and design and manufacture of lumbar lordosis system. System designed in this study do not the risks and other methodological problems and is acceptable in compared with standard indicators of Delmax.


Methods and Materials: In this study, surveyed lumbar lordosis 50 participants of male and female using system of the measurement lumbar lorsosis and findings were compared with results of delmax index.


Results: The lumbar lordosis of natural based on Delmax index between 96% -94% and based on designed system is equivalent to 40 to 60 degrees. Participants had 78% of normal lumbar lordosis, 12% Kyphosis and 10% Lordosis. The sensitivity of system in identifying healthy individuals and patients 100% and 55.6% respectively and overall accuracy was 84% system.


Conclusion: The designed system had acceptable of accuracy in comparison with standard Delmax index.

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Introduction: Low back pain (LBP) is a common and costly health problem. It has high prevalence in nursing job and caused shortage of nursing staff. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of LBP, knowledge level of LBP risk factors and assess relationship between LBP prevalence and nurses’ knowledge level of LBP risk factors among nurses of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS).


Material and Method: In this cross-sectional study, 118 randomly selected registered nurses participated from SUMS hospitals with at least one year of job tenure. In order to assess nurses’ knowledge of LBP risk factors, a self-administered survey questionnaire consisted of four parts was used as data collecting tool. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (version 11.5). Duncan, T-test and ANOVA tests were used for data analysis.


Result: LBP prevalence rate was found to be 79.7% (94 nurses) during the previous year from which 12 nurses were male (63.2%) and 82 nurses were female (82.8%). Nurses’ knowledge level of LBP risk factors in different hospitals was not significantly different. The Results showed that nearly half of the nurses had poor knowledge about LBP risk factors and the remaining had good knowledge level. The main source of information about LBP risk factors among nurses were related to their university education.


Conclusion: A high prevalence of the LBP was found among nurses working at SUMS hospital. Knowledge level of nurses about LBP risk factors needs improvement. In addition to university education, which is the main source of information of nurses about LBP risk factors, on-the-job training seems essential in this field.

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2012)

Introduction: Because of some important advantages such as creation job opportunities and providing raw material for some industries, animal husbandry plays an important role in Iran. According to the work force statistics, there are considerable number of employees working in animal husbandries sections. However, there is few information concerning cattle husbandry unit sanitations and workers health and safety condition. The aim of this project was to investigate the health and safety condition of cattle husbandry units and their workers in Babol.


Material and Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among all the traditional and industrial cattle husbandry units (n=52) in the rural area of Babol city during winter 2010. The data were collected from all of the active cattle husbandry units, and inactive units were omitted from the sample list. The data were gathered by means of tailor-made data collection sheet through an interview and direct inspection done by the environmental health technicians. The data analyzed using descriptive statistical indexes and Chi- square test, and p<0.05 was considered as significant.


Result: The findings indicated that the mean value of years of work experience was 15.1±12.9 years and 30% of workers were illiterate. Immunization against tetanus was 43%. Only one fourth of the workers had health card and 36% had periodic medical examinations. More than 55% of the participants had not passed health and safety orientation courses. Almost half of the workers experienced work related accidents and 60% of the units had no hygienic toilets. According to Chi-square test result, there were significant statistical correlations between the level of education and years of experience by complying with some health and safety rules.


Conclusion: Our results indicated that, more attention should be given to educational programs about health issues and a serious supervision of health legislations is necessary.

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Introduction: Emergency situation is one of the influencing factors on human error. The aim of this research was purpose to evaluate human error in emergency situation of fire and explosion at the oil company warehouse in Hamadan city applying human error probability index (HEPI).


Material and Method: First, the scenario of emergency situation of those situation of fire and explosion at the oil company warehouse was designed and then maneuver against, was performed. The scaled questionnaire of muster for the maneuver was completed in the next stage. Collected data were analyzed to calculate the probability success for the 18 actions required in an emergency situation from starting point of the muster until the latest action to temporary sheltersafe.


Result: The result showed that the highest probability of error occurrence was related to make safe workplace (evaluation phase) with 32.4 % and lowest probability of occurrence error in detection alarm (awareness phase) with 1.8 %, probability. The highest severity of error was in the evaluation phase and the lowest severity of error was in the awareness and recovery phase. Maximum risk level was related to the evaluating exit routes and selecting one route and choosy another exit route and minimum risk level was related to the four evaluation phases.


Conclusion: To reduce the risk of reaction in the exit phases of an emergency situation, the following actions are recommended, based on the finding in this study: A periodic evaluation of the exit phase and modifying them if necessary, conducting more maneuvers and analyzing this results along with a sufficient feedback to the employees.

M. Jahangiri, M. Neghab, R. Rostami, M. Aghabeigi, V. Kahdemain, F. Zare Derisi,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2014)

Introduction: Bioaeroslos released from wastewater treatment plants may contain pathogens existing in the sewage which could endanger the health of workers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of bioaerosol emissions form in a sanitary wastewater treatment plant.


Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out in different units of a sanitary wastewater treatment plant. For this purpose, air samples were collected on blood agar and dextro agar in an Andersen single-stage sampler with flow of 28.3 lit/min for 10 minutes. Collected samples were shipped to the lab immediately and incubated for 48 hours. Then, incubated samples were counted for colonies concentration.


Result: Based on the result of this study, the mean density of bacterial and fungal bioaerosols in all wastewater treatment plants were 412.86±23.30 and 53.72±23.99 CFU/m3, respectively. Microbial contamination of the air within a kilometer away from the site (control areas) was 17 times less than its average density.


Conclusion: Wastewater treatment processes can contaminate the air surrounding the plant, particularly with bacteria bioaerosols. Therefore, it is necessary to control the emissions and protect the health of workers against risks arising from exposure to bioaerosols.

M. Ghasemkhani, M. Sheikh Alishahi, M. Asghari,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Introduction: IBioaerosols are usually defined as aerosols or particles with microbial, plant or animal origin. Textile industries are of the working environments in witch workers are exposed to bioaerosols. In textile industry, the highest contamination concentration is the belonged to carding step. Since, textile industry in iran is native and a large number of employers are working in this industry, this study was undertaken to assess bacterial bioaerosols concentration in a textile in industry in iran.
Material and Method: In cross-sectional study was done in different units and also outdoor environment of a cotton textile plant. The concentration of bioaerosols were sampled and measured according 0800 method presented by NIOSH, during summer. Diagnosis of type of colonies and bactories, grown on blood agar, was done using gram staining.
Result: The mean bioaerosols concentration obtained the highest and lowest values in outdoor environment (94±9.5 CFU/m3) and unit 2 (Ring site) (64±18.0 CFU/m3), respectively. The mean difference of bioaerosols concentration in unit 1 (Carding sites) and unit 2 (Ring site), was statistically significant in this study. The highest number of bioaerosols colony was for staphylococcus Epiderms (N=1743) and the lowest number was for streptococcus pneumonia (N=64) in the whole plant.
Conclusion: Although the bioaerosols concentration obtained in the present study is lower than those reported in other studies, these values are above the threshold recommended.

S. Chahardoli , M. Motamedzade , Y. Hamidi , R. Golmohammadi , A. R. Soltanian ,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Introduction: Job design approach is one of the significant concepts in ergonomics Experts believe that integration of macro ergonomics and job design can lead to improved productivity in the organizations. Therefore, this study examined the relationships between job design, performance and job satisfaction.


Methods and Materials: This cross - sectional study was done in 11 branches of one of the bank in Hamadan. Job Design Questionnaire, Job Satisfaction Questionnaires and Bank Performance Indicator were used in order to collect data. spearman correlation coefficient was used for determining the correlation between each two variables.


Results: This study showed that the motivational approach was the minimum approach (3.8%), and the mechanical approach, was the dominant approach (74.7%) in the study branches and the majority of branches had an average level of job satisfaction. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between job design (motivational and cognitive approaches) and job satisfaction. In addition, the results showed that between job design (Motivational approach) and satisfaction were significantly correlated with performance, (p = 0.05).


Conclusion: Regarding the role of job design in job satisfaction and employees, performance, it can be stated that job redesign towards a motivational approach and considering the principles of ergonomics in the workplace, can play an important role in efficiency and productivity of an organization.

R. Abedinloo, N. Hassan Zadeh Rangi, Y. Khosravi, H. Jalilian, S. Majd Abadi, A. A. Farshad, A. A. Sadeghi, H. Amari,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Introduction: Neighborhood environment plays an important role in the health of residents. This study was conducted to assess health, safety and environment (HSE) in poor and rich vicinities in order to improve health levels of the neighborhoods, using Community-Based Intervention (CBI) approach.


Material and Method: In the present field study, HSE variables were assessed by a checklist (NHSES) through observation, interviews with neighborhood residents as well as document review.Of the 374 vicinities in Tehran, ten regions were selected through cluster sampling. The Control Chart approach was used in order to compare the field data and the possibility of decision-making about the neighborhoods.


Results: Overall, results showed that status of health, safety and environment in both rich and poor neighborhoods in Tehran was in the warning level.


Conclusion: The CBI is an appropriate model for empowerment of neighborhoodsin a way that promote HSE status.

I. Nasiri , M. Motamedzade, R. Golmohammadi, J. Faradmal,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Introduction: The bank employees usually require the use of computers for long duration in a static position to get the work done. The present study aimed to evaluate the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorder using the ROSA method among the employees of Sepah Bank. An ergonomic intervention was also performed in order to improve the working conditions.


Material and Methods: This interventional descriptive-analytical study was carried out among 165 office employees of central building of Sepah Bank. Using random sampling, the subjects were initially divided into two groups of case and control. Before and after the intervention, ROSA method and Nordic questionnaire was respectively used to evaluate the risk factors that cause musculoskeletal disorders and the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders. The data were collected two weeks prior the interventions and 9 months after the interventions. SPSS software version 16 was utilized for data analysis and the effectiveness of intervention was determined.


Results: Before the intervention, the mean ROSA scores of all groups' workstations were above 5 with high risk. The results obtained 9 months after the interventions manifested a statistically significant decrease (P<0.001) in the ROSA mean scores and its components in the groups who received the interventions. 9 months after the intervention, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among the subjects who had received intervention showed a significant reduction, as well (0.001> p).


Conclusion: Using the ROSA technique was seemed to be beneficialto assess the ergonomic risk factors of office works, and the deficiencies in the workstation can be identified through this method. Moreover,by design and implementation of an educational intervention program along with engineering interventions which comply with the elements of this technique, the defects can be eliminated.

M. Mostafaee, P. Nassiri, M. H. Behzadi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Introduction: According to previous researches, working at the airport is one of the most vociferous jobs in the world. Airport workers are at risk of noise induced hearing loss. The present study was done to evaluate the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) in the closest aprons to Ground Safety department at Mehrabad airport and to investigate the effect of airport noise on the employees of this department.


Material and Methods: Evaluation of SPL in the given aprons was done using sound meter and sound analyzer. Measurement stations at specific intervals to the sound source were identified inside and outside of the participants 'workplace and SPL was measured at night and day. The mean estimated values were compared with those presented by Ministry of Health. The annual participants' audiometry information was extracted from medical records. Then a self-administered questionnaire was distributed among the study sample in order to measure quality of noise exposure. The questionnaire was developed based on three general criteria including the knowledge toward the noise pollution, job satisfaction, and the exposure to the noise source and the purpose of this questionnaire was to find the relationship (correlation) between these parameters among the study population.


Result: The measured equivalent for 8 hours noise exposure was obtained 94 dB(A) and no relation was observed between octave band sound of aircraft and recorded audiometry. Analysis of the questionnaire showed that people with more knowledge about noise pollution used more hearing protective equipment. Subsequently, by using more hearing protection equipment the level of hearing loss was reduced significantly (P<0.05). There was a significant and negative correlation between noise exposure and job satisfaction, as well (P<0.05). Also there was a significant and negative correlation between using of ear muffs and catching Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (P<0.1). The percentage of noise-induced hearing loss was calculated 51.4% among study sample.


Conclusion: The noise exposure of employees of Ground Safety working in Mehrabad airport was higher than the permissible limit which implies the necessity for use of earmuffs and implementation of noise reduction programs.

M. Abbasi, M. R. Monazzam Esmaielpour, A. Akbarzadeh, S. A. Zakerian, M. H. Ebrahimi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Introduction: Installation of wind turbines in residential areas due to their unique sound characteristics may cause noise annoyance. Noise annoyance can increase the risk of health problems and sleep disturbance. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the effect of wind turbine noise annoyance on sleep disturbance among the Manjil wind farm workers.


Material and Method: All the Manjil wind farm workers have been divided into three groups according to their noise exposure levels, including maintenance, security, and administrative workers. The equivalent A weighted noise levels were measured for each of the study working groups, using ISO 9612 standard method. Information related to the noise annoyance and sleep disturbance were determined by ISO15666 standard and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, respectively. Data were analyzed using R software.


Result: Findings of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests showed that noise annoyance and sleep disturbance were statistically different among workers with various occupational, age, and work experience groups. Also, noise annoyance and sleep disturbance had a significant association in a way that regardless of the effects of other variables, it can be stated that for every one unit increase in noise annoyance, 0.26 units will be added to the amount of sleep disturbance.


Conclusion: In this study, workers with more wind turbine noise annoyance had more sleep disturbance. Therefore, in addition to the direct effects of noise on sleep disturbance, it can indirectly exacerbate sleep disturbances.

P. Azad, G. H. Halvani, M. R. Najimi, B. Kouhnavard,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Introduction: Road accidents are of the most important events, which cause death and injury of a large number of people and impose huge economic losses. According to previous studies, human factors are the main cause of traffic accidents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of behavioral factors in driving-related non-fatal accidents.


Material and Method: The present analytical study was carried out among 150 drivers of urban and suburban transportation system in Yazd province. The research tool was Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) which is consisted of two sections: demographic information and driving behavior.


Result: 83/9 % of the participants reported to use safety belt nearly always. The highest deliberate violations, slips, and mistakes were belonged to drivers with age group of 18-25. Moreover, deliberate violations had a significant relationship with rage (P < 0.05). Survey of behavioral factors in terms of vehicle ownership type showed that “deliberate violations” and “slips and mistakes” high among personal bus drivers and state-owned bus drivers, respectively, which shows the significant association between these behavioral factors and ownership type. What is more, rates of deliberate and unintentional violations and slips were higher among those with a history of two times incidents (P < 0.004).


Conclusion: The results revealed that behavioral factors such as age, type of vehicle ownership, and accident history played a significant role in occurrence of traffic accidents.

S. Chahardoli, M. Motamedzade, Y. Hamidi, A. R. Soltanian, R. Golmohammadi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: Studies have shown that bank clerks experience high levels of stress. Stress is known as the main cause of reduction of job satisfaction and staff commitment and overall organization performance. This study aimed to investigate the association between psychosocial stressors, organizational structure, and job satisfaction.

Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional study was performed in 11 branches of a bank in Hamadan. In order to collect data, General Nordic Questionnaire (QPS Nordic 34+), Organizational Structure and Job Satisfaction Questionnaires were used. For determining the relationship between the two variables spearman correlation coefficient was used. Moreover, chi-square test was used to investigate the association between qualitative variables.

Results: Job stress (57%) and job satisfaction (39%) of the subjects were in the average level, and structure of the majority of the branches was somewhat inflexible (69%). What is more, there was a significant positive correlation between job stress and dimensions of organizational structure (centralization, formalization). Results manifested a significant correlation between organizational structure and job satisfaction (P-value= 0.05).

Conclusion: Considering the effect of organizational structure and work-related psychosocial stressors on job satisfaction, it can be stated that organizational restructuring to achieve organic structures and paying more attention to psychosocial stressors in the workplace, can play an effective role in the efficiency and productivity of the organization.

S. Rahmani , M. Omidvari,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Introduction: Electrical industries are among high risk industries. The present study aimed to assess safety risk in electricity distribution processes using  ET&BA technique and also to compare with both VIKOR & TOPSIS methods in fuzzy environments.

Material and Methods: The present research is a descriptive study and ET&BA worksheet is the main data collection tool. Both Fuzzy TOPSIS and Fuzzy VIKOR methods were used for the worksheet analysis.

Result: Findings revealed that overhead low and medium voltage power distribution networks had the highest risk among the other network types of transmission and distribution of electricity. Also, it was found that TOPSIS and VIKOR methods are appropriate to rank the safety risks with somehow similar results.

Conclusion: The height and electricity are of the main causes of accidents in electricity transmission and distribution industry which caused the overhead power networks to be ranked as high risk. Application of decision-making models in fuzzy environment minimizes the judgment of assessors in the risk assessment process.

H. Zohdirad , T. Ebadi, S. Givehchi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Introduction: Leakage from process equipment and the entrance of flammable fluids to surrounding atmosphere may cause flammable gas cloud. The coincidence of flammable gas cloud with ignition source could make flash fire or vapor cloud explosion that cause injury and fatality. The concept of reduction of confluence of flammable gas cloud and potential sources of ignition is known as hazardous area classification. Several standards have provided methods regarding hazardous area classification; however, of the disadvantages of them are lack of an accurate determination of hazardous areas due to potential leakage sources which is because of low flexibility in process condition variation and equipment layout and also not considering effect of weather conditions and cumulative effects of release sources.

Method: In this paper, risk-based hazardous area classification is optimized using parameters such as the number of influencing release sources and weather condition probabilities. In this method, the determining factor of hazardous area boundary is the probability of acceptable ignition for every specific location. This probability is calculated using quantitative risk assessment with PHAST RISK software version 6.7 on the gas boosting unit of a gas refinery as a case study.

Result: The results of this method showed the full dependency of hazardous area boundary to cumulative effects of potential sources of release and the prevailing wind direction and it also demonstrated that the suggested optimized method can consider wind direction probabilities and cumulative effects of potential sources of release in risk-based hazardous area classification calculation.

Conclusion: Comparing the results of this method with the usual method determines that this method has some advantages such as considering all sources of release and cumulative sources of release and considering wind direction probabilities in determining boundary of zone 2 which makes the hazardous area classification very precise and flexible.

Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Ehsan Garosi, Ziba Abdi, Ehsan Bakhshi, Mehrdad Kamrani, Reza Kalantari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Workplace design is one of the factors that can influence comfort, performance, productivity and the health status of employees. The effects of this factor on human’s productivity and performance are studied in the domain of ergonomics. The impact of workplace design on workers’ productivity and performance can be determined by investigation of the quality of the design. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of workplace design on productivity of the bank clerks.

Material and Method: Samples in this cross-sectional study were comprised of 150 employees of 22 different branches of a bank in Tehran city. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire related to the effects of workplace design on employees’ productivity, developed by Hameed and colleagues. Correlation and regression statistical tests were used in order to analyze data.

Result: According to the results, the mean (±SD) for age and job tenure of participants were 37.2(±6) and 13(±7) years, respectively. Of the surveyed demographic features, a significant relationship was observed between age and scores belonging to the temperature and furniture (P-value<0.05). In addition, there was a significant association between employees’ productivity and the noise (P-value=0.044) and spatial arrangement of environment (P-value=0.048).

Conclusion: Overall, appropriate and high quality design of work environment can improve productivity of bank clerks. In other words, employees’ productivity can be enhanced by comfortable and ergonomic design of working environment and also by considering their needs.

Mohammad Hasan Ehrampoush, Mohsen Hesami Arani, Mohammad Taghi Ghaneian, Asghar Ebrahimi, Masoud Shafiee,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Requiring industries for implementing industrial waste management programs and planning for proper waste disposal is essential in order to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, industrial waste management program was done in Kavir Steel Complex, in Aran va Bidgol region to identify and classify industrial waste and also to present solutions for improving waste management. In this complex, production process is hot rolling steel and the product is rebar.

Material and Method: The preset study was conducted in Kavir Steel Complex. Following survey of production process and sources of waste, the type and volume of produced waste were identified and measured during 3 months. Then, the classification of wastes was done according to the Bazel Convention and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and finally new industrial & health solid waste management program was presented.

Result: Considering the volume, industrial waste of production process in Kavir Steel Complex was between 130 to 180 grams per each ton of rebar. Main industrial waste included oxide of steel billet, industrial sludge, used oil and lubricant which were classified according to the RCRA: 8 materials with T code, 1 with C code, 5 with I code and 3 materials with C code.

Conclusion: The results revealed that the most amount of industrial waste in Kavir Steel Complex is the waste of steel billet and industrial sludge, and more than 90% of Kavir steel industrial waste were reused and recycled inside or outside of this complex. It is recommended that used oil to be transport and maintain in the safe containers.

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