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Showing 1 results for Bank Workers

I. Nasiri , M. Motamedzade, R. Golmohammadi, J. Faradmal,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Introduction: The bank employees usually require the use of computers for long duration in a static position to get the work done. The present study aimed to evaluate the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorder using the ROSA method among the employees of Sepah Bank. An ergonomic intervention was also performed in order to improve the working conditions.


Material and Methods: This interventional descriptive-analytical study was carried out among 165 office employees of central building of Sepah Bank. Using random sampling, the subjects were initially divided into two groups of case and control. Before and after the intervention, ROSA method and Nordic questionnaire was respectively used to evaluate the risk factors that cause musculoskeletal disorders and the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders. The data were collected two weeks prior the interventions and 9 months after the interventions. SPSS software version 16 was utilized for data analysis and the effectiveness of intervention was determined.


Results: Before the intervention, the mean ROSA scores of all groups' workstations were above 5 with high risk. The results obtained 9 months after the interventions manifested a statistically significant decrease (P<0.001) in the ROSA mean scores and its components in the groups who received the interventions. 9 months after the intervention, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among the subjects who had received intervention showed a significant reduction, as well (0.001> p).


Conclusion: Using the ROSA technique was seemed to be beneficialto assess the ergonomic risk factors of office works, and the deficiencies in the workstation can be identified through this method. Moreover,by design and implementation of an educational intervention program along with engineering interventions which comply with the elements of this technique, the defects can be eliminated.

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