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Showing 1 results for Cinnamon

Farshad Nadri, Ali Khavanin, Farahnaz Khajehnasiri, Masoud Ghanbari Kakavandi, Zohreh Mazaheri,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2019)

Introduction: Due to the high prevalence of noise and vibration in workplaces and focused of Previous studies on the auditory and musculoskeletal effects of these two harmful factors, The aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of cinnamon extract on sex hormones levels, body weight and testis weight of adult rats exposed to noise and vibration.  
Material and Methods: 64 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to eight groups of 8 each. Group 1; treated with distilled water (Control), group 2; treated with 75 mg kg-1 cinnamon extract, group 3; exposed to noise(100 dB), 8 h/day(23:00-7:00) and group 4; exposed to noise and treated with 75 mg kg-1 cinnamon extract, group 5; exposed to vibration(1 m/s2), 8 h/day (23:00-7:00), group 6; exposed to vibration and treated with 75 mg kg-1  cinnamon extract, group 7; exposed to noise and vibration, 8 h/day (23:00-7:00) and group 8; exposed to noised and vibration and treated with 75 mg kg-1  cinnamon extarct by gavage. Fifty days later, the rats were anesthetized, blood samples to determine the amount of sex hormones were collected, and the testis was removed for weight determination. Data was analyesd by SPSS.
Results: Noise stress decreased the level of three hormones (LH, FSH and Testosterone) while vibration decreased testosterone levels merely (P<0.05).Combined exposure to noise and vibration was able to create a significant difference with control group in testosterone and LH hormone levels (P<0.05). The three factors of noise, vibration and combine of them were able to create a significant difference with control group in final body weight (P<0.05). Cinnamon extract increased the level of sex hormones compared to control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Cinnamon extract (due to antioxidant properties) has a protective effect on sex hormone levels in rats exposed to noise and vibration. It’s suggested further studies to determine the mechanism of cinnamon extract (in different doses) in human and animal samples.

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