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Showing 2 results for Laboratory

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Introduction: ”Exposing to danger” or in other words, “risk” is a process which is led to an uncertain result in every field. Project risks are uncertain contingent events or situations that if they occur will have positive or negative effects on project’s objectives. Todays, research and educational process and more complicated and the professional risk management become much more difficult, as a result.


Material and Method: In this research, the health and safety issues have been studied and analyzed using ISO 14121 and the environmental issues by EMEA to determine the risk level separately for research laboratories and to prioritize corrective measure in each field (school).


Result: The finding in this study showed that from all the main risks within the rage of 38-86 percent have been decreased. Moreover average of the risk level for the health, safety and environment cases showed a significant decrease (Pvalue<0.0001) by implement controlling and protective countermeasures compariy to the priority state without any measures.


Conclusion: The risk assessment with hazards control strategy based on ISO 14121 is a compatible method in laboratory site as universities and other reasearch sites.

M. Shekari, G. A. Shirali, T. Hosseinzadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Introduction: Investigation of accidents have shown that more than 90% of industrial accidents are related to human aspects. What is more, safe behaviors can not be institutionalized in industries by only using technical-engineering measures and enacting safety rules. Building a positive and effective safety culture can make individuals aware of hazards and consequently reduce accidents in the workplace.


Material and Method: In this analytical-descriptive study, a standardized safety culture questionnaire was used. The questionnaire comprised of 40 question including five dimensions of: training, work environment, safety priority, information exchanges and management commitment. In this regard, the questionnaire was distributed among personnel of three laboratories in a petrochemical company. Five point Likert scale was for recording the responses.


Result: The mean score for safety culture was 136.7 for laboratory personnel which was considered positive according to the presented definition. In this sense, safety priority and management commitment with score of 31.9 and 25.2 obtained respectively the dimensions of safety culture.


Conclusion: Strong and positive safety culture among laboratory personnel would prevent incidence of many occupational accidents. In another word, it would help organizations to facilitate access to higher standards.

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