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Showing 32 results for Noise

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Volume 1, Issue 1 (1-2012)

Introduction: This study was conducted to assess noise pollution in one of thepetrochemical complex andtakepractical measures to reduce it. Thecompanyis located in site 4 of Mahshahr Special Economic Zone.


Method and Materials: In the first phase of the research, environmental noise was measured to determine the noise levelsin the different sections of the plant and also identify the main sound sources.Then,using the basic acoustic knowledge, aformulahasbeenproposedasan indexof noise control priority to select one section of the plant as the first priority forcontrolling noise. The main soundsource of the selected section wasknownby referring to noise maps and contours and finally its acoustic properties were analyzed.


Results: The results showed that safety caution and danger areasof the plant under study were 16.7%, 74.5% and 8.8% respectively and a major part of the danger zone (about 54%) was related to unit Air. Noise level in 24 percent of the caution zone ranged from80 to 85 dBA and alsoitwas above 90 dBA in 33.4% of danger areas.


Conclusion: Compressionsectionwhich was located in unit Air was knownas first priority based on Noise Control Priority Index.Dryer machineswere the main sound source in this section.

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Introduction: The purpose of this study was prioritizing the noise control methods using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique in Hamadan glass industry.


Material and Method: This is a cross-sectional – descriptive - analytical study. According to a survey of experts by questionnaire and Delphi method four criteria were selected including cost, efficiency, executive capability and not to interfere in the process and eleven alternatives for control options. Prioritizing of the items was conducted based on the study criteria as well as the importance ranking determined in this study.


Result: The results showed all that consistently Ratios were less than 10 % and compatibility of answers has been confirmed. According to expert’s views, the criteria of executive capability (0.277) and using the barrier between the two main sections (0.111) have achieved the highest priority among the criteria and control methods, respectively.


Conclusion: In this study a pattern of decision-making structure was introduced based on Analytic Hierarchy Process for determining the method noise control. This method can improve the decision making process and prioritizing noise control methods as an efficient and effective approach.

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2012)

Introduction: Application of agricultural machineries such as tractor has been yielded a considerable development in different agricultural activities and productions. However, noticeable health problems such as noise pollution impact the users of these off-road vehicles. The purpose of this study was to determine the noise level induced by agricultural tractors and to evaluate the driver’s noise exposure level.


Material and Method: The sound pressure levels of three brands of tractor include John Deere, Ferguson and Romani were measured by sound level meter model Tes-1358. The characteristics of place for measuring tractors noise pollution were determined based on the ISO standard No 7216, 5131. The acquired data was analyzed using spss16 software.


Result: The results showed that the highest and the lowest noise level around the tractors were 83.8 dB (A) and 73.9 dB (A) for the John Deere and Romani, respectively. The effect of different transmission gears on the noise level of tractors was not statistically significant Pvalue>0.05. While, the effect of the tractor engine speeds on the noise level was statistically significant Pvalue<0.01. The exposure time of the most of drivers was frequently about 8 hour or more In this regards, the exposure levels of the tractor’s drivers to noise measured between 85-90 dB (A) were higher than the Iranian occupational exposure limit (85 dB (A)).Moreover, mean noise reduction rate of exsisting room which was used upon the typical tractor’s body was 9.5 dB in one octave band.


Conclusion: Application of standard cockpit and expansion mufflers can effectively reduce noise pollution emission and driver’s occupational exposure. Moreover, regular preventive maintenance and effective hearing conservation program including annual audiometry, hearing protection device, occupational health training for drivers must be implemented.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Introduction: In the steel industry,air blowers used to supply compressed air are considered as sources of annoying noise. This study aims to acoustics analysis of theairblower workroomand sound source characteristics in order to present noise controlmeasuresinthe steel industry.


Material and Method: Measurement of noiselevel and its frequency analysis was performed usingsound levelmetermodelof CASELLA-Cell.450. Distribution of noise level in the investigated workroom in form of noise map was provided using Surfer software. In addition, acoustic analysis of workroom and control room was performed in view point of soundabsorption andinsulation. Redesignofdoor and window of controlroom and installation of soundabsorbing materialson theceiling of the workroom were proposed and the efficiency of these interventionswasestimated.


Result: The totalsound pressurelevelin the blower workroom was 95.4 dB(L) and the dominant frequency was 2000Hz. Sound pressure level inside the room control was 80.1dB(A). The average absorption coefficient and reverberation time in the blower workroom was estimated equal to 0.082 Sab.m2 and 3.9 seconds respectively. These value in control room was 0.04 Sab.m2 and 3/4 seconds respectively. In control room, sound transmission loss between the two parts of the wall dividing was 13.7 dB(A). The average of noise dose in blower operators was 230%. With the installation of sound absorber on ceiling of workroom, average of absorption coefficient can increase to 0.33 Sab.m2 and sound transmission loss of the new designed door and window was estimated equal to 20dB.


Conclusion: The main cause of noise leakage in the control room was insufficient insulation properties of door and windows. By replacing the door and window and installation of sound absorbing on ceiling of workroom, the noise dose can reduce to 49.6%. New Improved door and window of control room can reduce noise dose to 69.65% solely.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Introduction: Noise exposure is known as a risk factor for hearing loss and one of its effects is noise-induced stress. Cortisol, as stress hormone- is used in noise-induced stress assessments studies. The aims of this study were:(1) measuring and comparing saliva cortisol concentrations in the morning and evening in normal work day and rest day between two groups, (2) assessing the relationship between industrial noise exposure and salivary cortisol concentrations between two groups.


Material and Method: Two hundred male workers (100 industrial and 100 office employees) participated in this study. Morning and evening saliva samples were collected at 7 a.m and 4 p.m, respectively. Noise exposure levels were assessed by sound level meter and noise dosimeter. All measurements occurred in two days: one in rest day and other in working day. Descriptive statistics, paired and independent sample t-test and regression analysis were used as statistical tools with α=0.05.


Result: On the rest day and work day, between morning salivary cortisol was no significant difference in two groups. Comparing evening cortisol concentrations in work day with rest day a significant difference was observed, in worker group, but it was not significant in the other group. The evening cortisol in the working day in was significantly higher among workers than officers.


Conclusion: This study revealed that industrial noise exposure with levels higher than 80 dBA has a significant effect on salivary cortisol elevation.

S. A. R. Negahban, S. M. A. Mossavion, A. Ebrahimi Hariri, M. Mollakazemiha, M. Jalali,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (8-2013)

Introduction: In Iran country, small enterprise with less than 10 workers comprise about %90 of all industries and 80% of working population. Noise, higher than the permissible level is among the hazardous agents, workers in these plants facing with. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between screening estimation and noise measurement in small plants.


Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 51 plants with less than 5 workers. Noise screening was done using screening from. Next, noise level was measured in all the plants by TES-1358 sound level meter and regular grid method. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and linear regression in SPSS version 16.


Result: The mean (SD) scores of sound pressure level and screening form were 86.5 dBA (4.5) and 64.2 (9.4) in 51 understudy plants, respectively. According to the results of sound measurement, sound level in 34 plants (66.6%) exceeded the permissible level and in 17 plants (33.33%) was below the limit. The results of screening forms showed that 47 plants (92.16%) had permissible level of noise while noise in 4 (7.84%) was not in permissible level. Chi square test revealed no significant relationship between the results of the two methods, based on the permissible and impermissible limits (p-Value=0.288). Furthermore, according to the regression analysis, R2 was obtained 0.357.


Conclusion: No correlation was shown between the results of the two methods used. Thus, it is recommended to change the parameters used in the noise screening form for small plants, with less than 5 workers.

S. Farhang Dehghan, M. R. Monazzam, P. Nassiri, Z. Haghighi Kafash, M. Jahangiri,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Introduction: Noise is one of the most common health hazards at the workplaces that can cause not only somatic problems, but also adversely affect mental health. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate occupational noise exposure and noise annoyance in one of the petrochemical companies.


Material and Method: The study population included 47 people working in Administrative and Manufacturing parts of the petrochemical company. First, dosimetry of production workers and noise frequency analysis of Administrative employees were performed. Then, self-report questionnaire for the assessment of noise annoyance at workplace was completed by the subjects. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: scoring of the noise intensity in the workplace, scoring of the noise annoyance in the workplace and determining the feelings and emotions (e.g. fatigue, sleepiness, and concentration problems) that experienced by subjects during the working day.


Result: The results of noise dosimetry measurements showed that mean eight hour equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level was 86.13 dBA. According to the frequency analysis of office rooms, mean noise level and Preferred Noise-Criteria (PNC) was 69.4 dBA and 62 dB, respectively. The findings of our analysis revealed that 17.9% of administrative staff and 63.2% of manufacturing workers assigned “very high” score to the noise intensity in the workplace. The annoyance score was obtained “very annoyed” by 10% of employees of office section and 42% of manufacturing workers. For noise-related complaints and sensations defined by subjects, 49% of administrative staff and 60% of manufacturing workers marked the “sometimes” and “more” item of the questionary.


Conclusion: Based on the obtained results of investigating the noise level (objective exposure) as well as the noise annoyance (subjective exposure) at the studied company, it is necessary to adopt the management –technical noise reduction measures at manufacturing sectors as the personal noise exposure and environmental noise exposure and also noise personal exposure of administrative staff can be decreased.

H. Ekhlas, P. Nassiri, M. R. Monazzam, N. Mansouri,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Introduction: Noise is one of hazardous agents of workplaces in industries. Electric industries and power plants are among industries in which noise pollution should be taken into account. This study aimed to develop and verify a statistical model for acoustic wave propagation in an indoor environment for noise related risk reduction management.


Material and Method: This theoretical-experimental study was performed in a gas power plant with nominal capacity of 648 MW including four gas turbine with nominal capacity of 162 MW. The relations between sound power level and sound pressure level in indoor environments were used for developing the statistical model. Moreover, verification of the obtained data was done by a field inside a turbine hall study using ISO9612 standard method.


Result: Comparison of results from the field and the theoretical study showed no significant differences. The differences between predicted value and field measurements was, in average, less than 0.5 db. This shows the acceptable accuracy of the presented model in estimating the workplace noise level, according to the real functional conditions of the noise sources.


Conclusion: The presented model is easy and practical and allows managers to model scenarios of noise pollution reduction in indoor environments, before huge expenses of actual control measures. This method is faster comparing to numerical modeling methods. Furthermore, its accuracy is also acceptable.

M. Naserpour, M. J. Jafari, M. R. Monazzam, H. R. Pouragha Shahneshin, M. Saremi, S. Jam Bar Sang,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Introduction: In the most industrial environment, workers are exposed to noise everyday. Exposure to this physical hazardous agent can cause immediate as well as delayed adverse effects. Cognitive performance decrement is one of the adverse effects of noise exposure which its main consequences is occupational accidents. This study attempted examine the effect of exposure to different levels of noise with harmonic indices of neutral, treble and bass on the cognitive performance.


Material and Method: In this analytical-descriptive study, the cognitive tests were performed by 33 students, aged 23-35 years. During the tests, participants were exposed to three type of noise including neutral, treble and bass at 4 different levels of 45, 75, 85 and 95 decibels. In order to assess students cognitive performance, continuous performance test (CTP) software was employed, which investigated attrition and reaction time.


Result: The results of this study revealed that exposure to neutral noises with Noise Harmonic Index (NHI) of +3dB at the frequency of 1000 Hz, the maximum percentage of attention (99.88 %) was belonged to Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of 95 decibels. Maximum percentage of attention due to exposure to the treble noise with NIH -105 dB at the noise frequency of 8000 Hz (100%) and bass noise with NIH of 407 dB at the frequency of 500 Hz (99.92%) were belonged to the SPL of 95 and 85 dBA, respectively. Moreover, the result showed that the effect of bass noise with NIH of 4.5 dB and frequency of 500 Hz on reduction of attention were more than treble noise with NIH of -105 dB and frequency of 8000 Hz. Under exposure to neutral noise with NIH of 3 dB and frequency of 1000 Hz, the longest reaction time (2.594 Second) was observed at the SPL of 85 dBA. The longest reaction time for treble noise with NIH of -105 dB and frequency of 8000 Hz (2.786 Second) and for the bass noises with NIH of 4.5 dB and frequency of 500 Hz (2.594 Second) were also belonged to the SPL of 85 and 75 dBA, respectively.


Conclusion: The results showed that bass noises (frequency of 500 Hz) increased reaction time, in comparison with treble noises (frequency of 8000 Hz).

M. Jahangiri, R. Golmohammadi, M. Aliabadi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Introduction: The Power plants are as the major industries that have a large number of workers, providing they health is important. Exposure to occupational noise is the pervasive physical agent in industries like power plants and may impact health and for safety status for people. Determination of the sources of noise in workplaces is important step in noise control plans. This study aimed to assess noise pollution and determine the main sources of noise in a power plant for.


Material and Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on the ground floor of the turbine unit of a thermal power plant. Measurements was done based on the ISO-9612 and ISO-11200 standard using by the calibrated sound level meter model TES-1389 on “A” frequency weighting and “Slow” mode for time response. Surfer V.10 software was used for interpolation and noise maps producing. Based on grid method measuring for indicating of noise propagation, we set buffer of danger areas to determine main sources of noise. Also, we used the minimized grid method for measuring and study of noise denotation in vertical surface in each main sources.


Result: The results showed that the measured indoor sound pressure level in all areas where at the risk category of the units. The highest average sound pressure level was belonged to the unit 2, with 93.1 dB(A). We find the feed water pumps were the main sources in all of the studied units. Among the four main components of the main sources, the highest noise levels associated with the main pump and the gearbox section with about 100 9B(L) and dominant frequency of 2000 Hz.


Conclusion: Considering that feed water pumps had major sources in indoor power plant noise pollution, engineering noise control such as providing enclosures is necessary to reduce noise pollution to safe levels in the studied plant it is necessary.

M. Mostafaee, P. Nassiri, M. H. Behzadi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Introduction: According to previous researches, working at the airport is one of the most vociferous jobs in the world. Airport workers are at risk of noise induced hearing loss. The present study was done to evaluate the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) in the closest aprons to Ground Safety department at Mehrabad airport and to investigate the effect of airport noise on the employees of this department.


Material and Methods: Evaluation of SPL in the given aprons was done using sound meter and sound analyzer. Measurement stations at specific intervals to the sound source were identified inside and outside of the participants 'workplace and SPL was measured at night and day. The mean estimated values were compared with those presented by Ministry of Health. The annual participants' audiometry information was extracted from medical records. Then a self-administered questionnaire was distributed among the study sample in order to measure quality of noise exposure. The questionnaire was developed based on three general criteria including the knowledge toward the noise pollution, job satisfaction, and the exposure to the noise source and the purpose of this questionnaire was to find the relationship (correlation) between these parameters among the study population.


Result: The measured equivalent for 8 hours noise exposure was obtained 94 dB(A) and no relation was observed between octave band sound of aircraft and recorded audiometry. Analysis of the questionnaire showed that people with more knowledge about noise pollution used more hearing protective equipment. Subsequently, by using more hearing protection equipment the level of hearing loss was reduced significantly (P<0.05). There was a significant and negative correlation between noise exposure and job satisfaction, as well (P<0.05). Also there was a significant and negative correlation between using of ear muffs and catching Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (P<0.1). The percentage of noise-induced hearing loss was calculated 51.4% among study sample.


Conclusion: The noise exposure of employees of Ground Safety working in Mehrabad airport was higher than the permissible limit which implies the necessity for use of earmuffs and implementation of noise reduction programs.

M. Abbasi, M. R. Monazzam Esmaielpour, A. Akbarzadeh, S. A. Zakerian, M. H. Ebrahimi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Introduction: Installation of wind turbines in residential areas due to their unique sound characteristics may cause noise annoyance. Noise annoyance can increase the risk of health problems and sleep disturbance. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the effect of wind turbine noise annoyance on sleep disturbance among the Manjil wind farm workers.


Material and Method: All the Manjil wind farm workers have been divided into three groups according to their noise exposure levels, including maintenance, security, and administrative workers. The equivalent A weighted noise levels were measured for each of the study working groups, using ISO 9612 standard method. Information related to the noise annoyance and sleep disturbance were determined by ISO15666 standard and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, respectively. Data were analyzed using R software.


Result: Findings of ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests showed that noise annoyance and sleep disturbance were statistically different among workers with various occupational, age, and work experience groups. Also, noise annoyance and sleep disturbance had a significant association in a way that regardless of the effects of other variables, it can be stated that for every one unit increase in noise annoyance, 0.26 units will be added to the amount of sleep disturbance.


Conclusion: In this study, workers with more wind turbine noise annoyance had more sleep disturbance. Therefore, in addition to the direct effects of noise on sleep disturbance, it can indirectly exacerbate sleep disturbances.

I. Alimohammadi, R. Hajizadeh, A. Mehri, J. Sajedifar, S. Sadat, J Gholampoor, M. Kangavari,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: Traffic noise has been thought as a major environmental stress in modern societies, and the cause of physiological and psychological disorders according to the World Health Organization. Moreover, traffic noise can interfere with mental performance. However, there is little coherent evidence showing the effect of traffic noise on individuals’ performance. Hence, this paper aimed to address the role of traffic noise in participants’ mental performance considering the complexity of the activity.

Material and methods: Thirty-five master students studying in Tehran University of Medical Science were recruited for this study. Traffic noise was recorded by tape recorder and the traffic noise level was simultaneously measured by sound meter. Then, participants had been separately sitting in silent compared to traffic noise environment before they performed the tests including “S3”-type Choice Reaction Time (CRT) test as a simple activity and “S1”-type Determine Test (DT) as a complex activity taken from “Vienna Test System” software package.

Results: The comparison between scores resulted from DT and CRT tests ,before and after exposure to traffic noise under simple activity conditions, showed that there was little increase in mean score of reaction time (P-value=0.47) and motor time (P-value=0.49), showing no statistically significant changes in these variables. On the contrary, following exposure to traffic noise, the DT test under complex activity condition revealed that there is a clear decreasing trend in median reaction time(P=0.001), number of stimuli (P=0.014) and number of reactions (p=0.009) in participants, and also, no significant differences were found in correct responses (P=0.091) and incorrect responses (P=0.073).

Conclusion: One of the most significant findings emerged from this study is that traffic noise seems to have no effect on the mentioned variables under simple activity condition. However, traffic noise has devastating effects on median reaction time, number of appeared stimuli and reactions under complex activity condition.

Amir Esmael Forouhid, Ali Mansour Khaki,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Introduction: Safe driving requires the ability of the driver to receive the messages and complying with them. The most significant consequences of noise pollution are on the human auditory system. Disorders in the auditory system can have harmful side effects for human health. By reducing this kind of pollution in large cities, the quality of life, which is one of the biggest goals of the governments, can be considerably increased. Hence, in the present research, some parameters of vehicle tires were examined as a source of noise pollution, and the results can be taken into consideration in noise pollution reduction.

Material and Method: Several vehicles with different tire width were selected for measuring sound level. The sound levels were measured for moving vehicles with the use of the Statistical Pass By Method (SPB, ISO 11819-1). Following sound level measurements for moving vehicles and by considering tire width, mathematical model of noise level was predicted on the basis of the obtained information and by usage of SPSS program and considering vehicle tire parameters.

Result: The result of this study showed that the vehicle speed and tire width can affect different sound levels emitted by moving tire on road surface. The average speed of vehicles can play an important role in the noise pollution. By increasing speed, rotation of the the tires on the asphalt is increased, as it is a known factors for noise pollution. Moreover, changing the speed of vehicles is accompanied with abnormal sounds of vehicle engine. According to regression model analysis, the obtained value of R2 for the model is 0.8367 which represents the coefficient of determination.

Conclusion: The results suggest the main role of the vehicle speed and tire width in increasing the noise reaches to the drivers and consequent noise pollution, which demonstrates the necessity for noise control measures. According to the obtained model, it is understood that changes in noise levels and tire width are more than those of vehicles speed. The coefficient of 0.1482 for tire width, comparing to coefficient of 0.1195, shows that considering the proper tire width can be effecttive in reduction of sound level.

Arsalan Yousefzadeh, Parvin Nassiri, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Noise pollution in urban areas has been recognized as a major problem. Since hearing damages are the main concern of noise exposure, other physical and psychological effects should not be ignored. Noise-induced annoyance and consequently its side-effects, such as fatigue and loss of concentration, would increase the probability of human errors occurrence and occasionally irreversible occupational accidents. This matter show the importance of noise exposure level from the standpoint of both community health and workplace safety.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the annoyance caused by air transportation noise in tehran, 2014. In this sense, a sample of 200 individuals were selected from residential and nonindustrial noise-exposed population in four southwest regions in Tehran. Following, the study questionnaires including annoyance (Recommended based on ISO 15666-2003), visibility of airplane, noise perception, and demographic variables were distributed and completed by the participants. Data obtained from Integrated Noise Model (INM) and geographic coordinates of measurement stations, recorded by Glopal Positioning System (GPS), were entered into the GIS software in order to estimate air traffic noise.

Result: The present study showed that the equivalent sound level of all regions during night, the day average sound level only in the Simetry Jey area, and the average night noise level in all regions except Dorahi Ghopan were more than the acceptable level; and the most precentage of people with high annoyance was belonged to night annoyance rate. On the other hand, the correlation between day level (DL) and day annoyance rate (P=0.01, R=0.142), night level and night annoyance rate (P=0.004, R=0.334), and Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) and the day-night annoyance rate (P<0.0001, R=0.235) were obtained statistically significant.

Conclusion: Adopting management srategies for reduction of number of night flights or engineering measures such as improving construction to decrease the rate of receiving noise by exposed people can have a positive considerable effect on declining noise pollution and individuals’ annoyance rate.

Masoumeh Lotfi, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Esmaielpour, Nabeioallah Mansouri, Saeid Ahmadi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Introduction: Using diesel generators is necessary for activities like welding in construction sites and it is often accompanied with noise pollution. The aim of this study was to evaluate noise pollution induced by diesel generators in construction activities in one of the districts of Tehran city.

Material and Method: In this descriptive study, 14 construction sites were selected for the evaluation of noise pollution in Tehran, district 4. Background and diesel generators sound pressure level were measured in accordance with BS 5228(2015) and noise guidance in the area around the construction sites. Diesel generators sound pressure level at 4 points and also the audio frequency analysis, one meter away from the device was measured at a random locations around it. TES-1358, Type 2(Taiwan) sound level meter was used to measure sound pressure level and calibration was performed before and after noise measurement. The validated Noise annoyance questionnaire adopted from ISO15666 standard, completed by the residents. T test, correlation and analysis of variance was performed to analyze data using SPSS software ver. 22.

Result: The mean equivalent sound level of diesel generators background noise were respectively 76 ± 4.05 dB(A) and 46.2 ± 1.09 dB(A) around the construction sites. Diesel generators noise around the construction sites was higher than the noise limit (background noise plus 5 dB)(P Value <0.05). The highest (95.3 ± 0.33 dBA) and lowest (90.9 ± 0.63 dBA) average sound pressure level was related to Benz355 and Perkins generators. One-way ANOVA statistical analysis showed significant differences in the average sound pressure level of various diesel generators between the devices (P Value <0.05). The mean sound pressure level among 190 sound monitoring stations in the interior parts of the construction sites were about 81.11 ± 4.6 dB(A). The experienced noise annoyance was evaluated higher than the average by 73.4 percent of residents. Residents’ noise annoyance and noise level around construction sites were significant using Pearson correlation (R=0.486, P value <0.05). Dominant noise frequency and associated sound pressure level of diesel generators were measured 63 Hz and 84.4 dBA, respectively.

Conclusion: Diesel generators noise in the area around the construction sites was higher than the environmental noise limit and it was accompanied with abundant noise annoyance for residents around these construction sites. Therefore, due to the lack of environmental rules related to construction industry noise pollution in Iran, assessment and approving of such rules is essential to reduce noise annoyance in urban areas.

Milad Abbasi, Parvin Nassiri, Roghay’eh Jaffari Talaar Poshti, Seyed Mohammadreza Taghavi , Saeid Aarabi, Rohollah Fallah Madvari, Mohammad Hossein Ebrahimi, Maryam Ghaljahi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Introduction: Chronic occupational noise exposure may constitute a risk factor for cardiovascular disease for workers. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between occupational noise exposure and noise annoyance with blood pressure, serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in workers of a textile industry.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 220 employees of Savadkouh textile industry complex in Mazandaran province, Iran in 2017. To achieve the study objectives, the 8 -hour equivalent sound exposure level was measured and the cumulative noise exposure was calculated. Based on noise exposure level, workers were divided into control and case groups. Then, blood pressure was measured and blood samples were collected from each individual for determination of the serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels and they were transfered to the laboratory for further analysis. The noise annoyance scale and socio-demographic questionnaire were used to collect noise annoyance and other background and demographic information, respectively. Finally, Paired t-test, one-way ANOVA and multivariate regression were used to study the relationship between variables using SPSS Version 20.

Result: In total, 159 workers participated in this study considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Eighty-three participants were exposed to more than or equal to 85 dBA, and 76 person were exposed to less than 85 dBA noise level, respectively. The results showed that mean blood pressure and cholesterol were significantly different between the control and case groups (P-value< 0.05). Based on multivariate regression results, noise exposure, cumulative noise exposure (CNE) and noise annoyance had a significant effect on blood pressure (P-value< 0.001).  Cholesterol was also significantly affected by noise exposure and noise annoyance (P-value< 0.005).

Conclusion: Based on the results of current study, noise can be considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease ampong workers. Actually, high intensity noise affect serum cholesterol and blood pressure directly, and may do indirectly by causing noise annoyance which acts as a mediator. Therefore, it seems necessary to conduct a controlled cohort study to investigating the interactions among whole variables of interest.

Rouhaldin Moradirad, Mojtaba Haghighat, Saeid Yazdanirad, Rouhalah Hajizadeh, Zohre Shabgard, Seyed Medi Mousavi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Introduction: Noise is one of the most harmful industrial agents and there are different methods to control it. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process is an appropriate technique for selecting the best choice among several control methods. Therefore, the aim of this study was the selection of the most suitable sound control method using fuzzy hierarchical analysis (FAHP) technique in a refinery plant.
Material and Method: The present study was a cross-sectional research in a refinery plant. After identifying the main sources of the noise in the studied palnt, five criteria and ten noise control methods were selected using a questionnaire and Delphi methods. Then, Fuzzy hierarchy analysis was applied for the selection of the best noise control alternative.
Result: The results showed that the performance with a final weight of 0.277 and the non-interference in the process with a final weight of 0.06 were most and least important criteria, respectively. Meanwhile, worker enclosure had highest score (0.207) of the control methods.
Conclusion: In general, the results showed that best criterion for selection of the suitable noise control method is performance. What’s more, based on the results, worker enclosure was selected as best noise control method in the refinery.
Farshad Nadri, Ali Khavanin, Farahnaz Khajehnasiri, Masoud Ghanbari Kakavandi, Zohreh Mazaheri,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2019)

Introduction: Due to the high prevalence of noise and vibration in workplaces and focused of Previous studies on the auditory and musculoskeletal effects of these two harmful factors, The aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of cinnamon extract on sex hormones levels, body weight and testis weight of adult rats exposed to noise and vibration.  
Material and Methods: 64 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to eight groups of 8 each. Group 1; treated with distilled water (Control), group 2; treated with 75 mg kg-1 cinnamon extract, group 3; exposed to noise(100 dB), 8 h/day(23:00-7:00) and group 4; exposed to noise and treated with 75 mg kg-1 cinnamon extract, group 5; exposed to vibration(1 m/s2), 8 h/day (23:00-7:00), group 6; exposed to vibration and treated with 75 mg kg-1  cinnamon extract, group 7; exposed to noise and vibration, 8 h/day (23:00-7:00) and group 8; exposed to noised and vibration and treated with 75 mg kg-1  cinnamon extarct by gavage. Fifty days later, the rats were anesthetized, blood samples to determine the amount of sex hormones were collected, and the testis was removed for weight determination. Data was analyesd by SPSS.
Results: Noise stress decreased the level of three hormones (LH, FSH and Testosterone) while vibration decreased testosterone levels merely (P<0.05).Combined exposure to noise and vibration was able to create a significant difference with control group in testosterone and LH hormone levels (P<0.05). The three factors of noise, vibration and combine of them were able to create a significant difference with control group in final body weight (P<0.05). Cinnamon extract increased the level of sex hormones compared to control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Cinnamon extract (due to antioxidant properties) has a protective effect on sex hormone levels in rats exposed to noise and vibration. It’s suggested further studies to determine the mechanism of cinnamon extract (in different doses) in human and animal samples.
Behzad Fouladi Dehghi, Seyed Moslem Abedini, Sanaz Karimpour, Kambiz Ahmadi Angali,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2019)

Introduction: Determining the VO2 max of individuals is of great importance. The VO2 max refers to the maximum oxygen that can be consumed in the body in one minute and depends on factors such as physical conditions, environmental parameters, and physiological characteristics of the individual.. Noise and heat are among the factors influencing VO2 max (also called maximal oxygen uptake or maximal aerobic capacity), which affects the performance of respiratory system, via different ways. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the simultaneous effect of noise and heat on VO2 max in Ahvaz university of medical sciences’ students  
Material and Methods: The present study was conducted on 50 volunteer students from the Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The VO2 max index was measured using the ergometer bicycle test and the Astrand protocol in nine modes of exposure to heat (21, 38 and 48°C), WBGT (18.34, 32.46 and 41.25°C)   and noise (75, 85 and 95 dB (A)). In order to carry out the test according to the Astrand protocol, the person pedaled on the bike for six minutes at a constant load and a speed of 50 rpm to increase the heart rate to more than 120 beats per minute. The heart rate was monitored while working with the ergometer bike using a Polar branded sensor mounted below the individual chest. SPSS vol.22 software, Friedman test and paired t-test were used to analyze the data.
Results: The mean VO2 max in the second test condition (heat:21°C ,  WBGT : 18.34°C ,noise:85 dB)  and the third test condition (heat:21°C ,WBGT : 18.34°C ,noise:95 dB) were not significantly different from the first (normal) mode, but the VO2 max value significantly decreased (P<0.001) from the third mode to higher levels with increasing the levels of heat and noise.
Conclusion: Since one of the objectives of ergonomics is to create an environment in consistent with human capacities, it is essential to have knowledge of VO2 max. Regarding the effect of heat and noise on VO2 max of individuals and also the direct relationship between VO2 max and PWC) Physical Work Capacity (, in order to protect the health of individuals and increase their productivity, it is necessary to carry out control measures in warm and noisy environments.

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