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Showing 4 results for Pseudomonas Putida

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Introduction: There are different methods for controlling gaseous pollutants formed from air pollution sources that one of the most economical and efficient of them, is bio-filtration. The purpose of this study is Toluene removal from airstream by using the pure Pseudomonas putida bacteria as a fluidized bed in a two phase partitioning stirred tank bioreactor.Toluene ( Metyle benzene) is one of the aromatic compounds which uses as a chemical solvent.low to moderate concentration of Toluene causes fatigue, dizziness, weakness,unbalance behaviour, memory loss, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of vision and hearing.


Material and Method: In this experimental study at first, pure Pseudomonas putida in an aqueous phase containing nutrients and trace elements solution was duplicated and accustomed with Toluene. then solution contained microorganisms with 10% silicon oil was entered to bioreactor. The amount of CO2 and pollutant concentrations in the entrance and exhaust of bioreactor containing Pseudomonas putida was studied during 17 days for each variable.


Result: Experimental findings showed that in the 0.06 m3/h and 0.12 m3/h flow rate, the efficiency of bioreactor containing Pseudomonas putida in the concentration ranges of 283 Mg/m3 to 4710 Mg/m3 was at least 97% and 25% respectively. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that in two flow rates of 0.06 m3/h and 0.12 m3/h removal efficiency and mineralization percentage had significant differences .(Pvalue =0.01).


Conclusion: Achieving high efficiencies in pollutants removal was because of the prepared optimum conditions for Pseudomonas putida in the two phase partitioning stirred tank bioreactor with 10% organic phase.

F. Golbabaei, S. H. R. Mousavi, M. R. Pourmand, H. R. Pour Agha Shahneshin, A. Rahimi Foroushani, R. Bakhtiari,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Introduction: Volatile organic compounds such as xylene, which are the main constituents of the oil and petrochemical industries, have serious impacts on health and can cause adverse effects on the environment. It is clear that release of these compounds into the environment should be controlled. The two-phases partitioning stirred tank bio-reactor is one of the newest methods for treating these compounds which have few side-effects besides of having appropriate efficiency since itdestroyscontaminant completely and transform it tosafer compounds.


Material and Method: In this study, a two phase partitioning stirred tank bio-reactor, in lab scale, was used for treating the gas stream containing xylene vapors. The aqueous phase containing the bacteria Pseudomonas putida and nutrients inserted into the bioreactor with 3:1 ratio and system performance was evaluated for 432 hours in the concentration range of 1000 mg/m3 to 3500 mg/m3


Result: Empirical findings of this study showed that the maximum, minimum and average of removal of xylene vapors by stirred two phase bioreactor containing a pure strain of Pseudomonas putida were 94.00, 54.00 and 84.94 percent, respectively.Furthermore, maximum, minimum and average of elimination capacity of xylene were obtained 93.00,24.00 and 62.02 g/m3/h, respectively


Conclusion: Overall, the results of the present research revealed that the application of two phase stirred tank bioreactors (TPPBs) containing pure strains of Pseudomonas putida was successful for treatment of air streams with xylene.

Roohollah Ghasemi, Farideh Golbabaei, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Sasan Rezaei, Ramin Nabizadeh, Ensieh Masoorian,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2019)

Introduction: Air pollution is now recognized as an important environmental and health concern. Biological control processes, due to their durable, cost-effective and eco-friendly, have become a good alternative to physic-chemical methods. Biotechnology is based on the activity of microorganisms.
The aim of this study was to compare the capability of Pseudomonas Putida PTCC 1694 (bacteria) and Polarotus Stratus IRAN 1781C (mushroom) in the removal of toluene from the air stream and its biodegradation under same operating conditions.
Material and Methods: To this purpose, a bio filter containing two parallel columns was designed and constructed on a laboratory scale and the experiments were carried out based on measuring the removal efficiency (RE), elimination capacity (EC) and pressure drop in these two columns. Thus, the bacteria were inoculated in one of the columns and in the other the fungus was inoculated.
Results: The bacterial testing lasted for 20 days and the fungal testing lasted for 16 days. The contaminant loading rates (LR) for bacterial and fungal bio filters were 11.65±2.26 and 11.94±2.56 g/m3.h, respectively. The results showed that the fungal bio filter was more capable of eliminating of toluene vapor than bacterial bio filter (9.65±3.53 vs 9.18±2.6 g/m3.h). However, the pressure drop in the bacterial bio filter was lower than the fungal bio filter (1±0.28 vs 1.1±0.32 cm water).
Conclusion: According to the results, fungal bio filtration appeared to be more successful than bacterial bio filtration in the removal of toluene.
Samaneh Khodaverdloo, Mohammad Reza Pourmand, Ensieh Masoorian, Roohollah Ghasemi, Saba Kalantari, Farideh Gholbabaie,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Introduction: Toluene is significant pollutants in the air. Long-term exposure to toluene can lead to adverse effects.  Biofiltration is one of the air pollutant control methods. In this study, Pseudomonas putida was selected as a microorganism capable of hydrocarbon degradation and its ability to biodegrade toluene in a suspension growth reactor was also investigated.
Material and Methods: Experiments were conducted in two days and in five hours. Each method consisted of three sample reactors (A, B, C) and one control reactor (D). In the first method, the amount of bacteria in the sample reactors is 0.5, 1 and 2 McFarland and the amount of toluene injection into the reactors is the same (0.5 microliters) and in the second method, the amount of toluene injection into the sample reactors is 0.5, 1 and 1.5 microliter and 1.5 microliter in the control reactor and the amount of bacteria in them was the same (1 McFarland).Toluene gas samples and carbon dioxide were periodically analyzed.
Results: In the first method of toluene decomposition, there was a significant difference between the three reactors (p-value = 0.002). The results of the second method were also significantly different between the three reactors (p-value<0.001). The decomposition of toluene in two methods also had a significant difference (p-value = 0.232). The amount of CO2 production was significantly different in the second method (p-value=0.003) and the first method (p-value<0.001), but no significant difference was observed in the comparison of the two methods (p-value=0.15).
Conclusion: Increasing bacterial in suspension growth reactor resulted in increased toluene biodegradation in shorter time while increasing toluene in suspension growth reactor may not have an additive effect on the biodegradation process.


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