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Showing 3 results for Refinery

S. Dodangeh, S.a. Zakerian, M. Dehghani, S.m. Ghazi Tabatabaie, R. Pirmand,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Introduction: Emotional intelligence as the ability to understand and control feelings and emotions, and job satisfaction as positive attitudes of employees towards their jobs is amongst the effective indicators in the workplaces. Therefore, this research invetigated the effect of emotional intelligence of employees on their job satisfaction in one of the Oil refineries in Tehran.

Methods and Materials: This research is a practical and cross-sectional study. The statistical population consisted of 300 employees selected by stratified random sampling method. Bar-On questionnaire (90-item) and JDI questionnaire (70-item) were used in order to measure emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, respectively. LISREL8.72 software was employed to estimate causal effect between study variables and calculation of descriptive indices and comparison of variables were done by means of SPSS software version 18.

Results: According to results, there was a direct association between emotional intelligence of employees and their job satisfaction. In other words, the higher emotional intelligence, the higher rate of job satisfaction. Of the 15 sub-scales of emotional intelligence, Responsibility and Self-expression obtained the highest and the lowest scores, respectively. Furthermore, Supervisor and Salaries were ranked as the highest and the lowest valued subscales of job satisfaction. According to the results, employees job satisfaction level are improved in parallel to increase of education level and the maximum score of this variable was belonged to the age group of 30-45 years.}

Conclusion: Emotional intelligence, as a psychological variable, affects the worker's job satisfaction. Considering the direct relationship between these two variables, by training and increasing the emotional intelligence of employees, job satisfaction and consequently their efficiency and productivity can be improved in the workplaces.

Reza Jafari Nodoushan, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Gholam Abbas Shirali, Soheila Khodakarim, Hassan Khademi Zare, Amir Abbas Hamed Monfared,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Resilience engineering is a novel approache to risk management and is the inherent ability of a system to adapt their work before, during and after the changes and adverse events in such a way that maintain the system performance under predictable and unpredictable conditions. The aim of this study was to identify indicators of organizational resilience of refineries and ranking them using fuzzy TOPSIS technique.  

Material and Method: A qualitative study was done to identify organizational resilience indicators of refinery complex. The main method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. Indicators were determined using qualitative content analysis and literature review. Weighting and ranking identified indicators was performed using fuzzy TOPSIS technique.   

Result: Eleven indicators were identified as follows: management commitment, performance management system, flow of information/communication, involvement culture, error management culture, education, preparedness, flexibility, innovation culture, change management, and human resource management.

Conclusion: Critical sociotechnical organizations especially refinery complexes in order to improve safety management and resilience situation should focus on effective indicators. Monitoring and improving them will increase safety and the resilience level of organization

Seyed Saeed Keykhosravi, Farhad Nejadkoorki, Sonouran Zamani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2023)

Introduction: Nowadays, air pollution is now considered to be the largest environmental health threat. This study was conducted with the aim of determining occupational exposure to chemical pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and assessing the health risk of exposure to these compounds using a combination of AERMOD and SQRA methods.
Material and Methods: The present study is considered as a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional research, which was conducted in 2002 in one of the gas air refineries of South Pars in the Persian Gulf region, in such a way that the amount of emissions coming out of refinery chimneys was measured by the Testo 350- XL. AERMOD model was used to simulate the dispersion of H2S and SO2 chemical pollutants. Respiratory exposure and health risk assessment of refinery personnel and nearby residents were performed using the recommended method by the Singapore Occupational Health Services Pte Ltd.
Results: Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide were introduced as the most dangerous chemicals. According to the results, the highest risk value for sulfur dioxide among the exposure groups was related to the sulfur recovery unit (SRU), the west side of the Train Gas unit and the gate pass building of the refinery, and the highest risk values for sulfur dioxide among the exposure groups were related to the HSE building, security door, fire stations building, tanks, steam generating unit, west side of Train Gas unit, dining hall and gate pass building of the refinery. Hydrogen sulfide obtained a low to medium risk level, and sulfur dioxide a low to high risk level in terms of frequency.
Conclusion: This model can be considered as a suitable and quick solution in the superior management of the concentration of pollutants and also a promising solution in order to increase the ability of decision makers to assess the health risk of industries’ personnel. Also, ensuring quality   monitoring results and reducing sampling costs are discussed.

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