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Showing 16 results for Vibration

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Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Background: Generally every different machines which are implemented in industries, agriculture and transport systems exposed human to excessive vibration. The produced vibration can reduce comfort and productivity and also cause adverse effect on human health and safety. Long term human exposure to high vibration levels may lead to physiological disorders.


Material and methods: This paper presents the results of an experimental study which is done on 584 students of Tehran University of medical sciences. The data was gathered by interview and a validated questionnaire. In this study the stimulus was produced by a calibrated 3 axis vibrated seat. The voltage of stimuli was 90 and 95 V in two different frequencies of 20 and 25 Hz in two axis of x and y. During exposure the transferred whole body vibration was monitored by a calibrated whole body vibration meter.


Finding: The results of this investigation showed that whole body vibration effect on mental disorder is significantly higher among female compared with that of in male. The disorder induced by frequency of 25 Hz was three times higher than that of produced by 20 Hz. The frequency of mental disorders was increased by rising vibration acceleration. It was also found that taller people are slightly less sensitive to the range of tested frequencies and acceleration compared with of shorter one.


Conclusion: A significant relation between height and mental disorders was found in this study which can be used on whole body vibration exposure management.

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Introduction: Today’s, defective and faulty equipments lose a large part of them energy as noise and vibration which beside their financial costs can be hazardous to the health of people. Vibration as a physical agent can cause an adverse health effect on human to nervous system. These effects, based on body region can be as specific or general systems. Digestion system has a natural vibration of 3-8Hz frequency. When the digestive system is exposed by such vibration, it can make impairment on that system. This study aimed to study vibration effect on digestion irregularities.


Material and Method: This was a retrospective case-control study conducted in a food industry. The number of 103 workers digestive problem and 431 healthy workers were selected as population study. Exposure to the vibration in the different parts were measured. People with more than 100 dB was considered exposed group. Then, after determining the number of exposed and non exposed groups, data were analyzed using statistical methodologies.


Result: The acceleration level of vibration was 109.8 dB in the packing section, which was less than standard limit (118.8 dB). Study population had a managed of 24-57 years old with 4-15 years of job tenure. In 59.2% of case comparing to 22.7% of control group were exposed to the vibration. The odds ratio (OR) of prevalence rate of digestive problem among exposed group was 6.3 times more than non exposed group people, in risk of gastrointestinal complications.


Conclusion: Beside of the other risk factors of digestive problem, vibration can be also an effective cause of adverse health problem: Even by lower level of digestive problem can be seen in the exposed people. So, we suggest in the workplace with vibration risk factor, a digestive health exam be take general medical beside periodic examination. Moreover, it is recommended that researches related to the vibration is widely developed and the vibration standard limits is revised, accordingly.

P. Nassiri, I. Ali Mohammadi, M. H. Beheshti, K. Azam,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (8-2013)

Introduction: The power tiller is a multipurpose hand tractor designed primarily for rotary tilling and other farm operations. Vibration, transmitted from the handles of the tiller to the operators’ body, causes many injuries such as, pain, musculoskeletal disorders and white finger syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hand-arm vibration exposure in the operators of tiller model HT900, as the most frequently used model of tillers.


Material and Method: In this study, 40 operators tiller of model HT900 in the city of Kashmar, Khorasan Razavi were examined. Hand-arm vibration measurement was done according to ISO 5349-1 and ISO 5349-2 in three different modes including, static and neutral (mode), transition to the ground mode and plowing the land mode in different gears. In order to measure the vibrations, human response vibration meter of B and K model 2512 was utilized.


Result: Results of the present study indicated that in all measured situations, exposure to hand arm vibration was higher than the standard limit suggested by Iranian occupational health committee and there was risk of vibration-induced disorders. The maximum exposure to vibration is in plowing ground. Exposure to hand arm vibration in three modes of plowing, transmission and natural, were respectively 16.95, 14.16 and 8.65 meters per second squared. Additionally, in all situations, vibration exposure was highest in the X-axis in comparison with Z- and Y-axes.


Conclusion: This study emphasizes on the need to provide intervention and controlling and managing strategies in order to eliminate or reduce vibration transmitted from tiller to operators hand and arm and also prevent to serious problems including neurovascular disorders, discomfort and white finger syndrome. Meanwhile, more studies are necessary to identify the sources of vibration on different models of tiller.

P. Nassiri, I. Ali Mohammadi, M. H. Beheshti, K. Azam, ,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Introduction: Tractor drivers are continuously exposed to whole body vibration during driving that, this may cause disorders in the system of musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory and occupational diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate exposed to whole body vibration among tractor driver.


Material and Method: In this study, whole-body vibration parameters such as root mean square (rms) of acceleration , total equivalent acceleration, vibration dose value (VDV) and crest factor (CF) were separately compared in three directions (x, y, and z) , in 3 Massey Ferguson Model 165 Tractor it was done during 3 different modes of transport (without trailer, with empty trailer and with a trailer load of soil) , plowing the land and loading trailer in working conditions with various gear according to the guidelines of ISO 2631 standard.


Result: The results showed that in all measuring points, exposure to whole body vibration was higher than permissible level and the risks of disorders exist. Exposure to vibration were as with empty trailer (43.11m/s2). The maximum of crest factor was obtained for transportation mode of empty trailer with 3 gear (10.7), then plowing (7.35) and loading soil(6.50). The maximum of vibration dose value was eventuated for transportation mode with empty trailer with 4 gear (189.92 m/s1.75) and 3 gear (108.15m/s1.75). In all measuring modes exposure with vibration in Y direction was greater than X and Z axes.


Conclusion: This study shows that the need to provide intervention , controlling and managing measures to eliminate or reduce exposure to whole body vibration among tractor drivers its necessary. And, preventing main disorder Including musculoskeletal disorders, discomfort and early fatigue is of circular importance. More studies are also necessary to identify the sources of vibration among various of tractors.

A. Khavanin, K. Azrah, R. Mirzaei, S. B. Mortazavi, H. Asilian, A. Soleimanian,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Introduction: Whole body vibration occurs when human is on a vibrating surface and the vibration influences parts of the body which are far from the contacted part. Up to now, various health-related problems due to whole body vibration have been reported, including back pain, sciatica, gastrointestinal problems, genital problems and hearing impairment. In the present research, vibration was measured about 2000 minutes in 23 train of 4 active lines of Tehran metro in order to determine the rate of subway drivers’ exposed to whole body vibration.
Material and Method: Vibration meter and SVAN 958 analyzer, made by Svantek company, were utilized for measuring the whole body vibration. The level of weighted r.m.s acceleration for each axis, the combination of axes, peak factor, VDV and other common exiting ratios in the standard were measured and calculated according to ISO 2631-1.
Result: Findings showed that according to Basic method drivers exposure to vibration is less than the lowest value of health guide critical region (<0.45m/s2). However, based on Vibration Dose Valuation (VDV), the exposure of 12 cases were higher than the lowest value (<8.5 m/s1.75) and only 11 cases were lower than the mentioned amount.
Conclusion: Investigation of the result obtained from Basic method and VDV method manifested different amounts of vibration exposure in a way that VDV predicts higher level of risk, compared to basic method. The results shows that some presented indicators can not presented the safe zone in human vibration evaluations.

A. Khanin, R. Mirzaei, M. H. Beheshti, Z. Safari, K. Azrah,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Introduction: The most common standards being used for predicting the health risks of whole body vibrations are ISO 2631- and BS 6844, presenting frequency weighting anfd different coefficients for different sensivities in variuse axes. In yhis study, vibration was measured about 900 minutes on 9 trains in one of the active lines of tehran metro with the aim of comparing the mentioned standards in evaluating whole body vibation.


Material and Method: In this research, in addition to evaluation of different kinds of vibration indicators, the differences of ISO 26331-1 and BS 6841 Standards have also been investigated. The amounts of r.m.s., vibration dose and daily vibration dose were measured in x, y and z axes for drivers seat and x axis for drivers back rest separately according to the instruction of the two standards.


Result: The mean calculated values of r.m.s and vibration dose on a basis of 135 6841 standard were lower than those values calculated according to ISO 2631 standard. Moreover, the results showed that 3 cases, based on the ISO standard, had risk level of higher than 17 m/s1.75 and 3 cases, had risk level of higher than 15 m/s1.75 value, provided by BS 6841.


Conclusion: Calculation according to the ISO 2631-1 standard show higher values. Indeed, ISO 2631-1 can provide a more secure criterion company to BS 6841, although the 15 m/s1.75 in BS is lower than the highest level of health guidance caution zone in ISO. Additionally, the association between r.m.s and vibration dose values in ISO 2631 is relatively lower than this association in BS 6841.

K. Azrah, R. Mirzaei, A.r. Sharifi, A. Solaimanian,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Introduction: Whole-body vibration is one of the factors which may have adverse effects on the comfort of passengers and crew of rail transportation vehicles. In this study, the probable impacts of whole-body vibration were explored on the convenience of the passengers of Tehran metro.

Material and methods: Planning, measurement, and pre-analysis calculations were mainly done based on ISO guidelines No. 2631-1, 4. Moreover, measurements and calculations were done using SVAN 958 sound & vibration analysis and Microsoft Excel software, respectively.

Results: Average calculated RMS acceleration values on the levels of seat cushion, seat back, and legs were 0.57, 0.44, and 0.64 m/s2 on the dominant axes, and total r.m.s acceleration in all these three levels equaled to 1.02 with the standard deviation of 0.11 m/s2. Mean Vibration Dose Value (VDV) of total exposure in the minimum and maximum exposure durations were 6.44 and 9.63 m/s 1.75, respectively.

Conclusion: Calculated amounts of dominant axes were mainly ranked as “relatively unpleasant” in the convenience limits of ISO 2631-1, but the total calculated amount of exposure based on WRMS was at “unpleasant level”. The measured VDV amounts were mostly on the z axis, as the dominant one.

Keykaous Azrah, Mohsen Poursadeghiyan, Mohammad Javad Fani , Mohammad Rezazade, Ardalan Solaimanian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Limited studies have been done to evaluate the whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure experienced by Taxi drivers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure to whole body vibration and repeated shocks in urban taxi drivers and also to compare different methods of evaluation in this job environment.

Material and Method: Measurement and evaluation process were conducted in accordance with procedure of the ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards. The measurements were done by SVAN 958 Sound and Vibration Analyzer and using tri-axial accelerometer centered on the contact surface between the seat and the driver in 9 taxis.  

Result: The measurements done according to ISO 2631-1 method showed greater risk compared to Daily Equivalent Static Compression Dose, Sed, presented in ISO 2631-5. Calculated daily exposure durations for exposure action level in root-mean square, vibration dose value, and daily equivalent static compressive stress methods were 4.55, 3.54 and 31.70 hours, respectively.

Conclusion: The large differences in estimated exposure durations of action limits and permissible limits resulted by different methods reflect the inconsistency of the selected evaluation methods. Therefore, future research is necessary to amend the limits presented in the standard.

Athena Rafieepour, Parvin Nasiri, Omid Giahi, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Esmaeilpour, Abolfazl Zakerian, Farough Mohammadian,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Exposure to vibration as one of the consequences of industrial noise or the use of vibration generators can cause discomfort, reduce the efficiency and level of safety in workplaces. Therefore, in this study, the effect of whole body vibration on individual’s mental performance and response time was investigated.

Material and Method: In this study, 40 male students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences were selected randomly and divided into two 20 subjects groups. Each group participated in two Pegboard Board and Math Calculations tests. Subjects in each stage of test were exposed to whole body vibration with acceleration in 0.8 and 1.1 m/s2 as well as background mode without vibration and were investigated response time and mental performance.

Result: In the present study, the mean response time to the manual Purdue Pegboard test in the vibrational acceleration of 0.0, 0.8 and 1.1 m/s2 with a decreasing trend was 197.55 ± 2.7, 176.25 ± 5.38 and 177.58 ± 2.92, respectively, which results in a significant reduction in the accuracy of the test. Also, the results showed that whole body vibration does not affect mental performance in shallow levels. But, in the intermediate and deep levels, this difference is statistically significant (p <0.001).

Conclusion: Based on the results, whole body vibration is an effective factor in individual’s response time and mental performance, which can lead to a reduction in the accuracy of the work.

Farshad Nadri, Ali Khavanin, Farahnaz Khajehnasiri, Masoud Ghanbari Kakavandi, Zohreh Mazaheri,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2019)

Introduction: Due to the high prevalence of noise and vibration in workplaces and focused of Previous studies on the auditory and musculoskeletal effects of these two harmful factors, The aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of cinnamon extract on sex hormones levels, body weight and testis weight of adult rats exposed to noise and vibration.  
Material and Methods: 64 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to eight groups of 8 each. Group 1; treated with distilled water (Control), group 2; treated with 75 mg kg-1 cinnamon extract, group 3; exposed to noise(100 dB), 8 h/day(23:00-7:00) and group 4; exposed to noise and treated with 75 mg kg-1 cinnamon extract, group 5; exposed to vibration(1 m/s2), 8 h/day (23:00-7:00), group 6; exposed to vibration and treated with 75 mg kg-1  cinnamon extract, group 7; exposed to noise and vibration, 8 h/day (23:00-7:00) and group 8; exposed to noised and vibration and treated with 75 mg kg-1  cinnamon extarct by gavage. Fifty days later, the rats were anesthetized, blood samples to determine the amount of sex hormones were collected, and the testis was removed for weight determination. Data was analyesd by SPSS.
Results: Noise stress decreased the level of three hormones (LH, FSH and Testosterone) while vibration decreased testosterone levels merely (P<0.05).Combined exposure to noise and vibration was able to create a significant difference with control group in testosterone and LH hormone levels (P<0.05). The three factors of noise, vibration and combine of them were able to create a significant difference with control group in final body weight (P<0.05). Cinnamon extract increased the level of sex hormones compared to control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Cinnamon extract (due to antioxidant properties) has a protective effect on sex hormone levels in rats exposed to noise and vibration. It’s suggested further studies to determine the mechanism of cinnamon extract (in different doses) in human and animal samples.
Samira Barakat, Behnam Moradi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Introduction: Long-term exposure to hand-arm vibration causes musculoskeletal disorders mainly in hand and shoulder. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sport and using anti-vibration gloves on the grip strength of workers exposed to the hand-arm vibration.
Material and Methods: In this descriptive-interventionist study, 41workers working in one of the Isfahan metal industries were studied. Data were collected by the demographic questionnaire, hand-arm vibration acceleration measurement was performed based on the ISO 5349 standard and grip strength was measured using the dynamometer device model Jamar. The investigations were performed on 3 groups including sporting moves, using of anti-vibration gloves and combination of sporting move and using of gloves. Twenty workers were selected as control group without exposure to any hand-arm vibration. Data were analyzed by the SPSS-21 software.
Results: Workers’ grip strength difference was significant before and after vibration (PValue<0.001) and grip strength had significant and inverse relation with vibration (PValue<0.001, R= -0.411). Grip strength was higher in the group that used anti-vibration gloves accompanied with the sporting moves compared to before the intervention and significant relation was observed (PValue<0.001).
Conclusion: Vibration affects decreasing in grip strength and grip strength itself can be used as a screening measure for those workers exposed to the risk and diseases related to the vibration. Regular sporting moves and using anti-vibration gloves are effective on improvement of workers’ grip strength and preventing vibration-induced complications.
Masoud Feyzi, Ali Jafari, Hojat Ahmadi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Introduction: Due to the non-developed mechanization situation, chainsaw is a widely used tool in Iranian forests. This tool can trigger unwelcome disorders (e.g., white finger syndrome) due to the transmitted vibrations from its handle to the body members. Characterizing these vibrations can result in minimizing the intensity of these disorders. This study aims to investigate the effect of different hardwood species (Beech, Hornbeam, and Alder) on the vibrations transmitted to the wrist and arm.
Material and Methods: Experiments are conducted during four operations including Beech-, Hornbeam-, and Alder-cross-cutting and without cutting as the control sample. Vibration accelerations in three directions of a local Cartesian coordinate system are measured at three points including chainsaw handle, operator's arm and wrist. Using the time and frequency spectra of vibration accelerations, root mean square (RMS), total vibration acceleration, total vibration transmissibility, and frequency-weighted vibration acceleration are calculated based on ISO 5349 (2001) and ISO 10819 (2013) standards. The calculated parameters were statistically analyzed in SAS.
Results: The results showed that variations in wood species could significantly affect the RMS at all three points. The RMS magnitude decreases from handle towards the arm. Interestingly, a significant variation in vibration transmissibility is observed in different frequencies. This study confirms that body organs can damp the high-frequency vibrations better than the low frequency ones.
Conclusion: Although the RMS for cutting operations is less than the control sample, frequency-weighted vibration acceleration and consequently the risk of white finger syndrome is higher in cutting regimes. Furthermore, some vibration accelerations (below 40 Hz for wrist and below 25 Hz for arm) are amplified during transmission despite significant damping in total vibrations.

Hamzeh Mohammadi, Somayeh Farhang Dehghan, Soheila Khodakarim Ardakani, Farideh Golbabaei,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2022)

Introduction: Studies show that in many cases, environmental hazardous agents such as heat, noise, as well as chemical pollutants cause adverse health effects through the mechanism of oxidative stress. This study has examined the effect of exposure to noise and whole-body vibration (WBV) on some parameters of oxidative stress (enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and malondialdehyde (MDA)) of workers in a foundry industry.
Material and Methods: The workers were selected based on the calculations related to the sample size and taking into account the inclusion criteria as well as completing the informed consent form. The level of exposure to noise and WBV was measured according to ISO 9612 and ISO 2631, respectively. For each worker, the time-weighted average was calculated. The level of exposure of workers to the studied stressors was divided into three categories: low, medium, and high. The blood samples were taken from all participants between 7-9 am. Then, via ELISA method according to the protocol of the kit manufacturer, the samples were prepared and analyzed. Univariate analysis of variance was performed to determine the “effect size” of each physical stressors on the studied parameters.
Results: The mean levels of MDA, SOD, and TAC among participants were 22.48 (11.19) nmol / ml, 61.28 (10.97) U / ml, and 1.64 (0.90) mM, respectively. Among the exposure variables, noise had the largest effect on MDA level (B = 0.090), which was not statistically significant (P = 0.865). WBV had the largest effect on SOD level (B = -1.469) which was statistically significant (P = 0.016). None of the studied variables had a significant effect on the TAC level; however, among the exposure variables, the greatest effect was related to WBV (B = -0.077; P = 0.133).
Conclusion: The effect of noise on oxidative stress parameters was not statistically significant. The effect of whole-body vibration on oxidative stress parameters except SOD was not statistically significant. Noise and WBV had increasing effect on MDA and decreasing one on SOD and TAC levels.
Kaykāvus Azrah, Ali Khavanin, Majid Shahi, , Mahbubeh Parsaeian, Mohammad Reza Monazzam,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Introduction: This study aims to determine the amount of hand-arm vibration transmitted from heavy electric destruction tools and the effect of using chisel with different lengths and shapes when demolishing concrete surfaces.
Material and Methods: To evaluate the magnitude of hand-arm vibration on the left and right handles of two powerful electric demolition hammers commonly applied in Iranian construction work and urban services, 323 measurements were made (RONIX and NEC). The demolition procedure was carried out by two experienced users on 49 concrete slabs of the same grade (20 C) with thicknesses of 10 and 15 cm while utilizing standard tools, such as hammers with two different chisel head shapes (flat and point) and lengths (40 and 60 cm). Utilizing two SVANTEK vibration meters concurrently on each hammer handle, measurement and evaluation were according to the ISO 5349:1, 2 procedures.
Results: The mean effective (frequency weighted root mean square) acceleration (awrms) for the Vector Sum Values (VSV) in the hammer handles were 15.71 m/s2. The primary vibrational axis transmitted to the handle of tool was the vertical axis, at 13.60 m/s2. When employing flat and point chisel, the mean awrms were 16.59 m/s2 and 14.82 m/s2, respectively. The difference between the results of 60 and 40 chisel was a little more than 2m/s2. The dominant and harmonic frequencies of the tools were generally in the range of 25 Hz to 80 Hz and 200 Hz to 400 Hz
Conclusion: The mean results generally indicated that point chisel with shorter lengths (40 cm) accelerates at a lower rate than flat chisel with longer lengths (60 cm). In the frequency range below 40 Hz, the RONIX hammer produced a larger acceleration than the NEC hammer indicating that the NEC hammer had a higher safety competitive advantage compared to the another hammer.
Zanyar Karimi, Firouz Valipour,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Introduction: Fatigue, caused by prolonged standing activities, affects postural stability through disrupting somatosensory system functions. The application of sub-threshold mechanical vibration can enhance the sensitivity of the mechanical receptors in the sole of the feet. Improved sensory function leads to better movement control and balance. Therefore, this study investigated the effectiveness of vibration-based active insoles in reducing the impacts of fatigue on postural stability among military forces.
Material and Methods: Each of the 20 healthy male participants of the study completed three standing balance tests: 1) on both legs, 2) on one leg, and 3) on one leg with a cognitive secondary task for two states of the vibration system (on and off), before and after a fatigue protocol, on a force plate. The activity of leg muscles was also monitored by electromyography (EMG). The mean as a linear index (amount) and the sample entropy (SaEn) as a non-linear index (structure) related to the resultant distance of the body’s center of pressure (CoPRD) displacements, as well as the normalized percentage of the muscle activity level (linear envelope), were used for statistical analyses.
Results: Significant changes in most of the postural and muscular parameters were recorded after the fatigue protocol for the off-mode of the vibration system. Meanwhile, running the vibration system of active insoles was accompanied with no significant differences in the amount and structure of the CoPRD displacements, as well as the activity level of the lateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscles after fatigue, compared to the measurements before fatigue.
Conclusion: The findings confirm the effectiveness of applying sub-threshold mechanical vibration to the sole of the foot in improving standing balance by reducing the negative effects of fatigue on postural stability parameters. Therefore, it is suggested that the use of active insoles can be an effective, feasible, and accessible ergonomic intervention to address fatigue among military forces. 
Seyyed Mohammad Javad Golhosseini, Mohsen Aliabadi, Rostam Golmohammadi, Maryam Farhadian, Mehdi Akbari,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2024)

Introduction: Despite the numerous studies on occupational noise-induced hearing loss, there is limited documentation on the vibration effects on the workers’ auditory system. Heavy equipment drivers are exposed to high levels of whole-body vibration (WBV) and noise. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the heavy equipment drivers’ auditory response to WBV exposure and combined exposure to noise and WBV.
Material and Methods: 30 male heavy equipment drivers with an average age of 32.40 ± 4.91 years participated in this study, which was designed based on the repeated measurements model. During 3 defined scenarios of exposure to WBV, combined exposure to noise and WBV, as well as the scenario without exposure, the drivers’ auditory response was measured using distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE). Statistical analyses were performed by IBM SPSS-25 software.
Results: The range of heavy equipment in-cabin noise was 84-89 dB. Also, the most exposure of drivers to WBV was obtained in the Z axis with an average acceleration of 1.29 m/s2. The DPOAE amplitude of the drivers in all three investigated scenarios showed significant changes (P<0.05); But in comparison between different scenarios, exposure to WBV and combined exposure to noise and WBV had a significant effect on the response of the auditory system of the participants in the study compared to the scenario without exposure (P<0.05). Also, there was a significant difference in the changes of the DPOAE amplitude in different frequencies; Thus, the most changes in the DPOAE amplitude were observed in the frequencies of around 4000 Hz.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed the damaging consequences of exposure to noise and WBV on the auditory response; In addition, the present study provided evidence of synergistic effects of combined exposure to noise and WBV on heavy equipment drivers.

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