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Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Introduction: Needlestick (NSI) is a known serious treat and occupational exposure among health care workers especially nurses. Since nurses are the biggest part of healthcare workers, and considerable percent of NSI are preventable, we decided to determine frequency of NSI and some related occupational factors among a group of them.


Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional project was conducted among all the nurses (340 nurses with at least one year work experience) in Babol and Amirkola educational and private hospitals (in north of Iran). The data were gathered by means of a tailor-made data collection sheet including personal information and some occupational effective factors, during autumn and winter. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistical indexes and Chi-square test.


Results: Our result showed that the relative frequency of NSI among the nurses group (the mean age of nurses was 33.8±7.7 years old and the mean work experience was 10.3±8 years) was 59.7 percent. Chi-square test result indicated that there were significant differences between NSI in different groups of some personal and occupational factors including age, years of experience, training condition, and needle recapping(p<0.05).


Conclusion: According to positive effects of training and negative effects of incorrect working habits, repetition and completion of occupational education is necessary.

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Introduction: Nowadays, in many different fields of chemical agents several experimental researches is being done on volatile organic compounds using gas chromatography, which is time consuming and expensive methods. Photo ionization detector as an alternative method is used by researchers in this field. This feasibility study was conducted to replace the photo ionization detector with gas chromatography.


Material and Method: In this study, after making pre-determined concentrations of Xylene, the results of measurements using photo ionization detector and reference method were compared. This comparison was done in 4 humidity levels and 3 concentration ranges.


Result: The results showed significant differences in photo ionization detector readout and the reference method. However correlation coefficient of two methods were more than 0.99 in all cases regardless of the humidity rate.


Conclusion: Although the results obtained by the photo ionization detector are different from those extracted from the reference method in the current study, due to linear response of the method correlation coefficient was at good level. Consequently, in case of studying concentration changes in a research, this alternative method would be applicable, otherwise calibration of the photo ionization detector with the target material is recommended.

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2012)

Introduction: Because of some important advantages such as creation job opportunities and providing raw material for some industries, animal husbandry plays an important role in Iran. According to the work force statistics, there are considerable number of employees working in animal husbandries sections. However, there is few information concerning cattle husbandry unit sanitations and workers health and safety condition. The aim of this project was to investigate the health and safety condition of cattle husbandry units and their workers in Babol.


Material and Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among all the traditional and industrial cattle husbandry units (n=52) in the rural area of Babol city during winter 2010. The data were collected from all of the active cattle husbandry units, and inactive units were omitted from the sample list. The data were gathered by means of tailor-made data collection sheet through an interview and direct inspection done by the environmental health technicians. The data analyzed using descriptive statistical indexes and Chi- square test, and p<0.05 was considered as significant.


Result: The findings indicated that the mean value of years of work experience was 15.1±12.9 years and 30% of workers were illiterate. Immunization against tetanus was 43%. Only one fourth of the workers had health card and 36% had periodic medical examinations. More than 55% of the participants had not passed health and safety orientation courses. Almost half of the workers experienced work related accidents and 60% of the units had no hygienic toilets. According to Chi-square test result, there were significant statistical correlations between the level of education and years of experience by complying with some health and safety rules.


Conclusion: Our results indicated that, more attention should be given to educational programs about health issues and a serious supervision of health legislations is necessary.

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Introduction: The compliance of Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE-MS) requirements and proper HSE performance of employees, are the affecting factors on the organizations prosperity. The objective of present research was to determine the relationship between organizational culture and personnel HSE performance at Saipa Car Manufacturing Company.


Material and Method: The present research was a deccriptive – correlative study. The Study population of this research were the manufacturing employees of Saipa car manufacturing company (N= 4865). Among the manufacturing employees, 365 employees were chosen as the sample beside on statistical estamination. Data was collected using a questionnaire which had three parts: demographic data, organazational culture and personnel HSE performance indicators. In order to convert the qualitative values of the questionnaire to the quantitative ones, the triangular Fuzzy numbers has been used. The data collected by observation and self- answering method then be analyzed using descriptive statistical tests and Spearman correlation coefficient, considering the relative importance of the indicators obtained form HSE experts’ comments.


Result: Among the organizational culture indicators of Siapa car manufacturing company, control indicator (with the average score of 0.55) and among the personnel HSE performance indicators of Saipa company, performance indicator (with the average score of 0.66) had better situation, compared to other variebles. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between personnel HSE performance and organizational culture indicators except for Bonus System indicator (with the significant level of 0.112).


Conclusion: Considering the significant relationship between personnel HSE performance and organizational culture in the studied company, paying more attention to the organizational culture will accordingly improve the personnel HSE performance. Moreover, by improveing and optimizing the cultural indicators, which have the greatest impact on personnel HSE performance a better organizational culture and personnel HSE performance mey be achived in the Saipa company in the future.

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Introduction: Job satisfaction of nurses hasalwaysbeenconcernedin hospitals. It influences the quality of services offered by the nurses. Many nurses leave their job mainly due to the lack ofjob satisfaction.Different factors including the health and safety at work influencejob satisfaction. Thisstudy aimed to evaluate the occupational safety and health status of Khorram Abad’s Shohada hospital and to study its relationship with job satisfaction of nurses there.


Material and Method: This descriptive-correlation study was carried out in Khorram Abad’s Shohada hospital. All (239)nurses working in 18wards of the hospital were participated in the study. The required data including individual and job characteristics, occupational safety and healthstatus as well as job satisfaction in terms of hospital nurses were collected using standard questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed with SPSS.19, using Kruskal-Wallis,Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation tests.


Result: The results showed that the occupational safety and health status of the hospital in 4 different studied areas were in a low level (with an average point of 23.2±5.3) from the participant’s point of view. The job satisfaction of nurses was also low (with an average point of 31.8±5.4). The safety and occupational health status of the hospital had a significant relationship with the nurse’s job satisfaction (P=0.001).


Conclusion: The job satisfaction of the nurses as well as the occupational safety and health status of the hospital need to be promoted.

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Introduction: Job satisfaction is a feeling of increased motivation, productivity and growth of personnel at work. Considering the negative effects of burnout, this syndrome can effect on occupational functions, such as quality of work, public health and job satisfaction. This study investigated the relationship between job satisfaction, general health and burnout is one of the automotive industries.


Material and Method: This study was a descriptive - analytical study conducted among. 120 workers in an automobile manufacturing industry in Tehran.the samples were selected using simple sampling method. Data were collected using, job satisfaction questionnaire Barry field, GHQ-28 and self-evaluation scale questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.


Result: In this study 95% of individuals had low job satisfaction and moderated. In addition, 73/6% significant of people were likely to burnout, and 55% were people with mental health disorders. There was Inverse relationship between job satisfaction and general health the whole item. The direct correlation between the variables of general health and burnout, and there was a significant variable. The inverse relationship between job satisfaction and burnout, there was significant.


Conclusion: Given the obvious relationship between burnout and job satisfaction with public health, industry executives need to learn and improve incentive programs to promote employment, human relations and feelings of efficacy and bring into force.

A Ardeshir, R Maknoon, M Rekab Islami Zadeh, Z Jahantab,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Introduction: Due to the increasing population and the need for setting in cities, we witness an increase in high-rise building in Iran. Moreover, because of the ambiguity and complexity, they have various risks potential. Health problems are among this risks for the residents. These risks have short term or long term effects,which can cause illness or even death.


Material and Method: In the present study, health risks in high-rise buildings are identified, assessed and ranked. Health issue are identified by conducting interview with experts in high-rise building an using specific health and safety related checklists. Due to ambiguous nature of risks and existence of uncertainly, fuzzy logic technique with trapezoidal distribution was used for quantification. Finally, after risk evaluation and calculation of critical degree of each risk, the risks were ranked.


Result: Risk factors obtained over 0.5 for most of the risks that indicate the importance of Health in high-rise projects during construction phase. The results also showed that the health risks should be assessed before the start of the project in order to reduce or eliminate their impacts.


Conclusion: Safety risks in High-rise Building projects is very important. These risks have many impacts directly and indirectly on the time, quality and costs of projects. Therefore, evaluating and controlling each health risk in the design and implementation phases are essential. Most of the risks factors identified in this study, can be prevented by using personal protective equipment. The role of the training people involved in this projects are essential to use personal protective equipment.

R. Abedinloo, N. Hassan Zadeh Rangi, Y. Khosravi, H. Jalilian, S. Majd Abadi, A. A. Farshad, A. A. Sadeghi, H. Amari,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Introduction: Neighborhood environment plays an important role in the health of residents. This study was conducted to assess health, safety and environment (HSE) in poor and rich vicinities in order to improve health levels of the neighborhoods, using Community-Based Intervention (CBI) approach.


Material and Method: In the present field study, HSE variables were assessed by a checklist (NHSES) through observation, interviews with neighborhood residents as well as document review.Of the 374 vicinities in Tehran, ten regions were selected through cluster sampling. The Control Chart approach was used in order to compare the field data and the possibility of decision-making about the neighborhoods.


Results: Overall, results showed that status of health, safety and environment in both rich and poor neighborhoods in Tehran was in the warning level.


Conclusion: The CBI is an appropriate model for empowerment of neighborhoodsin a way that promote HSE status.

A. Ardeshir, R. Maknoon, M. Rekab Islami Zadeh, Z. Jahantab,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Introduction: High-rise building projects are increasing due to the population growth, urban development, and migration of people to the major cities. High-rise buildings have special importance in terms of HSE risks rather than other projects since these projects are located in the cities and in the direct contact with people. However, in most incidents and events, organizations do not have enough insight into the true cost. Therefore, identification and assessment of management of HSE risks is essential.


Material and Methods: In this research, HSE risks in high-rise buildings that have harmful effect on human health and environment were identified, assessed and ranked. The Risks were identified and assessed through checklist and interview with experts. Considering the uncertainty and the ambiguous nature of the risks, the combination of fuzzy numbers and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method were employed for quantitative analysis. Finally, the estimated risks were ranked for control.


Results: Using AHP Method, the weight of health, safety, and environment were obtained 0.346, 0.3, and 0.354,respectively, which shows the higher importance of environmental and health risks in construction projects comparing to safety risks.


Conclusion: Findings in this research indicated that HSE risks are very critical and they should be controlled before start of the project. Moreover, many of HSE risk are due to lack of appropriate HSE culture in the organization and projects that can be reduced by culture-building practices.

M. S. Poursoleiman, V. Kazemi Moghadam, M. Derakhshanjazari,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Introduction: Work-related accidents may cause damage to people, environment and lead to waste of time and money. Health, Safety and Environment Management System has been developed in order to reduce accidents. This study aimed to investigate the effect of implementation of this system on reduction of the accidents and its consequences and also on the safety performance indices in Kermanshah Petrochemical Company.


Material and Method: In this study, records of accidents were collected by OSHA incident report form 301 over 4 years. Following, the mean annual accidents and its consequences and safety performance indices were calculated and reported. Then, using statistical analysis, the impacts of two years implementation of this system on the accidents and its consequences and safety performance indices were evaluated.


Result: The results showed that the implementation of HSE system was significantly correlated with Frequency Severity Indicator, Accident Severity Rate, lost days, minor accidents and total incidents (P-value <0.05). Moreover, the values of these variables have been reduced after implementation of this system. However, the system did not influence the Accident Frequency Rate and disabling accidents (P-value> 0.05).


Conclusion: The implementation of Health, Safety and the Environment Management System caused a reduction in accidents and its consequences and most of the safety performance indices in the entire process cycle of Kermanshah Petrochemical Company. Overall, safety condition has been improved considerably.

S. Tarzimoghadam, S. A. Zakerian,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: The healthcare system is one of the largest sectors in most countries and is a socio-technical system in which people play a preponderant role. Nowadays medical work systems are facing three major challenges: 1) Healthcare costs, 2) Quality and patient demands and 3) complexity of healthcare. These problems show the necessity of applying ergonomic models in the healthcare sector. The aim of this study was to review the practical ergonomic models in healthcare system.

Material and method: For this review article, the authors searched through ScienceDirect, PubMed, ProQuest internet databases from 2005-2014 using the following keywords: Healthcare, Ergonomics, Human factors and model.

Result: Overall, 85 articles were reviewed. By evaluating articles' titles, 30 articles related to the study subject were chosen. Then, reviewing the abstracts resulted in 15 articles and in the final step 5 full-text articles were selected which described practical models of ergonomics in healthcare: 1) SEIPS, 2) DIAL-F, 3) Extended Patient-Staff-Machine-Interaction, 4) Adapted Medical-Task and 5) Recursive Hierarchical Task-Process-Task-Model.

Conclusion: Most of the published studies emphasize on application of ergonomic models in healthcare centers since these models may reduce their problems. These ergonomics approaches support patient-centered treatment processes, user-oriented design of medical environments, efficient utilization of resources and increase motivation of clinical staff.

M. Rashidi , M. Saffari, H. Shirkhanloo, M.r. Avadi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Introduction: During recent years, carcinogenic effects of X-ray have been proven. Todays, lead is used in many equipment such as  coats, thyroid shield, and gloves for body protection against X-ray. However, these equipments have several disadvantegous including toxicity, heaviness, and inflexibility. Hence, newer methods like protective semisolid products (cream, ointment) for topical application are being replaced. Therefore, the feasibility of using an ointment containing bismuth oxide nanoparticles (Bi2O3) as a X-ray adsorbent was evaluated in this study.

Methods and Materials: First, synthesis of Bi2O3 and then formulating it in the form of ointment was investigated. In this study, X-ray device and dosimeter was employed to check the X-ray absorption in different thickness of bismuth oxide nanoparticles ointment.

Results: In dosimetry test, the protective effect of the ointment containing Bi2O3 nanoparticles was evaluated significantly (P<0.05) better than control group and equal sheet lead group. Dosimetry tests showed that the bismuth oxide nanoparticles ointment and cream absorb  56% of the radiation whereas this value is  41% for lead. K absorption edge for bismuth is higher than other metals and its nanoparticles have more absorbent surface to volume ratio (S/V).

Conclusion: It seems that due to higher atomic number and lower toxicity, Bi2O3 nanoparticles have better efficiency in X-ray absorbtion, comparing to the lead. Cream and ointment of bismuth oxide nanoparticles can be used as X-ray absorbant for different professions such as physicians, dentists, radiology experts, and operating room staff and consequently increase health and safety of these employees.

Keykaous Azrah, Mohsen Poursadeghiyan, Mohammad Javad Fani , Mohammad Rezazade, Ardalan Solaimanian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: Limited studies have been done to evaluate the whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure experienced by Taxi drivers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure to whole body vibration and repeated shocks in urban taxi drivers and also to compare different methods of evaluation in this job environment.

Material and Method: Measurement and evaluation process were conducted in accordance with procedure of the ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards. The measurements were done by SVAN 958 Sound and Vibration Analyzer and using tri-axial accelerometer centered on the contact surface between the seat and the driver in 9 taxis.  

Result: The measurements done according to ISO 2631-1 method showed greater risk compared to Daily Equivalent Static Compression Dose, Sed, presented in ISO 2631-5. Calculated daily exposure durations for exposure action level in root-mean square, vibration dose value, and daily equivalent static compressive stress methods were 4.55, 3.54 and 31.70 hours, respectively.

Conclusion: The large differences in estimated exposure durations of action limits and permissible limits resulted by different methods reflect the inconsistency of the selected evaluation methods. Therefore, future research is necessary to amend the limits presented in the standard.

Narmin Hassanzadeh-Rangi, Yahya Khosravi, Ali Asghar Farshad, Rezvan Abedinloo, Hamed Jalilian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2016)

Introduction: In recent years, a growing attention has been paid to assess the physical characteristics of rich and poor urban districts to understand social health differences. Urban districts environment play a major role in health of the residents. Previous few studies have considered some aspects of limited neighborhood environment. The current study was designed to investigate the reliability of the Neighborhood Health, Safety and Environment (NHSE) tool in one of Tehran city neighborhoods.

Material and Method: Dimensions and related items of the NHSE were extracted based on the previous studies and interviews with city experts. Five observers completed the NHSE in a selected neighborhood in order to test inter and intra-rater reliability of the tool. Data analysis was done using the Cronbach’s alpha, Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and kappa coefficient.

Result: The ICC and Cronbach’s alpha were estimated 0.86 for all dimensions of the NHSE. The calculated kappa values were in the range of 57%-66% for inter-rater reliability and 0.47-0.62 for intra-rater reliability.

Conclusion: The NHSE tool was shown to have a desirable inter and intra-rater reliability and a good level of internal consistency for assessing the health, safety, and environment (HSE) of the neighborhoods.

Bahram Harati, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Ali Karimi, Kamal Azam, Alireza Ahmadi, Maryam Afzali Rad, Ali Harati,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Introduction: In recent years, many national and international expert groups have considered specific improvements in risk assessment of chemical pollutants. This study considered to assess the risk of workers exposure to air pollutants in an automobile manufacturing in order to evaluate the health risk assessment due to the inhalation exposure.  

Material and Method: To perform this study, a cross-sectional research was done in 2016. Methods number 1501 and 7602 of the National Institute of occupational safety and Health (NIOSH) were used for sampling and analysis of compounds BTEX and silica in the air. A total of 40 samples of compound BTEX were taken and analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). A total of 6 samples of silica were collected during the campaign. Silica analyses were performed by using visible spectrophotometry. Risk ranking was calculated using the hazard and exposure rate. Finally, the relative risk of blood cancer caused by exposure to benzene was estimated.   

Result: The result demonstrated that, workers were exposed to 5 chemicals including silica, benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and xylene during their work in manufactory. Among the pollutants in the breathing zone of workers, Silica and benzene were hazardous chemicals at high risk level. Following the estimation of relative risk of blood cancer caused by exposure to benzene, workers cumulative exposure to benzene was obtained to be 23.1 ppm per year and the capture relative risk was 1.1. The consequence demonstrated that, significant relationships were seen between workers exposure to benzene and both age and work experience, so that degree of exposure decreased steadily with increasing age and experience (P<0.001).

Conclusion: This research demonstrated that, benzene and silica in the automobile manufacturing were the highest risk. Also, painting hall workers, at automobile manufacturing, were directly exposed to the blood cancer risk of benzene.

Parisa Moshashaei, Jalil Nazari, Seyed Shamseddin Alizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Introduction: Population growth and urban fast development caused increase production of all kinds of solid waste. And, street sweepers are exposed to a variety of risks and toxins by nature of their job for actual and potential. The aim of this study was to identify and to assess the risk factors of accidents and diseases threatening the health and lives of street sweepers in Tabriz city, Iran, and to propose practical solutions to control and remove them in order to promote health and safety and better efficiency.

Material and Method: This study is a descriptive-analytical type, which was conducted over a period of three months in 1393 among 150 street sweepers working in five city areas (areas 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9) of Tabriz. Data was collected through customized questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was performed in the form of quality using a panel of experts and reliability through Cronbach’s alpha. Data after collecting were analyzed by SPSS-16software.

Result: The results showed that 48/7% of people have experienced at least one incident in the past two years. Records of disease showed that back pain with 20/7% and then skin problems whit 7/10% whit highest prevalence and kidney/bladder disease and thyroid whit 0/7% had lowest incidence. Musculoskeletal disorders symptoms percent have, respectively, in the hands, waist, legs highest and in elbow and knee least amount. Research findings showed that 50/70% of the study population, with a mean score of 168/82 have poor health and safety conditions, 21/71% of people have moderate condition and 81/26% of people have unfavorable condition. Among the components of health and safety respectively, components of clothes and other personal protective equipment and psychological problems with a high percentage of 80 percent, one of the most undesirable components of safety and health and components of periodic medical examinations and safety and health training programs were desirable.

Conclusion: The results showed that more than half of street sweepers (70/50%) had undesirable health and safety condition. Shortages or lack of use of personal protective equipment and psychological problems among these workers was evident more than other issues and need for substantial measures in this regard

Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi Hazavehei, Seyyedeh Melika Kharghani Moghadam, Fahimeh Bagheri Kholenjani, Hossein Ebrahimi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Introduction: Job stress is one of the occupational hazards in the modern era. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health introduced the nursing job as a top 40 stressful jobs. In this job, multiple training techniques are considered to reduce stress and stress factors. This study was conducted to response the question “Is the use of health education programs can be effective in reducing job stress?”

Material and Method: Electronic search was done using key words in Persian and English database (Medical Sciences, Iran Medex), Scientific Information Database (SID), Bio Med Central, Pub Med, Science Direct) and were found 3,412 paper totally. Articles examined based on defined criteria and 9 qualified articles were discussed systematically.

Result: Among the reviewed studies, educational interventions in 7 studies were without, and 2 studies were with the use of health education models. The results of studies indicated significant effect of educational interventions on reducing job stress and using health education models in interventions had a greater effect on reducing job stress.

Conclusion: The results highlights the importance of educational interventions based on health education models to reduce occupational stress among nurses.

Fateme Dehghani, Farideh Golbabaei, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Fariborz Omidi, Mohammad Ali Mansournia,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2018)

Introduction: Adverse effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including general and specific effects like carcinogenic of benzene are well known. The aim of this study was to evaluate occupational exposure to BTEX compounds in the painting unit of an automotive industry and subsequently health risk assessment of exposure to these compounds.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the paint unit of an automotive industry including painting cabin, pre-painting salon and painting salon sections. After analyzing samples, gathered from different sections, by GC-MS, BTEX compound were identified as the main contaminants. In the next step, NIOSH1501 and EPA methods were used to measure and analysis of BTEX and risk assessment, respectively.

Result: Findings showed that benzene concentration in painting cabin was higher than occupational exposure limits provided by the Environmental and Occupational Health Center of Iran. Life time cancer risk for benzene per 1000 has been reported10, 3.63 and 1.27in the painting cabin, pre-painting and salon sections, respectively. It was also for ethyl benzene 2.5m 1.8 and 38.0 in the mentioned sections, respectively. The non-cancer risk for benzene and xylene in the painting cabin and pre-painting sections were higher than recommended allowable level.

Conclusion: Regarding the high level of cancer risk values obtained for benzene and ethylbenzene in the studied units and also high values of non-cancer risk for benzene and xylene, it is recommended to conduct biological exposure assessmnet of the workers and improve existence control systems using modern engineering control systems.

Mahsa Mapar, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Nabiollah Mansouri, Reza Arjmandi, Reza Azizinejad,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2018)

Introduction: The responsibility of achieving sustainable development goals in most megacities and subsequently in Tehran megacity are in charge of the municipalities. Since, the goal of municipalities in environmental-friendly activities is to protect the physical and mental health of citizens. Therefore, the sustainability assessment of health performance in municipalities is one of the most significant issues in the field of municipal sustainable development of megacities. The Objective of this study was to develop a tool for assessing the sustainability performance of Tehran municipality in the field of health- related activities and services.

Material and Method: In this research the main sustainability indicators in the field of health performance were extracted and localized by providing an indicator-based tool for Tehran municipality as a case study. To determine the initial set of effective indicators, guidelines and standards related to health sustainability issues were surveyed, and an initial set of indicators were extracted. Afterward, a two-round Delphi method was applied by 12 qualified experts to select the most robust indicators of Health performance and assign the importance of the inclusion for each proposed indicator on a seven-point Likert scale. The mean value set to 70% and the standard deviation less than 1 were considered as the cut value.

Result: The findings resulted in extracting 11 main categories and 28 sustainability indicators of health performance. The set of indicators related to the “green space” and “waste” categories with slight differences gained the first and second position in the health sustainability field respectively, whereas “urban planning”, “active and healthy life” and “health and hygienic services” located in the bottom of the list with the relatively close scores.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that due to little difference between the score of the main selected categories (less than 1 point difference between the highest and lowest categories) and also due to the fact that the expert panel reached a consensus on the total 11 categories, therefore  in order to achieve municipal sustainable development and improving the health level of citizens in the future, it is essential to have a robust consideration toward applying engineering and management measures against all 11 selected categories.

Fariborz Omidi, Reza Ali Fallahzadeh, Fateme Dehghani, Bahram Harati, Saied Barati Chamgordani, Vahid Gharibi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Introduction: Workers in steel manufacturing companies are extensively exposed to the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Considering the health effects of these compounds, the purpose of this study was to determine occupational exposure to the BTEX compounds and also evaluation of carcinogenic risk due to benzene and non- carcinogenic risk for BTEX compounds in a steel industry.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the coke production unit of the steel making industry. After collecting personal samples from breathing zone of the workers and analyzing of the samples the levels of exposure to the BTEX were quantitatively determined using Gas chromatography equipped with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID), according to the NIOSH 1501 standard method. Then, cancer risk due to benzene and non-cancer risks from BTEX compounds were calculated using Monte-Carlo technique.

Result: The analysis of personal samples indicated that benzene concentration in energy and biochemistry and benzol refinement sections of the plant were higher than occupational exposure limits (OELs). Among the studied sections, benzol refinement as the most polluted section had the highest concentration of BTEX compounds. Non-cancer risk due to BTEX compounds in all studied sections was lower than one. Benzene cancer risk in energy and biochemistry, benzol refinement and experimental furnace sections was higher than maximum recommended value by EPA.

Conclusion: Due to the high concentration of benzene in energy and biochemistry and benzene refinement sections as well as the resultant carcinogenic risk, improvement of existing control systems and the use of modern engineering systems are necessary to control occupational exposure.

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