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Showing 5 results for Labor

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2012)

Introduction: ”Exposing to danger” or in other words, “risk” is a process which is led to an uncertain result in every field. Project risks are uncertain contingent events or situations that if they occur will have positive or negative effects on project’s objectives. Todays, research and educational process and more complicated and the professional risk management become much more difficult, as a result.


Material and Method: In this research, the health and safety issues have been studied and analyzed using ISO 14121 and the environmental issues by EMEA to determine the risk level separately for research laboratories and to prioritize corrective measure in each field (school).


Result: The finding in this study showed that from all the main risks within the rage of 38-86 percent have been decreased. Moreover average of the risk level for the health, safety and environment cases showed a significant decrease (Pvalue<0.0001) by implement controlling and protective countermeasures compariy to the priority state without any measures.


Conclusion: The risk assessment with hazards control strategy based on ISO 14121 is a compatible method in laboratory site as universities and other reasearch sites.

M. Shekari, G. A. Shirali, T. Hosseinzadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Introduction: Investigation of accidents have shown that more than 90% of industrial accidents are related to human aspects. What is more, safe behaviors can not be institutionalized in industries by only using technical-engineering measures and enacting safety rules. Building a positive and effective safety culture can make individuals aware of hazards and consequently reduce accidents in the workplace.


Material and Method: In this analytical-descriptive study, a standardized safety culture questionnaire was used. The questionnaire comprised of 40 question including five dimensions of: training, work environment, safety priority, information exchanges and management commitment. In this regard, the questionnaire was distributed among personnel of three laboratories in a petrochemical company. Five point Likert scale was for recording the responses.


Result: The mean score for safety culture was 136.7 for laboratory personnel which was considered positive according to the presented definition. In this sense, safety priority and management commitment with score of 31.9 and 25.2 obtained respectively the dimensions of safety culture.


Conclusion: Strong and positive safety culture among laboratory personnel would prevent incidence of many occupational accidents. In another word, it would help organizations to facilitate access to higher standards.

Morad Rezaei Dizgah, Fardin Mehrabian, Mohsen Jani Pour,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2018)

Introduction: Job Satisfaction is a perception that improves employees’ productivity, motivation and empowers them. Therefore, recognizing the factors affecting it and paying attention to emotional intelligence can provide the basis for increasing job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction considering the mediator role of job burnout, emotional Labor, emotional inconsistency, personality deprivation and deficiency of individual success in the Staff of Guilan University of Medical Sciences

Material and Method: This research used descriptive and cross-sectional method. The study population included 413 staffs from the faculties of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. The sample was determined 200 people using Cochran’s formula. A standard questionnaire was used to collect data. Content validity was done for this  questionnaire  and also its reliability studied using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data using Lisrel software.

Result: The results showed that emotional intelligence affects emotional inconsistency, emotional exhaustion, emotional Labor, job satisfaction, deficiency of individual success and deprivation of personality. Also, emotional inconsistency affects on emotional exhaustion, deficiency of individual success, job satisfaction and personality deprivation. In addition, the results show that emotional exhaustion affects deprivation of personality, deficiency of individual success and job satisfaction and finally, the deficiency of individual success affects job satisfaction.

Conclusion: Considering the relationship between job satisfaction with job burnout, emotional intelligence and emotional inconsistency, it would be helpful for managers to implement programs to increase employee satisfaction and self-efficacy and provide a context for reducing job burnout.

Amin Babaei-Pouya, Zahra Pajohideh, Maryam Feiz Arefi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Introduction: Labor is one of the most important wards of hospital, where human error is high. Midwifery errors in the maternity ward and in the delivery can be a serious threat to the health of the mother and the infant, resulting in increased treatment costs. Factors affecting human error are diversity in work, high workload, and fatigue. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the midwifery errors in the maternity ward using the systematic human error reduction and prediction approach (SHERPA) technique.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2019, during which different midwifery tasks were determined in four stages of admitting, pre-labor, delivery, and postpartum. Tasks and sub-tasks were identified using the hierarchical task analysis (HTA) technique and human error was evaluated using the SHERPA technique.
Results: The results of the HTA technique identified 19 main tasks, 52 sub-tasks, and 114 activities. After assessing human error risk with the SHERPA technique, the performance was the most frequent type of  error and the highest frequency was related to the undesirable risk level.
Conclusion: The errors of the midwifery profession in the hospital’s labor are high-risk and largely critical. Factors such as high workload, time pressure, and fatigue influence the incidence of human error. In order to reduce human error in this area, strategies such as reducing staff workload, developing standard checklists and guidelines are essential to reduce human error in this ward.
Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Ismailpour, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, Adel Mazloumi, Monireh Khadem, Mahya Abbasi, Ali Karimi, Hasan Karimi, Farideh Golbabaei,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Introduction: The purpose of occupational health is to maintain and improve the health of employees and improve their physical, mental and social well-being through the prevention, control and elimination of occupational hazards. It is necessary to integrate educational, research and health service activities to prevent and control potential occupational health hazards in the community. This study aimed to develop a Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA) for occupational health at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
Material and Methods: In this participatory action research, a strategic planning committee was established, whose members were professors of the occupational health department in the school of public health and managers of the occupational health department in the health deputy of TUMS. The strategic planning committee carried out a strategic evaluation of the internal and external environments of both occupational health deprtments of TUMS and identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then, the strategic direction of JCPOA including the vision, mission, values, goals and objectives was determined. Also, the strategies and actions to achieve the goals and objectives were identified. Finally, the action plan to achieve these objectives was developed.
Results: This applied research led to the strategic evaluation of the internal and external environments of the occupational health depratment of the School of Public Health and the occupational health depratment of the Health deputy of TUMS, determining the strategic direction, and finally, developing an action plan to achieve the goals and objectives.
Conclusion: The JCPOA for occupational health was developed using a collaborative and systemic approach. The proper implementation of this plan can lead to the improvement of occupational health indicators in the community. Cooperation between university and industry is necessary for the sustainable development of society.

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