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Showing 3 results for Steel Industry

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Introduction: In the steel industry,air blowers used to supply compressed air are considered as sources of annoying noise. This study aims to acoustics analysis of theairblower workroomand sound source characteristics in order to present noise controlmeasuresinthe steel industry.


Material and Method: Measurement of noiselevel and its frequency analysis was performed usingsound levelmetermodelof CASELLA-Cell.450. Distribution of noise level in the investigated workroom in form of noise map was provided using Surfer software. In addition, acoustic analysis of workroom and control room was performed in view point of soundabsorption andinsulation. Redesignofdoor and window of controlroom and installation of soundabsorbing materialson theceiling of the workroom were proposed and the efficiency of these interventionswasestimated.


Result: The totalsound pressurelevelin the blower workroom was 95.4 dB(L) and the dominant frequency was 2000Hz. Sound pressure level inside the room control was 80.1dB(A). The average absorption coefficient and reverberation time in the blower workroom was estimated equal to 0.082 Sab.m2 and 3.9 seconds respectively. These value in control room was 0.04 Sab.m2 and 3/4 seconds respectively. In control room, sound transmission loss between the two parts of the wall dividing was 13.7 dB(A). The average of noise dose in blower operators was 230%. With the installation of sound absorber on ceiling of workroom, average of absorption coefficient can increase to 0.33 Sab.m2 and sound transmission loss of the new designed door and window was estimated equal to 20dB.


Conclusion: The main cause of noise leakage in the control room was insufficient insulation properties of door and windows. By replacing the door and window and installation of sound absorbing on ceiling of workroom, the noise dose can reduce to 49.6%. New Improved door and window of control room can reduce noise dose to 69.65% solely.

Masoud Hamerezaee, Farideh Golbabaei, Parvin Nasiri, Kamal Azam, Somayeh Farhang Dehghan, Asad Fathi, Faezeh Darabi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Introduction: Heat stress is one of the hazardous agents in the steel industries which can threaten the health and safety of workers and lead to serious occupational diseases. The aim of the study was to assess the heat stress in the steel industries and compare PHS (Physiological Strain Index), WBGT (Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature), DI (Discomfort Index) and HSI (Heat Stress Index) indices for the estimation of heat stress and to determine the optimum index for steel industries.

Material and Method: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted among 220 workers engaged in two steel industries in Iran. Environmental and physiological parameters were measured according to ISO 7726 and ISO 9886 in three times of measurement, and finally the time-weight average of the heat stress indices were calculated. All data were analyzed using SPSS ver.  20.

Result: The time-weight average of WBGT (28.28 oC), DI (29.11 oC), HIS (65.7 %) indices were higher than the recommended limits. Physiological parameters (oral, tympanic and skin temperatures, systolic and diastolic pressures and heart rate) had the greatest value in the second time of measurement (afternoon). WBGT index comparing to the PHS, DI and HSI indices had highest correlation with oral, tympanic and skin temperatures and heartbeat (r=0.314 , 0.408 , 0.459 , 0.302, respectively; P < 0.05), while systolic and diastolic blood pressures showed no significant correlation with WBGT (P > 0.05). The WBGT index had the highest correlation with studied indices which was 0.945, 0.681 and 0.600 for DI, PHS and HSI, respectively.

Conclusion: This study assessed the optimal index with regard to the physiological parameters, and it was concluded that the WBGT index has the highest correlation with the most of physiological parameters, and therefore, WBGT index can be the most optimum index to heat stress assessment   in the studied steal industries.

Fariborz Omidi, Reza Ali Fallahzadeh, Fateme Dehghani, Bahram Harati, Saied Barati Chamgordani, Vahid Gharibi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Introduction: Workers in steel manufacturing companies are extensively exposed to the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Considering the health effects of these compounds, the purpose of this study was to determine occupational exposure to the BTEX compounds and also evaluation of carcinogenic risk due to benzene and non- carcinogenic risk for BTEX compounds in a steel industry.

Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the coke production unit of the steel making industry. After collecting personal samples from breathing zone of the workers and analyzing of the samples the levels of exposure to the BTEX were quantitatively determined using Gas chromatography equipped with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID), according to the NIOSH 1501 standard method. Then, cancer risk due to benzene and non-cancer risks from BTEX compounds were calculated using Monte-Carlo technique.

Result: The analysis of personal samples indicated that benzene concentration in energy and biochemistry and benzol refinement sections of the plant were higher than occupational exposure limits (OELs). Among the studied sections, benzol refinement as the most polluted section had the highest concentration of BTEX compounds. Non-cancer risk due to BTEX compounds in all studied sections was lower than one. Benzene cancer risk in energy and biochemistry, benzol refinement and experimental furnace sections was higher than maximum recommended value by EPA.

Conclusion: Due to the high concentration of benzene in energy and biochemistry and benzene refinement sections as well as the resultant carcinogenic risk, improvement of existing control systems and the use of modern engineering systems are necessary to control occupational exposure.

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