Background and Aim : Investigating the relationship between sensory processing and behavior in 7 to 10 years old children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
Objective: This study examined the association between behavioral problems and emotional status of children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
Materials and Methods : In this descriptive-analytic study, 24 children with ADHD and 24 normal matched children in the age range of 7- 10 years old were participated. After completing a demographic questionnaire and consent informed Letter , The children's parents were asked to complete Sensory Profile Questionnaire (SP) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL).
Results: Data analysis was performed using SPSS 16 software. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test are used to assess compliance of each variable distribution with normally distributed variables. T-test were used to compare variables (CBCL and SP scores) in the 2 groups. T-test results show that the difference between the means of two groups in sensory seeking, emotional reactivity, and low endurance /muscle tone.
Inattention / distractibility, poor sensory registration, fine movement/ perception and emotional reactivity are significant. The calculated t value is lower from the t-critical (1.96) and the probability error (CI 5%). But in variables such as the oral sensory sensitivity, sensory sensitivity and sedentary difference between the two groups’ averages is not significant.
There are significant correlations between some of Child Behavior Checklist questionnaire variables and sensory profile in sensory seeking and emotional reactivity variable, low endurance / muscle tone variables, the variable inattention and distractibility, fine movements/ perception and sensory registration.
Conclusion : our study suggest that behavioral problems in the Child Behavior Checklist grows by increasing these problems in sensory profile questionnaire .
Key words : Sensory processing, Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, Behavioral problems. |