1- Msc Student of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2- Researcher, Laboratory of Wearable Technologies and Neuromusculoskeletal Research,Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 3- Instructor of Mechanical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran , narimani@sharif.edu
Abstract: (6902 Views)
Background and Aim: In recent years, introducing the quantitative methods for diagnosing the joints injuries and its level of severity, surveying the recovery progress and effectiveness of rehabilitation methods are important for clinical practice. Using the inertial sensors is one of the custom methods for quantifying joints motion. The purpose of this study is to quantify injuries in ankle joint.
Materials and Methods: By setting the Sharif-HMIS inertial sensors on the leg and ankle of patients and control subjects, the motion of their ankle was evaluated and the amount of velocity and acceleration in 8 distinct motions were measured.
Results: Using the gathered data from the sensors in different motions and by implementing the assumed criterions, several parameters are calculated that can give a rather precise and quantitative distinction between injured people and control subjects. The results showed that RAV, M and P scores indicate the differences between patients and control subjects clearly, although their performance as a parameter for qualifying the level of ankle injuries is not good.
Conclusion: Motion analysis of ankle and comparing the results of patients and control subjects showed that the assumed criterions are valid and can be used for diagnosing the ankle injury. Also, this method is utilized to measure the ankle motion of both elderly and young groups and the results showed that this method is suitable for indicating the ankle motion differences between two groups.
Asadi H, Abedi M, Hajibozorgi M, Mokhlespour M I, Narimani R. A new clinical method to determine the severity of injury in the arthritis and sprains of ankle joint. mrj 2016; 9 (S1) :78-87 URL: http://mrj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5386-en.html