1- student of M.sc of speech and language pathologist, Iran university of Medical science 2- Assistant Professor of Tehran university of Medical science , Jalaeish@sina.tums.ac.ir 3- student of M.sc of speech and language pathologist, Tehran university of Medical science
Abstract: (7096 Views)
Background and Aim: Providing rehabilitation care of deglutition disorders or dysphagia is a challenging issue for speech and language pathologists. Comprehensive assessment of dysphagia includes early screening, clinical tests and finally instrumental tests to be assured. In spite of the importance and the advantages of clinical tests; accurate diagnosis and decision in dysphagia management largely depend on instrumental ones. These tests provide dynamic assessment and information about structures and physiology of normal and affected swallow for clinician. The aim of this review article was to find instrumental tests of swallowing with their application, limitation and advantages.
Materials and Methods: An electronic search was done via the PubMed, Google scholar, Science direct, Medline, Scopus, Iranian web of knowledge data bases and web of knowledge data bases from 1956 to 2012. Based on the used keywords, 150 papers were found of which 90 papers were selected in accordance with the selection criteria.
Results: Fourteen related instrumental tests were found. Only one of the tests is usable for screening and others for diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia. Three tests are used only in adults and others in children too.
Conclusion: The literature review showed that among the instrumental tests, (Video fluoroscopy swallowing study; VFSS), (Fiberoptic Endoscopic evaluation of swallowing; FEES) are golden standards for dysphagia assessment and treatment. Therefore, they are widely accepted among clinicians and researches in despite of their limitations, our study offers the possibility to professionals for selecting the appropriate instrumental test in dysphagia.
Tavakoli M, Jalaei S, Delkhah Z, Poonaki H. Review of instrumental tests for screening and diagnosis of dysphagia. mrj 2016; 9 (S2) :29-41 URL: http://mrj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5419-en.html