1- Assistant Professor, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience (Brain and Cognition), Shahid Beheshti University. , V_Nejati@sbu.ac.ir 2- MSc of Clinical Psychology, Tehran University
Abstract: (9311 Views)
Background and Aim: Proverb comprehension can be used to assess cognitive function. Since tests of proverb comprehension impressed by language and culture, designing proverb comprehension test in Persian is necessary in order to evaluate cognitive and executive function. The purpose of the present study was to design a proverb comprehension test and to determine its validity and reliability.
Material and Methods: The present, Proverb Comprehension Test includes two subscales of out context and in context. The statistical population of the study were students of elementary and high schools in 1393-1394. The sample included 234 student with age range 10 to 18 years old that selected by Convenience Sampling scheme. Two halves method and Cronbach's alpha test were used in order to evaluate internal consistency. Discriminative validity was achieved from comparing average scores of age groups. For investigation of concurrent validity, Pearson test was used between results of proverb comprehension test and verbal fluency test.
Results: Subscales of out context Proverb Comprehension Test with verbal fluency test had positive significant relationship. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of subscales of out context, in context and the total test was respectively 0.76, 0.72 and 0.88 and the reliability coefficient of two halves method was 0.82. Comparing between groups indicated the discriminative validity of the test.
Conclusion: Proverb Comprehension Test is a valid and reliable test for measuring executive and verbal functions.
Nejati V, Ramesh S. Proverb Comprehension Test: Development and Evaluation of psychometric properties. mrj 2016; 9 (S3) :106-114 URL: http://mrj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5453-en.html