Background and aim: The aim of this study was to determine effect of home based lovaas approach on social interaction, Speech and language, Play and behavior skills, and intensity of autism in young children with Autism
Materials & Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental, interventional pre/post design. Thirty children with Autism were selected by convenience sampling in a rehabilitation center by matching closely, 8 years old, in Tehran city.
The impact of lovaas approach was evaluated in children with Autism. For evaluation total scores and dimension of social interaction skills speech and language play a behavior before and after therapeutic intervention we used The PDD assessment scale/screening questionnaire. The results were analyzed with paired T test and wilcoxon signed and multivariate T2 Hotteling and SPSS software edition 17.
Results: After intervention PDD assessment scores decreased (P<0/001). Significant progress were observed in social interaction skills (P<0/001).Speech and language (P=0/001), play (p<0/001) and behavior (P= 0/002). Significant decrease wasn't seen in the intensity of PDD after intervention (P> 0/05).
Conclusion: The result showed that home based lovaas approach increased the social interaction, Speech and language, Play and behavior skills in children with Autism