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Showing 12 results for Shahbodaghi

M.r Shahbodaghi, A Zabihi , Y Modarresi , Ma Pour Heidar, I ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1 2007)

Background and Aim: Language is one the most comprehensive human abilities that influenced by environment. Children learn language in different circumstances. Various circumstances and environments can influence on the development language rate. The purpose of this study is investigation of positive and negative influence of orphanage on language features and educational situation orphan children in first grade school.

Material and Method: This study was descriptive-analytic , case-control that performed on 21 girl & boys orphans( 8 girls and 13 boys)  in  Tehran city orphanages  and 21 girls& boys non - orphans (8 girls and 13 boys)their classmates .

The average age of orphans group was 90months and control group was 87 months. The Told and reading test was performed for all children (orphan and non - orphan). then obtained  the  average of 10 last  dictation scores .Then the  scores   of  2  test  was analyzed. All data were analyzed using spss, version 13.10 for windows, appropriate descriptive statistics  were used (mean, standard deviation  and  range) for duration  of life  in orphanage, Told  and Reading  scores .

We used  Pearson  correlation analysis for examining the  association  between  duration  of life  in orphanage and Tests scores. We compared the average of Told and Reading tests scores and dictation scores between orphan children and non - orphan children using a Independent Samples T- test.

Results: independent-samples  T- test  was performed  to compare  mean Told  and  Reading  tests  and dictation Scores between orphan children  and non - orphan children.. There were significant differences between their scores.

Conclusion& discussion: Findings suggests that orphan children in language features and educational situation were difference with non - orphan children. The orphanages couldn't prepare   circumstances like family and must do changes in their conditions and care giving structures.

Z Soleymani , S Khoramian , Mr Shahbodaghi , S Faghih Zadeh ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (22 2008)

Background and aim:The current research provides a word association test and determine its validity and reliability in Persian (farsi) language.
Materials and methods:
A word association test was administered to a group of twenty girls and twenty one boys that were similar in age and education. Based on Goldfarb's word association test , word stimuli were balanced according to frequency of occurrence (frequent, infrequent), word length (short, long), abstraction level (low , medium, high) ,and grammatical class (noun ,verb, adjective ) . Based on "Recognition basic word's Iranian student in primary school"(nemat zade,1384),180 words were selected. This words scored by experts. Seventy two words were selected . The test administered in oral on the first grade students .Then responses were coded as paradigmatic or sytagmatic . Results were analyzed by Maknamar and Capa test.
Findings show high correlation between first and second test in three grammatical Class (noun, verb, adjective, p=0/001).High correlation exists between two stages of test.
These findings show word association test is valid and reliable .This is usable in assessment of semantic development and language development.
Farhad Sakhaei, Mohammad Shahbodaghi, Soghrat Faqihzadeh, Shahin Nematzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (2 2009)

Background and Aim: Several recent studies have suggested that young children who stutter tend to show depressed lexical performance relative to peers. Children who stutter was produced fewer total verbs and fewer different verbs than peers did, but these differences can not be attributed to increased general all-purpose verb use. Production of gap verbs was similar between the groups. The fact that the children who stutter produce significantly fewer verbs in their samples relative to peers and overall lexical diversity would be impacted by children who stutter producing fewer total and fewer different verbs. Likewise, if children who stutter produced fewer verbs than peers did, mean length utterance should be impacted, as well due to challenge in learning verbs in children it is important to assess lexical diversity in children. 

Material and Methods: This research was a descriptive-analysis study and cases was selected in speech therapy clinics that conducted on 57 non-stutter children and 13 stutter children (primary school).Due to effects of some distortion factors on the frequency of core vocabulary, we have some exclusion criteria such as: neurological disorders, language disorder, color blinded and etc. The qualified subject entered the test. Then stutter's children implemented 100 words test to access in percent and severity of stuttering. Comparison of frequency of core vocabulary implemented   by word articulation test and word perceptive test and we register frequency of perceptive and expressive vocabulary in noun, verb and adjective category.

Result: The result of this study reveal that mean of frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in noun category in stutter children is lesser than non stutter children. There was significant difference between stutter children and non stutter children in frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in noun category.  The mean of frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in adjective category in stutter children is lesser than non-stutter children. There was not significant difference between stutter children and non stutter children in frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in adjective category.  The mean of frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in verb category in stutter children is lesser than non-stutter children. But there was not significant difference between stutter children and non stutter children in frequency of expressive vocabulary in verb category. There was significant difference between stutter children and non stutter children in frequency of receptive vocabulary in verb category.

Conclusion: :The results of this research indicate that  frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in noun category in stutter children is significantly lesser than non-stutter children and stutter effect on frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in noun category. The frequency of expressive vocabulary in verb category in stutter children was not significantly lesser than non stutter children but frequency of receptive vocabulary in verb category in stutter children is significantly lesser than non stutter children and stutter effect on frequency of receptive vocabulary in verb category. The frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in adjective category in stutter children was not significantly lesser than non stutter children and stutter does not effect on frequency of expressive and receptive vocabulary in adjective category.

H Ahadi , B Zandi , Mr Shahbodaghi , M Mokhlesin , S Faghih Zadeh ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (15 2010)

Background and Aim: Children with speech and language disorders have a reduced diadochokinesis rates.. The purpose of this study was to compare the oral diadochokinesis with rate of speech and reading in normal students.
Materials and Methods:
One hundred of fifth grade female students were participated in this descriptive - comparative study. All subjects were native speakers of persion who passed an informal screening test of articulation and speech. None of subjects had a history of speech, hearing, behavioral and neurological disorders. The subjects were asked to read a text of their book, tell a story and perform some oral diadochokinesis tasks (flecher`s criterion).The time was measured by Cool Edit. Descriptive statistics and compared t-test were used for analysis .
Results :
the syllable / tâ /had the highest rate of diadochokinesis , while the syllables /pa/ and / kâ/ were in the next orders ( 3.96,4.01, 4.52).The rate of reading was higher than the rate of talking. There was a significant relationship between the reading rate and diadochokinesis in / kâ / (P=0.02) and / pâtâkâ / (P=0.02)
the results indicate that there is no relation between the rate of speech and diadochokinesis but there is a significant relation between Reading rate and diadochokinesis in some tasks..
N Hossein Zadeh, Mr Shahbodaghi , S Jalaei ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (15 2010)

Background and Aim: Stuttering contains speech disruption or observed behaviors and inner reactions of speech- associated or emotional, disruptive, coping, and attitudinal reactions. Inner events can be reported by the person who stutters but can not be reliably defined by listener perceptions. Both the disorder's directly observable and inner elements and their interactive effects need to be fully assessed to achieve to clinically deals. This study investigates validity and reliability of the tests about inner events in stuttering children.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive and analytical study was performed on 96 stuttering and non stuttering students in 6-11 (similar in age and sex). After Persian equalization of questionnaire and verifying, tests validity are scored by 10 experts. In order to tests reliability, children performed tests in two stages (25 days interval). Three methods were used: 1.comparsion between the mean tests scores in two stage 2.Investigation of correlation between two stages. 3. Investigation of results reliability (ICC). The data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistical tests (paired t-test, spearman and pearson).Independent t-test were used in order to compare the mean tests scores between stuttering and non- stuttering children.
Although there was different between the mean BCL and CAT scores of stuttering and non stuttering children but this between group difference is not statistically significant (p>0.05) . The mean BCL and CAT scores between two group (stuttering and non-stuttering) was statistically significant (p<0.05).
Behavioral checklist and communication attitude tests changed in stuttering children at 6-11 age. Both are valid and reliable and these tests distinguish between stuttering and non stuttering children.
Narges Kord, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Seyed Maryam Khodami, Mandana Norbakhash, Shohreh Jalaei, Masood Motesadi Zarand,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (19 2010)

Background and aim: Intonation perception mainly relies on fundamental frequency changes perception that is not available for individual with profound to severe hearing loss. The aim of the present study is to investigate the perception of intonation in cochlear implanted children and compare with normal hearing children.

 Materials and methods: This study has been carried out on 25 cochlear implanted children and 50 children with normal hearing. An adult who her first language was Persian, expressed some questions and statement sentences. These sentences were playing for child and was asked him/her to determine whether it was in a question form or statement one.   

 Results: The results showed that perception of question and statement sentences intonation had significantly differences between two groups (P<0.05). Perception of question and statement sentences intonation had significantly correlation with age at implantation and duration of implant use (P<0.05).

 Conclusion: According to the findings of the current study and previous studies, cochlear implant has some deficits in facilitating the perception of intonation. However, this limitation has been compensated partly for early surgery. Thus, speech language pathologists should consider intervention of intonation in treatment program of cochlear implanted children.  

Sara Naderi, Mohammad Shahbodaghi, Seyed Ahmad Khatonabadi, Houshang Dadgar, Shohre Jalaie,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3 2011)

Background and aim: The communicative functioning of children who stutter can be assessed in a variety of ways. Standardized tests are an important tool to assess communication skills particularly in stuttering children .The purpose of the present study was to translate the Test of childhood Stuttering (TOCS) into persian and investigation of validity and reliability of the test .
Materials and methods: In this research, 40 stutterers and 40 non-stutterer were evaluated. After the translation of the Test according to Protocol IQOLA and its equalization to Persian Language, Content validity and Face validity of it were determined by the opinions of experts. Then, for concurrent validity determination 80 stutterer and non-stutterer children were examined by TOCS and SSI3 .In order to test reliability, test -retest and Cronbach,s alpha were used.
Results: Entirely relevant items had simple translation. The translation items had content and face validity correlation between the marks of TOCS and SSI3 (p=0.000, r= %92). TOCS has high Test-retest ( p=0.000, ICC= %97) and internal reliability (p=0.000,α=%90).
Conclusion: Persian equalized TOCS (Test of childhood stuttering) have high validity and reliability. it might be useful to differentiate stuttering children among normal ones.

Farzad Weisi, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Hosshang Dadgar, Ali Reza Moradi, Soghrat Faghihzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (19 2012)

Background and Aim: Reading skill is necessary for academic achievement, that deaf children have problems in this skill due to hearing impairment. Use of cochlear implant can improve auditory inputs. The aim of this study was to investigate the reading skills of children with cochlear implants and comparing that with normal ones.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive - analytic study was done on 24 children with cochlear implant and 24 normal ones that was selected from second and third grades students of Tehran primary schools. Children's reading performance was assessed by Nama reading test and the data were analyzed using T-test, linear regression and Pearson correlations.

Results: The results showed that the means of reading scores of normal children were significantly greater than the cochlear implanted ones (P<0.01). Also, there was a significant relationship between reading skills and period of cochlear implant (P<0.01).

Conclusion: Cochlear implanted children showed weaker performance in reading skills than normal ones due to less access to auditory and Phonological information. It seems that early surgery and cochlear implant before the age of language learning can be partially compensated reading defects of deaf children.

Narges Kord, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Seyede Maryam Khodami, Mandana Nourbakhsh, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3 2013)

Background and Aim: Intonation has important roles on increase in intelligibility and conveyance correct meaning especially in conversational speech. Recognition of intonation correlates with three acoustic parameters: fundamental frequency, intensity and duration. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the acoustic correlation of intonation and intelligibility of speech in children with cochlear implant (CI) and compare with normal hearing (NH) children. 

Materials and Methods: This study has been carried out on 25 cochlear implant children and 25 children with normal hearing in primary school age ranges.Ten pictures were shown to children and statement and question sentences were elicited from them. To investigation of intelligibility, produced sentences were perceptually judgment by seven speech therapists and were scored by five point rating value. Acoustic correlationwere determined using Praat software.    

Results: The results showed that there were significantly difference between two groups in each of acoustic correlations (P<0.05). Intelligibility scores of CI children were significantly lower than ones of NH children (P<0.05). There were significantly correlation between intonation and intelligibility scores, also between intelligibility and duration of implant use (P<0.05).

Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, cochlear implant children's performance in using of acoustic correlation of intonation is lower than normal hearing peers that results in inappropriately intonation. Inappropriately intonation can be the cause of low intelligibility in cochlear implant children. Thus, intervention of intonation should be considered in treatment program of cochlear implant children.   

Yasaman Jalilian, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Zahra Soleymani, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Background and Aim: The current research was performed to investigate validity measurement of Persian version of stuttering prediction instrument (SPI) in children among 3-8 years old who stutter and determination of its reliability.
Materials and Methods: Translation of the SPI Test was examined by using IQOLA's translation protocol and equalization. Then for determination of it's logical validity, expertise views were collected by means of the method of Lawasche content validity. 52 children who stutter were examined by SPI test and also SSI3 test and the cooper stuttering chronicity prediction checklist for determination of construct and concurrent validity. Internal stability was examined by using alpha ration and finally at the end, Persian version of SPI was completed by twice examination of 15 stutterer children with duration of 7-10 days concerning examination of reliability of test-retest. */1-+
Conclusion: Existing strong and meaningful correlation between SSI3 and SPI test and also between cooper chronicity prediction checklist and SPI test are indicative of good convergence of each part in SPI test. Finally, these analyses verify that all parts of the test are benefiting from proper reliability and validity.
Seyede Zohreh Mousavi, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Malihe Kadivar, Nasrin Khosravi, Madiehe Mirzazade,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)

Back ground and Aim: Feeding is the most essential behavior in infants for vitality, learning and interaction. Because of feeding importance in developmental process and its primary role in infant’s vitality, the study of dysphagia has an important role. Diagnosis, assessment and treatment of this disorder are primary professional action for speech therapists. Therefore, basic information about prevalence of such disorders can be effective in treatment planning. In this study, the number of infants with oral feeding disorders is determined in NICU .

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-sectional study, all infants that were in NICU at Tehran University of medical sciences hospitals were evaluated in three first months of 1390 year through information from medical history, interview and observation. The data were analyzed with SPSS 16.

Results: Data analyzing of this study showed that 45 infants (27.10%) from 166 cases in NICU had oral feeding disorders. The incidence in male is more than female (91.11% versus 8.88%). Twenty two of cases feed normally, 18 cases feeding with NGT and 5 cases with OGT. The rate of difficulty in oral phase and esophageal phase were 88.88% and 2.22% respectively. No infants have difficulty in Pharyngeal phase.

Conclusion: Feeding disorder assessment by speech therapist provides essential information about feeding intervention and so early diagnosis can prevent later speech problems. Therefore, the role of a speech therapist in NICU is important.

Keywords: Incidence, Oral feeding disorders, Infants, NICU

Abbas Pourebrahim Omran , Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Salman Abdi, Mohammad Kamali,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: The concept of locus of control refers to the degree in which a person perceives daily occurrences to be a consequence of his or her own behavior. Some people accept responsibility of their own continued well-being and maintained improvement, but the others, particularly those who do not accept this responsibility, may be at risk of relapse. It recommends a kind of measurement in order to identify such persons so that further steps can be taken to inhibit the relapse before occurs. One of this measurement is Locus of Control of Behavior. The purpose of the present study is to translate the Locus of Control of Behavior (LCB) into Persian and investigation of validity and reliability of the scale.

Materials and Methods: In this research, 35 adults with stuttering and 35 non-stuttering were evaluated. After the translation of the test according to Protocol IQOLA and its equalization to Persian Language, content validity and face validity of it were determined by the opinions of experts. Then, for concurrent validity determination 35 adults with stuttering were examined by LCB and Rotters locus of control .In order to test reliability, test –retest and Cronbach,s alpha were used.

Results: Entirely relevant items had simple translation. The translation items had content and face validity. Correlation between the marks of LCB and Rotters locus of control was (p=0.000, r= %53). LCB has high Test-retest (p=0.000, ICC= %87) and internal reliability (p=0.000, &alpha;=%85).

Conclusion: The present research showed that the Persian version of the LCB is a reliable and valid tool for locus of control from the perspective of a person who is stutter.

Key Words: Stuttering, Reliability, Validity, Locus of Control of Behavior

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