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Showing 12 results for Activity

Khatere Borhani, Faranak Aliabadi, Mahdi Alizadeh Zarei, Nasrin Amiri, Marzieh Kazem Targhi, Ghorban Taghizadeh Hajlouei,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (10-2011)

Background and aim: Visuo-spatial attention is an ability by which a portion of visuo-spatial space is selected for efficient processing of the information orienting from it. people show a normal bias in visuo-spatial attention. The direction of this bias in Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is different from normal people's bias. Some cases diagnosed with ADHD can show a significant inattention in one side of the space, which is called unilateral neglect. The aim of this study is to investigate on how the visou-spatial bias is in children with ADHD.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, fifteen children (7-10 years) were classified with ADHD-combined type (ADHD-C) and 15 children were matched for age, gender and IQ. Samples had been chosen through simple random sampling and they did Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children(WISC-IV) and also  the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory for assessing whether they had inclusion criteria or not. For participants, visuo-spatial attention was assessed using the Star Cancellation Test.
Results: The results suggest that, there is a significant difference between ADHD-C groups performance and control group's performance in the Star Cancellation Test (p<0.05). Unilateral neglect recognized in ADHD-C group and it was in the left half of the space.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference in visuo-spatial attention between ADHD group and control group. Moreover, unilateral neglect which has seen in some ADHD-C cases should consider as an important item in this disorder. Further research in this area is needed.

Khadijeh Otadi, Mohammad Reza Hadian, Gholam Reza Olyaei, Bahram Rasoulian, Saeid Emamdoost, Elahe Barikani, Esmat Torbatian, Asghar Ghasemi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (10-2012)

Background and Aim: Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a new intervention in chronic hemiplegic patients. The aim of present study is to quantify of quality of movement (QOM) and amount of movement (AOU) that assessed by motor activity log (MAL) after modified CIMT in comparison with traditional physiotherapy (TPT).

Materials and Methods: Ten patients were randomized to modified CIMT or TPT group. Five patients received training of the more affected limb fort two hours daily, three times in a week during two months of treatment. The patients are encouraged to wear an arm- hand splint in less affected hand for five hours daily for maximal using of affected limb with shaping method. The patients in TPT group received physiotherapy treatment with same intensity with other group, for two hours daily during two months. Motor Activity Log (MAL) was used to determine QOM and AOU before- after two months treatment.

Results: The data showed significant improvements in AOU and QOM in affected extremity that clarified by Wilcoxon test. Mann- Whitney test used for comparison between two groups, revealed significant difference in modified CIMT group (p=0.02).

Conclusion: Although, modified CIMT was more effective than TPT in improving QOM and AOU but, TPT as an active rehabilitation can be effective on improving of these parameters. 

Gelareh Radmehr, Reza Mazaheri, Mohammad Ali Sanjari, Farzin Halabchi, Mohammad Ali Mansournia,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Background and Aim: Given the biomechanical differences between over ground and treadmill walking, it is expected that the contraction of muscles should be also different, so exercise training in these scenarios may have various effects on trunk muscles. The aim of this study was to compare amplitude and duration of activation of trunk muscles during over ground and treadmill walking to prescribe a suitable exercise mode considering the special circumstances of each person.

Materials and Methods: Nineteen healthy 20-40 years old male with sedentary life style were selected via simple sampling. Surface electromyography of rectus abdominis, external oblique, longissimus and multifidus muscles were recorded.

 Results: In each gait cycle, there was not statistically significant differences on duration of trunk muscles activity between treadmill and over ground walking. The mean amplitude of these muscles was greater on treadmill in comparison with over ground and this difference was statistically significant for rectus abdominis (P=0.005), longissimus (P=0.018) and multifidus (P=0.044) muscles.

Conclusion: Stabilizing role of trunk muscles during walking causes them to be active throughout the entire gait cycle. The increased muscle amplitude on treadmill might show that more motor units may be recruited during the contraction, which is helpful in prescribing the appropriate type of exercise especially to patients who have trunk muscles weakness. 

Soraya Gharebaghy, Mehdi Rassaffiani, Fatemeh Behnia, Ashraf Karbalaee Nori, Hosshang Mirzaee,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Background and Aim: Although motor difficulties are not considered as a diagnostic criterion in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: However its association with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is commonly reported. CO-OP is a problem-solving approach developed to help children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and addresses their motor-based problems.  In this approach, therapist supports the children to use their cognitive strategies in a process of guided discovery to solve occupational performance problems. The objectives of CO-OP are to improve the motor performance of children with ADHD by helping them to discover various procedures to remove barriers and enhance supports by facilitating activities and participation. This study was designed to examine the influence of CO-OP on motor-based occupational performance of children with ADHD. 

Materials and Methods: A single case experimental design (multiple baseline) was used to examine the influence of a 12 weeks intervention of CO-OP (twice a week) on Six children with ADHD. Each child selected three different goals to practice during intervention. Outcome measures included the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), and the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency and Performance (BOTMP). At first and prior to the intervention, the COPM was administered to the children and parents separately to obtain a rating of performance and satisfaction of the child in selective goals. The CO-OP intervention protocol was based on Polatajko and colleagues' work in 2001. During intervention, children were taught the global problem solving strategies helping them to discover and perform domain-specific strategies. Therapist and family also supported children to achieve the performance of selected goals.

Results: The results of this study demonstrated improvements in both goals and motor performance in the participants due to the intervention. These results support the use of the CO-OP with children with ADHD.

Conclusion: Further research into the application of CO-OP with children with ADHD is warranted based on preliminary positive findings regarding the efficacy of this intervention to address motor-based performance difficulties.

Gelareh Radmehr, Reza Mazaheri, Mohammad Ali Sanjari, Farzin Halabchi, Mohammad Ali Mansournia,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Background and Aim: Given the biomechanical differences between over ground and treadmill walking, it is expected that the contraction of muscles should be also different, so exercise training in these scenarios may have various effects on trunk muscles. The aim of this study was to compare amplitude and duration of activation of trunk muscles during over ground and treadmill walking to prescribe a suitable exercise mode considering the special circumstances of each person. 

Materials and Methods: Nineteen healthy 20-40 years old male with sedentary life style were selected via simple sampling. Surface electromyography of rectus abdominis, external oblique, longissimus and multifidus muscles were recorded.

Results: In each gait cycle, there was not statistically significant differences on duration of trunk muscles activity between treadmill and over ground walking. The mean amplitude of these muscles was greater on treadmill in comparison with over ground and this difference was statistically significant for rectus abdominis (P=0.005), longissimus (P=0.018) and multifidus (P=0.044) muscles.

Conclusion: Stabilizing role of trunk muscles during walking causes them to be active throughout the entire gait cycle. The increased muscle amplitude on treadmill might show that more motor units may be recruited during the contraction, which is helpful in prescribing the appropriate type of exercise especially to patients who have trunk muscles weakness.  

Madineh Hassani, Afsoon Hasani Mehraban, Faranak Aliabadi, Ghorban Taghizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background and Aim: Children's participation in leisure and recreational activities is associated with their well-being. The Purpose of this study was to compare of participation between children with cerebral palsy and typically developing peers 8-14 years old.

Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 30 children with cerebral palsy (mean age: 11 years  and 1 month) from special education school and 30 typically developing peers (11 years  and 6 months) from typical schools through convenient nonprobability sampling were selected. Participants were evaluated with the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE).The data were analyzed by spss17.

Results: There were significant differences between children with cerebral palsy and typically developing peers (p= 0.000) in diversity scale. The intensity of participation in peer group was more than children with cerebral palsy )p=0.000). No significant differences were found between the groups in the enjoyment. There were no significant main effects of gender, also significant interaction effect between group type and gender for CAPE variables.

Conclusion: The participation of peer group in most activities was more than children with cerebral palsy. Physical disability can affect participation of children in everyday activities and socialization. Knowledge about participation of cerebral palsy children can help to health care professional to establish interventions that fit with children's preferences and can promote their health and participation.

Mehdi Salimi, Amir Ahmadi, Nader Marufi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background and Aim: Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders in industrial society. There are complex changes in motor control of cervical spine in neck pain patients. The aim of this study was to compare the latency of activation of neck muscles during upper limb movement between neck pain patients and healthy subjects.

Materials and Methods: Eighteen chronic non-specific neck pain patients and eighteen healthy subjects who were matched in age, weight and height participated in this study. Subjects were standing on the ground and performed flexion and abduction movement of the right arm until at least 90 degree in five trials and consequently surface electromyography of neck muscles was recorded. Activation time of neck muscles was determined in comparison with the activation time of deltoid muscle (as an event) and then compared between two groups.  

Results: Findings of this study showed that in patients with chronic neck pain and healthy subjects during upper limb flexion and abduction movements, the superficial neck muscles were activated after deltoid activation. As well as in the neck pain patients compared to the healthy subjects superficial neck muscles onset was significantly appeared with delayed (P<0.05).

Conclusion: In patients with neck pain compared to healthy controls, the neck muscles were significantly delayed in responses to the internal perturbations of fast upper limb movements. It may be to increase the risk of injuries of neck region during fast upper limb movements.

Rahimeh Mahmoodi, Hossein Bagheri, Mohammad Reza Hadian, Saeed Talebian, Esmaeil Ebrahimi, Maryam Senobari,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2014)

Background and Aim: Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is one of the most important elements in normal musculoskeletal function during gait cycle and serve as a shock absorber during heel strike and load transfer from lower limbs to trunk. Its stabilizing is the product of osseous, ligamentus and muscular elements which muscle activity of these muscles (Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris, Multifidus, Erector Spinea, and Latissimus Dorsi) is important in load transfer through SIJ. It seems that the function of the given muscles in sacroiliac joint pain subjects is interrupted. So, the aim of the present study is to compare muscle activity during different events of stance phase of gait cycle during preferred and slow speed between sacroiliac joint pain and healthy subjects.


Methods and Materials: Thirteen SIJ pain subjects (12 females, 1 male) and thirteen healthy subjects (11 females, 2 male) participated in this study. Muscle activity based on RMS from selected muscles was recorded during different events of stance phase of gait either preferred or slow speed by EMG Data-link Biometrics and normalized according to muscle activity during a 500 ms period in rest position before starting walking called Baseline Correction.


Results: Significant statistical differences were found between two groups in muscle activity based RMS during different events of stance (p=0/006), but there was no significant difference in effect of speed on RMS between two groups (p=0/37). Significant Statistical differences were also seen between selected muscles in each group separately during slow speed of walking (p=0/003) but no significant statistical difference during preferred speed in SIJ pain group (p=0/14).


Conclusion: SIJ subjects have showed increased levels of muscle activity during different events of stance phase of gait with preferred and slow speeds. These increased levels can be interpreted as a mechanism to control trunk movements effectively, provide sufficient support and transfer load to lumbar area efficiently.


Key words: Muscle activity, Sacroiliac joint, Gait, Trunk muscle, Lower limb muscles

Rahimeh Mahmoodi, Saeed Talebian, Elaheh Sajadi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2014)

Background and Aim: Low back pain (LBP) is the most common and expensive musculoskeletal problem in industrialized societies. One in ten people suffers from LBP once in his life. It is self-limited up to 90%, but it is common to repeat. By the way, sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is the origin of low back and pelvic pain in many cases and one of the most important elements in normal musculoskeletal function during gait cycle. Muscles are important to stabilize this joint plus to bones and ligaments. Some of the muscles (Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris, Multi Fidus, Erector Spinae) contributing in gait cycle are important to transfer load through SIJ. The aim of this present study is to compare muscle activity timing during initial and mid stance phase of gait cycle.


Methods and Materials: Sixteen low back pain cases and fifteen healthy subjects participated in this study. A footswitch is placed beneath foot at the suffered side in LBP cases and dominant foot in control group. Two markers were on the 5th metatarsal bone and lateral maleolus. Electrodes are placed on selected muscles according to SENIAM. Digital camera and EMG Datalink were turned on simultaneously and subject started to walk with his own favorite speed in a specific direction and path. Onset and time to peak of selected muscles were recorded during gait by Datalink and processed by its software.


Results: Low back pain cases showed delayed muscle onset, although it was not significant (P=0.4). Time to peak of all selected muscles in loading response event in LBP group was longer and significant (P=0.01). There was also significant difference in time to peak of all selected muscles during mid-stance event (P= 0.005) except biceps femoris muscle.


Conclusion: Delayed onset and longer time to peak during initial and mid stance phase of gait can be interpreted as a compensatory strategy to control trunk movements effectively, provide sufficient stability and transfer load to lumbar area efficiently.


Key words: Muscle activity, Low back pain, Gait, Trunk muscles, Lower Limb Muscles

Rahimeh Mahmoodi, Saeed Talebian, Elaheh Sajadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Background and Aim: Low back pain (LBP) is the most common and expensive musculoskeletal problem in industrialized societies. One in ten people suffers from LBP once in his life. It is self-limited up to 90%, but it is common to repeat. By the way, sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is the origin of low back and pelvic pain in many cases and one of the most important elements in normal musculoskeletal function during gait cycle. Muscles are important to stabilize this joint plus to bones and ligaments. Some of the muscles (Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris, Multi Fidus, Erector Spinae) contributing in gait cycle are important to transfer load through SIJ. The aim of this present study is to compare muscle activity timing during initial and mid stance phase of gait cycle.


Methods and Materials: Sixteen low back pain cases and fifteen healthy subjects participated in this study. A footswitch is placed beneath foot at the suffered side in LBP cases and dominant foot in control group. Two markers were on the 5th metatarsal bone and lateral maleolus. Electrodes are placed on selected muscles according to SENIAM. Digital camera and EMG Datalink were turned on simultaneously and subject started to walk with his own favorite speed in a specific direction and path. Onset and time to peak of selected muscles were recorded during gait by Datalink and processed by its software.


Results: Low back pain cases showed delayed muscle onset, although it was not significant (P=0.4). Time to peak of all selected muscles in loading response event in LBP group was longer and significant (P=0.01). There was also significant difference in time to peak of all selected muscles during mid-stance event (P= 0.005) except biceps femoris muscle.


Conclusion: Delayed onset and longer time to peak during initial and mid stance phase of gait can be interpreted as a compensatory strategy to control trunk movements effectively, provide sufficient stability and transfer load to lumbar area efficiently.


Key words: Muscle activity, Low back pain, Gait, Trunk muscles, Lower Limb Muscles

Azadeh Ghorbani, Faranak Aliabadi, Mohammad Ali Nazari, Melahat Akbarfahimi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (7-2015)

Background and Aim : Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder is a common disorder in children. ADHD leads to poor academic achievement. The purpose of this research was to study the effects of neurofeedback on academic achievement of 8-10 years old children with ADHD.


Material and Methods : It was a single subject study, was done on two 8 and 10 years old boys with ADHD with IQ=90-100. In addition to medication, each of them received 24 sessions of neurofeedback during 8 weeks. In each three sessions, one of the dictation or math tests was taken. Also the scores of class exam and final exam were used to assess treatment efficacy .


Results: Neuro feedback treatment is effective on increasing math and dictation scores of ADHD children in both clinic and school. Increase of the scores of final exams which were taken three months after treatment represents stability of treatment effect.


Conclusion: Neuro feedback treatment was an effective complementary method on increasing academic achievement in these children.


Key word: Attention deficit / Hyperactivity disorder, Neuro feedback, Academic achievement

Faezeh Dehghan, Navid Mirzakha, Mehdi Alizadeh Zare, Katayon Razjoyan,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (7-2015)

Background and Aim : Investigating the relationship between sensory processing and behavior in 7 to 10 years old children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

Objective: This study examined the association between behavioral problems and emotional status of children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity


Materials and Methods : In this descriptive-analytic study, 24 children with ADHD and 24 normal matched children in the age range of 7- 10 years old were participated. After completing a demographic questionnaire and consent informed Letter , The children's parents were asked to complete Sensory Profile Questionnaire (SP) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL).


Results: Data analysis was performed using SPSS 16 software. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test are used to assess compliance of each variable distribution with normally distributed variables. T-test were used to compare variables (CBCL and SP scores) in the 2 groups. T-test results show that the difference between the means of two groups in sensory seeking, emotional reactivity, and low endurance /muscle tone.

  Inattention / distractibility, poor sensory registration, fine movement/ perception and emotional reactivity are significant. The calculated t value is lower from the t-critical (1.96) and the probability error (CI 5%). But in variables such as the oral sensory sensitivity, sensory sensitivity and sedentary difference between the two groups’ averages is not significant.

 There are significant correlations between some of Child Behavior Checklist questionnaire variables and sensory profile in sensory seeking and emotional reactivity variable, low endurance / muscle tone variables, the variable inattention and distractibility, fine movements/ perception and sensory registration.


Conclusion : our study suggest that behavioral problems in the Child Behavior Checklist grows by increasing these problems in sensory profile questionnaire .


Key words : Sensory processing, Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, Behavioral problems.

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