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Showing 18 results for Age

M.r Shahbodaghi, A Zabihi , Y Modarresi , Ma Pour Heidar, I ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2007)

Background and Aim: Language is one the most comprehensive human abilities that influenced by environment. Children learn language in different circumstances. Various circumstances and environments can influence on the development language rate. The purpose of this study is investigation of positive and negative influence of orphanage on language features and educational situation orphan children in first grade school.

Material and Method: This study was descriptive-analytic , case-control that performed on 21 girl & boys orphans( 8 girls and 13 boys)  in  Tehran city orphanages  and 21 girls& boys non - orphans (8 girls and 13 boys)their classmates .

The average age of orphans group was 90months and control group was 87 months. The Told and reading test was performed for all children (orphan and non - orphan). then obtained  the  average of 10 last  dictation scores .Then the  scores   of  2  test  was analyzed. All data were analyzed using spss, version 13.10 for windows, appropriate descriptive statistics  were used (mean, standard deviation  and  range) for duration  of life  in orphanage, Told  and Reading  scores .

We used  Pearson  correlation analysis for examining the  association  between  duration  of life  in orphanage and Tests scores. We compared the average of Told and Reading tests scores and dictation scores between orphan children and non - orphan children using a Independent Samples T- test.

Results: independent-samples  T- test  was performed  to compare  mean Told  and  Reading  tests  and dictation Scores between orphan children  and non - orphan children.. There were significant differences between their scores.

Conclusion& discussion: Findings suggests that orphan children in language features and educational situation were difference with non - orphan children. The orphanages couldn't prepare   circumstances like family and must do changes in their conditions and care giving structures.

Z Soleymani , S Khoramian , Mr Shahbodaghi , S Faghih Zadeh ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2008)

Background and aim:The current research provides a word association test and determine its validity and reliability in Persian (farsi) language.
Materials and methods:
A word association test was administered to a group of twenty girls and twenty one boys that were similar in age and education. Based on Goldfarb's word association test , word stimuli were balanced according to frequency of occurrence (frequent, infrequent), word length (short, long), abstraction level (low , medium, high) ,and grammatical class (noun ,verb, adjective ) . Based on "Recognition basic word's Iranian student in primary school"(nemat zade,1384),180 words were selected. This words scored by experts. Seventy two words were selected . The test administered in oral on the first grade students .Then responses were coded as paradigmatic or sytagmatic . Results were analyzed by Maknamar and Capa test.
Findings show high correlation between first and second test in three grammatical Class (noun, verb, adjective, p=0/001).High correlation exists between two stages of test.
These findings show word association test is valid and reliable .This is usable in assessment of semantic development and language development.
Sh Rafiee , G Taghizadeh , H Karimi , S Rahimzadeh Rahbar , M Ashrafi ,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2009)

Back ground and aim: The development of body parts identification is parallel with the development of sensory motor. The proper evaluation of developmental is done in western countries, but they are not designed for different races, therefore we decide to survey about body part identification in Tehran.
Materials and Methods:
This study performed on 90 children (46 girls and 44 boys) of 1-4years old in east of Tehran with cross sectional design. The first demographic questionnaire was completed by chief nursery and then the second section of questionnaire which was consisted of self body and doll body parts identification, filled in order to determine the number of parts pointed for obtaining of total grade survey on the children and dolls bodies.
The findings showed that there were significant difference between three group of age (P<0.0001). There was no significant differences between two gender groups (boys and girls) in scores mean of self and doll bodies identification in all age groups (P>0.05). In final there was no significant difference between body identification on self body and doll body (P=0.12).
Conclusion: Children who are unable to point to body parts may be at risk for delays in language, cognition, and body scheme development and should be screened or evaluated further.
Toktam Maleki Shahmahmood, Zahra Soleymani, Shoreh Jalaei,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2009)

Back ground and aim: Specific language impairment is one of developmental language disorders in children which have no known etiology. Very few researches have been done about children with this type of disorder in Persian language. The aim of this study is to detect whether there are similarity in language abilities between SLI children and their MLU -m matched group or not.

 Materials and Methods: In this case- control study, the results of speech samples analysis, quotients for composite scores and standard scores of subtests of TOLD, from 12(7 boys and 5 girls) 5-7 years old children with SLI were compared with the results obtained from 12 younger normal (8 boys and 5 girls) children who were matched according to MLU- m with SLI children.

 Results: results show that there are no obvious differences in percent- point average use of words and morphemes in speech between two groups. While the two groups were adapted according to m-MLU, but we found that children with SLI are significantly lower than their MLU matched children in quotients for composite scores of spoken language, organization and semantic and in standard scores of sentence imitation, relational vocabulary and oral vocabulary subtests of TOLD.

Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that some language skills in children with SLI are lower than their MLU matched peers. Results of this study were not provided evidence to support the hypothesis that children with similar m-MLU have similar language skills too. So it is necessary for clinician to consider it when they work with these children. 

A Mehri , H Ghaemi , N Kord ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (9-2009)

Background and Aim: Naming test is an appropriate tool for assessing, diagnosing and treating word finding difficulties in Aphasic patients. Considering the importance of this test and lack of such kinds of tests in the field of verb in Farsi, the purpose of this research is to provide a verb-naming test in Persian.
Materials and Methods:
In order to provide the tool based on the foreign samples, the common traits are exploited according to selection the verbs and based on the frequency criteria, Acquisition age, length of word, and investigating the inferior studies, 132 Persian verbs were chosen and picture of the selected verbs were drawn. They were offered to 15 experts to give points to the pictures based on the previous criteria of our research including familiarity, imagination and beauty of viewing. The mean score of obtained points was computed and 50 verbs were selected out of 132 suggested verbs.
Findings of this study showed that the selected verbs were of high frequency verbs. Also they are those verbs which have lowers acquisition age. Most of the verbs were compound and it indicates that in Persian language compound verbs are of high frequency. Moreover, it appeared that high objectivity degree caused to high scores of imagination. Then most of the verbs were objective verbs.
Finally 50 verbs with their related pictures made this naming test. It is worth mentioning that remaining verbs were ranked based on their scores.
Hamid Dalvand, Leila Dehghan, Avat Feizy, Seyed Ali Hosseini,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (9-2009)

Background and aim: The aim of this study was to determine effect of home based lovaas approach on social interaction, Speech and language, Play and behavior skills, and intensity of autism in young children with Autism

Materials & Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental, interventional pre/post design. Thirty children with Autism were selected by convenience sampling in a rehabilitation center by matching closely, 8 years old, in Tehran city.

The impact of lovaas approach was evaluated in children with Autism. For evaluation total scores and dimension of social interaction skills speech and language play a behavior before and after therapeutic intervention we used The PDD assessment scale/screening questionnaire. The results were analyzed with paired T test and wilcoxon signed and multivariate T2 Hotteling and SPSS software edition 17.

Results: After intervention PDD assessment scores decreased (P<0/001). Significant progress were observed in social interaction skills (P<0/001).Speech and language (P=0/001), play (p<0/001) and behavior (P= 0/002). Significant decrease wasn't seen in the intensity of PDD after intervention (P> 0/05).

Conclusion: The result showed that home based lovaas approach increased the social interaction, Speech and language, Play and behavior skills in children with Autism 

C Ghasemi , Aa Jamshidi , M Mostofi , M Kihany ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2010)

Background and aim: Fatigue is the inability to generate the maximal force that can be produced by the muscle . Fatigue is a subject that patients and athletes frequently encounter. Fatigue is one factor that limits muscle function and may lead to various pain and injury conditions. It is most commonly caused either by repetitive motion or by sustained muscular
contractions. Massage has been used for rehabilitation and relaxation for thousands of years. Massage is widely believed to have a beneficial effect on treating muscle fatigue and has been used in clinical and sports setting for that purpose. There is limited scientific evidence, however, to support the use of massage for enhancing performance and recovery from injury, or for preventing injury. The comparison of massage and rest on the knee extensor muscles fatigue after maximal isokinetic contractions is the main objective of this research.
Materials and methods:
Fifteen healthy female aged between 20-30 volunteered to participate in this research. They did at least once a week some non-professional light sporting activities. Each of volunteers was evaluated in 3 different times. The first session was in order to familiarize the volunteers with the test and Isokinetic. For the main test, each of the volunteers was evaluated twice with one week interval. At the start of each session after warm up, the following parameters were measured: Perceived fatigue by Visual Analog Scale ¸average peak torque and average power maximal concentric of quadriceps at the velocity of 60 degrees per second by Isokinetic apparatus. Then in order to fatigue protocol ¸ the subjects were asked to perform successive and maximal quadriceps contractions until three subsequent quadriceps torque output reaches below 50 percent maximal torque output. Afterwards average peak torque and average power was measured. The extent of perceived fatigue was evaluated as before. Subjects then either received massage on the knee extensors or rested for 15 minute duration. Recovery from fatigue was quantified using average peak torque (APT), average power (AP) and perceived recovery scale (VAS).
Results: After maximal fatigue and decrease in torque output, below 50 percent maximal torque, 15 minutes of massage could change APT after fatigue from mean 56.70 (Nm) to 91.53 (Nm)) , AP from 38.64 to 63.62 (Nm) and VAS from 90.06 to 10.20 (mm). After 15 minute rest could change APT from 55.36 to 68.10 (Nm), AP from 37.69 to 48 (Nm) and VAS from 90.06 to 20.73 (mm).
There was significant difference between rest and massage conditions for recovery of fatigue. Massage was an effective intervention for enhancing muscle performance and recovery from fatigue but rest didn`t have such an effect. In both cases, recovery stage (massage or rest) caused significant change in perceived fatigue but massage is more effective on the decrease of perceived fatigue. Therefore, massage has been more effective than rest as a strategy to return to normal state and has caused more relief in perceived fatigue.
M Tarameshlo , S Jalaei , N Rastagarian Zadeh , A Sheikh Najdi , N Keramati , M Tarazani , M Amid Far , M Radaei , M Faghani Abokheili ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2010)

Background and Aim: The standard tests are tools for quantifying different aspects of speech & language abilities and communicative skills. However developing and applying standard tests is necessary for assessing, screening, defining the speech & language abilities, diagnosing the speech & language disorders and attending to outcomes of treatment process. Therefore in this study for providing general view of speech & language assessment tests, we reviewed some of tests related to some important aspects of speech & language abilities.
Method: This research is a review study based on American speech-language and hearing association. We reviewed exactly the tests that are in this association site because it is one of comprehensive and reliable references for speech-language pathologists. Just four most practical aspects of them, from the first test developed to now (2010), are selected and then analyzed.
In this study, 251 tests of assessment of speech and language are reviewed. 54 tests are related to articulation and phonological assessment. One hundred and forty tests are related to assessment of children expressive language. Forty three tests are available for assessing the expressive language in adult. 14 tests are presented for evaluating autistic children.
However there are widespread spectrum of standard tests but it is necessary to develop other tests in different aspects of speech and language pathology.
Narges Kord, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Seyed Maryam Khodami, Mandana Norbakhash, Shohreh Jalaei, Masood Motesadi Zarand,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (7-2010)

Background and aim: Intonation perception mainly relies on fundamental frequency changes perception that is not available for individual with profound to severe hearing loss. The aim of the present study is to investigate the perception of intonation in cochlear implanted children and compare with normal hearing children.

 Materials and methods: This study has been carried out on 25 cochlear implanted children and 50 children with normal hearing. An adult who her first language was Persian, expressed some questions and statement sentences. These sentences were playing for child and was asked him/her to determine whether it was in a question form or statement one.   

 Results: The results showed that perception of question and statement sentences intonation had significantly differences between two groups (P<0.05). Perception of question and statement sentences intonation had significantly correlation with age at implantation and duration of implant use (P<0.05).

 Conclusion: According to the findings of the current study and previous studies, cochlear implant has some deficits in facilitating the perception of intonation. However, this limitation has been compensated partly for early surgery. Thus, speech language pathologists should consider intervention of intonation in treatment program of cochlear implanted children.  

Ali Reza Farsi, Behroz Abdoli, Maryam Kavyani, Akram Kavyani,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2012)

 Background and Aim: There is an agreement on impression of environment on the development in different ways. The environment effect could be passive or active. The environment enrichment is a  passive method which is used to show the effect of  environment on the development during infancy.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of early perceptual-motor enrichment on later fine motor development process of infants.

Materials and Methods: Fifteen 5 to 8-months-old healthy infants participated randomly in this study. According to their age, participants were divided homogenously in two groups: training (n=8, ages=6.5±2) and non-training (n=8, ages=6.5±2). Training group had 36 training sessions(3 times in a week) for an hour at a perceptual-motor enrichment environment (involve vary manipulation and locomotion tools). After 36 training sessions, at the first assessment stage, infant fine motor skills were evaluated by Peabody motor development scale. Three months later, all infants were kept in similar and normal condition. At the later assessment stage, after this three months, infant fine motor skills were evaluated by same scale. Data were analyzed by mixed ANOVA2 (group) × (stage). 

Results: Results indicated that in fine motor age equivalent, main effect of group(F(1,10)=10.53 , P=.009 ) and main effect of assessment stages(F(1,10)=96.33 , P=.001) was significant. Interaction between groups and assessment stages (F(1,10)=2.58 , P=.13)was  not significant. Also,  in fine motor scaled score, main effect of group(F(1,10)=6.65, P=.02) and main effect of assessment stages (F(1,10)=32.93 , P=.001) was significant. Interaction between groups and assessment stages (F(1,10)=.24, P=.63)was  not significant.

Conclusion: Generally, results show that training and experience have positive effect on later   fine motor skills development of infant.   

Hossein Safakheil, Gholam Reza Olyaei, Mehdi Abdolvahab, Parvin Raji, Behrooz Attarbashi , Ahmad Reza Baghestani, Seyed Ali Molaee,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Background and Aim: Improving the affecting factors of balance could be a critical procedure in managing the elderly's balance dysfunction. The goal of this study is to find out how and to which amount a prolonged period of stretch and massage impact on elderly's balance. Materials and Methods: In this RCT study with a simple randomized case selection, 205 normal subjects screened and after that, 18 subject (74.6 5.45 Years) for intervention group and 17 (75.8± 4.27 Years) subjects for control group contributed for the study. The procedure was 15 sessions in 5 weeks (3 sessions per week). Each session last about 1 hour. Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) were used for evaluation of balance.

Results: Using by SPSS-19 software and after independent T-test, significant differences in balance scales were found between the intervention and the control groups (p<0.05).

Conclusion: According to present evidence, stretch and massage are significantly effective on elderly's balance function. 

Masoumeh Radaei, Azar Mehri, Mehdi Dastjerdikazemi, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Background and Aim: Semantic test "Pyramid and Palm Trees"(PPT) Test was used for assessing cognition and semantic system in brain disorders, semantic dementia, Alzheimer disease and aphasia. This test was designed in 1992 by Howard and Patterson and includes both versions picture and word. It has validity and reliability. The aim of this study is to determine of validity and reliability of Persian picture version "Pyramids and Palm Trees" Test and compare with aphasia and normal adults.

Materials and Methods: In this cross - sectional study, 45 subjects included 15 Aphasia and 30 normal adults respectively the mean age and standard deviation of 53 (7.77), 53 (7.91) years participated. All of participants were matched in the age and sex, and education and bilingualism. In the first stage, the picture version PPT had given to 14 expert(11 Speech and language pathologists, 3 Linguists) in order to determine content and face validity. According to their comments, pictures that were very far from Persian culture were replaced with proportional pictures with Persian culture. Then the reliability was calculated by performance of PPT during an interval of 5-7 days in two stages for all of aphasia patients. In order to compare of results, PPT was performed on normal adults. Then, the results were analyzed by SPSS18 software. The statistic tests were included of lavashh correlation for validity, Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) for reliability and independent T-Test for comparison of scores mean of picture version PPT between aphasia and normal adults.

Results: ICC ranges for reliability were 0.88 – 0.93. Also difference of scores mean of picture version PPT between aphasia and normal adults were significant (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The Persian version PPT have validity and reliability. This study showed semantic disorder in aphasia patients in compared with normal adults. 

Yaser Afaghi, Azar Mehri, Zahra Soleymani, Shohreh Jalaei, Hamzeh Zolani Azizi ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (11-2013)


Background and Aim: The human needs speech for making relationship, he achieves speech with linguistic structure including sound, word and more important than other the sentence. In Persian grammar, there are different types of sentences including: imperative, question, active, passive, exclamation. A childe makes sentence with single-word, telegraphic speech and then with composing names and verbs and propositions in his stage of growing and finally he expresses the passive, conditional, compound sentences. Because of no previous study has been done about the age of comprehension passive sentences in Persian language so we decided to run the comprehension passive sentences on normal children. And we got the age of growth about it in normal children then we compared it in hearing impaired children. The aim of this study was to compare for comprehension passive sentences in normal children 3 to8 years old with hearing impaired children 8years old.

Materials and Methods: A total of 691 normal children 3 to 8 years old in central Tehran and 18 hearing impaired children in special schools participated in this test. At first the test was conducted on 30 children, and proved its reliability. This test had 15sets of three pictures and child must show one of those three pictures. At first, two sets of three pictures were performed to child as example and practice then the passive sentence was expressed about it Colloquial and child must show it and if he/she couldn’t ,the examiner showed the correct picture and showed next picture as be offered to children should be familiar with the test. The child was described that he/she looked at pictures carefully and showed the correct picture after reviewing all the pictures. In continue, 15 pictures of this test were executes and examiner recorded the results.

Results: The highest number of correct responses were for normal children 8years old (Average: 13.93) and other records were in order for children 7 years old (Average: 12.51), 6 years old (Average: 9.37), 5 years old (Average: 8.09), 4 yeas old (Average: 5.31), 3 years old (Average: 3.61) and the lowest record of correct responses was for the hearing impaired children. The result of this study showed that there is a significant relationship among the ability of comprehension passive sentences and age, birth order, parents education (p<0.05) but there is no significant relationship between ability of comprehension passive sentences and their gender (p>0.05) and there is a significant deference between the average of percentage of responses and comprehension passive sentences in hearing impaired children in all the range of ages except 3 years old (p=1.000). It means that hearing impaired children in comprehension passive sentences are similar to children 3 years old.

Conclusion: The result of this study showed there is a significant relationship among the ability of comprehension passive sentences and age, birth order, parents education but there is no significant relationship between ability of comprehension passive sentences and their gender. The results of this study showed the ability of comprehension passive sentences in hearing impaired children 8 years old is like normal children 3 years old too.

Keywords: Passive sentences, Comprehension, Normal children, Severe hearing loss, The Persian language

Asma Sheykh Najdi , Azar Mehri, Behroz Dolatshahi, Soghrat Faghihzadeh, Rozbeh Kazemi ,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Background and Aim: “Executive function” is a term describing the processes required for conscious control of thought, emotion, and action that have centered role in management of one's day-to-day life. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between executive function and performance on selected linguistic tasks in persons with aphasia (PWA) and left frontal lobe lesions.


Materials and Methods : Subjects were 12 right-handed, left hemisphere stroke patients and 12 normal adults as control group. Farsi aphasia test were administered to determine of persence and type of aphasia, as well as auditory comperehension(AC) and naming scors. Wisconsin Card Sort Test(WCST) and Tower Of London(TOL) were used to assess the executive function skills of planning, working memory, mental flexibility, self monitoring, inhibition irrelevant behavior, shifting between concept and action.


Results: The control group scored higher than the individuals with aphasia on the executive function tests (P<0/001). In WCST there was not a significant correlation between the AC and category completed (CC) as well as preservative errors(PE). There was a significant correlation between the AC and total errors (TE) (p=0/02) . There was a significant correlation between naming and CC (p=0/01) and TE (p=0/005). There was not a significant correlation when comparing the naming and PE (p=0/194). A comparison between naming scores and TOL showed a significant correlation (p=0/009). There was not a significant correlation between AC and TOL (p=0/113).


Conclusion: This study showed that individuals with aphasia have cognition disorder, other than language disorder. If they have a good naming ability, patients ' performance ontestsof executive function will be better.


Keywords: Aphasia, Executive function, Language function, Naming, Auditory comprehension, Persian Language
Mehri Maleki, Zahra Jafari, Hasan Ashayeri, Alireza Akbarzadeh Baghban,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2014)

  Background and Aim: Speech in noise test (SINT) surveys the ability of person in extracting speech from ambient noise. Temporal resolution (TR) is ability of person to understand changes of stimulus over time that has important role in speech perception. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of age and sex on SINT and TR in individuals with normal hearing.


  Materials and Methods: SINT was done in the most comfortable level in 3 SNRs 0,-10 and -20 dB and Gap detection test (GDT) in 4 intensity levels in two age groups 25-40 yrs old (included 14 persons) and 41 -55 yrs old ( included 15 persons).


  Results: There was a significant difference between word recognition scores (WRSs) in quiet and in the presence of noise in each age group (P<0.0001). Significant difference was shown between two age groups in WRS s in two SINs of - 10 and- 20 dB (P≤0.02). WRS difference between silence and 3 SINs in two sexes was significant (P≤0.04). Significant difference was the revealed between GDT thresholds in 4 intensity levels (P<0.0001). Sex and age had no effects on GDT thresholds .


  Conclusions: According to our results, despite of normal hearing thresholds with increasing age WRS and GDT are reduced. It seems that, WRS and speech perception in female are better than male.


  Key words: Speech in Noise Test, Temporal Resolution, Age, Sex


Zahra Sadat Ghoreishi, Anahita Khorrami Banaraki , Mojtaba Azimian, Javad Alaghband Rad , Seyed Majid Rafiee, Mahyar Salavati, Parvaneh Farhad-Beygi ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2014)

Background and Aim: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a novel technique for inhibition or excitation of brain cortical area. Dichotic listening test is a simple instrument to determine dominant ear and brain hemisphere for processing of verbal stimuli. This study aimed to determine changes in right ear advantage(REA), after applying inhibitory rTMS protocol on left Broca area.


Materials and Methods: In this descriptive - cross-sectional study, we compared the performances of 14 right handed normal adult Persian speakers with normal auditory and no history of psychiatric or neurological disorders. TMS was applied at 1 Hz with 90% motor threshold, for 10 minutes (600 pulses) on left Broca's area. The right ear advantage index was assessed pre and post rTMS using dichotic listening test.


Results: Finding of the present study showed no significant difference on right ear advantage index pre and post rTMS using paired t-test.


Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the use of inhibitory rTMS protocol on the left Broca area , has no effect for shifting in the right ear advantage. For interpretation of the results, it could be stated that it may be the protocol was used in this study isn't sufficient enough to inhibit left hemisphere for linguistic processing. Another reason could be the lack of sufficient sensitivity of Dichotic Listening test to show changes in hemisphere function after TMS. However, to provide clearer description, using functional brain imaging techniques and TMS together could be helpful.


Key words: Trancranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Lateralization, REA, Linguistic processing, Dichotic listening

Hourieh Ahadi,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (1-2016)

Background and Aim: In order to compare word definition skill between bilingual and monolingual SLI (specific language impairment), we can investigate characteristics of these children and limited processing capacity (LPC) hypothesis about SLI.

Materials and Methods: Six (7-8 years old) bilingual (Azeri- Persian) children with specific language impairment were evaluated about their word definition and then compared with 12 normal children. Impaired children were diagnosed as exhibiting a significant delay (more than one year) in language that cannot be explained by intelligence deficits, hearing loss or visual impairment. We used specific language impairment and language development tests for diagnosis and Man Whitney and Wilcox tests for analyzing data.

Result:  There is no meaningful difference between bilingual and monolingual children with SLI (p=0.394) (p=0.394).There is meaningful difference in structural aspect of definition skills (p=0.02) between Persian and Azeri language of bilingual children but in content aspect there is not significant difference (p=0.17).

Conclusion:  Findings showed that there is no meaningful difference in comparison between Bilingual and monolingual children with SLI. Therefore, LPC hypothesis about SLI is rejected.

 Keyword: Specific language impairment, Bilingualism, Monolingual, Word definition skill.

Ziba Delkhah, Zahra Soleymani, Hooshang Dadgar, Najva Mousavi,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Theory of mind as a cognitive component is the foundation of our ability to explain or predict the behavior of ourselves and others which is done through the attribution of mental status. This ability damaged in deaf children and its development is fast in girls. The aim of this study was to study theory of mind in 5-6 years cochlear implant children and its relation with gender and age of cochlear implant (CI).

Materials and Methods:  This study is descriptive and cross-sectional. Eighteen Farsi speaking children CI children and 18 normal development children aged 5-6 were participated in this study. The normal children were selected from living area of CI children. They were selected through available and easy sampling method. These children had no sensory or speech disorders. The basic theory of mind was tested in these children.

Results: Theory of mind was significantly different in both groups (p = 0.00). The comparison between girls and boys did not show significant difference in normal (p= 0.321) and CI children (p =0.231). There was no significant relationship between the age at CI and theory of mind scores (p=0.100).

Conclusion: Hearing impairment has influence on basic theory development in CI children. Age of implantation and gender had no effect on development of theory of mind.

Keywords: Theory of mind, Cochlear implant, Farsi language.

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