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Showing 2 results for Core Stability

Nasrin Naseri, Zahra Fakhari, Maryam Senobari, Golnaz Sadria ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11-2012)

Background and Aim: Core stability is the ability of the lumbopelvic- hip complex to prevent buckling of the vertebral column and return it to equilibrium following perturbation. It has been demonstrated that trunk muscle activity occurs before the activity of the prime mover of the limb. Core stability is seen as being pivotal for efficient biomechanical function to maximize force generation and minimize joint loads in all types of activities ranging from running to throwing. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between core stability and lower extremity function in female athletes.

 Materials and Methods: Thirty volunteer female athletes with mean age (SD)=23(3.8) years old, participated in this study. They performed two series of tests: core stability tests (hip isometric abduction and lateral rotation, double leg lowering, trunk extension – flexion and left and right lateral flexion endurance, and double leg lowering), and lower extremity function tests (star excursion balance tests in three directions, vertical jump, single and triple hopping, stairs sprinting, 6 m hopping, and shuttle run).

Results: The results of this study showed that the strength of hip isometric abduction with stairs sprinting, 6 m hopping , and with star excursion balance test in three directions had r=-0.430, r=-0.367and r=0.515 respectively and all significant. Also , right lateral flexion endurance with shuttle run (r=0.367) , double leg lowering with vertical jump (r=0.42), trunk extension endurance with vertical jump (r=-0.404) ,were significantly correlated. In the other items there were no relationship between core stability and lower extremity function (p>0.05).

Conclusion: There is a relationship between core stability and lower extremity function but studies have not supported them. However, the data showed that core stability is moderately too weak related to lower extremity function, core stability could not be measured with these tests and they are not good indicators for lower extremity function. Evaluation of the core should be dynamic, and compromise assessment of the specific functions which specialize for athletic groups.

Sara Safari, Nasrin Naseri, Nooreddin Nakhostin Ansari, Javad Sarafzadeh, Soheil Mansoor Sohani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background and Aim: More recently, attention has turned to the role of proximal structures in function of lower limb. Decreased lumbo-pelvic (or core) stability has been suggested to contribute to the etiology of lower extremity sport injuries. This is largely due to the closed chain nature of athletic activities. Groin pain is a common complaint for athletes participating in sports such as soccer. Adductor-related groin pain was the most common primary entity in soccer players. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare of core stability between male soccer players with and without hip adductors strain. Various studies have been done for treatment and prevention of recurrent of this lesion and the most important thing in these studies was to keep the integrity of  the core stability.
Materials and Methods:
Fifty professional soccer players (25 healthy and 25 with adductors strain. mean age: 21.32±2.73) was studied. Core stability was compared among them by 5 endurance and functional tests. Endurance of back extensors, trunk flexors and lateral flexors were tested by Modified Biering-Sorensen and Mc.Gilltests.In current research, the Double Leg Lowering test is applied to measure the function of the oblique abdominals muscles and the Single Leg Squat test is applied to measure the function of hip abductor and external rotators muscles.
Results: Endurance of back extensors, flexors and lateral flexors were significantly lower in the injured soccer players in comparison with the healthy players. Significant decrease in the function of oblique abdominal muscles, hip abductor and external rotator muscles were founded in the injured players (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Decrease of endurance and function in the trunk muscles is probably an important risk factor for hip adductors strain injuries in the soccer players. Increasing the endurance of the core muscles can be reduced the occurrence of hip addactors strain. 

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