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Showing 2 results for Dynamic Contraction

Gr Olyaei, Mr Hadian , S Talebian, H Bagheri , M Abedi ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (5-2007)

Background and Aim: In this study, we investigated : 1) The effect of diferent lengths of Abd. policis brevis muscle on variations EMG frequency spectrum. 2) The effect of muscle contractions on frequency spectrum and 3) The effect of different lengths of muscle on local muscle fatigue.

Material and Method: 20 normal subjects participated in this study. (with range of 20 - 34 years old). Each test carried out in four steps. Every person performed 3 minutes of isometric contraction in Abd. policis brevis muscle and EMG signals were saved for 5 seconds before and after the test. Then the  same procedure was performed while individual did 6 minutes free dynamic contraction and 6 minutes high speed dynamic contraction and 6 minutes forceful dynamic contraction respectively.

Results:This study showed that when the individual performed muscle contraction in short length, median and mean frequency increased (P = % 0) and fatigue test caused a decrease in frequency charactristics that was more in dynamic contractions in compare with isometric contraction (it was more obvious in forceful dynamic contraction). These parameters didn't change in different lengths (P = %9, P = %4, P= %3 for 0 - 45, 0 -90 and 45 - 90 degrees respectively).

Conclusion and discussion:This study showed that different muscle lengths and muscle contractions affect on frequency spectrum and it also showed the effect of different muscle lengths and muscle contractions on local muscle fatigue.

Mojtaba Abaei, Gholam Olyaei, Saeid Talebian, Nastaran Ghotbi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and aim: Neck muscles contract dynamically in the majority of daily activities. Athletes, agricultures and industrial labors are predisposed to muscular fatigue. Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of dynamic fatigue on power and frequency domains of EMG spectrum.
Material and methods: In this study 20 healthy young men contracted neck muscles dynamically, until muscular fatigue occurs. Surface electromyography was recorded of levator scapula, neck paraspinals and upper trapezius, as neck extensors. The effects of dynamic contraction on frequency (Median Frequency) and Power domains(RMS) were compared before and after fatigue.
Results: The results of the present study indicated that MedF decreases following dynamic fatigue (P<0.05). After dynamic fatigue, RMS of levator scapula and upper trapezius increased significantly (P<0.05). Regarding to significant decrease of RMS and increase of MedF, paraspinals encountered with force reduction .
Changes of MedF and RMS indicated that a continuous dynamic contraction tends to exhaust levator scapula and upper trapezius but decreases paraspinals force.

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فصلنامه توانبخشی نوین Journal of Modern Rehabilitation
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