Bachground and Aim: Ankle sprain is one of the most common injury among the athletic injuries. Around 70-80% of these injuries tend to be chronic. Despite extensive clinical and basic science research, the incidence of Chronic Ankle Instability(CAI) has not significantly reduced. Because the causes of CAI is not quite clear, the rehabilitation still deals with great challenges . one of the treatment methods which has been under special attention for this injuries is Kinesio Taping(KT). In this study, effects of three KT methods on performance in athletes with CAI was investigated .
Materials and Methods: Thirty male athletes (futsall, football) with CAI participated in this study. The KT was used in three distinct times with three different methods (mechanical, functional and ligament- Tendon Correction) for these people and their short- time effects on functional performance of lower limb was evaluated. This evaluation was done thorough two functional performance test (Star Excursion Balance Test and Figure of 8 Hop Test).
Results: In taping with the aim of functional and mechanical correction, functional performance after KT dramatically improved but in taping with the aim of Ligament-Tendon correction functional performance did not change significantly after taping.
Conclusion: The result of this study suggests that functional and mechanical correction have the significant effect on functional performance of futsaland football athletes with CAI , the ligament-tendon correction has not significant effect.
Keywords: Chronic ankle instability, Kinesio tape, Functional performance tests.