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Showing 5 results for Naming
Z Soleymani , A Barkhordar, A Moradi, S Jalaee , Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2007)
Background and Aim: Rapid automatized naming test is the best tool for screening, assessment and early prevention of reading disorders. Therefore with regard to the importance of this test in anticipation and assessment of reading disorders and absence of valid test in this area in Persian language, the target of study was designing and measuring the validity and reliability of this test.
Materials and Methods: Based on foreign test, items of test have selected with regard to the criterions of Persian language. Then the suggestions of experts in this field were collected. Study was performed in two weeks time-out on fifty students of the governmental and nongovernmental schools of the 12th education area of Tehran and 12 dyslexic children of learning disability centers. Then, to measure the differential power and reliability of the test, the results were analyzed.
Result: Findings indicate high correlation between first and second test. There is also significant difference between two groups (normal and dyslexic) in total time of the test in two stages.
Conclusion: Rapid automatized naming test is valid and reliable in Persian language and is able to distinguish between two groups (normal and dyslexic).
A Mehri , H Ghaemi , N Kord , Volume 3, Issue 1 (9-2009)
Background and Aim: Naming test is an appropriate tool for assessing, diagnosing
and treating word finding difficulties in Aphasic patients. Considering the importance
of this test and lack of such kinds of tests in the field of verb in Farsi, the purpose of
this research is to provide a verb-naming test in Persian.
Materials and Methods: In order to provide the tool based on the foreign samples,
the common traits are exploited according to selection the verbs and based on the
frequency criteria, Acquisition age, length of word, and investigating the inferior
studies, 132 Persian verbs were chosen and picture of the selected verbs were drawn.
They were offered to 15 experts to give points to the pictures based on the previous
criteria of our research including familiarity, imagination and beauty of viewing. The
mean score of obtained points was computed and 50 verbs were selected out of 132
suggested verbs.
Results: Findings of this study showed that the selected verbs were of high frequency
verbs. Also they are those verbs which have lowers acquisition age. Most of the verbs
were compound and it indicates that in Persian language compound verbs are of high
frequency. Moreover, it appeared that high objectivity degree caused to high scores of
imagination. Then most of the verbs were objective verbs.
Conclusion: Finally 50 verbs with their related pictures made this naming test. It is
worth mentioning that remaining verbs were ranked based on their scores.
Behnosh Tahanzadeh, Zahra Soleymani, Azar Mehri, Seyede Maryam Khodami, Shohreh Jalaei, Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2013)
Background and Aim: Impairment of noun retrieval is common among aphasic patients, but some of previous studies represent differences between noun retrieval ability of various aphasia syndromes. Current study investigates and compares the picture naming ability of 4 patients with fluent and non-fluent aphasia.
Materials and Methods: Present study investigated the naming ability of 2 fluent and 2 non-fluent aphasic patients with oral picture naming test. This test contains line drawing of 109 nouns. Patients were asked to name each picture with a single word. Responses were classified according to Philadelphia Naming Test scoring system as correct and semantic, formal, mixed, non-word, unrelated and others error (no response, description/circumlocution, miscellaneous error). Then, the data were investigated in terms of descriptive statistics and analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test.
Results: The score of non-fluent aphasics was more than fluent ones. The percentage of semantic errors in fluent group and no responses among non-fluent patients were more than the other types. Despite of personal differences, all error types were found in responses of patients. The difference between score and error types in fluent and non-fluent patients was not significant (p .05).
Conclusion: This scoring system can define a variety of word retrieval errors. The fluent aphasics have more noun retrieval problems than non-fluent patients. Although, there are differences between two groups, but error type in picture naming is not a precise factor for distinguish between various aphasia syndromes and there is similarity in impaired underling mechanisms and naming behavior of them.
Saba Seyedin, Maryam Namdar, Azar Mehri, Mouna Ebrahimi Pour, Shohreh Jalaei, Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2013)
Background and Aim: In some disorders, word finding is difficult. There is different ways to assess naming process that verbal fluency is one way. So far has not been an index to verbal fluency assessment and treatment, the aim of this study was to determine normative data of semantic fluency for 18-69 -year – old adult Persian speakers.
Materials and Methods: This study was cross sectional and analytic. Participants were 540 normal adults 18-69 -year – old. They were divided in 4 age groups ( 18-30, 31-43, 44-56, 57-69) and 3 educational groups (0-8, 9-12, >12). The peoples were asked to name animals and fruits in 60 seconds, words were recorded and analyzed whit Troyer method and SPSS 16 software.
Results: The findings of this study did not show significant differences in semantic verbal fluency, clusters mean and number of switches between two genders. But significant differences were found in semantic verbal fluency (P=0.000) and number of switching (P=0.000) between educational groups. Also significant differences were found in semantic verbal fluency (P=0.014), clusters (P=0.000) mean and number of switching (P=0.000) between age groups.
Conclusion: Semantic verbal fluency and number of switching increase by promoting the education but decrease by rising of participant age. Clusters mean increase by rising of participant but the education had not significant effect. Gender had no effect on none of them. The findings of this study are consistent with other studies and difference in findings in some of studies, could cause of different in educational and age partitions.
Asma Sheykh Najdi , Azar Mehri, Behroz Dolatshahi, Soghrat Faghihzadeh, Rozbeh Kazemi , Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Background and Aim: “Executive function” is a term describing the processes required for conscious control of thought, emotion, and action that have centered role in management of one's day-to-day life. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between executive function and performance on selected linguistic tasks in persons with aphasia (PWA) and left frontal lobe lesions. Materials and Methods : Subjects were 12 right-handed, left hemisphere stroke patients and 12 normal adults as control group. Farsi aphasia test were administered to determine of persence and type of aphasia, as well as auditory comperehension(AC) and naming scors. Wisconsin Card Sort Test(WCST) and Tower Of London(TOL) were used to assess the executive function skills of planning, working memory, mental flexibility, self monitoring, inhibition irrelevant behavior, shifting between concept and action. Results: The control group scored higher than the individuals with aphasia on the executive function tests (P<0/001). In WCST there was not a significant correlation between the AC and category completed (CC) as well as preservative errors(PE). There was a significant correlation between the AC and total errors (TE) (p=0/02) . There was a significant correlation between naming and CC (p=0/01) and TE (p=0/005). There was not a significant correlation when comparing the naming and PE (p=0/194). A comparison between naming scores and TOL showed a significant correlation (p=0/009). There was not a significant correlation between AC and TOL (p=0/113). Conclusion: This study showed that individuals with aphasia have cognition disorder, other than language disorder. If they have a good naming ability, patients ' performance ontestsof executive function will be better. Keywords: Aphasia, Executive function, Language function, Naming, Auditory comprehension, Persian Language