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Showing 15 results for Validity

Z Soleymani , S Khoramian , Mr Shahbodaghi , S Faghih Zadeh ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (8-2008)

Background and aim:The current research provides a word association test and determine its validity and reliability in Persian (farsi) language.
Materials and methods:
A word association test was administered to a group of twenty girls and twenty one boys that were similar in age and education. Based on Goldfarb's word association test , word stimuli were balanced according to frequency of occurrence (frequent, infrequent), word length (short, long), abstraction level (low , medium, high) ,and grammatical class (noun ,verb, adjective ) . Based on "Recognition basic word's Iranian student in primary school"(nemat zade,1384),180 words were selected. This words scored by experts. Seventy two words were selected . The test administered in oral on the first grade students .Then responses were coded as paradigmatic or sytagmatic . Results were analyzed by Maknamar and Capa test.
Findings show high correlation between first and second test in three grammatical Class (noun, verb, adjective, p=0/001).High correlation exists between two stages of test.
These findings show word association test is valid and reliable .This is usable in assessment of semantic development and language development.
Mohammad Yosefi, Mohammad Shah Bodaghi, Norelldin Ansari, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

 Background and aim: Nowadays, importance of multidimensional approach in evaluating of stuttering  is obvious. Stuttering aspects evaluation provided by speech situation checklist. In this study, validity and reliability of this checklist is performed on stuttering and non- stuttering  (6-11 years old) pupils. 

Material and methods: In this research, 43 stutterer and 45 non-stutterer pupils were evaluated.

After equalization of questionnaire to Persian language, emotional reaction & speech disruption questionnaire were completed according to their attitude . In order to test validity, four methods were used. Data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistical tests

Results: Comparison of score average of speech disruption and emotional reaction tests showed significant difference between stutter and non-stutter groups for Persian language children (p<0.05). Emotional reaction and speech disruption checklist (Persian version) has high test-retest (p=0.000,Icc>0.86) and internal validity (p=0.000,α >0.93).

Conclusion: Persian equalized speech disruption and emotional reaction tests have high validity and reliability. it might be useful to differentiate stuttering pupil among normal ones.  

N Hossein Zadeh, Mr Shahbodaghi , S Jalaei ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2010)

Background and Aim: Stuttering contains speech disruption or observed behaviors and inner reactions of speech- associated or emotional, disruptive, coping, and attitudinal reactions. Inner events can be reported by the person who stutters but can not be reliably defined by listener perceptions. Both the disorder's directly observable and inner elements and their interactive effects need to be fully assessed to achieve to clinically deals. This study investigates validity and reliability of the tests about inner events in stuttering children.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive and analytical study was performed on 96 stuttering and non stuttering students in 6-11 (similar in age and sex). After Persian equalization of questionnaire and verifying, tests validity are scored by 10 experts. In order to tests reliability, children performed tests in two stages (25 days interval). Three methods were used: 1.comparsion between the mean tests scores in two stage 2.Investigation of correlation between two stages. 3. Investigation of results reliability (ICC). The data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistical tests (paired t-test, spearman and pearson).Independent t-test were used in order to compare the mean tests scores between stuttering and non- stuttering children.
Although there was different between the mean BCL and CAT scores of stuttering and non stuttering children but this between group difference is not statistically significant (p>0.05) . The mean BCL and CAT scores between two group (stuttering and non-stuttering) was statistically significant (p<0.05).
Behavioral checklist and communication attitude tests changed in stuttering children at 6-11 age. Both are valid and reliable and these tests distinguish between stuttering and non stuttering children.
Sara Naderi, Mohammad Shahbodaghi, Seyed Ahmad Khatonabadi, Houshang Dadgar, Shohre Jalaie,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (12-2011)

Background and aim: The communicative functioning of children who stutter can be assessed in a variety of ways. Standardized tests are an important tool to assess communication skills particularly in stuttering children .The purpose of the present study was to translate the Test of childhood Stuttering (TOCS) into persian and investigation of validity and reliability of the test .
Materials and methods: In this research, 40 stutterers and 40 non-stutterer were evaluated. After the translation of the Test according to Protocol IQOLA and its equalization to Persian Language, Content validity and Face validity of it were determined by the opinions of experts. Then, for concurrent validity determination 80 stutterer and non-stutterer children were examined by TOCS and SSI3 .In order to test reliability, test -retest and Cronbach,s alpha were used.
Results: Entirely relevant items had simple translation. The translation items had content and face validity correlation between the marks of TOCS and SSI3 (p=0.000, r= %92). TOCS has high Test-retest ( p=0.000, ICC= %97) and internal reliability (p=0.000,α=%90).
Conclusion: Persian equalized TOCS (Test of childhood stuttering) have high validity and reliability. it might be useful to differentiate stuttering children among normal ones.

Faezeh Mahmoudi Hashemi, Seyed Javad Mousavi, Behroz Attarbashi Moghaddam, Saeed Talebian, Shiva Mousavi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2013)

 Background and Aim: The translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Persian version of the American shoulder and elbow surgeons (ASES) were carried out in accordance with published guidelines.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 100 athletes (25.96±5.81 years), which suffered from different shoulder disorders. When the translation and cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire was carried out on the standardized method, the participants were asked to complete a questionnaire booklet including the DASH, the Short Form General Health Survey (SF-36) and ASES questionnaires. In addition, 30 randomly selected patients were asked to complete the ASES questionnaire 48 hours later for the second time. After data collection the Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS software.

Results: The Cronbach's alpha was used to indicate internal consistency. Cronbach's alpha was 0.91 for ASES. Test-retest reliability was quantified by use of the intraclass correlation coefficient. It was 0.91 for ASES questionnaire. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used for the questionnaire validation study. The DASH questionnaire showed high correlation of ICC=0.78 with ASES. The ASES showed moderate correlation of 0.48 to 0.62 with those of the various scales of the SF-36.

Conclusion: The Iranian ASES showed good reliability and validity and can be used for shoulder-specific patient self-assessment.

Yasaman Jalilian, Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Zahra Soleymani, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Background and Aim: The current research was performed to investigate validity measurement of Persian version of stuttering prediction instrument (SPI) in children among 3-8 years old who stutter and determination of its reliability.
Materials and Methods: Translation of the SPI Test was examined by using IQOLA's translation protocol and equalization. Then for determination of it's logical validity, expertise views were collected by means of the method of Lawasche content validity. 52 children who stutter were examined by SPI test and also SSI3 test and the cooper stuttering chronicity prediction checklist for determination of construct and concurrent validity. Internal stability was examined by using alpha ration and finally at the end, Persian version of SPI was completed by twice examination of 15 stutterer children with duration of 7-10 days concerning examination of reliability of test-retest. */1-+
Conclusion: Existing strong and meaningful correlation between SSI3 and SPI test and also between cooper chronicity prediction checklist and SPI test are indicative of good convergence of each part in SPI test. Finally, these analyses verify that all parts of the test are benefiting from proper reliability and validity.
Masoumeh Radaei, Azar Mehri, Mehdi Dastjerdikazemi, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Background and Aim: Semantic test "Pyramid and Palm Trees"(PPT) Test was used for assessing cognition and semantic system in brain disorders, semantic dementia, Alzheimer disease and aphasia. This test was designed in 1992 by Howard and Patterson and includes both versions picture and word. It has validity and reliability. The aim of this study is to determine of validity and reliability of Persian picture version "Pyramids and Palm Trees" Test and compare with aphasia and normal adults.

Materials and Methods: In this cross - sectional study, 45 subjects included 15 Aphasia and 30 normal adults respectively the mean age and standard deviation of 53 (7.77), 53 (7.91) years participated. All of participants were matched in the age and sex, and education and bilingualism. In the first stage, the picture version PPT had given to 14 expert(11 Speech and language pathologists, 3 Linguists) in order to determine content and face validity. According to their comments, pictures that were very far from Persian culture were replaced with proportional pictures with Persian culture. Then the reliability was calculated by performance of PPT during an interval of 5-7 days in two stages for all of aphasia patients. In order to compare of results, PPT was performed on normal adults. Then, the results were analyzed by SPSS18 software. The statistic tests were included of lavashh correlation for validity, Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) for reliability and independent T-Test for comparison of scores mean of picture version PPT between aphasia and normal adults.

Results: ICC ranges for reliability were 0.88 – 0.93. Also difference of scores mean of picture version PPT between aphasia and normal adults were significant (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The Persian version PPT have validity and reliability. This study showed semantic disorder in aphasia patients in compared with normal adults. 

Shahin Soltani, Mohammad Kamali, Hasan Ashayeri, Ali Chabok, Amin Sarabandi, Saeedeh Esmaeeli, Fatemeh Kakaei,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2014)

Background and Aim: Shifting paradigms about how to assess the support needs of person with intellectual disability, in 1980, posed necessity of design and development of appropriate tools more than ever. In this regard, American Association on intellectual and developmental disabilities developed the supports Intensity scale to respond the lack of an appropriate tool. The aim of this study was to do the cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of supports intensity scale in adult people with intellectual disability.


Materials and Methods: In this descriptive – analytic study, 43 adult persons with intellectual disability participated. Translation and adaptation of the SIS through International Quality of Life Assessment (IQOLA ) protocol was done. Validity of the test was evaluated by qualitative content validity. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were used for evaluation of reliability.


Results: Based on the IQOLA protocol, The SIS had easy translation and relatively good quality. According to results, all items of the test had content validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficients fall in the range (.80-.99) and ICC ranged from .90 to .99


Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the Persian version of the SIS has good validity and reliability for identifying pattern and intensity of needed supports in adult people with intellectual disability.


Key words: Adaptation, Validity, Reliability, Intellectual disability, Supports Intensity Scale

Leila Dehghan, Hamid Dalvand, Abbas Pourshahbaz,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)

Background and Aim: Mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CP) experience limitation in occupational performance because of caring of their children. It is proposed that the standard measurements need to be assessed their occupational performance problem. The aim of this study was to translate "Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) into Persian and to test its content validity and reliability in Iranian mothers of children with cerebral palsy.

Materials and Methods: It was a non experimental methodology study. After permission from innovators, COPM was translated into Persian language in three phases with respect to IQOLA project. Each of the items was validated by a panel of ten experts to review each item on “appropriate” and “not appropriate”. For examining test-retest reliability Iranians version of COPM was responded twice within at least two days or at most one week interval, by 30 Iranian mother of a child with CP in the rehabilitation clinic under the supervision of University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR). We used to sample of convenience and non probability design for sampling. Then, data were analyzed with SPSS software from the aspects of content validity and test-retest reliability.

Results: Content validity rate of the Persian version demonstrated a high content validity (80.95±0.222). The Spearman correlation coefficients of the test and retest scores ranged from r=0.84 for performance to r=0.87 for satisfaction and this indicated a high correlation between scores and acceptable reliability of the Persian version of COPM.

Conclusion: It was concluded that the Persian version of COPM can be applied reliability to mothers of children with CP and it can be used for clinical as well as research purposes.

Key words: Canadian occupational performance measure, Mother, Cerebral palsy, Validity, Reliability

Saba Seyyedin, Azar Mehri, Mehdi Dastjerdikazemi, Shohreh Jalaei,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (1-2016)

Background and Aim: A Concrete and Abstract Word Synonym Test is a test which assessed semantic system in patients with acquired language disorder specifically semantic impairment. The aim of this study is to design a valid and reliable test for assessment of comprehension of concrete and abstract words in different types of aphasia.


Materials and Methods: The type of study is test construction and was computed as cross-sectional. First, a collection of words based on frequency were chosen in order to construct the test. These words were given to 15 experts (10 speech and language pathologists and 5 linguists) in 3 stages, in order to rate words with 0-100 scale. Then words, which had higher average than 90 score were chosen. After determining face and content validity, the test was performed on subjects. Subjects included 20 aphasic patients (12 men and 8 women) and 50 normal people (28 men and 22 women) ranging in age from 20 to 65 years. After 5 to 7 days, to determine reliability of test, test was performed on subjects again. Results of this study were analyzed by SPSS 16.


Results: Results showed that this test has a higher validity than %90. Coronbach alpha for internal consistency was 0.500. For investigation of test-retest reliability, mean difference of test scores in 2 stages of administration was significance (p<0.038). Pearson correlation coefficient between mean scores of patients in 2stages were 0.857 and ICC range was 0.857-0.923 that was significant (p<0.001). The cut of point of test was also 46. Comparison of mean scores of concrete and abstract word synonym test in patients and normal people and also in patient with temporal lesion showed significant difference (p<0.001).


Conclusion: A Concrete and Abstract Word Synonym Test is a proper tool for assessing semantic system in aphasic patients and it can indicate semantic impairment in these patients.


Keywords: Synonym comprehension test, Concrete and abstract words, Validity, Reliability, Aphasia, Semantic impairment.

Narjes Yarmohammadi, Mehdi Rassafiani, Ghodsieh Joveini, Hamid Reza Rostami, Akbar Biglarian, Fatemeh Behnia,
Volume 9, Issue 6 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Children with cerebral palsy have impaired quality of life for reasons such as sensory-motor impairments. There is no tool in Persian to examine quality of life of children with cerebral palsy based on their specific conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess psychometric properties of the  Persian version of the parent report of the Quality of Life Questionnaire for adolescence with Cerebral Palsy (CP QOL Teen).

Materials and Methods: In this psychometrics measurement study, CP QOL (parent report) was translated to Persian based on the International Quality of Life Assessment Project (International Quality Of Life Assessment Project: IQOLA), and then its face validity, content validity, construct validity, and reliability were assessed. A convenient sample of subjects including 82 parents of adolescence with cerebral palsy (13-18 years old), were recruited.

Results: Face and content validity were obtained by parents and experts respectively. Content Validity Index was 0.62. There was a significant correlation between total score and subscales scores of the questionnaire and also, between total score and GMFCS. The intraclass correlation coefficient for the total score was 0.994. Also, cronbach's coefficient &alpha; for the internal consistency of all of the questions of the questionnaire were 0.996

Conclusion: Persian version of the parent report of CPQOL has acceptable reliability and validity. It is a useful assessment tool for evaluating the quality of life of adolescence with cerebral palsy.

Keywords: Reliability, Validity, Persian version of parent report of the quality of life questionnaire for adolescence with cerebral palsy.

Soraya Salehi Zahabi , Ali Ghorbani, Nahid Jalilehvand, Mohammad Kamali,
Volume 9, Issue 6 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Perception of words is one of the parameters that examine to assess the language skills, due to lack of appropriate test in this field, informal assessing was done and evaluating of Perception of words has been challenged. The aim of this study is to design and determine the characteristics of Picture perceptive Objective Vocabulary Test for normal Persian-speaking 6-13 years-old children in order to examine the perception of words accurately.

Materials and Methods: In this methodological study that was done cross-sectional, a list of words that had the ability to visualize, prepared. To determine the content validity index, 7 speech therapists were surveyed and were chosen 240 images of words, finally this test was done on 118 children (57 girls, 61 boys) in seven age groups. Reliability of this test was assessed by repeatability and internal consistency and correlation between children’s scores and their age was determined by Spearman’s correlation.

Results: Content validity index  for total of 240 words were 1. In assessing reliability of this test Spearman’s correlation and internal consistency were 0.87 and 0.83 obtained respectively. There was a significant correlation between children’s ability to respond and their age (p<0.0005).

Conclusion: Pictures test for assessing the ability for perception of words in different categories of 6-13 years old children have appropriate content validity and reliability. In the age range of the study, child's ability to perception of words increases with age.

Keywords: Picture Perceptive Objective Vocabulary Test, children, Validity and Reliability

Abbas Pourebrahim Omran , Mohammad Rahim Shahbodaghi, Salman Abdi, Mohammad Kamali,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: The concept of locus of control refers to the degree in which a person perceives daily occurrences to be a consequence of his or her own behavior. Some people accept responsibility of their own continued well-being and maintained improvement, but the others, particularly those who do not accept this responsibility, may be at risk of relapse. It recommends a kind of measurement in order to identify such persons so that further steps can be taken to inhibit the relapse before occurs. One of this measurement is Locus of Control of Behavior. The purpose of the present study is to translate the Locus of Control of Behavior (LCB) into Persian and investigation of validity and reliability of the scale.

Materials and Methods: In this research, 35 adults with stuttering and 35 non-stuttering were evaluated. After the translation of the test according to Protocol IQOLA and its equalization to Persian Language, content validity and face validity of it were determined by the opinions of experts. Then, for concurrent validity determination 35 adults with stuttering were examined by LCB and Rotters locus of control .In order to test reliability, test –retest and Cronbach,s alpha were used.

Results: Entirely relevant items had simple translation. The translation items had content and face validity. Correlation between the marks of LCB and Rotters locus of control was (p=0.000, r= %53). LCB has high Test-retest (p=0.000, ICC= %87) and internal reliability (p=0.000, &alpha;=%85).

Conclusion: The present research showed that the Persian version of the LCB is a reliable and valid tool for locus of control from the perspective of a person who is stutter.

Key Words: Stuttering, Reliability, Validity, Locus of Control of Behavior

Salman Abdi, Shohreh Jalaei, Mohyeddin Teimouri Sangani , Ahmad Pourmohammad,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: There are various questionnaires to assess public attitudes towards various human traits but few standard tools to evaluate public attitudes about stuttering. The purpose of the present study was to translate the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes -Stuttering (POSHA-S) into Persian and investigation of psychometric properties of the scale.

Materials and Methods: Thirty adults without stuttering (8 men and 22 women) who have mean age of 24.9 participated in this developmental test study. After taking permission from test design, the translation of the test according to Protocol IQOLA and its equalization to Persian Language, face validity of it were determined by the opinions of participants. Then, Test-retest reliability of the scale was carried out by two methods; Pearson correlation coefficient and determination of point-to-point agreement.

Results: Entirely relevant items had simple translation. The translation items had face validity. The results showed that there was a high correlation between two completions in the whole questionnaire (p=0.000, r=0.70).

Conclusion: The present research showed that the Persian version of the "Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes –Stuttering" is a reliable and valid tool. Therefore, the Persian version of this test can be used as a valid and reliable scale to assess community attitudes towards stuttering

Key Words: Stuttering, Reliability, Validity

Vahid Nejati, Somayeh Ramesh,
Volume 9, Issue 7 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Proverb comprehension can be used to assess cognitive function. Since tests of proverb comprehension impressed by language and culture, designing proverb comprehension test in Persian is necessary in order to evaluate cognitive and executive function. The purpose of the present study was to design a proverb comprehension test and to determine its validity and reliability.

Material and Methods: The present, Proverb Comprehension Test includes two subscales of out context and in context. The statistical population of the study were students of elementary and high schools in 1393-1394. The sample included 234 student with age range 10 to 18 years old that selected by Convenience Sampling scheme. Two halves method and Cronbach's alpha test were used in order to evaluate internal consistency. Discriminative validity was achieved from comparing average scores of age groups. For investigation of concurrent validity, Pearson test was used between results of proverb comprehension test and verbal fluency test.

Results: Subscales of out context  Proverb Comprehension Test with verbal fluency test had positive significant relationship. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of subscales of out context, in context and the total test was respectively 0.76, 0.72 and 0.88 and the reliability coefficient of two halves method was 0.82. Comparing between groups indicated the discriminative validity of the test.

Conclusion: Proverb Comprehension Test is a valid and reliable test for measuring executive and verbal functions.

Keywords: Proverb Comprehension, Reliability, Verbal fluency, Validity

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