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Showing 6 results for Grip

Gr Olyaei , M Abdolvahab , H Zabihian , H Bagheri , M Jalili,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2007)

Background and Aim: As the population of geriatrics increase, this group must be noticed from economical, vocational, therapeutic situations the majority of geriatrics has problems with their hands. These problems influence their activity of daily living, vocation and etc. The main goal of present study is to determine the relation between grip strength and dexterity in 25-45 and 65-85 years people.

Material and method: The grip strength and dexterity were administered to one hundred people aged between 25-45 and 65-85 years with a mean age of 53.61 years old (SD= 20.60). The grip strength and dexterity were evaluated 3 times, and data were analyzed with SPSS (V: 11.5).

Results: Mean of grip strength in group (25-45) year was more than group (65-85) year. In both groups the results of grip strength in men were more than women. We noticed that with increasing age the dexterity decrease and dexterity differences between group 25-45 and 65-85 years were statistically significant. Between men and women dexterity differences was not significant. The correlation between grip strength and dexterity was not statistically significant.

Conclusion: This study showed that dexterity is related with age and functional activities. Grip strength is related with age, occupation, gender. As the age increase these features of the hand decrease. But there isn't a correlation between grip strength and dexterity.

Khosro Khademi Kalantari, Nahid Tahan, Gholam Nasaj,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (2-2008)

Background and aim: Cryotherapy has long been introduced as a common method for preventing and reducing edema caused by traumatic injuries. Many studies have been conducted regarding other effects of cold such as its effects on muscle strength which provided controversial results over the past decades. The aim of this study is to investigate whether cold is capable of changing the muscle strength.

Materials and methods: The research was conducted on 30 volunteers with the mean age of 22 years. In a standard situation, the volunteers were asked to make their maximum grip force. Cold was applied over their anterior forearm using an ice pack for 15 minutes. The maximum grip force was measured before and within 1 to 120 minutes after cold application.

Results:The strength of the anterior forearm muscles decreased rapidly after cold application. The maximum reduction of muscle strength, in average 18% was observed after 10 minutes. This was followed by a gradual increase of grip force. After 120 minutes the force was increased to about 5% above the baseline force that was before cold application.

Conclusion: Regarding the slight increase in the muscle strength and its long delay, cryotherapy of muscles cannot be considered as a practical method in rehabilitation of patients. However, this method would be of great importance for athletes.

A Azad , N Havayee , Sh Rafie , M.r Keyhani ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (2-2008)

Background and aim:One of the common learning disability is dysgraphia that interferes academic progressive and/or activity of daily living in children.The aim of this study was comparative assessment of hand sensory - motor skills in 9 -11 ages
Materials and Methods:
20 dysgraphia and 40 normal children were selected for comparison. Participants were evaluated by Smmes-Weinstein Monofilaments (SWMs), The Minnesota Manual Hand Dexterity Test (MMDT), Power Grip Test with Dynamometer (GS), Pinch Strength with Pinch Guage (thumb to middle-thumb to index test) and Minnesota Hand Writing Test (MHT).They were divided into A (dysgraphia) and B (normal)Groups. In this research, dominant hand was right. All Data were analyzed by T-Test and Chi – square Tests with SPSS version13.
Results:The study showed that sensory-motor skills hand writing in dysgraphia children were significantly lower than normal children. There was a significant relationship between tactile threshold and dysgraphia. (P<0.05).In children with dysgraphia, the tactile threshold was high. Hand dexterity was significantly poorer in A group than B group. (P<0.05). Grip strength and Pinch strength were significantly poorer in A group than B group. (P<0.05 for G.S and P<0.05 for P.S). There was a significant relationship between handwriting skill and dysgraphia. (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Findings of this study, could be created in the mind of experts and therapists that perhaps with determination of suitable sensory-motor evaluations of precise Prpcedure to prevent and treat children who have dysgraphia problem,
M Heidari , T Sadaghiani,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (3-2010)

Background and aim: Despite of necessity of legible handwriting for primary students, difficulties in handwriting present in 10-30% of these children. The purpose of this study was to determine relationship between the legibility of handwriting and different pencil grip patterns.
Material and methods:
in this cross-sectional study, fifty-three first-grade students were randomly selected and divided into one of the following groups according to their types of pencil grip: dynamic tripod, lateral tripod, lateral quadruped and other types. The legibility of handwriting was scored by the handwriting legibility checklist of Persian language. Correlation between handwriting legibility and pencil grip was evaluated by chi-square test.
Data analysis did not show any meaningful relationship between handwriting legibility and different types of pencil grip.
Our findings suggest that different types of pencil grip have no considerable effect on legibility of handwriting during solving an illegible handwriting. Emphasis should be placed on the other factors rather than pencil grip.
Taher Afsharnezhad, Farzaneh Saki, Sadegh Rafei, Mina Mallaei,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2011)

Background and aim: Grip strength (GS) is an important measure of general health to predict mortality, disability and function of the hand. The purpose of this study was to develop equations to predict grip strength based on several anthropometric measurements using a multiple regression analysis.
Materials and Methods: Four hundred and eleven males and 671 females college students, ages 18-30 years, in good health, participated voluntarily in this study. This sample was randomly assigned to the model-development (n=867) and cross-validation (n=215) groups. Four equations were developed by using data from the model development group, then cross-validated on the second group. A hand-held dynamometer was used to measure grip strengths. All anthropometric measurements such as hand anthropometry, forearm circumference (FC), lean body mass, skeletal muscle mass and arm muscle area were taken according to standard techniques.
Results: It was found that grip strength has a significant correlation with all anthropometric measurements. Forearm length (FL) was correlated to grip (68% explained variance) in a linear relationship, followed by upper limb length and SM. All four equations were confirmed by cross-validation. Because of simplicity and easy-to-measure the following equations were selected for prediction grip: Dominant hand, A) 0.464×Age(yr)+0.392×Height(cm)+0.681×BMI-13.035×Sex(0 for men and 1 for women)-46.160, B) 0.029×FC×FL-8.634×sex+13.872 Non-dominant hand: C) 0.347×Age+0.386× Height+0.657×BMI-13.313×Sex-44.243, D) 0.029×FC×FL-8.752×sex+13.788.
Conclusion: The six easy-to-measure cofactors sex, age, height, BMI, forearm length and forearm circumference provide a highly accurate prediction of normative grip strength.

Abolghasem Fallahzadeh Abarghuei, Mehdi Abdolvahab, Afsoon Hasani Mehraban, Faranak Aliabadi, Mahmood Jalili, Ahmad Reza Baghestani,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Background and Aim: Cerebral Palsy (CP) children are the most clients referred to occupational therapy settings. Hand function is important in Activities of Daily living .There is a hand dysfunction in most cerebral palsy children. Orthosis and splints are commonly used to improve the position, range of motion, quality of movement and function of a person's arm or hand. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of static cock up c-bar splint on strength,spasticity, range of motion, and dominant hand function in spastic diplegic children with 8 to 12 years old. 

Materials and Methods: This interventional study is in a before-after design. Thirteen spastic diplegic cerebral palsy children with 8 to 12 years old were selected through students who studied in physical disabled schools in Tehran city and had the inclusion criteria. Patients used a static cock up c-bar splint (wrist in 10 degrees of extension and thumb in palmar abduction and opposition) for two months, 2 hours daily and 4-6 hours at night. In this study the Jebsen Taylor test was used to evaluate hand function, the Modified Ashworth Scale was used to assess spasticity of thumb, wrist and elbow, ROM of thumb, wrist and elbow were tested with goniometer and power grip was evaluated with dynamometer.  

 Results : Results showed a significant improvement in hand function (p<0.001), in wrist`s spasticity (p<0.001), elbow`s spasticity(p<0.008), palmar abduction of thumb spasticity (p<0.002), wrist`s ROM (p<0.001), Palmar abduction of thumb ROM(p<0.001) and power grip(p<0.001). The data did not show significant improvement on elbow`s joint ROM. 

Conclusion: Information from present research shows that using static cock up c-bar splint for 2 months, 2 hours a day and 4 to 6 hours nightly, can be an effective method to improve power grip, hand function, thumb, wrist and elbow spasticity and range of motion of thumb and wrist of spastic diplegic CP children.

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