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Showing 23 results for Arab

K Talebi, R Dehghan, A Arabioun,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: The hierarchical and bureaucratic form of governmental administration is changing into a new type of flexible and market-based public management called Enterpreneurial Management Revolution. According to Stevenson, entrepreneurial management comprises a number of opportunity-based management activities for the maintenance of organizations in order to have their contribution in social value creation. This research study aims to study the organizational performance of medical sciences universities of Tehran based on Stevenson Model.

Materials and Methods: This research is a field study in which a structured questionnaire containing 22 main questions on the Likert Scale was distributed among the staff members of medical sciences universities in Tehran. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated using Test- Retest Method. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was found to be 0.95. The data collection device was given to 379 staff members, of whom 325 filled it out. The data were completely recorded and then analyzed by SPSS software version 18.

Results: The results of the study show that regarding entrepreneurial management approach, medical universities are at an average level.
According to the present research and all related studies, this is the case in all other governmental organizations.

Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that organizational restructuring, decentralization, and continuous improvement in processes are the milestones of entrepreneurial revolution strategies in medical universities and all other public organizations.

Ehsan Zarei, Seyed Mahmud Ghazi Tabatabai, Abbas Rahimi Forushani, Arash Rashidiyan, Mohammad Arab,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12 2012)

Background and Aim: Over the past decade, the number of private centers providing health care services in Iran has had a continuous growth and the highly competitive market in private hospitals industry has caused increasing pressure on them to provide services with a higher quality. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of services being provided in private hospitals of Tehran as judged by patients.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2010 in Tehran. The study sample comprised 983 patients, randomly selected from 8 private hospitals. The survey instrument was the standard SERVQUAL questionnaire. Wilcoxon, t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for statistical analyses.

Results: The total mean scores of patients' expectation and perception were 4.92 and 4.02, respectively. The highest figures were related to the tangible factors dimension and the lowest ones to the empathy dimension. The differences between the perception and expectation for all the 22 items and the 5 dimensions were found to be statistically significant(p< 0.001).

Conclusion: SERVQUAL is valid and reliable in hospital settings as a standard tool for the assessment of quality. The results of the present study have revealed the areas that need to be improved as far as the patients are concerned. Measuring the opinion of patients can help facilitate the provision of hospital services, and improve the quality of such services and patients' satisfaction.

Reza Dehghan, Kambeiz Talebi, Abolghasem Arabioun,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12 2012)

Background and Aim: This study aimed to assess the factors affecting organizational innovation and entrepreneurship at medical sciences universities in Iran. Such universities provide a wide range of services and products including prevention (hygiene), treatment (medical care), rehabilitation and palliative care, as well as their important mission, i. e., higher education and research in related fields.

Materials and Methods: In this study, the researchers developed and examined a model for organizational innovation and entrepreneurship, including 16 factors classified into structure, content (behavior) and context (periphery) of the subject.
The data collection instrument was a pre-structured questionnaire containing 58 core questions on the Likert scale. The validity of the questionnaire was computed by elites, and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach's Alpha (94%). Of 389 questionnaires, 325 were collected and their data were analyzed by SPSS software, version 18.

Results: The three factors -- structural (structure), behavioral (content) and peripheral (context) -- which affect innovation and entrepreneurship are not favorable at medical universities.

Conclusion: This study shows that structural, behavioral and peripheral factors are the most important, which affect innovation and organizational entrepreneurship at medical sciences universities.

Samaneh Safarani, Mohammad Arab, Abbas Rahimi, Ali Ahangar, Ahmad Fayazbakhsh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (14 2012)

Background and Aim: In strategic planning, there are several procedures to perform internal assessment or strength and weakness of organizations. Among other methods created for this purpose, Wiseboard model is the one in which the following six internal dimensions are considered: Organizational Structure, Leadership, Coordination, Reward System and Communication. This study measures three of these variables in hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).

Materials and Methods: This survey is a descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study conducted during 2010 and 2011. The research population comprised all those working at TUMS hospitals from which a random sample of about 580 people was selected. The questionnaire's reliability was estimated to be 91% and the data were analyzed by the SPSS software.

Results: Of the subjects, 75.4% were below diploma level, 13% above diploma, 7.8% higher diploma, 66.4 bachelor holders, 2.6% master holders, and 5.4% had a doctoral degree or higher. Some 72.6% of the subjects were in Clinical and 19.8% in Nonclinical fields. The mean values of Goal Setting, Organizational Structure, and Leadership came out to be 24.47, 20.37, and 22.06, respectively.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research study, TUMS hospitals have weaknesses in some aspects and they need improvement in some areas in the following order: Organizational Structure, Leadership, and Goal Setting.

Anahita Moaven, Farzaneh Moghaddam, Masomeh Arabshahi, Mohammad Ali Hafezi, Masomeh Khoshgam, Ladan Hosseini Gohari ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2013)

Background and Aim: Female pattern hair loss(female androgenic alopecia) is a common but puzzling condition in women which increases by aging. Female hair loss is strongly linked to hormones and hormonal imbalances. The aim of this study was to determine the serum level of hormones such as T4, TSH, free testosterone, Prolactin(PRL) and Alb, SHBG in women(15-50 years old) with hair loss versus those without hair loss.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional case-control study, 71 women with hair loss and 70 normal women were selected from skin and hair care day clinics. The level of hormones and SHBG were measured by ELISA, and Alb was measured by spectrophotometery. Data were analyzed by independent t-test.

Results: After analyzing the data and determining the levels of TSH, T4, Prolactin, Alb, SHBG, no significant difference was found between the case and control groups. However, free Testosterone level was significantly different between patients and controls(P= 0.000), with a higher mean level in the case group(patients).

Conclusion : Since androgens have a major role in regulating the biological cycle of hair in women and since there was a significant difference between free testosterone in patient and control groups, we suggest that the serum level of free testosterone should be measured in women with androgenic alopecia .


Farzad Faraji Khiavi , Mansour Zahiri , Kambiz Ahmadi Angali , Bahareh Mirzaei , Mohammad Veisi, Marjan Arab Rahmatipour ,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2014)

 Background and Aim: Information literacy is a set of skills required to identify rightful information resources and access to them. These skills are empowering goal oriented use of information resources. This study aimed to determine the ability rate of information literacy among health services administration students in Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences based on SCONUL seven pillars model.  

 Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted using a questionnaire developed based on SCONUL information literacy seven pillars model. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through content analysis and coefficient of Chronbach’s alpha was 0.93. The study population included students of health services administration in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2013. The sample size included 40 cases collected randomly. Data analyzed through SPSS descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistical tests.

 Results: The mean score for the studied components of information literacy abilities among the study population was 0.5±0.43. Information Literacy score among freshmen was significantly different from other students (P<0.03). Students who passed Computer Basics and Research Methodology educational courses showed significant differences from other students in the information management (P<0.01).

 Conclusion: Given the increasing development in information technology, the need to develop information literacy skills is considerable especially among those who are going to be engaged in the health sector. Although studied students’ information literacy estimated relatively well, it seems necessary to take measures to improve their information literacy in all components.


Ali Arab Kheradmand , Enayatollah Shabani, Tannaz Azadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2015)

Background and Aim: Today universities admit International Students as well as national students. Tehran University of Medical Sciences has been also started admitting International Students in regards of its Internationalization aims. Student’s satisfaction is of high importance in order to gain the given goals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction of International students of TUMS.

Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study. The target group was international students of TUMS, the participants were selected through availability sampling. The research instrument was researcher-made questionnaire which the reliability calculated as 0.97 by Chronbach’s alpha. The data was analysied by Microsoft Excell version 2010.

Results: The overall satisfaction of the students was 70% (satisfied and completely satisfied) while the overall dissatisfaction was 10% (dissatisfied and completely dissatisfied).

Conclusion: Given satisfaction of more than half of the International students, TUMS has performed reasonably. Based on the results obtained in this research the university may pay attention to the fields reported as dissatisfied.

Saeed Asefzadeh, Sanaz Taghizadeh, Ali Heyrani , Rafat Mohebbifar, Jalal Arabloo,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2015)

Background and Aim: To improve the implementation of clinical governance (CG) in Iran's hospitals, awareness of various aspects of its implementation and assessment is important. The aim of this study was to find out the obstacles and challenges of clinical governance implementation and assessment in Qazvin teaching hospitals. Materials and Methods: Semi-structured interviews with 17 senior managers, clinical staff and clinical governance experts were conducted in six hospitals of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (QUMS). To analyze the collected data, framework analysis was used. Results: The challenges and obstacles of CG implementation in Qazvin teaching hospitals were explained using three themes of (1) challenges of CG implementation, (2) improvement in seven dimensions of CG, and (3) challenges of CG implementation assessment. Conclusion: The results of this study show that CG implementation needs to address three issues: improving clinical staff awareness about CG, changing organizational culture so as to make it more receptive to CG, and creating higher levels of cooperation among physicians, managers, patients, specialists, and professionals. The supportive role of top management in addressing the three issues and in providing resources and other infrastructures is obviously essent

Mehdi Kahouei, Fatemeh Mozafari Rad , Fatemeh Skandari Arab, Shahrbanoo Pahlevani Nezhad , Mohtaram Family,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: Nearly a decade has passed since the use of computers to record patients' medical records in Iran. Despite the advantages of computer systems, healthcare providers are reluctant to use them therefore, parts of computerized records will be incomplete, which lead to information gaps. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the completion of electronic reports and its reasons from employees' viewpoint.

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, 2499998 electronic reports were evaluated using a checklist that examined types of identity and clinical data meanwhile, staff’s attitudes were investigated by a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated through test-retest method.

Results: The results showed that 100% of some clinical and identity data were not recorded. Some 58.7% of staff members reported the absence of clear regulations and 54.7% reported inappropriate electronic forms as the reasons. Some 24.1% of staff members suggested the codification of clear guidelines and 15.6% offered surveillance programs as solutions to completing electronic reports.

Conclusion: The staff reported human and organizational factors as the most important elements influencing the quality of electronic reports. It seems that the following are among the solutions which can remove many defects of electronic reports: investment in education, management support for the codification of relevant policies, health information technology professionals' participation in designing electronic forms, and the use of high technologies to record data for busy employees.

Morteza Arab Zozani, Saeid Bagheri Faradonbeh , Ebrahim Jaafari Pooyan,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2015)

Background and Aim: Given the increasing growth of new technologies in health care and their rising cost, the necessity of concentration on assessing new technologies and their potential role in quality of health care is more crucial. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of health technology assessment (HTA) in improving healthcare quality and offer the best evidence for decision makers.

Materials and Methods: The study was based on systematic review of papers in health technology assessment via searching in databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane and other HTA related databases. The search has covered the period between years 2000 to 2013. Studies analyzed by narrative synthesis method.

Results: Related studies show that assessing new technologies has potential role in quality improvement of healthcare. HTA can boost the competition among companies which this in turn increases the quality of technologies and ultimately enhances the quality of health services and stakeholders satisfaction.

Conclusion: HTA may increase quality of healthcare services through facilitating a move towards evidence-based decision-making, providing safe health care and increasing patients’ trust and satisfaction to clinical procedures and team members.

Sogand Tourani, Rahim Khodayari Zarnaq , Jalal Arabloo, Anvar Esmaili, Sanaz Taghizadeh , Omid Khosravizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Background and Aim: Patient safety is a critical element of health care quality, and is a priority of health system that pursue to improve the quality of health services. This study aims to determine the attitude the nurses about patient safety in hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods: Nurses employed in 7 emergency and intensive care ward specialty and subspecialty hospital affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences was invited to anonymously complete safety attitudes survey. Reliability of the questionnaires was evaluated by calculating Chronbach’s alpha. ANOVA were used to compare the score means between the wards. Spearman correlation test was used to analyze the correlation between the safety dimensions and the outcome variables.

Results: The results showed that the highest score was dedicated to stress recognition, and the lowest score was related to management perception and working conditions. No significant difference was between the perceptions of emergency department nurses and intensive care nurses with various aspects of safety culture in hospitals.

Conclusion: Patient safety status described as acceptable in emergency and intensive care wards. There is a need to understanding of the atmosphere and the culture of safety by hospital executives deeply.

Seyedeh Mahboubeh Hosseini Zare, Batoul Ahmadi, Ali Akbari Sari , Mohammad Arab, Mahshid Sadat Hosseini Zare,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (5-2016)

Background and Aim: Evaluating and improving the employees’ quality of work life is one of the most important responsibilities of managers in each organization. The aim of this study was to design and prepare a questionnaire for evaluating the residents’ quality of work life and checking the validity and reliability of this tool.
Materials and Methods: We collected the questionnaires which were used for the employees’ quality of work life, and designed by Delphi method a comprehensive questionnaire for measuring residents’ quality of work life. This questionnaire was distributed two times with one-week interval between 14 residents of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and then the validity and reliability was assessed by α cronbach model. We used the 5 experts in the field of health care management, medical education and health economics to determine the validity of quality of working life questionnaire. The classification of cronbach's α for intra-rater reliability was: very good (0.9-1), good (0.8- 0.89), average (0.7- 0.79), bad (0.6-0.69) and very bad (under 0.59).
Results: The results of  αcronbach test for questions reliability and the result α cronbach test for internal consistency of each class of question indicated the rather high reliability and validity of these questions.
Conclusion: Regarding to the results of α cronbach test, we can deduce that our designed questionnaire encompass have satisfied validity and reliability and it can be used for future studies.

Mehr Angiz Kaviany, Behnaz Gharegozlou, Mozhgan Oshaghi, Maryam Sharifzade, Masoumeh Arabshahi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (9-2016)

Background and Aim: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, in which either there is no sufficient insulin in the body or the available insulin is not capable of acting properly. Defining the effects of trace elements can help to make use of these elements in control or preventing diabetes.

Materials and Methods: Forty-eight Wistar male rats were equally divided into eight groups. Three different control groups and five test groups. Test groups was treated with streptozotocin (60 mg/kg intraperitonieal) to induce diabetes, then supplemented with specific trace elements: Zinc, Chromium, Magnesium, Manganese and Copper. After one week, glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol levels in serum of all groups were assayed with routine methods. Then mentioned trace elements were gavaged to each groups with proper dosages. Gavage was performed during 3 weeks, then the blood tests were repeated. Median values were taken, the results were analyzed by SPSS software and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: Levels of glucose in the serum of experimental group were found to be significantly higher than in the control group (p=0.0009). Oral administration of trace elements for 23 days exhibited a significant reduction of serum glucose (P=0.0009) and cholesterol level (p=0.019) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats but not in control groups.

Conclusion: The present study indicated that treatment of diabetic rats with some trace elements to attenuate hyperglycemia until reaching the normal range. Between different trace elements which were used, Cr is suggested for its great ability in decreasing the glucose, cholesterol with no effect on triglyceride levels as compared with normal rats.

Aziz Rezapour, Ali Sarabi Asiabar, Amir Ali Ebadi Fardazar, Saeid Bagheri , Negar Yusefzadeh, Alireza Mazdaki, Sadigheh Asadi, Mohammad Hossein Ghafoori ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Background and Aim: With the assumption that health is as one of the luxury goods, therefore making efforts in reducing health spending and inflation in this section will be ineffective.
But if health is an essential service, then in the national level for better redistribution of the resources and financial protection of the households against the health expenditures will be needed. The main objective of this study was determination of income impact of health care expenditures in Tehran household in years 2011-2012.
Materials and Methods: This study was a population based survey. The instrument of data gathering was a "WHO questionnaire" which was integrated by interview with an acquainted person in each one of the 792 families who live in Tehran. The least ordinary squares, Granger causality test, Breusch-Pagan-Godfery and White heteroskedasticity test were used for data analysis. Eviews 8 software was used for running the tests. 
Results: The results showed that heath is a cause for increasing income but the converse is not true. Otherwise, Health with income elasticity equal to 0.25 is an essential service, and is not perceived as luxury goods. Moreover results represented that income is not a good variable for rationalizing the variation of health expenditures.
Conclusion: Health was an essential good, and although income changes affect the expenditures of health care, but the sensitivity is not high and recommended that health policy-makers should in adoption policies such as tariff increases do a comprehensive survey because prices increase are borne by the consumers.

Khalil Ali Mohamadzadeh , Amene Darabi , Mehrnoosh Jafari ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background and Aim: Organizational agility is regarded an important factor for hospital effectiveness. Considering the necessity of hospital effectiveness, focus on organizational health can ensure the future success of an organization. This study mainly aims to determine the relationship between organizational agility and organizational health in hospitals affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU).
Materials and Methods: This is an applied, descriptive-correlational research. The population of the study included all SBMU hospital employees. The 375 members of the sample were selected based on Morgan and Krejcie table. The sampling method was multistage. Data collection tool was the questionnaires of organizational agility and organizational health. The questionnaires were valid based on the expert’s judgment, and Cronbach's alpha reliability value of the questionnaires was 0.88. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, regression, and t-test), using SPSS software.
Results: The correlation between organizational agility and organizational health was positive and significant (r=0.66, P<0.05). A significant difference was observed between mean organizational agility and mean reference (-0.43, P<0.05) and also between mean organizational health and mean reference (-0.55, P<0.05).
Conclusion: Hospital managers need to work hard to promote organizational agility so that in addition to obtaining competitive advantage, they can improve organizational health by giving an appropriate and timely response to changes and taking advantage of the obtained opportunities.

Fakhraldin Maroufi, Adel Salavati, Jalil Marabi, Faeze Foruzanfar,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: Work related musculoskeletal disorders shape a high percentage of physical and mental problems especially in health system work force. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions by training the basics of ergonomics and exercise on neck pain in nurse staff of Tohid Hospital of Sanandaj. 
Materials and Methods: This semi-experimental and interventional study was conducted on 60 nurses of Tohid Hospital of Sanandaj who had neck pain in the last quarter of 1394 and they were chosen by random sampling method and were divided into intervention and control groups. Data were gathered using standard Modified Qswestry Neck Pain Questionnaire and pain Numeric Rating Scale. After providing ergonomics trainings and exercises to intervention group, re-evaluation was carried out and the results were compaired to the control group. Data was analyzed using Mini tab 16 software, descriptive and analytic statistics, paired t-test, the correlation coefficient and linear regression.
Results: The average age in intervention and control groups was 35 and 33 years, and the average work experience was 13 and 12.9 years respectively. There was a statistical significant relation between three variables of age, work experience and marital status with the pain intensity variable (p-value<0.05), but gender had no effect on the pain intensity (p-value=0.128).
Conclusion: Standardization of the work methods and implementing exercises, can reduce neck pain and increase physical ability of work staff, which can reduce their work absenteeism and increase their motivation.   

Mohammad Arab, Ebrahim Jaafari Pooyan, Abbas Rahimi Forushani, Azam Sadat Rivandi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Jun & Jul 2018)

Background and Aim: The quality of healthcare services is determinant in patients’ improvement process, upgrading their satisfaction, ranking healthcare centers, and preventing patients’ repeated referrals leading to more costs for healthcare centers and insurance companies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of services -- from the perspective of patients -- given by the laboratories having contract with Iran Health Insurance Organization (IHIO). 
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the opinions of 302 patients having referred to the laboratories in contract with IHIO in Tehran were surveyed with a researcher-developed questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used to analyze and report the results.
Results: The sample included 43.5% males and 56.5% females. Most of the participants were married (71/3%). Based on the results, the patients' perception of the quality of laboratory services was 78%. Their expectation of services was 85%. The gap between perception and expectation of clients in all dimensions was statistically significant (p<0/001).
Conclusion: The gap between clients’ perception and expectation in all dimensions suggests that there is some room for improving the quality of laboratory services. The results of this assessment can surely affect the way IHIO treats with laboratories in terms of extending contracts and strategic purchase of services from these centers. In addition, patients' opinions will be important in improving the quality of services. 

Masood Taheri Mirghaed, Batool Ahmadi, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Ghasem Rajabi Vasoukolaii, Mohammad Arab,
Volume 13, Issue 6 (Feb & Mar 2020)

Background and Aim: Nowadays, medical tourism market is considered as one of the most profitable and competitive industries in the world and is one of the new areas of advanced tourism. The aim of this study was to investigate the marketing status of medical tourism in private and public hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in 2018.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study that investigated the marketing status of medical tourism in 6 private and 14 public hospitals affiliated to TUMS in 2018. A valid checklist was used for data collection; besides, SPSS software, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied for data analysis.
Results: Product factor has a satisfactory status in state-owned hospitals and an average status in private hospitals. Place factor, people factor, process factor, and physician factor are satisfactory in public and private hospitals. Promotion factor in public hospitals is unacceptable and in private hospitals is average. Besides, price and place factors in public and private hospitals are average. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between any of the above factors and the type of hospitals (public, private).
Conclusion: Due to marketing mix, hospitals and medical institutions can increase the confidence of tourists by adopting international standards in addition to enhancing international reputation. Also, paying more attention to media advertising and providing more facilities can improve the condition of hospitals, thereby attracting more medical tourists and expanding the industry in Tehran.

Hossein Hassani, Maryam Arab-Moorchegani, Narges Parsaie, Mahshid Rezaei, Khadijeh Mirzaei, Hossein Imani, Mir Saeed Yekaninejad,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (Jun 2022)

Background and Aim: Currently, utilizing different nutritional indicators to investigate the association between diet and various diseases is considered in previous studies, which is related with some chronic diseases. However, no studies have studied the connection between the indicators with the rate of metabolism at rest (RMR). Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the relationship between dietary index and insulin load with resting metabolic rate (RMR) in overweight and obese women
Materials and Methods: A total of 280 healthy overweight and obese women (aged 18-50 years) who were referred to community health centers of Tehran University of medical sciences were included. In this study anthropometrics measurements such as weight, height, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio, body mass index, fat percentage, and fat-free mass were evaluated for every participant. Data on dietary intakes were collected using 147 semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). DII and DIL were calculated using food insulin index values published earlier. To assess the RMR, indirect calorimetry was used. 
Results: Mean age of study participants was 36.4±8.38 years. Although a significant association was seen between DII and RMR in a crude model (P=0.04); adjusting for different confounders made this significant relationship between DII and RMR insignificant. In addition, the dietary insulin index had no significant relationship with the amount of RMR/kg (p=0.63) and RMR/FFM (p=0.73).
Conclusions: Based on the results of this cross-sectional study, it seems that the insulin index and insulin load of the diet are not associated to the rate of resting metabolism. However, due to the limitations of this study, findings can only confirm or reject the hypothesis under further studies. It is also necessary to determine the role of dietary insulin indicators on human health, especially with a Study Prospective Design

Fatemeh Mohabati, Maryam Tajvar, Bahram Mohaghegh, Seyedpouria Hedayati, Mohammad Arab,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (Oct 2022)

Background and Aim: Reforming the structure of medical universities and its continuous adaptation to the mission of the organization and new functions is an undeniable necessity. The purpose of this article was to explain how to implement this policy.
Materials and Methods: The current qualitative study was conducted in 2020 retrospectively based on Kingdon’s multiple streams model. Data collection was done using two methods: individual interviews and document review. Sampling of the managers and experts of the administrative development and transformation centers of the Ministry of Health and 12 universities of Medical Sciences as well as vice-chancellors of the universities was done in a purposeful and snowball method until data saturation was reached by conducting 19 individual interviews. Data analysis were done with framework and content analysis methods, and using MAXQDA 2020 software.
Results: The low of structural problems included quantitative and qualitative changes in new tasks in the environmental units of universities, interference and parallel work in the tasks of university units, and bargainings for restructuring by universities. The policy low included the obligation to make structural changes in the upstream laws and documents, including the Fifth Development Plan, and the cooperation of all stakeholders. The political process included the implementation of the Health Transformation and the Family Physician Plan, and the support of relevant policymakers and the approval of the law of becoming a university trustee in the law of the fifth plan of economic development and also gaining the all-round support of the stakeholders.
Conclusion: The medical sciences universities, as the headquarters arm of the Ministry of Health at the provincial level, need to have flexible structure in line with the needs of their surrounding units. In luential context factors in policy-making the reform of the structure of the headquarters of universities/colleges, in addition to the stream of structural problems, the main of which was the change in the duties of the units, along with the political determination created in the Ministry of Health, led to the simultaneous occurrence of three streams of problems, Politics and politics and finally opening the window of opportunity and changing the structure and organization of the headquarters of medical sciences universities.

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