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Showing 6 results for Faraji Khiavi

Smh Mousavi, F Faraji Khiavi, R Sharifian, G Shaham,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (29 2009)

Background and Aim: General Store department is responsible for on time preparing commodities for hospitals departments. It's a place for saving materials and resources. Safety in store department and its materials has importance due to preserving high quality and continuous services.
General Store department safety should be audited by assessment System to reduce waste materials and human resources such as building, commodities and patient and personnelُ s lives and in case of facing with a problem, try to solve it. The aim of this study was determination of safety standards in hospital general stores in TUMS.

Materials and Methods: This research was conducted as a cross-sectional study safety and usage of management principles was advised and measured in hospitals of TUMS sampling was nُ t performed.

Results: Safety rate in research population was more than 85/42 percent. Score in safety aspects like as physical spaces, preventing robbery, blazing materials appropriate storing, commodities arrangement, utilizing suitable tools was more than 80%. Protection against fire and storing rote able materials estimated 79% and 77%.
Safety rate in several aspects was assessed in the study hospitals.

Discussion and Conclusion: Although, hospital store rooms assessed as safe but they should try to develop fire protection systems and store rote able materials preservation appropriately.

Smh Mousavi, F Faraji Khiavi, R Sharifian, G Shaham,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (25 2010)

Background and Aim: Because of preventing of radiation damages, special safety issues are considered in radiology departments: But, the other safety aspect issues are not observed regularly. As an important part of safety plan, radiology departments should be assessed from physical, building design aspects and cope with fire.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was directed as a cross sectional research. Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals radiology department were assessed for standards of physical spaces, radiation preventing, and cope with fire, patient's and staff safety.A Check-list was used as data collection instrument.Each safety issue estimated as safe (>80%), not safe (<50%) and relatively safe (between 50 and 80 %).

Results: Overall, safety standards were observed in Tehran university of Medical Sciences Hospitals Departments,with relatively safe standards regarding patient's safety and cope with fire.

Conclusions: Fire protocols must be regarded in radiology wards in hospitals. Appropriate designing and programming which considers patient's safety from the time of  entering to radiology ward until leaving is offered.

As Gharamaleki, A Ahmadi, F Faraji Khiavi, Sh Arpanahi Istadegi, K Jafarian,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (26 2011)

Background and Aim: Adverse events in hospitals are found to be a major problem of all health systems in the world. In fact, drug interaction side effects are now the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. The aim of the current study was to identify the opinions of clinicians working in Shariati and Emam hospitals towards the use of computer applications for detecting drug-food interactions.

Materials and Methods: Ninety clinicians including physicians, pharmacists and nurses were selected randomly in the current descriptive- analytical study. The opinions of clinicians toward using computer application systems for detecting drug-food interactions were assessed by a questionnaire. The questionnaire's validity and repeatability was examined in a pilot study. Cronbach's alpha was 0.85 which indicated an acceptable level of repeatability of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed among the academic staffs in order to determine its validity.

Results: 95.4% of clinicians had positive attitudes towards the requirement of computer application to detect drug-food interactions. Around 94% of them showed their willingness towards using the computer application systems. Therefore, use of computer application seems to be necessary in health system.

Conclusions: The collection and analysis of data encourages further investments in computerized system to prevent drug-food interaction. Such built-in warning systems in hospitals alert doctors to drug-food interaction and improvement in patient care. Screening each patient's medication plan for drug-food interactions can reduce medical error and improve the quality of health care

Mohammad Hadi Mousavi, Farzad Faraji Khiavi , Maryam Norouz Torkaman ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2013)

Background and Aim: Clinical laboratories, due to their succeptibility to potential risks, are priorities in all activities concerning safety issues in hospitals.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a model considered by WHO for clinical laboratories safety development. This study aimed to assess how safety standards were followed at the clinical laboratories of hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) based on TQM safety regulations.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on a research population including TUMS hospitals clinical laboratories in 2012. For data collection, census was applied and sampling was not considered. The data gathering instrument was a checklist measuring seven safety components based on TQM. The validity of the instrument was determined through content validation, and Cronbach alpha was calculated to be 0.82. For the analysis of the results, descriptive statistics including frequency percentage of scores was employed.

Results: The safety of research population turned out to be suitable in terms of four factors: designing, existence of general safety items, conducting standard safety activities, and safe disposal of laboratory wastes. Besides, implementation of safety programs and increase in employees’ knowledge to cope with accidents were relatively acceptable. The emergency evacuation program, however, was estimated as poor.

Conclusion: The studied laboratories enjoy relatively safe conditions, but imperfect implementation of safety protocols can endanger safety conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to take the required correcting measures to ensure full safety in clinical labs.

Farzad Faraji Khiavi , Mansour Zahiri , Kambiz Ahmadi Angali , Bahareh Mirzaei , Mohammad Veisi, Marjan Arab Rahmatipour ,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2014)

 Background and Aim: Information literacy is a set of skills required to identify rightful information resources and access to them. These skills are empowering goal oriented use of information resources. This study aimed to determine the ability rate of information literacy among health services administration students in Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences based on SCONUL seven pillars model.  

 Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted using a questionnaire developed based on SCONUL information literacy seven pillars model. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through content analysis and coefficient of Chronbach’s alpha was 0.93. The study population included students of health services administration in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2013. The sample size included 40 cases collected randomly. Data analyzed through SPSS descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistical tests.

 Results: The mean score for the studied components of information literacy abilities among the study population was 0.5±0.43. Information Literacy score among freshmen was significantly different from other students (P<0.03). Students who passed Computer Basics and Research Methodology educational courses showed significant differences from other students in the information management (P<0.01).

 Conclusion: Given the increasing development in information technology, the need to develop information literacy skills is considerable especially among those who are going to be engaged in the health sector. Although studied students’ information literacy estimated relatively well, it seems necessary to take measures to improve their information literacy in all components.


Farzad Faraji Khiavi , Mohammad Qolipour, Zahra Dashtinejad , Iman Mirr,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (1-2018)

Background and Aim: Assessing service quality is one of the basic requirements to develop outpatient service. There is no valid and reliable tool to measure quality of outpatient service, therefore this study was performed to determine dimensions and items for assessing service quality of outpatient in Iran.
Materials and Methods: To determine dimensions and items of the outpatient service quality, a cross-sectional study was conducted with participating of 550 outpatients referred to Ahvaz hospitals in year 2015. To determine content validity, the Delphi technique (3 rounds) with participating of 8 quality experts was used. Construct validity of the tool was assessed through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed by Excel, Spss, and Lisrel softwares.
Results: The content validity of tool with CVI=0.94 was confirmed. According to exploratory factor analysis, the hospital outpatient service quality tool included 36 items and 11 dimensions (choosing the service provider, communication and interaction, having authority, continuity of service, quality of facilities and basic amenities, respect, immediate and timely attention, safety, prevention, access and reliability). Construct validity of the tool was confirmed based on the goodness of fit quantities of model (RMSEA=0.007, CFI= 0.99, GFI=0.95).
Conclusion: The results of study showed that the outpatient SERVQUAL tool with 36 items and 11 dimensions was a valid and reliable tool to measure quality of outpatient service in Iranian hospitals.

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